Abercromby, Gen., 68, 80, 90, 94
Aboukir, 235
Abu Dom, 260
Abu Hamed, 256, 259
Abu Klea, action at, 249-251, 255
Abu Krou, 253
Abu Kussi, 260
Adams, Major Gen., 46
Affleck, Major, 70
Agra, 134, 135, 227
Ahmednugger, 132, 133, 134;
captured, 136
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 1
Ajunta Pass, 137, 138, 148, 149
Akola, 149
Aldborough, 11
Aldershot, 229, 266
Alexandria, 234
Allahabad, 133, 134, 222, 227
Alyghur, 132, 134
Amboor, 82
Ameer Khan, 115
America, War in, 10, 19
Amherstberg, 176, 179
Ancaster, 180, 209
Anstey, Robert, 28
Apthorp, Capt., 261
Arabi Pasha, 233;
his rebellion, 233;
number of men, 235;
surrenders, 238
Arcot, 52, 124
Argaum, 135, 149;
battle of, 150-152
Arikera, 88;
battle of, 89
Armstrong, J. W., 229
Armstrong, Major William, 231
Army, increase of the, 3, 11;
size of letters, 111
Arnee, 31, 72, 78, 80;
battle of, 23;
mutiny at, 51
Arrekeery, 124
Arthur, Lieut. Sir G., 232
Assaye, battle of, 131, 135, 138-144, 154;
village, 137, 140
Asseerghur, 135, 149
Assiout, 263
Assouan, 263
Assyrian Monarch, 234, 236
Athy, 158
Aurungabad, 137, 148, 149
Austria, coalition with France, 2
Avaracoorchi, 69
Aylmer, Lieut., 234
Badajoz, 173
Badges, 113, 156, 217, 246, 264, 266
Baillie, Colonel, 20
Baird, Major Gen. Sir David, 58, 108
Baker, Fort, 241
Baker, Major Gen., 240, 241
Balasore, 133, 135
Baltimore, 214
Bangalore, 82, 94, 107, 266;
captured, 87
Barabuttee, 135
Baramahal, 78
Barclay, Lieut., 238
Baring, Capt. R., 226
Baroda, 126, 133
Barrington, 27;
Sir Jonah, 158;
Mr, 158
Barrow, Major Gen. Lousada, 264
Barrow, Lieut. Col., 241, 242, 243, 247, 249, 253, 254, 319;
death, 264, 309
Barrow, Cornet S. D., 226
Bassein, Treaty of, 129
Bateman, Private Jonas, 30
Bayly, Lieut., 70
Beatson’s Mysore War, extract from, 110, note
Beaver Dam, 182
Beccles, 15
Beckwith, Lieut. John, 24, 28
Bednore, 36, 115
Begum Somroo, 148
Belbeis, 238
Belfast, 231
Belleisle, siege of, 64
Benares, 133, 227
Benedict, 213
Bengal, 1st European Light Cavalry, formation of, 222;
services transferred to the Crown, 223;
the “White Mutiny,” 224;
at Cawnpore, 225;
designated 19th Light Dragoons, 225;
19th Hussars, 226
Berber, 246
Bhagelcottah, 120
Bhonslay, Rajah of Berar, 126, 130, 148;
encamped at Argaum, 149;
defeated, 152;
sues for peace, 153
Bhowani river, 69
Bickerton, Vice-Adm. Sir R., 29, 36
Biddulph, Lieut. J., 226
Birti, 257
Bisshopp, Lieut. Col., 183
Bissolee Pass, 124
Black Rock, Fort, 183;
occupied, 186
Bladensberg, 213
Blagrove, Lieut., 232
Blairfindie, 217
Boerstler, Col., 182
Bokerdun, 137
Bombay, 30, 227, 266
Boscawen, 4
Boseley, Private, 243
Boulderson, Cornet J., 226
Bourquien, 135
Bowser, Lieut. Col., 118
Bowyer, Fort, 215
Boyd, 104, note;
Gen., 190, 191
Boyle, Capt., 144
Brackenbury, Col. H., 259
Braddock, his expedition to New England, 2
Brady, Sergeant, 162, 167
Brandywine, 64
Brathwaite, Col., 31, 100
