earthenware, how manufactured, 71 Eau-de-luce, of what made, 164 Egyptian pebble, description and uses of, 61 Electron of the ancients, what it was, 162 Emerald, description of, where found, how set, and how valued, 38 ——, oriental, 32 ——, false, 49 Emery, description, properties, and uses of, 33 ——, how prepared for use, 33 ——, red, 43 Epsom salts, description of, how made, and uses of, 126 F. Faults, in mining, what they are, 3 Felspar, common, description and uses of, 69 ——, Labrador, 69 Figure stone, description and uses of, 84 Filtering stone, of what made, 233 Fire damp in coal-mines, what it is, how produced, &c., 19, 153 Flint, description and uses of, 53, 54 ——, gun-flints, how made, 54 Florence marble, description and use of, 115 Fluat of lime, 119 Fluats, 13 Fluoric acid, what it is, 13 —— ——, how to etch on glass by means of, 120 —— ——, mode of obtaining, 120 Fluor spar, description and properties of, 119 —— ——, how manufactured, and the uses of, 119 Flux, white, of what made, 137 ——, black, 137 Freestone, description and uses of, 233 French chalk, description and uses of, 92 Fuller’s earth, description and use of, 87 Fulminating powder, 176 Fulminating silver, extraordinary properties of, 182 Fumigating of rooms, how effected, 133 Fur in tea kettles, how formed there, 114 G. Galena, what it is, 203 Gangue, in mining, what it is, 4 Garnet, precious, where found, how cut, and value of, 42, 43 –– ——, how set, and uses of, 42 ——, common, 43 ——, Syrian and pyrope, 43 Gas, what it is, 10 Gas lights, history and uses of, 156 —— ——, how produced, 156 –– ——, how exhibited on a small scale, 156 Gems, engraving, cutting, and value of, 21-23 ——, imitations of, 22 Giant’s causeway, account of, 111 ——, Florence, 115 ——, Cottam, 116 Marcasite. See Pyrites. Marking ink, for linen, &c. how made and used, 181 Marl, description and uses of, 114 Matrix, 4 Meerschaum, how obtained, prepared, and used, 84 Mercury, the ores of, 173 ——, how extracted from the ore, 175 ——, properties and uses of, 175, 176 Mercury mines in India, description of, 175 Metals, different states in which they are found, 165 ——, how obtained and prepared for use, 165 Meteoric stones, description of, 193 —— ——, extraordinary instances of their falling from the air in 1492, 1672, 1704, 1795, 1814, &c., 195 —— ——, opinions of learned men respecting, 197 —— ——, properties of, 194 Mica, description of, how obtained, and uses of, 81 Mica slate, or micaceous schistus, 227 Millstones. See Burr Stone. ——, Peak, what formed of, 233 ——, of granite, 225 Millstone grit, description and uses of, 233 Mineral green, of what made, 141 Mineral oil. See Petroleum. Minerals, systematic arrangement of, 4 Mineral tar, description and uses of, 148, 149 Minium, how manufactured, and uses of, 206 Mochoa stone, description and use of, 63 —— ——, imitations of, how made, 63 Mona marble. See Serpentine. Moonstone, description and use of, 70 Mountains, comparative heights of the principal, 237 Muriatic acid, 13 Muriats, 13 Muscovy glass. See Mica. Music plates, of what made, 217 N. Naphtha, where found, uses and properties of, 146 Natron, description of, how obtained and uses of, 128 Nephrite. See Jade. Nickel, description and uses of, 208 ——, oxide of, and for what used, 209 Nitrats, 14 Nitrat of silver, uses of, 181 Nitre, description of, how and whence obtained, 136 ——, how manufactured, and uses of, 136, 137 Nitric acid. See Aqua fortis. Nova Mina topaz, 37 207 Woodstone, description and uses of, 51 Writing slates, how made, 78 Y. Yttria, 16 Z. Zaffre, what, how made, and uses of, 221 Zinc, whence obtained, and how extracted from the ore, 209 ——, uses and properties of, 210 ——, oxide of, used as paint, 211 ——, white, how prepared, 141 Zircon, 29 - Transcriber’s Notes:
- The outline provide by the author (page 21) did not match the text in two places:
- “II. SOFT STONES” was changed to “ORDER II. SOFT STONES”.
- Minor typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.