Josh Billings' Farmer's Allminax, 1870-1879





title page

Copyright, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, by

Copyright, 1902, by WM. H. DUFF



zodiac signs


Tew kno exackly whare the sighn iz, multiply the day ov the month bi the sighn, then find a dividend that will go into a divider four times without enny remains, subtrakt this from the sighn, add the fust quoshunt tew the last divider, then multiply the whole ov the man's boddy bi all the sighns, and the result will be jist what yu are looking after.


Amazi begot Hezaki, Hezaki begot Eldad, Eldad begot Behomath, Behomath begot Zepheniah (Zepheniah waz a conumdrum maker, sum ov which hav been handed down down), Zepheniah begot Ezekiel, Ezekiel begot Issacher (Issaker waz a bad speller, which haz bin handed down too), Issaker begot Nehemiah, Nehemiah begot Methuseler, Methuseler begot Nabob (Nabob waz a snob), Nabob begot Jerrymiah, and Jerrymiah begot Absolum Billings (who is admitted bi every boddy who remembers him tew be the most humblyest looking man in the 9th Century). Absolum begot Josh, and so they kept bizzy begotting.

After the Billings family once struck the front name, Josh, they clung tew it. I find over 6 hundred ov that name extant, besides a grate menny who haz bekum extanted.

The Billings hav bin a helthy old breed az fur back az i have dug for them, which they owe principally tew a milk diet. It iz sed that Behomath Billings, one ov our pristines, could drean a cow perfektly dry at one sitting. If this iz so, it helps explain the great amount ov milk in the Billings natur.

I dont find enny old bachelors, nor old maids, amung our ansesstors, inkrease and multiply haz alwus bin the battle cry of the Billings.



Josh Billings' Farmers' Allminax


"We seldum notis the current Amerikan literature ov the day, but the Billings Allminax, soon tew be issued by Carleton, is a work for the mothers of the Amerikan Union."—London Times, June 6th, 1869.

"Josh Billings' Farmers' Allminax iz az phull ov gems az a diamond neklace, az phull of knowledge az Webster's Spellin Book, and az phull of cooking and cures az a parson's wife."—London Atheneum, May 31st, 1869.

"The virtewous thoughts in Josh's Allminax iz gin cocktails for the idle, and brandy straights for the viscious."—Atlantik Semi-Monthly, May 3d, 1869.

"The Billings' Allminax will prove a rare acquisition tew Amerikan literature; the astronomikal calculashuns are unique, the language elegant, the moral perfekt, the sentiments just, and the whole thing extremely bully."—Boston Ledger, May 1st, 1869.

"In theze daze of tawdry novels, imbecile poetry, and florid historys, it iz charming tew take up such a brilliant thing az Josh Billings' Farmers' Allminax, whare philosophy and sentiment frolik together, and whare wit sits in state, with one arm around the waist ov morality."—Omaha Patriot, July 4th, 1869.


This month waz named after one Janus, a sharp sighted old chap, with a face like a pikaxe, so that he could look both ways at once, back onto the old year, and forward onto the new one. At the latter part ov his life he died of a thaw, leaving a snug little property, sum six or seven hundred dollars, which akordin tew one ov the bye-laws ov hiz will, waz invested in tin back thermometors, and distributed amung the suffering poor ov his native village, az mementoze ov Janus.


Tew find the square root ov a hog's noze, turn him into a gardin patch.

Tew enjoy a good reputashun, giv publickly, and steal privately.

Tew remove grease from a man's karakter, let him strike sum sudden ile.

Tew giv oysters an extra good relish, eat them at sumboddy else's expense.

Tew git wrong things out ov yure child's head,—comb it often.

rattlesnake sticking out of hole

I never argy agin a suckcess, when i see a rattlesnaixs hed sticking out ov a whole, i bear off to the left, and say to miself—that hole belongs to that snaix.=

Josh Billings

cider barrels

Cider may be a good temprance beverage, but i hav seen folks git so drunk on it, that they couldn't tell one ov the 10 commandments from a bye law or a base bawl klub.=

Josh Billings

Q.–What iz an old bachelor?
A.–The hero ov a cot bedstead.

He who bi farmin would git ritch,
Must plough, and so, and dig, and sich,
Work hard all day, sleep hard all nite,
Save every cent, and not git tite.

almanac January 1870


This month haz but 28 days, the extreme kold weather that prevails haz puckered up the month. Once in four years thare iz a big melt and then the month swells, and haz 29 days. This month iz looked upon az unpleasant, and it iz unpleasant for digging out woodchucks, but for setting in front of the fire, and skinning apples, and snapping the seeds at the galls, it kant be beat. The name ov this month is derived from an old Chinese word (now lost) which means condem kold.


In buying roast beef, dont forgit, that roast beef, tew be bully, must be tuff.

Be kerful how yu soke yure makrel, too mutch sokeing, takes the wear out ov them.

