- Abandonment, capacity for self-, 52.
- Abolition sentiment, Lincoln and, 182.
- See Slavery.
- Abolitionism, 81;
- and the South, 235.
- Abolitionist, W. an, 39.
- Abolitionists, 134;
- in Democratic party, 27.
- Actors, W. at home with, 191.
- Adam, W. as, 160-2.
- Adams, President John, 23, 24.
- Addison, W. advised to study, 328.
- Æschylus, W. reads, 57.
- Affirmations of modern thought, 62.
- Agnosticism and reason, 333.
- Agricultural interest in America, 308.
- Alboni, Marietta, her influence on W., 86, 131, 320.
- Alcott, A. Bronson, his relations with W., 112, 138, 282.
- Alexandria, Va., 195, 199.
- Ambition, W. a youth of, 33.
- America, romance of, xix-xxiii;
- Elizabethan character of, xxi;
- its development, xxvi;
- changes in, 79.
- America, and W., 87, 149, 180;
- W. an incarnation of, xxviii, 132, 335;
- an average American, 64;
- his passion for, 63;
- describes, 95;
- his symbol for, 122;
- symbolic character of, 124;
- call to citizenship, 125;
- need for comradeship in, 163;
- Emerson’s view of W.’s message to, 145-6;
- W.’s criticism of, 124, 236-42;
- W. the poet of, 249, 292 (see American poet);
- her need for the war, 206-8;
- A. and the soul, 255;
- and death, 266;
- and free-interchange, 306-7;
- and labour-problem, 307-13;
- W.’s ideal for, 312;
- “material foundations,” 331;
122, 274.
- Broadway, W. and, 41, 83, 87, 138, 219, 266.
- Broadway Journal, W. writes for, 37.
- “Broadway Pageant, A,” 205.
- Brooklyn, 1-3, 10-11;
- W. in, 56-7, 86, 110, 203-4, 210, 219, 232;
- leaves, 183;
- secures Fort Greene to town, 43.
- Brooklyn, battle of, 5.
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, W. edits, 42-4;
- a correspondent of, 196.
- Brooklyn Ferry, 11, 40, 85.
- “Brooklyn Ferry, Crossing,” 120.
- Brooklyn Times, W. and the, 109.
- Brown, John, different views of, and influence on America, 136, 159;
- O’Connor and, 190.
- Brown, Madox, 225.
- Browning, R., 62, 92, 291;
- and W., 293-5.
- Bruno, Giordano, 224.
- Brush, Major, 5;
- his niece, 5-6.
- Bryant, W. C., 40, 59, 172, 336;
- friendship for W., 42.
- Buchanan, President, 135, 175.
- Buchanan, Robert, his letter on W., 258-9.
- Bucke, Dr. R. M., 263, 305, 325-6, 334, 336, 341, 342;
- visits W., 269;
- account of, 269-1, 252, 349-50;
- W. and, 234, 273, 318, 320.
- China, W. talks of, 265.
- Chinese proverb, xxiii.
- Christ, 313, 345.
- See Jesus.
- “Christ-portrait” of W., 67.
- Christianity, W. and, 75-7, 168, 297, 339.
- Chronicle, The, W. M. Rossetti writes on W. in, 222.
- Church, W. in a Brooklyn, 68.
- Churches, W. and the, 42, 75-6, 142, 241, 280, 323.
- Cincinnati Society, 38.
- Citizenship and the soul, 208;
- for all, 240.
- City-life, attraction for W., 114;
- modern, xxviii.
- City-populations, 307.
- Clare, Ada, 139.
- Class-feeling, W.’s dislike of, 323.
- Classical allusions avoided in L. of G., 109.
- Clay, Henry, 23, 40, 42, 79, 134.
- Cleanthes, Hymn of, 224.
- Clements, Mr., W. apprenticed to, 19-20.
- Cleveland, President, 314, 320.
- Clothes, W.’s, 83, 110, 140, 304, 331.
- Cole, Mary, 234.
- Coleridge, S. T., 91, 119, 290.
