New Books


From Germany we have received a most interesting little publication for our girls, and also a most valuable chart which will interest their elders.

"Fuer fleissige Kinderhaende. Anleitung und Muster fuer Bekleidung einer Puppe. Von Julie Lutz, Lehrerin der Frauenarbeitsschule, Heilbronn," is the title of the former. We hope to see an English edition of this some time soon, for many of our readers may not find German so easy to understand. However, even though this has the directions in German, it will be very much appreciated by all.

It consists of a good strong portfolio, or case, containing a number of patterns for doll clothes, printed on heavy strong paper, so that they may be cut out and used over and over again. Each pattern is in a strong envelope, so that it may be kept separate, and on each envelope is a picture of the garment, to aid in putting it together. With the pattern is a pamphlet giving (in German) full and careful directions.

The chart is the 1897 edition of Dr. Berghaus' celebrated "Chart of the World," published by Justus Perthes, Gotha. Size is about 40×62 inches, mounted on linen, and folded in a case; or as a wall-map with rollers.

In Europe, this chart is to be found in almost every railroad or steamship office, as well as in schools, business offices, and private houses, where it is used for general reference. Besides being the latest and most complete map of the world, with the very latest information as to boundaries, it contains ocean currents, direction of trade-winds, steamship and sailing vessel routes, coaling-stations, and railroads (even the new trans-Siberian railroad, about which we wrote in a recent number) of all countries; and much other valuable information.


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