In selekting a yung goose for yure table, dont forgit tew remember, that the longer a goose has lived in this world, the more experience he will hav, when he cums tew be chawed.

Keep a cow, and then the milk wont hav tew be watered but once.

Q.–What iz the best kure for lazyness?
A.–Milking a cow on the run, and living on the milk.

Bring out yure bran nu cutter,
And git yure galls consent,
Then hitch up Dobbin, or sum other kruttur,
And let the animile went.

almanac February 1870


This month derives her pedigree from the Danish verb "Whizz," which means to blow, to wheeze, to snort, to pitch in endways, and crossways, to shake winder blinds, to smash barn doors, to skare pigs, to brake clothes lines, to make men sware, and wimmin balky. March iz principally immense for wind, but whare it all cums from, and whare it all goes to, are prize conumdrums which i kant untangle Dogs kreated this month invariably hav the bark on.


Rathbun's "Old oaken bucket washing masheen." For washing, bleaching, bileing, wringing, starching, blueing, hanging out, drieing, ironing, marking, fluting, and folding clothes, this lovely masheen haz no competitor in the male, or femail world. This iz the only masheen in the western hemisphear, that takes the inside cloth oph from a man's back on the keen jump, and puts it back agin, in 15 minnitts, washed, dried, ironed, starched, the buttons sowed on, and the collar turned down. Ask for Rathbun's Old oaken bucket washing masheen, and keep asking till yu git it, and when yu hav got it, hug it tew yure buzzum.

Q.–Will yu pleaze to define suicide?
A.–Suicide iz cheating the doktors out ov a job.

Mend fences now, and diches dig, Lay in some cow, and little pig, For milk, and pork, Iz what enables a man tew do a good square day's work.

almanac March 1870


"April, dear April, chuck full ov charms, Cum, cum, oh cum, tew mi arms,"

thus warbled the poet, more than twelve thousand years ago, and he knew his bizz, he had the right sting in him, he want none ov yure pedigree poets, nor dispepshee poets, nor whiskee poets.

Dandylions planted this month are almost sure tew hed out, so are tud stools, so are hed cheeze. This month iz also helthy for planting onions, onions are a luxury, and are good for a bad breth, or are bad for a good breth, i hav forgot which, but either way iz right.


☛ In fishing for musketoze dont wait for them tew bite the seckond time.

☛ The best bait for bed bugs, iz tew sleep three in a bed.

☛ The best mark for target praktiss iz an old maskuline goose, one goose will last yu for five years shooting, and when he finally gits struck with lightning, and begins tew perish, yu kan melt him up, and git out the lead.

☛ The best kind ov a spear, for bullfrogging, iz a four tined dung fork, when you git the tines all full, shoulder the fork, and put for home.

Q.–How long kan a goose stand on one leg?
A.–Try it,—that's the way the goose found out.

Jethro Sparks cum tew town, Athwart a kussid mule, He wound hiz ears around hiz nek, And called him April Phule.

almanac April 1870


May iz the belle ov the year, she haz worn the belt for five thousand years. If May hadn't hav been a sensible girl, she would hav bin spilte long ago with poetry and stanzy. But she is an independant kritter, and dont care one kuss for stanzy. This iz an eazy month tew fall in love, our naturs are now fully thawd out, after the late kold snap, and like a little melted brook, begin tew look around, tew find another little melted brook tew mix with. Oh! how precious and delightsum it iz to mix. Hive bees during this month, if yu hav got sum, if not, hive sumboddy else's.


Feb. 1st. To Ambrose Griddle, Esq., a pattent for a hen's egg, which beats the natral egg for awl purposes, except, cooking, hatching, and eating.

April 13th. To Ezra Push, Jun., a pattent for a one wheeled velosipede. This wise instrumentality haz two handles tew it, and iz purswaded by taken hold ov the handles, and walking between them with a shove moshun. If it wasn't a velosipede, it would be an old fashioned wheelbarrow.

March 10th. To David Gibson, for a pattent goose yoke. These yokes are packed in cotton wool, and sent bi express all over the face ov the earth, they are sudden tew yoke a goose with, and no goose should be without one.

dog pulled along on lead

I thank the Lord that thare iz one thing in this world that money kant buy, and that iz,—the wag ov a dogs tail.=

Yure Unkle, Josh Billings

chained bull

The infidel argys just az a Bull duz chained to a post, he bellows, and paws, but he don't git loose from the post i notiss.=

Not mutch, Josh Billings

Q.–What will yu compare old maids to?
A.–Embers on the harth, from which the sparks have fled.

The Rooster now with burstin thrut, Proklaims the rozy morn, And cacklin hens are telling us, Another egg is born.

almanac May 1870


June iz twin sister tew May, lacking a month. She iz named after Juno, the spouze ov Jupiter, and she waz a stirring woman. June iz the mother of rozes and milk. June iz the stepmother of good gras butter, she iz also grate granmother ov Bakon and Spinnage. June iz a praktikal gusher, and i love tew stand one side, and let her gush,—i hav made it a rule never tew git in the way ov a gush ov enny kind,—i say tew everything, gush! oh, gush!