Brest, blockade of, 4
Bridgenorth, 14
Brighton, 228
British troops, position of on the Niagara frontier, 195
Broach, 134
Brock, Major Gen., 176, 177;
death, 178
Bromley, 15
Brook, Col., 214
Brooke, Capt., 203
Brooks, Major J. H., 226
Broughton, Lieut. Col., 133
Brown, Gen, 190, 197, 208;
Geo., 8
Bruce, Major Gen., 41, 46, 49
Brunswick, Prince Ferdinand of, 4
Buchanan, Private, 85
Budnapore, 137
Buffalo, 179;
taken, 186
Bulger, Lieut., 195
Buller, Major Gen. Sir Redvers, 255, 256
Bullum, Rajah of, 123
Bundelcund, 132, 134
Bungay, 15
Bunker’s Hill, 64
Burgoyne, Col. Sir John, in command of the 23rd Regiment of Light Dragoons, 23, 24, 29;
Orders and Instructions, 25-27;
on the treatment of his regiment, 42;
Commander-in-Chiefship conferred, 43;
refuses to accept, 44;
difficulties of his position, 45-48;
interview with Lord Macartney, 49;
assumes command, 50;
arrest, 51;
court-martial, 54;
acquitted, 56;
his death, 57
Burhanpore, 131, 135, 148
Burlington Heights, 181, 184, 196
Bury St Edmunds, 31
Buswapore, 121
Cabul, 102
Cairo, 238
Calicut, 80
Calpee, 135
Calvert, Harry, 113, 156, 217
Cambay, Bay of, 125
Campbell, Major Gen. Alan, 46, 51
Campbell, Sir Archibald, inspection of the 19th Light Dragoons, 64
Campbell, Capt. Lieut. John, 24, 28
Campbell, Lieut. Col, 133
Canara, 124
Caniembadi, 88, 90
Cannanore, 107
Capper, Lieut. Col., 120
Capsah, 135
Cathcart, Capt., 144
Cauveripatam, 78
Cauvery river, 79, 88, 95, 97, 109
Cawnpore, 133, 227
Ceres, 29
Chambly, 215
Champaneer, 135
Champlain Lake, 178, 188, 195
Chandler, Gen., 182
Changama Pass, 72, 82
Chapman, Lieut. A. H., 226
Charlotte, Queen, her funeral, 218
Chateaugay river, 188;
battle, 188
Chatham, 11
Chazy, 211
Cherbourg, 4
Cheyloor, 123
Chicago, 194
Child, Lieut., W. G., 24, 28;
Capt., uniform, 62-64;
under orders, 67;
casualties, 76, 86, 90, 144, 152, 205;
remounted, 92;
return to Trichinopoly, 100, 112;
badges granted, 113, 155, 216;
expedition against Dhoondia Wao, 117;
at Cheyloor, 123;
the battle of Assaye, 142;
conspicuous gallantry, 146;
honorary colours granted, 147;
battle of Argaum, 150;
march against banditti, 154;
encamped at Panwell, 155;
return to England, 168, 171, 218;
approbation of their services, 169-171;
in Ireland, 172, 218;
ordered to Canada, 173;
equipped as lancers, 218;
disbanded, 219
Drogheda, Earl of, 5
Drummond, Lieut. Gen., 185, 195;
his attack on Oswego, 196;
at Toronto, 200;
Lundy’s Lane, 201-205;
wounded, 205;
blockade of Fort Erie, 206-208
Drummond, Lieut. Col., 207
Dublin, 172
Dudrenec, 132
Dufferin, Lady, 238
Dummul, 119
Earle, Major Gen. W., 248, 256;
death, 258
East India Company, condition of the European forces, 20;
want of cavalry, 21;
jealousy of the King’s Officers, 37;
raises European cavalry regiments, 221;
cease to exist, 223
Egypt, Khedive of, deposed, 233
El Kooa, 257
El Magfar, 235
El Teb, battle of, 241-244
