
The Utica Ærostatic Train Delayed by a Mid-air Storm.

Sidney, N. Y., Jan. 15.—There is a cloud-blockade on the line of the Oregon & New York Ærostatic Transit Co., and the air train which left Vancouver last evening is stalled at a point 3,000 feet above Norwich, with little prospects of getting away for several hours.

Cloud-plows have been sent up from Syracuse, but so dense is the raging Ærial snow that the plows have been unable to reach the stranded train. The storm is the most severe one known in years in this locality and came on at 8 o’clock last night. It raged over the city of Sidney all night, although no snow fell.

The Weather Bureau in Washington, Mexico, pronounces it one of the familiar mid-air storms and places its lowest point at 3,000 feet above Sidney and its highest at 5,000, making a storm stratum of 2,000 feet. The clouds are banked for a distance of thirty miles and are almost impenetrable.

The conditions are such as to make telepathic messages to the conductor of the air train difficult to deliver. A message, however, was received saying that all are well on board and the etherize heating apparatus working well.

In the same edition of that paper, on the first page, was published another account of a serious accident, in which an air-ship soared too high and broke away from the attraction of the earth’s gravity. It read as follows:


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