A butcher and cattle dealer had a dog which he usually took with him when he drove cattle to market at a town some nine miles distant from his home, to be sold. The dog was very clever at managing the cattle. At last, so sure was the master of the wisdom and faithfulness of his dog, that he made a wager that he would trust him with a certain number of sheep and oxen, and let him drive them to the market all by himself. It was agreed that no person should be within sight or hearing—at least no one who had any control over the dog; nor was anybody to interfere or be within a quarter of a mile. On the day of the trial, the dog went about his business in the most skilful and knowing manner; and although he had often to drive his charge through the herds that were grazing, yet he never lost one, but conducting them into the very yard to which he was wont to drive them when with his master, he delivered them up to the person appointed to receive them. What more particularly marked the dog's sagacity was, that, when the path the herd travelled lay through a spot where others were grazing, he would run forward, stop his own drove, and then |