A - Alhambra Vase, 16
- Armenian Bole, 15
B - Ball-Clay, Tennessee, 40
- Bases for Glaze, 143
- Berlin Porcelain, 28
- Bisilicate Glaze, 145, 146
- Black Surfaced Ware, 13
- Blistering of Glazes, 166
- Building, Clay for, 69
- Building, Faults in, 72
- Building, Methods of, 70, 71
- Built Pottery, 10, 68
- Burning Tiles, 139
C - Case for Mold-making, 58
- Casting, 129
- Casting, Slip for, 129
- Castor Ware, 13
- Children, Pottery for, 194
- Chinese Porcelain, 23
- Clay, Colored, 36
- Clay, Crude, 9, 37
- Clay, Decoration in, 173
- Clay, for Building, 69
- Clay, for Tiles, 134
- Clay, Preparation of, 37
- Colored Glazes, 24, 143, 163
- Colors, Underglaze, 25, 143, 177
- Combustion, 186, 187
- Cones, Pyrometric, 182
- Copenhagen Porcelain, 27
- Crawling of Glazes, 166
- Crazing of Glazes, 165
- Cups and Saucers, 124
D - Decoration, 173
- Decoration of Tiles, 137
- Defects of Glazes, 164
- Devitrification, 152
E - Earthenware, Mixture for, 40
- Engobe Ware, Oriental, 15
F - Famille Rose, 24, 26
- Famille Verte, 24, 26
- Feet for Vases, 105
- Firing the Kiln, 179
- Fitness in Design, 3, 4, 7
- Flowing of Glazes, 145, 166
- Form and Weight, 7
- Fritt for Glaze, 158
- Fritting Furnace, 159
G - Glaze, Bases for, 148
- Glaze, Bisilicate, 144, 145
- Glaze, Calculation of, 150
- Glaze, Fritt for, 158
- Glaze, Pinholes in, 167
- Glaze, Porcelain, 191
- Glaze, Recipes, 160
- Glaze, Stoneware, 191, 192
- Glazes, Blistering of, 166
- Glazes, Clear, 141, 161
- Glazes, Colored, 143, 163, 192
- Glazes, Crawling of, 166
- Glazes, Crazing of, 165
- Glazes, Defects of, 164
- Glazes, Flowing of, 145, 166
- Glazes, Grinding, 151, 155
- Glazes, Ingredients for, 142, 143
- Glazes, Matt, 152, 191
- Glazes, Nature of, 141
- Glazing, 140
- Glazing Tiles, 137, 138
- GrÈs de Flandres, 21
- Gum Tragacanth, 156
H - Hard Porcelain, 23, 189
- High-temperature Wares, 188
I - Ingredients for Glazes, 142, 143
J - Jars for Storing Clay, 41
K - Kiln, Firing the, 179
- Kiln, Portable, 180
- Kilns, 179
L - Lawns, Silk, 41
- Large Pieces, 107
M - Matt Glazes, 152
- Methods of Making Tiles, 135, 136
- Molds for Plates, 62, 63
- Molds for Vases, 52
O - Oriental Engobe Ware, 15
- Ox-blood Red, 24, 26
- Oxidizing Fire, 187
- Oxygen Ratio, 145
P - PÂte-sur-pÂte, 14, 175
- Pieces, Large, 107
- Pinholes in Glaze, 167
- Plaster-of-Paris, 45
- Plaster Dishes, 46, 47
- Plaster Head for Wheel, 65, 78
- Plaster, Setting of, 45
- Porcelain, Berlin, 28
- Porcelain, Copenhagen, 27
- Porcelain Glaze, 191
- Porcelain, Hard, 23, 189
- Porcelain, Mixture for, 40
- Porcelain, Sevres, 25
- Potter's Wheel, 74
- Pottery, Built, 9, 68
- Pottery, for Children, 194
- Pottery, White-coated, 14, 168
- Props and Bats for Kiln, 182
- Pyrometric Cones, 182
R - Recipes for Glazes, 160
- Reducing Fire, 187
S - Salt-glazing, 21
- Saucers, Cups and, 124
- Shivering of Glazes, 165
- Size, Mold-makers', 44
- Slip, 38, 39, 129
- Slip for Casting, 129
- Slip-painting, 175
- Stoneware, 21, 188, 190
- Stoneware Glaze, 191
T - Tennessee Ball-clay, 40
- Tiles, 133
- Tiles, Burning of, 139
- Tiles, Clay for, 134
- Tiles, Decoration of, 137
- Tiles, Glazing, 137, 138
- Throwing, 77
- Tin Enamel, 164
- Tragacanth, Gum, 156
- Turning Tools, 100
U V - Vase Forms, Turning, 49-52
- Vases, Feet for, 105
- Vases, Molds for, 52
W - Weight and Form, 7
- White-coated Pottery, 14, 168