To make a cheap soup, take 5 drops ov good strong onion juice, add 2 gall's ov water, bile 10 minnitts karefully, and seazon with a couple ov phatt cockroches.

To make a hoe kake, take a hoe and bile it tew a thin jell, and then,—let her kake

Tew skin a Eel, turn him inside out, and remove the meat with a Jack plane

Tew make a hen lay 2 eggs a day, reazon with her; if that dont dew, threaten to chastize her if she dont.

Tew learn yure offspring to steal, make them beg hard for all that yu giv them.

Q.–Whi are robbers like rain?
A.–Bekauze they fall on the just and the unjust.

Now bate yure hook, and find a brook,
Where water runs the fasstest,
Thare lays the trout, jist jerk him out,
And chuck him in yure basket.

almanac June 1870


July iz the sixth month, which ackounts for its being so near the middle ov the year. It derives its name from "Julos" a hot old phellow, who settled near the equator, at an early day, and kept every boddy in hiz naberhood, in a profound swett. July haz menny features ov interest, the principle one ov which, iz, the payment ov semi-annual interest, by most ov the banks, on the fust day ov the month, upon their principal. This iz a fine old custom, and i hope it will be kept up, for i own a leetle bank stock, and take sum interest in the principle.


"Rogers grate western hoss rake."

John Rogers revolving, expanding, uncerimonius, self-adjusting, self-contrakting, self-sharpening, self-greasing, and self-righteous Hoss Rake, iz now, and forever, offered tew a generous publik. Theze rakes are az eazy tew keep in repair az a hitching post, and will rake up a paper ov pins, sowed broad kast, in a ten aker lot ov wheat stubble. Theze rakes kan be used in the winter for a hen roost, or be sawed up into stove wood for the kitchen fire. No farmer, ov good moral karakter, should be without this rake, not even if he haz to steal one.

Q.–Whare do the vain go tew when they die?
A.–The barbers shop.

Young man!–let hornets be, and dont go nigh
The pizen snaik tew mutch.
For during the month ov Julii,
They aint helthy tew the tutch.

almanac July 1870


This month, for sum reazon, haz got a hot way ov doing things. Awl natur unties her corsets and loafs bi the side ov brooks, with stockingless feet, tew ketch the cool words ov singing waters, and watch the bubles ov sweet, that rize on the noze ov the green frog, az they set down on themselfs, on the moss upholstered stones.

Butter spreads itself freely during this month. Snakes slip eazy, and Cupid crawls behind the shadder ov a dieing roze, and shutes hiz gun at the galls, and boys.


Tew milk a kicking cow, stand oph about 10 foot, and holler "So I darn you."

Tew make light bread, do az the bakers do,—call 9 ounces a pound.

Tew make oxtale soup, bile an ox in a pot, and let the caudel continuation hang over the edge ov the pot and drip.

Tew git at the solid kontents ov yure wife's tongue, be verry sweet with the new skool mom in yure distrikt.

Tew break a mule—commence at his head.

Q.–What iz the capacity ov an omnibus?
A.–The same az a grave yard, it takes all that cums.

Now chop doun oats.
And hew doun barley,
Rize with the sun,
And go tew bed arly.

almanac August 1870


September iz named after "Septus" which thrashed out into Amerikan, means seven. I wouldn't take 500 dollars for the latin i know, and i don't kno mutch nuther. Sept. iz a lakadaisikal month, mello az the dekayed side of a punkin, and as sensitive az a boarding school miss, during her fust quarter in french. Natur makes her will this month—hogs root violently—birds hold convenshuns, and adjourn down south—tree toads boost each other up trees and warble sum anthems—katydids chew musick and spit it out freely, and bull frogs post their books.


In shooting at a deer that looks like a calf, always aim so az tew miss it if it iz a calf, and to hit it if it iz a deer.

In fishing for krabs, use yure fingers for bait, yu kan feel them when they fust bite.

Dont fire at a bumble bee on the wing, not till he settles, then take good aim, and knok him endways.

In bobbing for Eels, use a raw potato, yu may not bag much Eels, but yu kan bag a bob, that yu kan hand down tew yure ancestors untarnished.

man combing mustash

Thare are but fu sights in this life, more sublime, and pathetick than to see a poor, but virtiuous yung man, struggling—with a mustash.=

It iz thus, Josh Billings.

man at signpost

I hav seen men so fond ov argument, that they would dispute with a guide board, at the forks ov a kuntry road, about the distance to the next town.=

What fools, Josh Billings

Q.–How fast duz sound travel?
A.–The sound ov a dinner horn travels one mile in a seckond.

This month pull flax,
And teeth that ake.
Lay in bees wax,
And emptins kake.

almanac September 1870


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