
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

Abancay, 289, 290, 295, 324.
Acobamba, 365, 370.
Aconcagua, 218.
Aconcawa, 159.
Acostambo, 369.
Agave plant, 71, 286.
Aguardiente, 326.
Alcaldes, Indian, 284, 365.
Alfa. See Alfalfa.
Alfalfa, 77, 84, 100, 108, 159.
Allorisma subcuneata, 369.
Almagro, 263, 351.
Almanza, Emiliano, 320.
——, J. Antonio, 320.
——, Luis E., 320.
Alpacas, 137, 161.
Alto de La Paz, 228.
Amazon, 139, 240, 297, 318.
Americans in La Paz, 239.
Americans in South America, 10, 13-15, 24, 26-28, 29, 32, 39-40, 62, 182, 241, 388.
Amphitheatre, Inca, 278.
Ancacato, 162.
Ancon, Treaty of, 206.
Andahuaylas, 329-335.
Anderson, Geo. E., 28.
Andines. See Terraces.
Angosta de Tupiza, 87.
Angrand, M., 320.
Anta, plain of, 283-285.
Antis, 318.
Antofagasta, 170-175, 201-2.
Antofagasta Railway, 88, 92, 170.
Aniline dyes, 262.
Animal Industries, 37-39.
Apurimac, 285, 291, 297, 325, 368, 370.
——, bridge over, 288.
Apurimac, rapids of, 293.
——, valley of the, 318, 321.
Aramayo, SeÑor, 90.
Araucanians, 192, 357, 358.
Architect, Jesuit, 325.
Architecture, Inca, 260, 311.
Arequipa, 215-224.
Argentina, 30-82 and passim.
Arica, 187, 205-209.
Armadillo, 234.
Art School of Chile, 192.
Ascarrunz, Dr. Moises, 166.
Ascotan, 173.
Atacama, 78.
Atahualpa, 280, 358.
Auquibamba, 325-26.
Automobiles, 18, 25, 31, 33, 36.
Ayacucho, 108, 144, 321, 324, 346-351, 360.
——, battle of, 281, 325, 350-355.
AyalÁ, Alejandro, ix.
AyamarÁs, 145, 152-154, 163, 169, 232, 249, 255, 268.
Ayavari, 255.
Ayoayo, 246.
Ayoma, battle of, 162.
Azequia, 312, 314.
Bahia, 10-15.
Bahia Blanca, 31, 63.
Ballivian, Sr. Don Manuel Vicente, 252.
Balmaceda, Pres., 173, 179, 209.
Balsas, 226, 235.
“Baltimore” episode, 209.
Bamboo pipes, 361.
Banco Nacional de Bolivia, 145.
Bandelier, Professor Ad. F., 218, 226, 227, 233, 334.
Banks and Banking, 145;
in Arequipa, 217;
Argentina, 39-40;
Brazil, 31-32;
La Paz, 237;
Tupiza, 88.
Banquets, Peruvian, 331, 337, 356.
Barbour, Thos., 252.
Barley straw, 84, 159, 284, 366.
Barros Arana, Diego, 191.
Bartolo, 135, 252.
Beazley, J. B., ix.
Beer, 335, 372.
Beggars’ Fair in Cuzco, 264.
Begonias, 290, 297, 326.
Belgrano, 48, 67.
Beni, valley of the, 239, 240.
Bibliographer, 391.
Billiards, 119, 166.
Birds, 110, 175, 202.
Biscachas, 246.
Blanco River, 286.
“Blind Man’s Guide.” See El Lazarillo.
BogotÁ, 35, 47, 196, 223.
Bola, 315.
Bolivar, General Simon, 50, 52, 118, 144.
Bolivia, 49, 56, 57, 73, 79. 83, and passim.
Bolivia Railway, ix.
