
Comparison of rations issued in Kut at the middle of April, 1916, with full service rations.


Normal Field Service. In Kut.
Bread, 1¼ lb. 4 oz. (from April 17th).
Fresh meat, 1¼ lb. 1¼-1½ lb. (horse and mule).
Potatoes and vegetables, ½ lb. Nil. (except sÁg).
Bacon, 3 oz. Nil.
(or butter 1½ oz. twice a week).
Tea, 5/8 oz. Nil.
Sugar, 3 oz. Nil.
Salt, ½ oz. Nil.
Jam, 4 oz. Nil.
Cheese, 3 oz. Nil.
Ginger, — 1/3 oz.


Normal Field Service. In Kut.
Atta (wheat meal), 1½ lb. 4 oz. (barley meal).
Ghi, 2 oz. ½ oz.
Dal, 4 oz. Nil.
Meat, 4 oz. 9 oz. (horse).
Gur, 1 oz. Nil.
Potatoes, 2 oz. Nil.
Tea, 1/3 oz. Nil.
Ginger, 1/3 oz. } 1/8 oz.
Chillies, 1/6 oz.
Turmeric, 1/6 oz.
Garlic, 1/6 oz.
Salt, ½ oz.


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