Josh Billings being duly sworn, testifys az follers: Eight wont go into 6 and hav mutch ov enny thing left over. Menny a yung fellow haz found out this sum in arithmeticks 384 bi trieing tew git a number 8 foot into a number 6 boot. Virteu, in one respekt, iz like munny. That which we hav tew work the hardesst for sticks tew us the best. Men ov phew but aktive branes hav the best exekutive abilitys. Their branes are like a bullit—compakt, and go strate for the bull’s eye. Affektashun never improved enny boddy yet. It iz better tew be a devil than a hypokritt. I hav often herd thare waz men who knew more than they could tell, but i never met one. I hav often met thoze who could tell a grate deal more than they did kno, and waz willing tew sware to it besides. To be proof agin flattery, a man must hav no vanity, and such a man never existed; if he did, he iz now one ov the lost arts. Hope haz made a grate menny blunders, but thare iz one thing about her that i alwus did like—she means well. Sum people are good simply bekauze they are too lazy tew be wicked, and others, bekauze they hant got a good chance. Thare iz one thing that i am not only certain, but proud ov—thare iz more people in this world who hav changed from bad to good, than from good to bad. In munny, interest phollows the principal; in morals, principle often phollows the interest. 385Yu will notis one thing—the devil seldum offers tew go into partnership with a bizzy man, but yu will often see him offer tew jine the lazy man, and furnish all the kapital. Curiosity had twins—one waz Invenshun and the other waz Stick Yure Noze Into Things. Love iz about the only pashun ov the heart, that i kan think ov now, that never makes enny mistakes that she kan be held accountable for. If you waz a going tew try pure love for a crime, what court would yu take her before? I look upon the North Pole az one ov them spots, if taint never found, we shant be none ov the wuss off, and, if it iz found, we shant be none ov the better off. I dont kno, after all, but it iz jist about az well tew git abuv yure bizzness as it iz tew hav yure bizzness git abuv yu. “In time ov peace prepare for war.” This iz the way sum familys liv all the time. Whenever yu hear a man who alwus wants tew “bet hiz bottom dollar,” yu kan make up yure mind that that iz the size ov hiz pile. The devil iz the only individual on reckord who iz sed not tew possess a single virtew. Thare iz nothing that a man will git so sik ov az too mutch mollassis. The vices which a man kontrakts in hiz youth, however mutch he may shake them oph, will often call on him thru life, and seek tew renew hiz acquaintance. Prudery iz often like the chesnutt burr. It seems az tho it never would open, but by and by it duz, and lets the fruit drop out. Every man haz hiz phollys, but thare iz this difference—in the poor man, they look like crimes, while, in the ritch man, they only appear tew be exsentricitys. Old age inkreases us in wisdom, and also in rumatism. I kno lots ov pholks who are pius jist bekauze they waz born so. They kant tell when they got religion, and, if they should looze it, they wouldn’t kno it. We never outgro our phollys—we only alter them. 386Thare iz this difference between charity and a gift—charity cums from the heart; a gift, from the pocket. Coquets are generally too silly to be very wicked. Thare iz full az menny pholks in this world who hav bin ruined bi kindness az thare iz who hav bin injured bi kruelty. When fortune pipes, we must dance. It aint alwus that she iz in tune. I think the honesty ov men iz oftner the effekt ov policy than principle. Thare iz only one kind ov folks who kan keep a sekret good, and they never take enny tew keep. The man who iz wicked enuff tew be dreaded iz a safer man in community than the one who iz just virtewous enuff not to be suspekted. Flattery iz the wust kind of lieing. Hypockrasy iz alwus humble. Gravity don’t prove enny thing. If a man iz really wise, he dont need it, and, if he aint wize, he shouldn’t hav it. It iz jist az natral tew be born poor az it iz tew be born naked, and it iz no more disgrace. Thare iz no excuse whatever for the insolence ov wealth; thare may possibly be for the insolence ov poverty. Dont forget one thing, mi boy—that when five men kall yu a suckcess, and one man kalls yu a failure, that the one man’s testimony iz what fetches the jury. Lazyness iz the fust law ov natur; self-prezervashun iz the seckond. Yu kant konvert sinners bi preaching the gospel tew them at haff price. Enny sinner who iz anxious tew git hiz religion in that way, iz satisfied with a poor artikle. |