A | Amusing Mimic, An | 24 | Animal Concerts | 5 | Are Beasts mere Machines? | 182 | Asking Assistance | 166 | Ass Castaway, An | 184 | B | Bear and Child, The | 18 | Bear Cubs, The | 162 | Broken Heart, The | 60 | C | Carrier's Dog, A | 160 | Cat and the Crows, The | 30 | Catcher Caught, The | 154 | Charitable Canary, A | 148 | Child Saved, A | 190 | Choosing the Least of Two Evils | 150 | Clever Crow, A | 20 | Comedy of Elephants, A | 64 | Crab Fishing | 86 | Cunning as a Fox | 66 | D | Death of Antiochus Revenged, The | 78 | Deceiving the Fowler | 164 | Dinner Bell, The | 118 | Division of Labor | 144 | Dog and the Goose, The | 76 | Dog of Montargis, The | 84 | Dog Sheep-stealer, A | 40 | Dog Smugglers | 168 | Dolphin, The | 50 | Drawing Water | 58 | E | Elephant's Revenge, An | 104 | Elephant Rope Dancing | 72 | Escape of Jengis Khan | 178 | F | Faithful Companion, A | 70 | Faithful, Though Unloved | 68 | Faithful unto Death | 112 | False Alarm, A | 188 | Filial Duty | 38 | Foraging | 120 | Fox Chasing | 94 | G | Goat, The | 92 | Going to Market | 152 | Good Finder, A | 52 | Grateful Lioness, A | 10 | Grateful Return, A | 138 | H | Heroism of an Irish Hen | 32 | Honors to the Living and the Dead |
|   |