[1] The first half of the storm, in the case before alluded to, is that N.E. of the line N.W.—S.E., fig. 1, comprising the easterly and southerly winds; and the latter half, that S.W. of the same line, comprising the northerly and westerly winds.
[2] This table is also applicable to the hurricanes in the neighbourhood of Mauritius in the southern hemisphere, where all the phÆnomena are reversed; the motion of the hurricanes being towards the S.W., and the rotation in the direction of the hands of a watch, the same barometric and anemonal phÆnomena are experienced as in a hurricane in the northern hemisphere moving towards the N.E.
[3] By the officer of the watch being charged with this duty, and its being executed under his immediate superintendence, it is apprehended that a register may be kept with great regularity.
[4] These papers may be obtained from Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co., Booksellers to the Honourable East India Company, No. 7, Leadenhall Street, London.
[5] Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1846, p. 139.