"go to p. 32" class="pginternal">32, 152 Dogsnose ...388 “Doll thi, doll, doll this Ale, dole” ...404 Domestic uses of Ale ...403 Donaldson’s Beer-cup ...391 Dorchester Ales ...172 Dover’s Games ...247 Drinke and Welcome ...4, 41, 147, 153, 158, 161, 188, 414 Drinking Customs ...279, 280, 290, 383 Drinking Vessels ...393 Drink-Lean ...247 Drunkenness in Olden Times ...108, 114, 116, 282, 292 E. - Early Closing, temp. Edward I. ...109
- Edinburgh Ales ...169
- Egg-Ale ...387
- Egg-hot ...388
- Egypt, Ancient use of Beer in ...25
- Egypt, Suppression of Beer Shops in ...1, 25
- Elderberry Beer ...386
- English Ale, famous among foreigners in fourteenth century ...37
- Epitaphs on Ale-drinkers, Brewers, and Innkeepers ...150, 164, 196, 208
- Eucharist, use of Ale in the Administration of the ...402
- Everlasting Club, The ...214
- Export of Ale in Ancient Times ...113
- Extraordinary Tithes ...91
F. - Falcon Inn, Chester, The ...197
- Falcon Tavern, Bankside, The ...205
- Farmer’s Delight in the Merry Harvest, The ...253
- Farmer’s Return, Hogarth’s ...45
- Fever Cases cured by Ale ...415
- Fire, Ale used to Extinguish ...407
- Fish, Ale used as Food for ...402
- Fishing Lines, Ale used to Stain ...402
- Flip ...388
- Measures, Legislation concerning ...101
- Me
h-day Customs ...238
- Typhus-fever, Malt Liquor beneficial in ...419
V. - Village Alehouse, The ...186
- Vinegar made from Malt Liquor ...403
Original spelling and grammar have been generally retained, with some exceptions noted below. Original printed page numbers are shown like this: {52}. Footnotes have been relabeled 1–75, and moved from within paragraphs to nearby locations between paragraphs. The transcriber produced the cover image and hereby assigns it to the public domain. Original page images are available from archive.org—search for “cu31924029894759”. The poetry indents are approximately correct in limited circumstances. The indents were measured and adjusted using a monospace font: “Adobe Source Code Pro”. Variable-width fonts will look less accurate. Moreover, the poetry was originally printed on pages having text-width roughly 44em, again using the “Source Code Pro” for the measurement. Ebook browser screens that are narrower than roughly 25em will have difficulties with some of the longer poetry indents—but selection of a smaller font-size will improve this situation. -
Page ii. The third word of the caption seems to read “Bremhou?e” (printed in what appears to the transcriber to be a variety of bastarda script), but possibly should be “Brewhou?e”. -
Page 25. Changed “What hah been” to “What hath been”. -
Page 27. Changed “?????”—wherein the omicron was accented with psili and perispomeni—to “?????”. -
Page 35. In the phrase “pay as toll to the lord gallons of ale”, a number was missing. -
Page 35n. The footnote read “1 The translation is taken from Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England.”, but there was no anchor on the page. Possibly this note refers to the Symposium Ænigmata that ends at the top of the page. -
Page 38. The first footnote on the page had no anchor. A new anchor was installed after the word “male,”, on the second line of the poem. -
Page 49. Closing quotation mark was added after the line “Parlom ore de autre chose.” -
Page 74, 79. These full-page illustrations have been moved out of their original locations inside poems to nearby locations below or above, and the corresponding page numbers have been removed. Full-page illustrations likewise situated in other places in the book have been likewise treated. -
Page 85. Full stop was added after “sometimes when opium failed”. -
Page 100n. There was no anchor for the footnote; a new one has been inserted after the word “brewster” at the top of the page. -
Page 180n. The footnote had no anchor. A new anchor has been inserted for this note, on page 179. -
Page 184. Changed “religous” to “religious”. -
Page 208n. The last word, partially illegible, is herein rendered “out.”. -
Page 235. The phrase “bring us a bowl of the bes” was changed to “bring us a bowl of the best,”. -
Page 264. Changed “carry ing over hilland dale” to “carrying over hill and dale”. -
Page 284. Changed “trusted, as we bear” to “trusted, as we hear”, and “strirre” to “stirre”. -
Page 325n. A new footnote anchor was inserted after “he that made, made two.”. -
Page 342. Full stop added after “dilutes his clay”. -
Page 433. Changed “to live in a wine-growing, country will” to “to live in a wine-growing country, will”. -
Page 435. Changed “alcholic” to “alcoholic”. -
Page 449. Changed “Weobly Ale” to “Weobley Ale”. |