Bolivian Andes, climbing and exploration in the, 249.
Bolivian army, 89, 104.
—— customs service, 85.
—— Government, 79, 92.
—— National Museum, 252.
—— paper currency, 114.
—— physician, 116.
Bombon, 341.
de Bonelli, Hugh, 200.
Book shops, 168, 178-79, 191.
Brazil, chapters I and II, 42, and passim.
Brazil, trade of, 10, 14, 20, 24-28.
British enterprises in Bolivia, 165.
Broom flower, 286.
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, 233.
Bubonic plague, 210, 214.
Buenos Aires, 30-45, 60, 72, 73, and passim;
foreign trade of, 68;
history of, 46-51.
Buenos Aires and Rosario R. R., ix, 61, 69.
Bulimulus, 342.
Business methods, 384.
Caceres, Lieutenant, vii, 289, 293, 298, 303, 305, 345.
Cachimayo, 140.
Cachipascana, 224.
Cacho, Don Gaspar Mauro, 348.
Cachora, 297.
Cactus, 77, 86, 95, 341, 364.
Caisa, 112.
CalamÁ, 173.
Calancha, Father, 322.
Caldera, 177, 202.
Calera, 140.
Callao, 109.
Camacho, General, 138.
Camargo, 100.
Caracara, 151.
Caracas, 35.
Caras of Ecuador, 273.
Carnival balloons, 355.
Carnival season, 346, 350-353, 360-363.
Caroline Islands, 206, 275.
Casa Nacional de Moneda, 129.
Castelnau, 143.
Castilla, President, 320.
Castillo, 296, 298, 305.
Cattle, 37, 38, 152, 334, 364.
Ccapac, Manco, 322.
Cebada. See barley straw.
Central America, 42.
Cerro de Pasco, 3, 373, 374.
Chachani, Mt., 217.
Chaco, 70, 78, 131, 139, 165.
Chaile, Fermin, 109, 164, and passim.
Challabama, 285.
Challapata, 145, 158, 162, 163, 172.
Challoma, 150.
Chavez, Lopez, ix.
Checcacupe, 254, 256.
Chibchas of BogotÁ, 232.
Chicha, 134, 153, 246, 347, 350, 354, 361, 372.
Chicherias, 134, 256.
Children’s Sunday in La Paz, 233.
Chile, 40, 42, 51, 57, 58, 179, 181, 330, and passim.
Chile and Brazil, 185.
Chile and Peru, 357.
Chilean and Peruvian engineers, 125.
Chilean character, 204.
—— hospitality, 187.
—— navy, 200.
Chileans, 124.
—— of to-day, 358.
Chincha Islands, 204.
Chincheros, 335-341.
Chincona plants, 146.
Chocolate, 147, 156.
Chola, 235.
Choqquequirau, 291-323.
Chorolque, 100.
Chucuito, 369.
Franco, Sr. A., ix.
French, in Argentina, 61;
Bolivia, 124;
Brazil, 4, 17, 20, 31, 61;
South America, 124.
Fruit, in Argentina, 73;
Bolivia, 246.
Furs, 199.
Gables in Inca houses, 309, 313.
Games of chance, 235-36.
Garcia, Marcos, 322.
Garcilasso de la Vega, 259, 275.
Gastelu, Don Juan, 321.
Gauchos, 67, 72.
Geranium, 151.
German-Americans, 167.
German business methods, 96, 388.
—— Club of Oruro, 166.
Germans, in Argentina, 43-62;
Brazil, 4, 7, 20, 27, 31;
Chile, 193.
Goats, 70, 75, 97,