Ellice, Capt. H. E., 226
Ellichpore, 152
Elliott, Sir John, 60
Ellore, 53
Emsdorf, battle of, 60
England, condition of, in 1779, 10;
in 1781, 19
Epsom, 15
Eratoor, 95
Erie, Fort, 177, 179, 186, 197;
evacuated, 181;
assault on, 206-208;
Lake, 175, 177;
naval action on, 180
Erode, 71, 72, 77
Es Salihiyeh, 237
Euphrates, 266
Europe, state of affairs in 1756, 1;
peace in, 36
Eustace, Capt., 207, 208, 209
Ewell, 15
Eyre, Thomas, 28
Fairbrother, Capt. C. M. S., 226
Fairlie, Lieut. C. H., 226
Fancourt, Col., 161
Fatt, Sergeant James, 244
Fawcett, Lieut. Gen., 18
Fenton, Sergeant, 243
Fenwick, Col., 133
Ferguson, Lieut. Col., 133
Finglass, Capt., 104, note
Fitzgibbon, Lieut., 182
Fitz-Patrick, R., 17
Floyd, Lieut. Col. John, 24, 28, 29, 46, 49, 94, 98, 100, 106;
his birth, 60;
commission in the 15th Light Dragoons, 60;
appointed Major of the 21st and Lieut. Col. of the 23rd, 61;
his advance on Coimbatore, 69;
takes the Fort of Satyamunglum, 71;
retreat, 74;
reaches Velladi, 76;
casualties, 76;
reconnoissance, 84;
wounded, 85;
on the attack at Seringapatam, 96;
charge at Mallavelly, 108;
sails for England, 114;
appointed Colonel of the 26th Light Dragoons, 114;
death, 114
Forbes, Lieut. Col., 163
Fortnam, Cornet John, 90
Forty-mile Creek, 182
Four Mile Creek, 183
France, coalition with Austria, 2;
declares war against England, 10, 99
Freeman, Capt., 242
Fremantle, Major Gen., 261
French, Major, 250, 255, 256
French Mills, 191
Frenchtown, 179
Fullarton, Col., 36, 82
Fullerton, Cornet John, 24
Gaekwar of Baroda, 126
Gaines, Gen., 207
Ganjam, 133, 134
Gardner, Private Joseph, 30
Gawilghur, 135, 148, 149, 152
Geelong, 265
George II., his death, 9
George IV., his review of the regiments, 218
George, Fort, 33, 177, 179, 183, 197, 199;
evacuated, 181;
re-occupied, 185
Ghent, Treaty of Peace signed at, 215
Ghuffoor Khan, 115
Gibbs, Major Gen., 215
Gibraltar, siege of, 19
Gillespie, Lieut. Col. R. R., 157;
his career, 158;
treatment of the Vellore mutiny, 163-166;
death, 167
Gladwin, Lieut., 183
Godavery, 133, 137, 154
Gokauk, 120
Gordon, Col., 42, 186, 240, 246
Gough, Capt. H. H., 226
Gowdie, Major, 84, 86
Graham, Major Gen., 236, 240, 244, 245, 261, 308
Grand River, 210
Grant, Lieut. Alex., 146
Grant, Major Gen. Sir Hope, 222
Grant Duff’s History of the Mahrattas, extracts from, 142, 146
Grenadier Island, 188, 189
Guadaloupe captured, 4
Gubat, 254;
evacuated, 255
Gudduck, 119
Guiche, Comte de, 29
Guidons, 231, 232
Gunjicotta, 92
Guns, galloper, 105
Gurramconda, 94
Gutpurba river, 120
Guzerat, 133, 134
Guzulhutti Pass, 68, 70, 71, 72
Gwalior, 136, 152, 153
Hale, Cornet, 98
Halesworth, 15
Hall, Gen., 186
Hall, Lieut. Gen. John, 227, 228
Hamdab, 256
Hamdoob, 261
Hamley, Lieut. Gen. Sir E., 236
Hampton, Gen, 188
Handcock, Major, 195
Hanford-Flood, Major, 243, 256
Hanoor, 120
Hanover, 3
Harcourt, Lieut. Col., 133, 135
