| PAGE | The Yomei Gate, Shrines of NikkÔ | Frontispiece | Fujisan | 2 | Travelling Restaurant | 5 | Japanese Man-Cart | 9 | A Lake Biwa Tea-House | 20 | Stone Lanterns | 28 | A Kuruma | 35 | Road-Side Tea-House | 38 | Sir Harry’s Messenger | 42 | Kanaya’s House | 52 | Japanese Pack-Horse | 63 | Attendant at Tea-House | 64 | Summer and Winter Costume | 82 | Buddhist Priests | 112 | Street and Canal | 117 | The Flowing Invocation | 130 | The Belle of Kaminoyama | 135 | Torii | 149 | Daikoku, the God of Wealth | 154 | Myself in a Straw Rain-Cloak | 176 | A Lady’s Mirror | 201 | Akita Farm-House | 204 | Aino Store-House at Horobets | 223 | Aino Lodges. (From a Japanese Sketch) | 224 | Aino Houses | 234 | Ainos at Home. (From a Japanese Sketch) | 235 | Aino Millet-Mill and Pestle | 238 | Aino Store-House | 247 | Ainos of Yezo | 256 | An Aino Patriarch | 258 | Tattooed Female Hand | 260 | Aino Gods | 266 | Plan of an Aino House | 267 | Weaver’s Shuttle | 270 | A Hiogo Buddha | 272 | The Rokkukado | 288 | My Kuruma-Runner | 305 | Temple Gateway at Isshinden | 311 | Entrance to Shrine of Seventh ShÔgun, Shiba, TÔkiyÔ | 323 | Fujisan, from a Village on the Tokaido | 326 |