| FACING PAGE | Walt Whitman at 35, from a daguerrotype in possession of Mr. J. H. Johnston | Frontispiece | His Mother, from a daguerrotype in possession of Mr. Traubel | 6 | West Hills: The Whitman House from the Lane (1904) | 8 | W. W.’s Father | 14 | West Hills: House from Yard | 28 | New Orleans about 1850 | 48 | R. W. Emerson | 92 | W. W. at 40, from a photo, in the possession of Mr. D. McKay | 140 | W. W. at 44, from photo, in possession of Mr. Traubel | 179 | William Douglas O’Connor | 190 | John Burroughs in 1900 | 201 | Anne Gilchrist, from an amateur photograph | 225 | W. W. at about 50 | 227 | Pete Doyle and W. W., by permission of Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co., from a photo, by Rice, Washington, 1869 | 231 | Peter G. Doyle at 57, from a photo, by Kuebler, Philadelphia | 233 | No. 431, Stevens Street, Camden (1904) | 240 | Facsimile of MS. of Portion of Preface to 1876 Edition, L. of G. | 243 | Timber Creek, The Pool | 259 | Timber Creek, below Crystal Spring | 261 | Edward Carpenter at 43 | 267 | Dr. R. M. Bucke | 270 | W. W. at 61 | 276 | Mr. Stafford’s Store, Glendale (1904) | 286 | Mart Whitall Smith (Mrs. Berenson) in 1884 | 302 | W. W. and the Butterfly; aged 62; from photo, by Phillips & Taylor, Philadelphia | 304 | Facsimile of Autograph Letter to Mr. R. P. Smith, in possession of Mrs. Berenson | 315 | Mickle Street, Camden, from a photo, by Dr. J. Johnston | 317 | Facsimile of Autograph Post Cards (1887-88), in possession of Mrs. Berenson | 326 | W. W. at 70, by permission of Mr. Gutekunst, Philadelphia | 331 | Robert G. Ingersoll | 334 | W. W. at 72, from a photo, of Mr. T. Eakins, by permission of Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co. | 338 | Horace Traubel | 342 | The Tomb, Harleigh Cemetery (1904) | 346 | |