The invariance of the laws of nature was one of the most popular themes of nineteenth century philosophy. For it was not till last century that general acceptance was accorded to the doctrine of the “Uniformity of Law,” adumbrated in ancient times by Epicurus and Lucretius. It is now a cardinal axiom of science that the same cause in the same conditions is always followed by the same effect. There exists in nature no indeterminate element; all things are governed by fixed laws, and the discovery of these laws is the main business of science.
This great philosophic principle was derived of course from the study of natural science; i.e., from observations and experiments conducted upon the earth. Their comprehensiveness is therefore limited by the fact that the observer is always in a state of rest, or nearly so, as compared with the earth. All observers upon the earth are moving through space at the same velocity; and it was possible to argue that the uniformity of law might only hold good, when experiments were conducted at this velocity. An observer moving at very different velocity might discover that the laws of nature under these new conditions were somewhat different. Such a view could indeed never be very plausible, for motion is only a relative conception. Imagine a universe consisting of infinite “empty” space, in which there is poised a single material body. How shall we determine whether this body is at rest, or whether it is moving at high or low velocity through space? It is never getting nearer to anything or farther from anything, since there is no other body for it to get nearer to or farther from. If we say it is moving at a uniform velocity of a thousand miles a second, our statement really has no significance. We have no more reason for affirming that it is in motion than we have for affirming that it is at rest. In short, there is no such thing as The Behavior of LightNow among the established laws of nature is that which specifies the velocity of light moving through a vacuum. If the laws of nature are invariable, this velocity will always be the same. But consider what would happen under the following circumstances: Suppose that we are at rest, and that an observer on another body flies past us at 150,000 miles a second. Suppose that at the moment he passes, a piece of flint projecting from him grazes a piece of steel projecting from us, giving rise to a spark; and that we both thereupon set about to measure the velocity of the light so produced. After one second, we should find that the light had traveled about 186,000 miles away, and since during this second the other observer had traveled 150,000 miles, we should infer that the light traveling in his direction was only about 36,000 miles ahead of him. We should also infer that he would find this out by his experiment, and that he would estimate the velocity of light as only 36,000 miles a second in his And it so happens that it is also contradictory to experimental conclusions. Experiments undertaken to settle the point show that each observer finds the same velocity for the light of the spark; and after one second, each observer finds that the light has traveled 186,000 miles from himself. But how is it possible that when it has traveled 186,000 miles in the same direction as the other observer who himself has moved 150,000 miles meanwhile, he should still think it 186,000 miles ahead of him? That is the initial paradox; and since there has been no room for error in the experiments, we are forced to conclude that there was something wrong in the assumptions and preconceptions with which we started. Space and TimeThere can in fact be only one interpretation. If we each find that the light has moved the same number of miles in the same number of seconds, then we must be meaning something different when we speak of miles and seconds. We are speaking in different languages. Some subsidence has occurred in the foundations of our systems of measurement. We are each referring to one and the same objective fact; but since we describe it quite differently, and at
We are accustomed to describe space as being of three dimensions, and time as being of one dimension. As a matter of fact, both space and time are “ideas,” and not immediate sense-perceptions. We perceive matter; we then infer a universal continuum filled by it, which we call space. If we had no knowledge of matter, we should have no conception of space. Similarly in the case of time: we perceive one event following another, and we then invent a continuum which we call time, as an abstraction based on the sequence of events. We do not see space, and we do not see time. They are not real things, in the sense that matter is real, and that events are real. They are products of imagination: useful Take for instance our conception of time. It differs from our conception of space in that it has only one dimension. In space, there is a right and left, an up and down, a before and after. But in time there is only before and after. Why should there be this limitation of the time-factor? Merely because that is the verdict of all our human experience. But is our human experience based on a sufficiently broad foundation to enable us to say that, under all conditions and in all parts of the universe, there can be only one time-direction? May not our belief in the uniformity of time be due to the uniformity of the motion of all observers on the earth? Such in fact is the postulate of relativity. We now believe that, at velocities very different from our own, the standard of time would also be different from ours. From our point of view, that