- Colonna, Vittoria, 265.
- Columbian Magazine, W. writes for, 37.
- Columbus, xx-xxi, 243.
- See Prayer of C.
- “Columbus, A thought of,” 340.
- Common people, W.’s love of the, 114.
- Companions, the Great, 168.
- Complete Prose, qu., 47-25;
- W.’s doctrine of, 102, 297.
- Erie Canal opened, 11.
- Euripides, 58.
- “Europe, the 72nd and 73rd year of these States,” 103.
- Europe, its lack of sanity, 339.
- Evangelical, W. an, 77.
- Evening Mail (New York), 245.
- Evil, W. and the problem of, 122, 124, 157, 212, 294-5, 340;
- evil in W.’s nature, 336.
- Evolution, W.’s doctrine of, 99, 100.
- Evolutionists, the, 224.
- Exhibition, International, 1853, 83-4.
- “Exposition, Song of the,” 245, 248.
- Expression, need for, 89-90.
- Expurgation, W. agrees to, 285.
- “Faces,” 102.
- “Facing West from California’s shores,” 162.
- Facts, W.’s love for, 60, 63.
- Fairfax Seminary Hospital, 194, 198.
- Faith, W.’s, 99, 100, 155, 244, 254-5.
- Falmouth, Va., 183-4.
- Farragut, Admiral, 182.
- Federal sentiment aided by steam-transit, 27.
- Federalists, 23.
- Fellowes, Col., 38.
- Fellowship, as an answer to doubt, 164;
- Morris’s gospel of, 296;
- philosophy of, 166-7.
- Fellowship, W.’s, its character, 114, 299-300;
- with nature, 261-2;
- W.’s ideal of, 142.
- Fellowship, the Walt Whitman, 300 n.
- “Felons on trial in courts, You,” 156.
- Ferries, W. and, 250-1, 266.
- See Brooklyn Ferry.
- Ferry-boat, W. steers a N.Y., 137.
- Fire-Island Beach, L. I., 330.
- Harlan, James, 219, 342;
- W. visits, 266, 270, 280.
- Journalist, W. as a, 33-45.
- Journeys, W.’s, extent of, xxvii.
- See South, West, Canada.
- Joy, the note of L. of G., 90-1.
- Judiciary Square Hospital, 194.
- Kansas, 80, 134-5.
- Keats, J., 59, 91.
- Kennedy, W. S., 317;
- W.’s letter to, 282;
- his reminiscences, 301.
- “Knowledge alone, Long I thought that,” 132-3.
- “Know-nothing” party, 134-5.
- Kossabones, W.’s ancestors, 31.
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@56536@56536-h@56536-h-12.htm.html#Page_278" class="pginternal">278. “Lincoln’s burial hymn, President.” See Lilacs last. Lincoln lecture, W.’s, 270, 278, 317, 332. Lind, Jenny, 85, 86. Linton, W. J., 257. Lionising, W. and, 332. Literary circle, W.’s dislike of, 144. Literature necessary for national life, 236-242. “Live-oak growing, I saw in Louisiana a,” 163, 250. Loafing of W., 141. Locomotive first enters N.Y., 42. “Locomotive in Winter, To a,” 271. London, Ont., W. at, 270. Longfellow, H. W., 59, 88, 94, 138, 301, 336; and W., 278-9. “Long I thought that Knowledge alone,” 132-3; Symonds and, 224. Long Island described, 1-3, 28-9; W. and, 31, 85, 89, 280. Long Island Patriot, W. and the, 20. Long Island Star, W. and the, 20. Long Islander, The, 56; W. founds the, 31-2. Love, the divine, 119; “the kelson” of the Universe, 72, 98; the one essential, 125; the passion of, 127; W. recognises power of, 35; W.’s religion one of, 77; love of Nature, W.’s, 260-1. Lowell, J. R., 59, 94, 317. Luther, 146. Lynching, W. denounces, 42. Lyrical ballads, 290. Lytton, Lord, 35, 247. - Madison Sq. Theatre, N.Y., W. at, 317.
- “Magnet South,” 235.
