SOME OPTICAL DEFECTS OF THE EYE. More than one reference has been made to the fact that the sense of sight, even in its best normal condition, is characterised by certain defects and anomalies. Some of these arise directly from causes inherent in the design or structure of the eye itself, and may be broadly classified as physical; others are of psychological origin, and result from the erroneous interpretations placed by the mind upon the phenomena presented to it through the medium of the optic nerve and the brain. Among the numerous physical defects Without going into matters which are dealt with in every elementary text book of optics or general physics, it may be desirable to explain shortly what is meant by the terms chromatic aberration, and achromatism. Fig. 11.—Refraction of monochromatic Light by a lens. Let L L, Fig. 11, represent in section a circular convex lens, and P a luminous point, which is most conveniently supposed to be situated on the axis of the lens. Imagine P to be surrounded in the first instance by a glass shade which Suppose now that we substitute for the red glass, surrounding the source of light, a purple one capable of transmitting not only red rays but violet as well. The lens will cause both the red and the violet rays which pass through it to converge; but since the violet rays are more refrangible—more easily refracted or bent aside out of their straight course—than the red, there will now be two double cones, as shown in Fig. 12, where the contours of the red cones are represented by solid lines and those of the violet by dots. Fig. 12.—Refraction of dichromatic Light. The focus of the red rays will as before be at F, but that of the violet will be nearer to the lens, as at H, and this being so, it is evident that a well defined image of the purple source of light cannot possibly be formed upon a screen placed anywhere behind the lens. Held in the position indicated by the line C C, where it passes through the focus of the red rays, the screen cuts one of the cones of violet light, and the image at F will appear to be surrounded by a violet halo. Held at A A, the If rays of every possible refrangibility are allowed to fall upon the lens, as is the case when the source of light is not shielded by any coloured glass, there will be formed an indefinite number of pairs of cones, the apices of which will lie along the straight line joining H and F. It is clear that all these cones cannot possibly intersect in a single plane, and For these reasons a single glass lens cannot, except with homogeneous light, be made to give a perfectly distinct image of a luminous point, nor of an illuminated object, the surface of which may be regarded as an assemblage of points. Such a lens, therefore, is never employed when good definition is required. The confusion resulting from the unequal refrangibility of the differently In connection with this matter, the history of physical optics contains an interesting little episode. It occurred to Sir Isaac Newton that although a single lens could never be free from chromatic aberration, yet it might be possible to arrange a so-called achromatic combination of lenses in such a manner as to overcome the defect and bring all the rays issuing from a point, whatever their refrangibility, to one focus. Experiments which he undertook for the purpose of testing the matter led him to form the conclusion that such a result could never be attained, the amount of colour dispersion in all substances being, as he stated, always exactly proportional to that of refraction. For this reason he Nevertheless from time to time certain philosophers ventured to surmise that Newton might perhaps have been mistaken, and the curious thing is that they all based their scepticism upon what they considered the self-evident fact of the achromatism of the eye. The system of lenses in the eye, they argued, being unquestionably achromatic, why should not an equally effective combination be constructed artificially? At length, more than eighty years after Newton had made and published his fundamental experiments, it occurred Having established Newton’s error, Dollond found little difficulty in constructing achromatic lenses of very satisfactory quality; telescopes of his manufacture long enjoyed the highest reputation, and the best optical instruments Those who entertained the opinion that Newton’s conclusion was erroneous were therefore in the right, but it is remarkable that the reason upon which that opinion rested was altogether invalid, for, as I have said, the lenses of the eye are by no means achromatic. Of the many ways in which this can be demonstrated, the following is one of the most impressive. Let a long and narrow spectrum of the electric light be projected upon a white screen, the prisms and lenses being carefully arranged in such a manner as to ensure that the upper and lower edges of the spectrum are clearly defined and strictly parallel. To an observer standing close to the screen, the spectrum will It is a simple matter to counteract the effects of undue convexity by means of a concave lens. If a normal-eyed person, to whom the violet end of the spectrum when seen from a distance appears blurred and widened, will look at it through suitable glasses adapted for short sight, he will at once see it clearly defined and of its proper width. Fig. 13.