The pollywogg iz created bi the sides ov the road, out ov thick water, and spends hiz infancy in pollywogging. After he haz got through pollywogging he makes up hiz mind that this world want made for pollywogs and “nothing venture nothing have,” and then he turns hiz attenshun tew bigger things. He looks out upon life with the eye ov wisdum, and studdying the various animals ov creashun, he cums tew the konklusion that the best thing he kan do iz tew bekum a frog. This iz the way that frogs fust cum tew be made, and pollywoggs tew be lost. The pollywogg now leaves the water and spends a part ov hiz summers upon land. He haz tew fite hiz way through life, and generally goes on the jump. Being better at diving than he iz at dodgeing, he often 138 runs hiz hed aginst sticks and stuns that the boys throw at him, but hiz two mortal enemys are the frenchman and the striped snaik. The frenchman iz satisfied with hiz hind leggs, but the snaik swallows him whole. I have seen sum good time made by the frog, and the snake, the snake after the frog, and the frog after dear life. If the frog kan only reach a tree, and klimb it, he iz safe, for a snake kant travel a tree. I don’t kno az the pollywogg gains ennything by swopping himself oph for a frog, unless it iz experience, but i never hav bin able to diskover much ov enny happiness in experience. If experience ever made a man happy, i should hav happiness to sell, for I am one ov them happy phellows who never found ennything (not even the bite ov a lobster) only through the kindness of experience. |