different standard of time would not be confined to the single direction fore and aft, as we know it, but would also have in it an element of what we might call right and left. True, it would still be of only one dimension, but its direction would differ from the direction of our time. It would still run like a thread through the universe, but not in the direction which we call straight forward. It would have a The World of RealityBut, after all, the objective universe is the same old universe however fast we are moving about in it, and whatever way we are facing. These details merely determine the way we divide it up into space and time. The universe is not affected by any arbitrary lines which we draw through it for our personal convenience. For practical purposes, we ascribe to it four dimensions, three in space and one in time. Clearly if the time direction is altered, all dimensions both of space and time must have different readings. If, for instance, the time direction slopes away to the left, as compared with ours, then space measurements to right and left must be correspondingly altered. An analogy will simplify the matter. Suppose we desire to reach a point ten miles off in a roughly northeasterly direction. We might do so by walking six miles due east and then eight miles Now we on the earth are all using a compass which points in the same direction as regards time. But other observers, on bodies moving with very different velocity, have a compass in which the time-direction is displaced as compared with ours. Hence our judgments of distances will not be alike. In our analogy, the northerly direction corresponds to time, and the easterly direction to space; and so long as we use the same compass we do not differ in our measurements of distances. But for any one who has a different notion of the time-direction, not only time intervals but space distances will be judged differently. In short, the universe is regarded as a space-time continuum of four dimensions. A “point” in space-time is called an “event”—that which occurs at a specified moment and at a specified place. The distance between two points in space-time is called their “interval.” All observers will agree as to the magnitude Accelerated MotionUniform motion in a straight line is however a very special kind of motion. Our experience in ordinary life is of motions that are neither uniform nor in a straight line; both speed and direction of motion are altering. The moving body is then said to undergo “acceleration”: which means either that its speed is increasing or diminishing, or that its direction of motion is changing, or both. If we revert to our former supposition of a universe in which there is only a single body in “empty” space, we clearly cannot say whether it has acceleration any more than whether it is moving, there being no outside standard of comparison; and the General Principle of Relativity asserts the invariance of the laws of nature for all states of motion of the observer. In this case, however, a difference might be Now when we are traveling with accelerated motion, we have quite a different idea of what constitutes a straight line from that which we had when at rest or in uniform motion. If we are moving at uniform velocity in an airplane and drop a stone to the earth it will appear to us in the airplane to fall in a straight line downward, while to an observer on the earth it will appear to describe a parabola. This is due to the fact that the stone gathers speed as it falls; it is subject to the acceleration associated with gravity. Acceleration obliterates the fundamental difference between a straight and curved line. Unless we know what is the absolute motion of the stone, and the two observers, we cannot say whether the line is “really” a straight or a curved line. Since absolute motion is an illegitimate conception, it follows that there is no such thing as “really” straight or “really” curved. These are only appearances set up as a consequence of our relative motions with respect to the bodies concerned. If there were no such thing as acceleration—if the stone fell to the earth at uniform velocity—then an observer on the Under these circumstances, Euclidean geometry would be absolutely true. But if we are in a state of acceleration, then what we think are straight lines are “really” curved lines, and Euclidean geometry, based on the assumption that its lines are straight, must founder when tested by more accurate measurements. And in point of fact we are in a state of acceleration: for we are being acted upon by a force—namely, the force of gravitation. Wherever there is matter, there is gravitation; wherever there is gravitation there is acceleration; wherever there is acceleration Euclidean geometry is inaccurate. Hence in the space surrounding matter a different geometry holds the field; and bodies in general move through such space in curved lines. Different parts of space are thus characterized by different geometrical properties. All bodies in the universe proceed on their established courses through space and time. But when they come to distorted geometrical areas, their paths naturally seem to us different from when they were moving through less disturbed regions. They exhibit the difference by acquiring an acceleration; and we explain the acceleration by alleging the existence of a force, which we call the force of gravitation. But their motions can in fact be perfectly predicted if we know the geometry of the space through which they are traveling. The predictions so based have in fact proved more accurate than those based on the law of gravitation. |