—Narrow Spectrum as seen from a distance. Let a rectangular patch of white light It is, however, possible to cut off these brighter rays by interposing between the projection lantern and the screen a combination of glasses which has been found by trial with a spectroscope to transmit only dark blue and violet light. The rectangle will then be of a blue-violet colour, and when looked at closely, will still be quite clear and sharply defined, but viewed from a little distance it will appear blurred and of an exaggerated size. Another and perhaps even better way of demonstrating this last effect is to It is well known that ideas of distance are associated with certain colours. A room gives one the impression of being larger when it is papered or painted a blue-violet colour than when its colouring is red. In the former case the walls seem to retire from the spectator, in the latter to approach him. So too a red spot upon a violet ground appears to be distinctly raised above the surface, while a violet These psychological effects are perfectly well marked even with the impure colours met with in ordinary life, but they are naturally more evident when the colours observed are pure, like those of the spectrum. A beautiful example is that presented by the pair of short bright spectra formed upon the screen when a double slit is used shaped like the letter V. The gorgeously coloured V seems to stand out in strong relief like a pair of inclined boards, the nearer edges being red, the farther ones violet. (See Fig. 14.) Fig. 14.—Spectrum formed with V-shaped Slit. In many other ways, and with little or no apparatus, any one may easily convince himself that the different constituents of white light are not equally refracted by the lenses of the eye. Look, for instance, at the incandescent filament of an electric lamp through a piece[7] of common dark blue cobalt glass, which has the property of obstructing the coloured rays corresponding to the middle of the spectrum, while transmitting the red and Again, look at a sunlit landscape or a printed wall poster through a combination of coloured glasses which will transmit only the violet end of the spectrum. You will find yourself for the time terribly short-sighted, everything appearing blurred and indistinct. But if you resort to the usual corrective for myopia, and put on a pair of concave spectacles, your normal vision will be restored; trees and houses will be seen as clearly as the feebleness of the light transmitted by the coloured glasses will permit, and the letters of the poster will become easily legible. The diffusion circles produced by the red rays, when the eye is accommodated (as it commonly is) for the yellow and green, are less conspicuous than those due to the most refrangible rays. Yet Though, as I have said, it is difficult, or even impossible to detect any trace of a coloured border when looking at a bright object for which the eye is accommodated, it is quite easy to bring such borders into prominence if the Fig. 15.—Bezold’s Diagram. Suppose the glass lens to represent the lenses of a gigantic eye (in a definite condition of accommodation) and the screen Now gradually move the lantern slide towards the lens (or the lens towards the slide), thus bringing it too near for distinct vision. This has the effect of enlarging the diffusion circles formed by the less refrangible rays corresponding to the red end of the spectrum, and at the same time of diminishing those formed by the more refrangible rays corresponding to the violet end. The first result is that the circular dark bands become reddish brown, and the spaces between them bluish. As the distance between the lens and the slide These effects are not produced when the lens employed is an achromatic one; with such a lens the diffusion circles are all enlarged or diminished together, and a to-and-fro movement of the lantern slide (or of the lens) merely affects the definition of the image without causing any perceptible dispersion of colour. Now it is noteworthy that the chromatic phenomena exhibited with the uncorrected glass lens are quite well shown by the lenses of the eye. It is only necessary to hold the lantern-slide before a bright background and gradually bring it so close to the eye that the One more experiment may be referred to. Look with one eye at a well-lighted page of print, and with a strip of brown paper, held quite near the eye, cover about half the pupil. The black letters will now appear to be bordered with colour—blue towards the apparent edge of the brown paper, orange on the opposite side. If the letters are white on a black ground, as sometimes happens in the case of advertisements, the colours will be interchanged. The cause of the Thus it is proved beyond all question that the lenses of the eye do not form an achromatic combination. Another peculiarity by which the eye is affected, and which does not occur in optical instruments, is that known as astigmatism. The surface of the cornea, which, with the aqueous humour, forms the outer lens, is not often perfectly spherical; generally it is shaped something like the bowl of a spoon, the curvature being greater vertically than horizontally. Rays issuing from a luminous point do not, after refraction by such a lens, cross at a single focus, but Fig. 16.