CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON DEATH. In the first part of this work, I have explained the two great divisions of life, together with the remarkable differences, which distinguish the animal existing without, from the animal existing within. I have discussed the characters which are exclusively proper to the two lives, and the particular laws, according to which they both of them commence, are developed and end in the natural order. In this second part I shall inquire in what way they accidentally finish, in what way their course is prematurely arrested. The influence of society suffers us but rarely to live out the period which was intended us by nature; while almost every other animal attains his natural end, such end in the human species is become a sort of phenomenon. The different kinds then of accidental death, should engage the particular attention of the physician and physiologist. Now this sort of death may happen in two ways: sometimes it is the result of great disturbance excited in the economy; and sometimes it is the effect of disease. In general it is easy enough to discover, according to what laws the functions are terminated in consequence of any violent or sudden attack; of apoplexy, for instance, great hemorrhagy, concussion of the brain, or asphyxia; because in such cases the organs of the body, excepting that which is immediately affected, are not the seat of any peculiar lesion, and cease to act from causes diametrically the contrary of those, which according to the common course of things maintain them in action. Now as these causes are partly known, their contraries may be inferred; besides, we are capable of imitating these sorts of death upon animals, and consequently of analyzing, experimentally, their different phenomena. On the other hand it is seldom in our power to produce artificially in the bodies of animals the diseases of the human species. Were we even possessed of such power, we should gain but little knowledge from it: the laws of life in fact are so changed, so modified, so altered in their very nature, by the various morbid affections to which the parts are subject, that but very seldom can we depart from the known phenomena of the living animal, when we undertake to inquire into those which it exhibits in its dying moments. For such inquiries it would be necessary to know what is that intermediate state between health and death, in which the functions experience so remarkable a change; a change, which has such infinite varieties, and produces such innumerable sorts of disease. But, where shall we find the physician, who will assert that from the actual data of his art, he understands in such intermediate state, the profoundly hidden operations of nature? In these researches then, we shall occupy ourselves more especially on those sorts of death which I first enumerated. Those, which have been mentioned in the preceding paragraph will engage us only now and then: besides, at my age I cannot be supposed to have acquired a sufficient degree of medical knowledge to treat of them with advantage. The first remark, which the observation of the different kinds of sudden death suggests, is, that in all of them the organic life to a certain point may subsist, the animal life being extinct; but that the latter is entirely dependent, and lasts not for a moment after the interruption of the former. The individual, who is struck with apoplexy may live internally for many days after the stroke, externally he is dead. In this case death commences with the animal life: if on the contrary it exerts its influence in the first place upon any of the essential organic functions—as on the circulation in wounds or on respiration in the asphyxiÆ—the animal life is gone at once, together with the sensible actions of the organic life. The red and warm-blooded animal, loses his external life at the moment when he ceases to exist internally, the cessation of the phenomena of his organic life is a sure index of his general death; indeed the reality of death can be pronounced only from such datum; the interruption of the external phenomena of life is in almost every instance fallacious. On what depends this difference of the manner in which the two lives accidentally end? It is owing to the mode of that influence, which they exercise the one over the other, to the kind of bond, by which they are connected. This mode of influence, this bond, appears to exist between the brain on the part of the animal life and the lungs, or heart on the part of the organic life. The action of one of these three organs is essentially necessary to that of the two others; and as they constitute the three centres, in which are terminated all the secondary phenomena of the two lives, whenever they cease to act, the phenomena which depend upon them must cease also, and general death ensue. Physiologists have been at all times acquainted with the importance of this triple focus; and have given the name of vital to all those functions, which have their seat in it. Under the point of view which at present engages our attention their ideas on this head are well worthy of notice, for every species of sudden death begins by the interruption of the circulation, the respiration, or action of the brain. In the first place, one of the three functions ceases, then the others successively; so that to expose with precision the phenomena of sudden death, we must consider them as they take place in the three principal organs, which we have mentioned. We shall first inquire into those deaths, which begin at the heart, and afterwards into those, which begin in the lungs and in the brain. I shall explain in what way, when one of these organs is affected, the others die; and then demonstrate by what sort of mechanism the death of the various other parts of the body ensues. Lastly I shall determine from the principles, which I shall then have laid down, the nature of the different species of disease, which are peculiar to the heart, the lungs, and the brain. CHAPTER II. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE HEART, OVER THAT OF THE BRAIN. I shall evidently have determined what is the mode of this influence, should I be enabled to establish in what way the action of the heart is necessary to that of the brain; for in this instance the cause of death will be no other than the privation of the cause of life. Now the heart can only act upon the brain in two ways; by the nerves, or the vessels which serve as their connecting medium. In fact these two organs have no other means of communication. It is evident that the nerves cannot be the agents of such actions; it is the province of the brain to act by means of the nerves. The different parts of the body never influence the brain by such means, excepting in the sympathies. If a bundle of nerves belonging to the voluntary muscles be tied, the muscles indeed will cease to act, but nothing will be changed in the cerebral mass.