Harding, Cornet F. D., 226
en, Major du, 182
Hari Punt, 81, 91, 94
Harris, Gen., 89, 106, 107, 109;
on the Cavalry Division, 112;
raised to the peerage, 113
Harrison, Gen., 179
Hartley, Col., 68, 72, 78, 80
Harvey, Col., 182
Hasheem, 261, 262
Hassan, 124
Hastings, Warren, 37, 40
Havre, 4
Hawke, blockades Brest, 4;
destroys a French fleet, 4
Hearsey, Lieut. A., 226
Hebbeh, 259
Helena, St, 171
Helouan, 238
Hessing, 129
Hicks, Major Gen., 240
Hill, Capt. Sir J., 226
Hilton, Robert, 28
Hinde, Lieut. T. J. V., 24, 28
Holkar, 126, 128;
hostilities against Scindia, 129;
alliance, 130
Holland, Lieut., 232, 237
Holland, declaration of war in 1781, 14
Honorary Colours for Assaye, 147, 231
Hoobli, 120
Hooli, 120
Hooliadroog, 92, 95
Hoonagoonda, 121
Horsefall, John, 28
Horsham, 15
Horton, Lieut., 197, 199
Horwood, Sergeant, 255
Hounslow, 218, 230, 265, 266
Howe, Lord, 4;
Lieut. Gen. the Hon. Sir W., 156;
appointed Colonel of the 19th Light Dragoons, 64;
his death, 216
Huella, 259
Hughes, 31
Hull, Gen., 176
Hunmunsagur, 121
Hunter, Major Edgar, 195, 198, notes
Lunkia Naik, 101
Macartney, Lord, 32, note, 36;
Governor of Madras, 39;
character, 47;
his treatment of Sir J. Burgoyne, 48;
interview with him, 49;
resigns his post, 54;
sails for England, 54;
duels, 55
Macdonell, 187, 189
Mackenzie, Lieut. Col., 47, 158;
Cornet Roderick, 85, 90
Mackinaw, island of, 176, 178, 194
Macomb, Gen., 211
Macpherson, Major Gen. Sir H., 235
Madho Rao Scindia, 127
Madras, 30;
famine in, 31;
mismanagement of the administration, 33, 38;
council, 38;
treatment of Sir E. Coote, 41;
native cavalry, 65
Magre, 94
MahÉ, 20
Mahomed Ahmed, 239
Mahommed Tewfik, 233
Mahrattas, 20, 80;
arrival of, 91;
supremacy, 125;
quarrels, 128
Mahsamah, 236, 237
Maidstone, 216
Majendie, Capt. Lieut. Lewis, 24
Malabar, 80
Mallavelly, 107;
battle of, 108
Malpurba, 119, 120
Malwa, 128
Manapur, 101
Mangalore, peace of, 66
Manikpatam, 135
Manners, Major Gen. R., Letter of service to, 11;
warrant to refund clothing money, 12
Manoli, 119
Mansfield, Major Gen. Sir W., 222
Marshall, Quartermaster Sergeant W., 243
Maryborough, 159
Matthews, Major Gen., 36
Mauritius, 103
Maxwell, Lieut. Col., 72, 78, 89, 141;
killed, 143;
pension to his widow, 147
McArthur, Gen., 209
McClure, Gen., 184, 185
M‘Culloch, John, 28
McDouall, Col., 194
Medows, Major Gen., 67, 89;
in command of the army, 68;
advance on Coimbatore, 69, 77
Meerut, 167, 227
Meigs, Fort, 180
Merawi, 259, 260;
evacuated, 263
Metemmeh, 248, 249, 254
Miami river, 180
Michigan, Lake, 176, 179
Midnapore, 133
Militia Bill, 3
Milne, S. M., Standards and Colours of the Army, 232
Minden, 4
Minorca, fall of, 2
M‘Intyre, 129
Mirzapore, 133
Mitcham, 15
M‘Kay, Col., 194
Mobile Point, 215
Mocher, Lieut. Gen., 18
Money, Cornet E. A., 226
Monghyr, 34
Montcalm, 3
Montreal, 175, 179, 217;
preparations for the attack on, 188
Montreal, 234, 236
