Lafcadio Hearn in Japanese Costume (photogravure) Frontispiece
The City of Matsue, seen from Castle Hill 40

1. The Prefecture Office. The Middle School, in which Mr. Hearn was a teacher, is hidden from view by the Prefecture Office Building.

2. The Normal School. Mr. Hearn also taught here.

3. Here on the beach of Lake Shinyi Mr. Hearn lived for some time.

The Shinto Temple of Kizuki described in “Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan” 104

Lafcadio Hearn was the first foreigner who was allowed to enter the inner part of this temple.

A Group of Graduates of the Middle School 162

1. Mr. Hearn.

2. Mr. Nishida.

3. The old teacher of Chinese Classics.

Lafcadio Hearn’s Favourite Dwelling-House 192

This house, an old Samurai’s residence, is situated in front of a castle. The river before the house is an outer moat of the castle.

Mr. Hearn’s Garden in Tokyo 282
Writing-Room in Mr. Hearn’s Tokyo House 344

His three sons on the verandah. In this house he died.

Facsimile of Mr. Hearn’s Later Handwriting 410
Kazuo and Iwao, Lafcadio Hearn’s Older Children, exercising at Ju-Jutsu 476
Afcadio Hearn’s Grave 516



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