Gobernador of Chincheros, 335;
Huancarama, 328;
Quinua, 351;
Talavera, 333, 335;
Tambillo, 343, 344;
Yscuchaca, 368.
Grace & Co., W. R., viii, ix, 231.
Gran Chaco. See Chaco.
Grapes, 110.
Grinding stones, 308.
Guamanga, 350-51.
Guanay, 239.
Guano, 203-4.
Guaqui, 252, 254.
Guemes Gral., 72.
Guinea pig, 84, 110, 143, 160.
Guitars, 156, 234.
Gulls, 160.
Hail, 158, 345.
Hand loom, 134.
Hanna, Rea, ix, 203.
Harness, 285.
Harp, 347, 361.
Harvard Observatory at Arequipa, 216.
Hats, 146, 263.
Hay, Clarence, ix, 257, 300, 302.
Head-gear, women’s, 350.
Heliotrope, 286.
Herford, Oliver, 127.
Hispanic Race, 53-56.
Historian, South American, 391.
Hope, John Pierce, ix, 251.
Horse racing, 36.
Horses, 37, 110, 152, 326.
Hospitality, Bolivian, 231.
Hotels, in Arequipa, 217;
Ayacucho, 347;
Buenos Aires, 34;
Challapata, 217;
Cuzco, 261;
Huancayo, 371, 373;
Jujuy, 72-74;
La Paz, 231;
La Quiaca, 78;
Lima, 376;
Mollendo, 214;
Montevideo, 29;
Oruro, 166;
Pernambuco, 8;
PotosÍ, 115, 125;
Rio de Janeiro, 18;
Santiago, 182;
South America, 380;
Sucre, 142;
Tupiza, 89-90.
HuadquiÑa, 320.
Huancarama, 327.
Huancavelica, 369.
Huancayo, 369-372.
Huanchaca, 164.
Huanta, 362-63.
Huarocondo, 284.
Huarpa River, 363.
Huatanay River, 257-58.
Humahuaca, 77.
Humidity, 70, 306.
Hutcheon, Don Santiago, ix, 80.
Hutchinson, Lincoln, 28, 388.
Ice cream, 331.
Iglehart, D. S., ix.
Ilo, 210.
Images, monolithic, 249.
Inca Empire, 318, 258.
—— palaces, 261.
—— roads, 283.
—— Rocca, 259.
—— stairway, 312.
—— stonework, 259.
—— stucco, 310, 311.
—— Tambos, 149.
“Inca Thrones,” 278.
—— vases, 279.
—— Viracocha, 276.
Incas, 84, 130, 206, 291, 307-323, 357, and passim.
Incahuasy, near Tambobamba, 318.
Ingenios in PotosÍ, 124.
Iquique, 201, 202, 205.
Iris, yellow, 288.
Irrigation, 77, 84, 100, 110, 343.
“Islands of Titicaca and Koati,” the, 334.
Islay, 211.
Italians in Argentina, 31-34, 45, 67, 72;
in Brazil, 4, 20.
Itaparica, 11.
Jail in Cuzco, 267.
—— in La Paz, 238.
Jar, earthen-ware, 315.
Jauja, 373; valley of, 371.
Jesuit church, 265;
in Arequipa, 218;
in PotosÍ, 126.
Jesuits, 332.
Jockey Club of Buenos Aires, 35.
Johnson, Rankin, ix, 249.
“Jornal do Comercio,” 22.
Jujuy, 69, 72-74.
Juliaca, 225, 254.
Juramento, 72.
Kari Kari, battlefield of, 132.
Kirkham, Mr., 372.
Koati, 226.
Koropuna, Mt., 218.
Kusaie, Island of, 206, 275.
“La Corona,” incident of, 187, 208.
“La Estrella,” 287, 320.
“La Glorieta,” 141.
Laja Tambo, 113.
“La Nacion,” 34.
Lantanas, 286.
La Paz, 145, 170, 228-240.
La Plata, 143.
La Plata, National University of, 38.
“La Prensa,” 34, 338.
La Quiaca, 69, 78, 82, 172.
La Raya, 255.
La Serena, 202, 281, 341, 355.
Latin-American Scientific Congress, 183.
Lautaro, 357.
Lavandais, E. de, 320.
Lawyers in South America, 270, 390.
Leguia, A. B., Pres. of Peru, viii, 294, 331, 376.
Lele, 275.
Leon, 75.
Leon, Marcelino, 319.
Letona family, 325.
Liberal party in Peru, 221.
Lima, 35, 47, 49, 51, 56, 73, 196, 369, 376, 378.
LimarÍ, str., 200, 201, 210.
Limatambo, 286.
Liniers, 47.
Lircay, valley of, 365, 367.
Lisbon, 14.
Livichuco, 160.
Lizards, 157, 202.
Llama drivers, 156.
Llamas, 77, 110, 113, 115, 133, 149, 155-161, 255, 326, 331, 367.
—— in PotosÍ, 117, 126.
Locusts, 61, 70, 325.
Lombardy poplars, 332.
Lomellini, Sr. C., 263, 279.
Los Neques, 346.
Lotto, 236.
Lupins, 297, 326.
Mac, 94, 101.
Macha, 158.
Mackenna VicuÑa, B., 191.
Madre de Dios, river, 240.
Magellan, straits of, 179.
MaimarÁ, 76.
Maipo, 51.
Maize, 110.
Malaria, 341 .
MamorÉ, river, 139.
Manaos, 240.
Manco Capac, 263, 279.
Mantaro River, 368-371.
na” habit, 382.
s, 364.
valle, 370.
am, Sir Clements, 146, 267, 276.
in Chuzzlewit,” 383, 386.
nelli, Don Federico, 325.
Matan, 71.
Matara, 345.
May, the 25th of, 46-48.
Medanos, 215.
Medical School in Santiago, 168.
Medicines, 127.
Medina, JosÉ Toribio, 189-190.
Mejia, 215.
Mendoza, 51.
Merchandise, foreign, 326.
Merino, Capt. Louis, ix.
“Mexican Trails,” 372.
Mexico, 41, 42.
Mexico steamer, 174.
Military Academy, Chilean, 194.
Milk, condensed, 153.
Miller, General Wm., 117, 355.
Mimosa trees, 71, 72, 95, 300, 341, 364.
Miners at PotosÍ, 122.
Mines, copper, 173.
—— —— of Cerro de Pasco, 373.
Mines, gold, 173;
silver, 157, 164, 169, 173;
tin, 123, 169.
Mint in PotosÍ, 129.
Misti, 217.
Mitchell, J. A., 383.
Mitre Bartolome, 191.
Mogrovejo Pio, 320.
Mojo, 84.
Mollendo, 175, 210-214.
Mollepata, 286, 320.
Monasteries, 129;
Dominican, 259;
Franciscan, 219, 220, 265.
Monobamba, 335.
Monroe Doctrine, 42-43.
“Monroe Palace,” 19.
Montes, Pres. of Bolivia, 120;
La Paz and Peruvian Mining Association, 61;

