Transcriber's Note


The ‘dateline’ of each letter, which was right justified in the original, is here presented as a centered subtitle.

Minor punctuation errors in the Index have been silently corrected.

The word ‘consciousness’ appears twice as ‘conciousness’ in a letter to Basil Hall Chamberlain (pp. 234, 236). It frequently appears correctly spelled elsewhere. It has been corrected in both places here, assuming a printer’s error. The name ‘BlouËt’ or ‘Blouet’, which both appear only in the index under his pen-name of Max O’Rell, have been left as printed.

Page references in the Index remain as printed. There are two entries (‘Prose, poetical’ and ‘Heine, Heinrich, French prose translation of’) referencing p. 524 of the present volume, which is a blank page. Both seem to be errors for p. 529, where both topics are found. These have been corrected. Other than these instances, no systematic attempt was made to verify the accuracy of the Index.

Language tags have been used for italicised words and phrases only, where it seems a special emphasis is placed on their ‘foreignness.’ There are many instances of non-English words which are not in italic. These were not tagged.

The following list contains special situations where corrections were in order:

p. 156 “And they clanked at his girdle like manacles[”] Close Shelley’s line.
p. 207 it often[s] does Removed.
pp. 234, 236. con[s]ciousness Added.
p. 428 vi[v/s]-À-vis Corrected.
p. 470 I[t/f] you ever want Corrected.
p. 519 tell him: [“/‘]Ha! he died sometime ago. That will do.[”/’][”] The nested quotation was not properly closed.
p. 534 in the course of [the] academic year Added. Could be ‘an’.
p. 542 Mik[a/o]-kaguri Corrected.
p. 556 St. Pierre, Mart[i]nique Added.


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