—Effect of Astigmatism. A very curious result follows from this deformity. If two straight lines are drawn at right angles to each other, as in Fig. 16, it is impossible to see both of them quite clearly at the same time. When the paper is held at a certain short distance from the eye—about eight Fig. 17.—Effect of Astigmatism. But there is a different kind of Irregular astigmatism is commonly demonstrated in the following manner. With the point of a fine needle, prick a very small hole in a sheet of tinfoil. Hold up the tinfoil to the light and look at the hole with one eye, the other being closed. Even at the distance of most distinct vision—ten inches or thereabouts,—there will probably be a ragged appearance about the hole, as if it were not perfectly round. But if you bring the tinfoil an inch or two nearer to the eye, the hole will not seem to be even approximately circular; it will assume Fig. 18.—Star-like Images of luminous Point. If several holes are pricked in the tinfoil, each will of course originate a separate star, and all the stars as seen by the same eye will appear to be figured upon the same model, though Fig. 19.—Sutures of crystalline Lens. There can be no doubt that the stellate form observed in these experiments, as well as that of the stars of heaven themselves (which with perfect vision would be seen simply as luminous points), is a consequence of the singular structure of the crystalline lens of the eye. This does not consist of one uniform homogeneous mass like a glass lens, but of a number of separate portions pieced together radially, as indicated But while it is certain that these radial sutures are in some way closely connected with the luminous rays which appear to proceed from a bright point, it must be confessed that no adequate explanation has yet been given of the precise manner in which the phenomenon is brought about. Ophthalmologists seem to have been contented with vague statements about irregular refraction, The phenomena of irregular astigmatism as exhibited by a normal eye are exceedingly curious, and perhaps I may be allowed to refer briefly to one or two experiments which I have myself made on the subject.[10] Fig. 20.—Multiple Images of a luminous Point. Light from an enclosed electric lamp of twenty-five candle power was admitted through a circular aperture about 1/12inch (2mm.) in diameter perforated in a brass plate; a sheet of ground glass and another of ruby-red glass were placed behind the aperture. When the little disk of monochromatic light thus formed was looked at through a concave lens of eleven inches focal length from a suitable distance—nearly two feet in my own case—it appeared as seven bright round spots upon a less luminous ground. The appearance is represented in a somewhat idealised form in Fig. 20; but the spots were not quite so On gradually increasing the distance each circumferential spot became at first elongated radially and afterwards split up into two circular ones; at the same time new spots were developed upon the luminous ground, the approximate symmetry of the figure being still retained. Fig. 21 represents a certain stage in this process of expansion. The appearance was happily likened by an observer who repeated the experiment to that of a large unripe blackberry. As the distance was still further increased, the spots continued to multiply, ultimately becoming very numerous; their arrangement however soon became Fig. 21.—Increased number of Images. When the hole was looked at from a moderate distance through a narrow slit Fig. 22.—Multiple Images seen through a Slit. By sufficiently increasing the distance Fig. 23.—Images of an electric lamp Filament. I thought that the observations might be rendered easier if the source of light had a more distinctive and conspicuous form than that of a simple circle. Some experiments were therefore made with semi-circular and triangular holes, and these were in some respects preferable; but far better results were afterwards Fig. 24A.—Images with horizontal Slit. Fig. 24B.—Images with vertical Slit. If a spectroscope slit was interposed between the eye and the lens, and its width suitably adjusted, only a single row of filaments was observed, the appearances with the slit in horizontal, vertical, and intermediate positions being as represented in Fig. 24, A, B, C. As before, it was found possible by gradually retiring from the lamp to bring the number of images up to about twenty-five, but attentive examination Fig. 24C.—Images with oblique Slit. It is indeed wonderful that an organ affected by peculiarities of which those that have been referred to are merely specimens, should give such well-defined pictures as it does when accommodated for the objects looked at. |