95, 98, 104-108, 124, 130, 153-54, 232, 255, 267, 268, 277, 287, 317, 348, 357.
Quinoa, 100, 110.
Quinta Normal, 192.
Quinua, 351, 352.
Quirve, 104, 108, 109.
Railroads, in Argentina, 32, 61-79;
Bolivia, 79-80, 164-65, 170-74, 225, 227, 230, 241, 249, 252;
Brazil, 8, 9, 21, 23;
Chile, 170-74, 178, 179, 205, 208;
Peru, 206, 211, 215, 216, 224-25, 254-58, 370, 372-76;
Uruguay, 30.
Raimondi, 321, 322.
Rainy season, in Bolivia, 84, 87, 138, 240;
Peru, 282.
Recife (Pernambuco), 4-10.
Redwood, California, 242.
Restaurants in South America, 380.
Revolutions, 68, 222.
Rio Bebribe, 7.
Rio de Janeiro, 16-22.
Rio de la Plata, 31, 37, 46, 56, 160.
Rio Piedras, 71.
Riots, 387.
Rivas, Rafael, 109.
River Alto, 240.
Rodadero, 278.
Rodriguez, Dr. J. C., 22.
Romero, Carlos A., 323.
Roosevelt, President, 331.
Root, Elihu, viii, 183.
Rosario, 31, 63.
Roses, 151, 337.
Rowe, Leo S., viii, 183.
Rua Ouvidor, 19.
Rubber, 24.
Ruins, 115, 121, 250, 272, 291, 307, and passim.
Ruis de los Llanos, 70.
Rurrenabaque, 239.
Sacsahuaman, 206, 263, 272-279.
Salta, 72.
Salvia, 290.
Samanez, JosÉ Benigno, 320.
San Antonio, Port, 240.
Sand-dunes, crescent shaped, 215.
Sandstone, 366.
San Geronimo, 258, 329.
San Martin, JosÉ de, 50-52, 155, 200.
San Pedro, 227.
San Sebastian, 258.
Santa FÉ, 66.
Santa Lucia, 181.
Santiago, Chile, 35, 47, 180-196, 386.
Santiago del Estero, 66.
Santo Domingo, Convent of, 258.
Santos, 22-23.
SaÕ Paulo, 21, 23, 25.
Sapallauga, 371.
Saracocha, 224.
Sargantay, Mt., 290, 304, 320.
Sarmiento, 66.
Saropalca, 110.
Sartiges, EugÈne de, 319.
Schaefer, J. Louis, viii.
Schmidt, Emilio, 338-340.
School, Manual Training, 192.
School of Mines in PotosÍ, 130.
Schools, Public, 97, 154.
Schuchert, Prof. Chas., 369.
Scots in South America, 4.
Sea-lions, 175, 202.
Shawl-pins, 294.
Sheep, 37, 75, 137, 161, 334, 364, 366.
Shells, land, 341.
Shepherd, Wm. R., 183.
Sicuani, 255.
Siesta, 326.
Silver. See Mines.
Silversmiths, 147.
Singing of Quichua women, 354.
Skulls, 316.
Skulls, Deformation of, 246, 317.
Slate, 313.
Sleet, 345.
Sling of llama wool, 156.
Smallpox, 210, 214;
in Rio, 18.
Smelters in Bolivia, 112, 115, 124.
Smith, Emilio, 338-340.
Smith, Huntington, Jr., ix, 61, 257.
Smith, U. S. Grant, ix.
Snow, 112, 335, 345, 367.
Snyder, A. G., ix.
Sorata, 239.
Soray, Mt., 304, 320.
Soroche, 113, 143, 165, 376.
Sotomayor, 192.
South Americans, characteristics of, 52;
manners of, 379, 391.
Spain, 53-55.
Spanish Armies, 67, 144, 354.
Spanish in South America, 12, 29, 33, 45-52, 61, 67.
Speyer & Co., 242.
Spindle wheel, 312.
“Spitting,” 383.
Sport, 214.
Squier, E. G., 251, 259, 261, 342.
Stage coach, 83.
Steamers, Atlantic, 3, 6, 10, 17, 26, 29-31, 44;
Chilean, 200-203;
Lake Titicaca, 227;
West Coast, 175-177.
Stewards, Chilean, 176.
Stone, cylindrical blocks of, 311.
Stone-cutting, game of, 278.
Succotash, 347.
Sucre, city of, 108, 112, 133, 142-148, 158, 248.
Sucre, General A. J., 52, 108, 144, 325, 341, 352, 354.
Sugar, 5, 9, 14, 156, 290.
Sugar-cane, 66, 286, 290, 295, 325, 343.
Suipacha, 85.
Sulphur springs, 111, 134.
Sweet potatoes, 302.
Tablachaca, 368.
Tacna, 187, 206-209, 330.
Talavera, 330, 334.
Talcahuano, 178.
Tambillo, 346.
Tambo River, 215.
Tambobamba, 318.
Tambos, 99, 149.
Taraco, peninsula of, 226.
Tarija, 86.
Tea, 125.
Tejada, JosÉ Maria de, 319.
Temperature, 98, 113, 143, 178, 366.
Temple, Edmund, 61, 76, 144, 228.
Temple of the Sun, 258.
Tenientes, Indian, 284.
Tennis, 203.
Terraces, 110, 307, 313, 315.
Textiles, 252.
Theatres, 34-35.
Thompson, paymaster, 276.
Tiahuanaco, 228, 249-253.
Ties from Oregon, 225.
Tigre River, 62.
Tin. See Mines.
Tiquina, straits of, 227.
Titicaca, island of, 226, 334.
Titicaca, Lake, 86, 164, 224-227, 249, 310.
Tobacco, 14.
Tombs, ancient, 164, 246, 315.
“Tonquinoise,” 287.
Toropalca, 111.
Totora, 99.
Toys, AyamarÁ, 234;
German, 372.
Trade and commerce, 10, 14, 20, 24-28, 38-39, 46, 127, and passim.
Trade Routes, 49, 60, 73, 93, 239-240, 280.
Trancapata River, 289.
Transportation, difficulties of, 387.
Treasure-seekers, 250, 292, 308, 321.
Tres Cruces, 77.
Tucuman, 66-69, 73.

