- A-1, 124.
- A-3, 124, 135.
- A-5, 125.
- A-7, 124.
- A-8, 124, 126.
- Aboukir, 160, 169.
- Accidents, 124.
- Aeroplanes, 17, 71, 172.
- Air-chamber, 47.
- Alabama, 70.
- Albemarle, 43, 166.
- Alert, 136.
- Alkmaar, 4.
- Alstitt’s submarine, 75.
- Ancona, 202.
- Anglo-Californian, 187.
- Apostoloff’s submarine, 66.
- Arabic, 198, 205.
- Argo, 92.
- Argonaut, 85, 92, 98.
- Argonaut Jr., 85.
- Argus, 34.
- Asia, 12.
- Aube, Admiral, 59.
- Audacious, 161, 169.
- Awash condition, 127.
- B-2, 124.
- B-11, 165.
- Badger, 168.
- Baker’s submarine, 82.
- Balance-chamber, 44, 48.
- Ballast-tanks, 16, 38, 57, 82, 111, 138.
- Baralong case, 164, note.
- Barber, Lieutenant F.M., 16.
- Barlow, Joel, 26, 34.
- Bates, Jr., Lindon, 194.
- “Battle of the Kegs,” 23.
- Bauer, Wilhelm, 56, 65, 120, note.
- Beatty, Admiral, 175.
- Beauregard, General, 39.
- Belridge, 148.
- Berwick Castle, 124.
- Bigskorth, Squadron Commander, 172.
- Birmingham, Formidable, 162, 169.
- Frohman, Charles, 194.
- Fulton, 135.
- Fulton, Robert, 26 to 35, 69, 139, 186.
- Gages, 20, 112, 129.
- Garett, Rev. Mr., 61.
- Gasoline engines, 86, 105.
- Gasoline fumes, 90, 107, 125.
- German contributions, 107, 115.
- Gimlets, 16, 18, 64.
- Goubet submarines, 60.
- Grant, Charles, 205.
- Greased leather, 6, 9.
- Greil, Dr. Cecile L., 202.
- Giuseppe Garibaldi, 169.
- Gulflight, 191.
- Guns, 83, 102, 174, 187, 202.
- Guncotton, 46.
- Gustave ZÉdÉ, 59.
- Gymnote, 59.
- Gyroscope, 50, 53, 114.
- Gyroscopic compass, 113.
- Hague Tribunal, 148, 200.
- Halstead, 56.
- Hammond, Jr., Mr. John Hays, 55.
- Hanson, Captain, 183.
- Harsdoffer, 5, 6.
- Hatsuse, 147.
- Hautefeullie, AbbÉ de, 7.
- Hela, 155.
- Hermes, 161, 168.
- Hesperian, 199, 202, 206.
- Hogue, 160, 169.
- Holbrook, Commander, 165.
- Holland, John P., 68 to 81, 95, 104, 39.
- Persia, 205.
- Persius, Captain, 183.
- Periscope, 78, 83, 114, 125, 186.
- Petropavlosk, 147.
- Philip, Captain, 146.
- Phosphorescence, 6, 19.
- Pipe-masts, 86, 95.
- Pitt, 32.
- Plongeur, 57, 132.
- Plunger, 75.
- Pluton, 203.
- PluviÔse, 124, 125, 134.
- Pneumatic gun, 79.
- Pommern, 163.
- “Porpoise dive,” 78, 160.
- Porter, Admiral David, 40.
- “Primer,” the, 46.
- Propellers, adjustable, 82.
- primitive, 16, 28.
- transverse, 83.
- vertical-acting, 16, 28, 61, 83, 95 154.
- Protector, 95.
- Pumps, 16, 28, 111.
- Ramillies, 35.
- Ramming, 124, 168, 200.
- Reducing-valve, 48.
- Rescuing, 125, 156.
- Resurgam, 61.
- Riou, Olivier, 59.
- Rogers, Commodore, 34.
- Rotterdam Boat, 9, 14, 69.
- Royal Edward, 166.
- Rudders, bow, 96, 111.
- horizontal (see diving-planes).
- S-126, 169.
- San Francisco, 149.
- Safety-buoy, 132.
- catch, 47.
- helmets, 130.
- jackets,