Moodgul, 134
Moodianoor, 135
Mooglee Pass, 82
Morgan, Capt., 133, 135
Mornington, Lord, 103
Morris, Lieut. R., 226, 232
Morrison, Lieut. Col., 190, 191
Mudgheri, 121
Munro, Sir Hector, 20, 25 note;
resigns his command, 31
Murray, Col., 133, 185, 188;
Corporal, 85
Musgrave, Major Gen., 80, 93
Mysore, 68;
fall of, 112
Nagmunglum, 92
Nagpore, 126, 153;
Rajah, 131
Nana Farnawis, 126, 128
Nash, Capt. Thomas, 24, 28
Naulniah, 138, 144
Neemgaum, 154
Neera, wreck of the, 241
Nefisha, 235
Negapatam, 31
Nerbudda, 131, 133
Neville, Lieut., 66
New Orleans, 214;
expedition against, 215
Newark, 183;
burnt, 185
Newbridge, 218
Newcastle, Holles, 8
Niagara, Fort, 181;
success at, 186;
frontier, 175;
position of the British troops, 195
Nizam of Hyderabad, 20, 80, 106;
the horse, 89;
decrease of his power, 125
Noix, Isle aux, 188, 217
Northampton, 171
Norwich, 14, 265
Nundydroog, 93
Occarro, 70
Ogdensburg, 187, 189, 190
Ogle, Major Gen., 46, 50
Oldham, Col., 70
Oliphant, Lieut., 101
O’Neill, Lieut. Col. the Hon. J., 174, 183
Ontario, Lake, 175, 177, 181
Oojain, 126, 129
Ooscotta, 94, 112
Ootradroog, 94
Orient, 234
Osiris, 241
Osman Digna, 240
Oswald, James, 8
Oswego, 177, 196
Pachet, 133
Pakenham, Major Gen. Sir E., 215
Palghat, 71, 77
Paliar river, 60
Palicode Pass, 82
Pareshram Bhow, 81, 91, 94
Paris, Peace of, in 1763, 9
Parkes, Private, 78
Parterly, 149
Partoor, 137
Paterson, Major, 123
Patree, 149
Patterson, Cornet James, 90
Pattle, Gen. William, 226
Paugri, 138
Pawaghur, 135
Payne, Lieut. Gen. Sir W., 216
Pearl river, 215
Pearson, Lieut. Col., 199, 201
Pednaikdirgum Pass, 94
Peepulgaon, 139
Peishwa, 125;
under the protection of the British Government, 129
Pellew, Rear Adm. Sir E., 171
Pembroke, Lord, his book on military equitation, 60
Periapatam, 90, 94, 107, 109
Permacoil, 80
Perron, 115, 127, 128;
number of his troops, 132
Persia, Shah of, 229, 266
Petley, Capt. Lieut. John, 28
Pewsey, 229
Philipstown, 172
Pike, Gen., 181
Pitt, his management of affairs, 3
Plattsburgh, 178, 179, 188, 189, 195;
expedition against, 211-213
Plymouth, 11, 171
Pohlman, 142
Point aux Pins, 196
Pondicherry, 51, 80;
capitulates, 100
Ponies, Arab, 313-317;
casualties, 317, 318
Poodicherim Pass, 94
Poona, 125, 129, 131
Poonamallee, 51, 65
Poongar Ford, 73
Porter, Gen., 198
Porto Novo, 20, 72
Portsmouth, 11, 266
Potomac river, 213
Powell, Lieut. Col., 133, 134, 135, 136;
Sergeant, 207, 208
Prairie du Chien, 194
Prescott, 190
Prevost, Lieut. Gen. Sir George, 177, 183, 184, 197, 209;
fails to capture Sackett’s Harbour, 187;
failure of his expedition against Plattsburgh, 211-213
Prinsep, Lieut. C. J., 226
Proctor, Lieut. Col., 176, 179;
victory over Gen. Winchester, 180;
retreats to Ancaster, 180
Purdy, Col., 189
Pyche, Rajah, 123
Quebec, 174, 217;
taken, 4
Queenston, 185, 197, 199
Quiberon Bay, 4
Quintin, St, Cornet C. R., 226
Radipole, Barracks, 216