The Riverside Press
U . S . A


[1] His sudden death in August, 1910, is a very great loss to Chile.

[2] Mr. Thomas Barbour, of the Museum of Comparative ZoÖlogy, Harvard University, tells me these are generally Dasypus vellurosus. Colored plates of many of the interesting AymarÁ toys and textiles can be found in Stubel’s Kultur und Industrie SÜd Amerikanischer VÖlker.

[3] In Paymaster Thompson’s report of his visit to Easter Island, he gives drawings and photographs of walls that bear a striking resemblance to Sacsahuaman. There is the same peculiar close fitting of one stone to another, the same striking size of the stones and lack of cement in the joints. See also Cook’s Voyage Around the World in 1772-1775, London, 1777.

[4] E. G. Squier, Peru, p. 503.

[5] Perou et Bolivie, pp. 293-5.

[6] Raimondi, Peru, vol. ii, p. 161.

[7] “On some Land Shells Collected by Dr. Hiram Bingham, in Peru”; Proceedings of the U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxviii. 177-182. The shells “comprised various species and varieties of Bulimulus and a single species of Clausilia.” The latter was described by Dr. H. A. Pilsbry.

Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
It it to be hoped=> It is to be hoped {pg 76}
the sevententh century=> the seventeenth century {pg 121}
When the Antogafasta=> When the Antofagasta {pg 171}
late Bartolome MitrÉ=> late Bartolome Mitre {pg 191}
port been devasted by earthquakes=> port been devastated by earthquakes {pg 206}
More deaths occuring=> More deaths occurring {pg 214}
Futhermore, they were=> Furthermore, they were {pg 278}
surmouted an exceedingly bleak plateau=> surmounted an exceedingly bleak plateau {pg 335}
in this vicintiy=> in this vicinity {pg 369}


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