
The size of the bait container in relation to the size of the trap is a very important consideration. It has been found that a small pan or deep pan of bait set in the center under a trap will catch only a small fraction of the number of flies secured by using larger, shallow containers. The best and most convenient pan for baits is a shallow circular tin, such as the cover of a lard bucket. Under range conditions it is advisable to use a more substantial bait pan and preferably one 1½ inches deep, so that a greater amount of bait may be used, thus preventing complete drying out between visits to the trap. Its diameter should be about 4 inches less than that of the base of the trap, thus bringing the edge within 2 inches of the outside edge of the trap. For liquid baits the catch can be increased slightly by placing a piece of sponge or a few chips in the center of the bait pan to provide additional surface upon which the flies may alight. The same kind of pans for bait may be used under tent traps. Two or more pans should be used, according to the length of the trap.


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