Rajoora, colonelcy of H.M.’s 31st, 57
Stuart, Lieut. Gen., 107, 109;
Col., 71, 77, 97
Suakin, 240, 244, 260
Sudbury, 15
Suez Canal, 235
Suffren, 20, 31
Surat, 133
Surjee Anjengaum, 153
Sutherland, 75
Sutlej, 127
Sutton Park, 24
Swift, Gen., 200
Sybelle, 174
Syringhi, 121
Table Bay, 171
Tamai, 263;
battle of, 244
Tani, 260
Tapoor Pass, 79
Tapti, 133
Taylor, Lieut. Col., G.C.B., 226, 236
Tecumseh, slain, 180
Tel-el-Kebir, 237
Tel-el-Mahuta, 235, 236
Thalnair, 148
Thames, Battle of the, 180
Thomas, Capt. J., 24, 28
Thomas, 115
ThomÉ, San, 33, 37
Thorn’s Memoir of the War in India, extracts from, 105, 153
Tiaghur, 79
Ticonderago, 4, 64, note
Tilbury, 171, 218
Tippoo, Sahib of Mysore, 35;
treaty of peace, 36;
war with, 66;
advance, 72;
march on Trichinopoly, 78;
loss at Seringapatam, 96;
surrenders, 98;
animosity against the English, 102;
various embassies, 102;
killed, 112
Tofrik, 262
Toka, 137
Tokar, 240, 244
Tonk, State of, 115
Toombadra river, 117, 121
Toronto, 179, 183
Tour, M. le Maitre de la, on the English troops in India, 21
Travancore, Rajah of, 67
Trichinopoly, 67, 69, 79, 100
Trincomalee captured, 31
Trinkitat, 241, 244
Trinomalli, 80
Tryon, Major Gen., 15
Tucker, Lieut. Col., 200
Tullamore, 172
Twelve Mile Creek, 200
United States declare war against England, 173;
plan of invading Canada, 175, 179, 193
Uxbridge, Lord, 216
Vandeleur, Major Gen. Sir J. O., 113, 167, 216, 231
Vaniembadi, 78
Velladi, 70, 74
Vellore, 36, 65, 104, 106;
mutiny at, 160-166
Vellout, 80, 81
Venkitagheri, 87
Vincent, St, Capt. Lord., 232;
Major Gen., 181, 184
Wadsworth, Gen., 178
Wady Haifa, 247, 263
Walkee, 131, 133
Wallace, Lieut. Col. W., 157
Wallajabad, 59, 67, 100, 104
Walton, Lieut. William, 24, 28
Warley, 11
Waroor, 139
Warrants, Royal, 6-8, 11, 13, 15-17, 23, 25-27
Washington, 213
Watteville, de, 184
Webster, Lieut. Col. A. G., 226, 236, 240, 241, 243, 308
Wellesley, Col. the Hon. A., 103, 106;
expedition against Dhoondia Wao, 117;
Scindia, 131;
distribution of troops, 132;
captures Ahmednugger, 136;
battle of Assaye, 138-144;
of Argaum, 150-152;
march against banditti, 154
Wellington, Field Marshal the Duke of, 106, note
Wellington, Fort, 190
Werdah river, 118
Whitehill, Mr, 39
Wilkinson, Gen., 188, 190, 195
William Henry, Fort, taken, 3
William Pitt, 171
Williams, Cornet George, 28
Willis, Lieut. Gen., 236
Wilson, Nathan, Capt., 144, 146, 163, 164;
Lieut. Col. Sir R., 157;
Col. Sir C., 252, 254;
From Korti to Khartoum, 253
Winchester, Gen., 179;
taken prisoner, 180
Winder, Gen., 182, 213
Windsor, 229
Wolfe, 4
Wolseley, Lieut. Gen. Sir G., 234, 248, 312
Wood, Lieut. Col., 241
Woodbridge, 15
Woodhouse, Lieut., 165
Woodington, Lieut. Col., 134
Worseley, Lieut., 195
Yarmouth, 15
Yeo, Sir James, 182
Yepalpurri, 121, 122
Yorke, Major Gen. John, 229, 266
Yorktown, 20
Young, Lieut., 144, 165
Zeman Shah, 102, 104
Zobehr Pasha, 246