- Man, L. of G., not a book but a, 245, 266, 270, 280;
- W. criticises, 236;
- he leaves, 183.
- New York Evening Post, W. writes for, 42.
- New York Herald, The, 115, 316.
- New York Saturday Press, W. and the, 138-9.
- New York Sun, W. writes for, 37, 127.
- New York Times, 184, 209.
- New York Tribune, the, 39, 40, 87, 108, 259, 285;
- W.’s poems in, 46.
- Newspapers, W. and, 62-3.
- Niagara, W. at, 54, 274.
- Nibelungenlied, 58, 337.
- Nietzsche and Whitman, 213, 293, 296-8.
- Nonconformity, W.’s, 99.
- North, its interests antagonistic to the South, 24-5;
- becomes identified with Federalism, 26;
- not united, 176;
- idealism of, 177;
- and protection, ib.
- North American Review, 108.
- November Boughs, 329-30, 339.
- “Now FinalÉ to the Shore,” 243.
- Nurse, W.’s, 326.
- “Occupations, Song for,” 101.
- O’Connor, W. D., W. visits and boards with, 190, 201, 215, 225;
- described, 190-1;
- and Harlan, 214;
- his The Carpenter, 227-9;
- W.’s quarrel with, 236, 248, 250, 258;
- and Messrs. Osgood, 285;
- dies, 326-7, 336.
- See also Good Gray Poet.
- O’Connor, Mrs., 234, 339;
- importance of, for America, 238, 241.
- See Mysticism.
- Religious emotion in L. of G., 105-6.
- Renaissance in America, xxiv.
- “Renfrew, Baron,” 173.
- Republic, W.’s idea of, 292.
- See America.
- Republican becomes Democratic party, 13;
- new party formed, 132, 134;
- and the South, 189, 235;
- and corruption, 314.
- Respectable, W. seems to be growing, 216, 218.
- “Respondez,” 124.
- “Return of the Heroes, The,” 209.
- Reviews himself, W., 109, 323-4.
- Revolt, W.’s, against bondage, 296-7.
- Rhythm, changes in rhythm of poetry, 290-1;
- various emotional values of, 291;
- W.’s feeling for sea, 60;
- free, Emerson studies, 93;
- W.’s view of, 96-8.
- Rich, W. in danger of becoming, 57.
- “Rich Givers, To,” 169.
- Richmond, the Confederate capital, 182;
- surrenders, 188.
- “Rise, O Days, from your fathomless Deeps,” 206.
- Robespierre, 289.
- Rock Creek, W. at, 201.
- Rocky Mountains, W. in the, 272-3.
- Rodin, A., 130.
- Rolleston, T. W., his Epictetus, 318.
- “Rolling Earth, Song of the,” 117-9.
- Romance of America, the, xix-xxiii.
- Rome, Andrew, printer, 88.
- Romney, 264.
- Roosa, D. B. St. J., qu., 137-8.
- “Roots and leaves themselves alone,” 165.
- Rossetti, W. M., 97, 171, 259, 263-4;
- his selections from L. of G., 221-3, 227, 245;
- criticism of L. of G., 222;
- relations with W., 342;
- compared with Thoreau and Emerson’s, 113-4.
- “So Long,” 169.
- “Sometimes with one I love,” 164.
- “Song of Myself,” 122, 243, 286;
- analysed, 98-101;
- qu., 72 n.;
- called “Walt Whitman,” 150.
- Sophocles, 57.
- Soul, the flesh and the, in modern religion, 61;
- and Science, 96, 242;
- in Nature, 102, 340;
- W.’s view of the, 98, 120, 149.
- South, its interests antagonistic to those of the North and West, 24-5;
- similarity of interest with N.Y., 25;
- policy, 26, 43;
- and the war, 82-3, 176-7, 187, 235;
- slavery and the, 25, 80-1;
- pride of the, 187, 324;
- Lincoln and, 189;
- and the Union, 180, 314;
- W. and the, 46-55, 180, 235, 237, 349-50.
- South Carolina, and Federal tariff, 24, 27.
