Fastidiousness iz merely the ignorance ov propriety. I hav saw people who had rather die and be buried than say bull. They wouldn’t hesitate tew say male cow. 43 If the thoughts are pure and the language iz chaste, it will do tew say almoste ennything. ESSAYS ON WHAT NOT FASTIDIOUSNESS. The young lady who, a fu years ago, refused tew walk akrost a potato field, bekauze the potatoze had eyes, ran away from home, soon afterwards, with a jewelry pedlar. Fastidiousness, az a general thing iz a holyday virtew, and i hav frequently notissed that thoze individuals who are alwus afrade they shal cum akrost sumthing hily improper, are generally looking for it. Fastidiousness and delikasy are often konfounded, but thare iz this difference—the truly delikate aint afrade tew take holt ov things that they are willing tew touch at all with their naked hands, while the fastidious are willing tew take holt ov enny thing with gloves on. Delikasy iz the coquetry ov truth; fastidiousness iz the prudery ov falsehood. |