- Southey, R., 327.
- “Sovereign States,” doctrine of, 26.
- Specimen Days, 262, 266.
- Specimen Days and Collect, 286.
- Spectacles, W. begins to wear, 245.
- Speech, W.’s manner of, 98;
- W.’s style and, 291.
- Spencer, Herbert, 62, 263.
- Spirits, W. and, 149.
- Spiritualistic woman and W., 234.
- “Spontaneous Me,” 127.
- Spooner, Alden J., 20, 22, 332, 342, 343, 344;
- quoted, 349-50;
- sec. of W. Fellowship, 300 n.
- Treasury Building, W. at, 190, 215, 233, 247.
- Tribune, New York. See N. Y. T.
- “Trickle Drops,” 165.
- Tri-Insula, a republic, 178.
- Trowbridge, J. T., 142.
- Tuft’s College, Mass., 255.
- Tupper, M. F., W. compared with, 327.
- “Twain, Mark,” 317.
- “Two Rivulets” described, 266.
- Tyler, President, 38.
- Ulysses’ return, 276.
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 81, 187.
- Unitarianism, W.’s relation to, 76.
- Union, W. and the idea of the American, 55.
- Unity, W.’s doctrine of the universal, 120;
- of L. of G., 221.
- “Universal, Song of the,” 253;
- described, 255.
- Untidiness, W.’s, 318.
s@56536@56536-h@56536-h-1.htm.html#Page_44" class="pginternal">4; public work, 43; goes to New Orleans, 46, 49-53; returns via St. Louis, 54; his idea of America, 55; becomes a carpenter, 56; his reading, 57-61; attitude to American writers, 59-60; and to science, etc., 60-2; passion for America, 63; inner development, 65, 69-78; W. at 35, 66-8, 83; in N.Y., 82-6; hears Alboni, 86; indifference to money, 87; begins L. of G., 87; publishes it, 88; daily habits, 65, 88; holidays, 86, 89; power of joy, 91; compared with Emerson, 94; view of the poet, 95-7; describes his childhood, 103-4; religious quality of W., 105-6; relation to Emerson, Rousseau, Shelley, 106-8; reviews L. of G., 109; visit from Conway, 110-2; appearance in ’55, 111; visit from Alcott and Thoreau, 112-5; love of city-life, 114; publishes second edition L. of G., 116; symbolism of W., 117-22; W. as the American poet, 123; W. and evil, 124-5; and women, 126-7; in danger of prosecution, 127; publishes Emerson’s letter, 127-8; his letter to E., 128; idea of lecturing, 129-31; and of political life, 67-8. See also 303-4, 334, and under Anger, Coolness, Elemental quality, Evil in, Humility, Humour, Mysticism, Pride, Sanity, Wonder, etc. — Walter (father of W.), 56, 103; described, 6, 13-4; moves to Brooklyn, 10; relations with W., 12, 65; death, 86, 88; tomb, 341. — Zechariah, 5. Whitman, burying ground, West Hills, 9; family, and Hicks, 14; and L. of G., 88; homestead at West Hills, 2. See W. H. Whitmanites, 218. Whitman’s America, Introd.; W. owes much to A., xxv; its development, xxvi; extent of W.’s journeys, xxvii; W. a metropolitan American, and a type of America, xxvii-viii. “Whitman’s hollow,” 5. Whittier, J. G., 59, 336. “Whoever you are holding me now in hand,” 163. Whole, the idea of the, W.’s love for, 60-1. “Who learns my lesson complete?” 104. Wholesomeness, W.’s, 32. Wickedness, W.’s attitude to, 104. Williams, family of, 31, 347-8. — Naomi, 4, 347-8. — Roger, 4. Wilmot proviso, the, 43, 44. Wisconsin, State of, W. in, 54. Wisdom found in fellowship, 164. “Woman waits for Me, A,” 126. Woman, W. and, 102, 125-7, 148, 225-6, 240, 274. Women, W.’s relations with, 51-3, 71, 139, 160, 234, THE ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS LIMITED