[56] I have ascertained by many experiments that the phenomena of galvanism, which are propagated so energetically from the brain towards the organs, which descend, if I may so express myself, along the nerve, will hardly ascend in a contrary direction. Apply the apparatus to a nerve of the loins and the muscles of the upper limbs, and when the communication is made, there will be scarcely any contraction; but on the establishment of a communication between the same nerve and the lower limbs, a violent convulsive motion will instantly be occasioned. I have even observed, on placing two metallic plates, the one under the lumbar nerves, and the other under the upper limbs, that the communication of the two plates by means of a third metal, will cause a contraction of the lower limbs, while the upper limbs remain inactive, or move but feeble.[57] These experiments are particularly applicable to the relation of the heart with the brain; for not only is it true that the section, ligature or compression of the cardiac nerves are of little effect with regard to the functions of the latter, but it is true also, as we shall presently see, that they do not directly modify the movements of the former. We may conclude that the vessels are the exclusive agents of the influence of the heart upon the brain. The vessels, as every one knows, are of two sorts—venous or arterial—they carry black or red blood, the latter answer to the left side, the former to the right side of the heart. Now their functions being very different, the action of one of the portions of this organ on the brain, can never be the same as that of the other portion. We shall inquire in what way they both of them act upon it. In naming these two portions, I shall not make use of the expressions of right and left to distinguish them, but of those of the red-blooded and the black-blooded heart, for each of these portions of itself is an isolated organ, distinct from that to which it is applied, and in the adult especially so. In fact there are two hearts, the one arterial, the other venous, notwithstanding which, we can hardly employ these adjectives for the purpose of designating them, since they both alike possess their arterial and venous appendages. On the other hand, they are neither of them situated exactly to the right or to the left, are neither of them exactly forwards or backwards. Besides which these latter denominations would not apply to animals. I. In what way does the cessation of the functions of the red-blooded heart interrupt the functions of the brain? The red-blooded ventricle and auricle, exert their influence upon the brain by means of the fluid which they send thither through the carotid and vertebral arteries. This fluid may excite the cerebral organ in two ways. 1st. By the movement, with which it is directed. 2nd. By the nature of its colouring principle. It is easy to prove that the movement of the blood is necessary to the life of the brain. Expose the brain of an animal in part, and tie the carotids. In such case the cerebral movement will be sometimes weakened, and then the animal will be stupified, at other times the vertebral arteries will exactly supply the place of the carotids, and then there will be nothing deranged in the principal functions of the brain; for there is always a relation existing between the alternate rise and fall of the cerebral mass, and the energy of life which it displays.[58] In general, the obliteration of the carotids is never suddenly mortal. Animals will live without them, at least for a certain time. I have kept dogs in this state for several days and have afterwards made use of them for other experiments: two however died in the course of six hours, after the application of the ligatures. After having made the above experiments which go very far to the establishment of the principle which I am labouring to prove, let a piece of the cranium be taken from another animal and tie the vertebral and carotid arteries. The movement of the brain will then be entirely interrupted and the animal immediately die. The impulse, which proceeds then from the influx of the blood into the brain, is a condition essential to the functions of this organ, but other proofs may be adduced, for the establishment of the truth of this assertion. 1st. There are a number of compressions, which can only act by preventing the brain from being duly affected by such impulse. A collection of pus, or blood, will often put a stop to all the functions, which relate to the perception, memory, and voluntary motions of the individual. Let such compression be removed and his sensibility will immediately re-appear. In such case, it is manifest that the brain was not disorganized, but only compressed, and in a state incapable of being excited by the heart.[59] I do not think it necessary on this subject to cite cases. All authors, who have treated of wounds of the head, are full of them. I shall content myself with remarking, that the same effect may be artificially produced in our experiments upon animals, and that accordingly as the brain is compressed or free, the creature will be insensible, or the contrary. According to the degree of the compression, will be the degree of the stupor. 2dly. There are reptiles, in the brain of which no motion whatever is occasioned by the heart. The frog is of this species. On raising the upper portion of the cranium, and exposing the brain, there cannot be perceived the slightest motion. Now in this species, and that of the salamander, the influx of blood may be cut off from the cerebral organ without occasioning the immediate death of the animal. The voluntary muscles for instance continue to act; the eyes to exhibit a lively appearance, the tact also of the creature is manifest for some time after the heart has been taken away, or the double branch which proceeds from the single ventricle of these animals has been tied.[60] I have frequently repeated these experiments, and have constantly found the effect the same. 3rd. It is a general observation, that those animals which have a long neck, and in which the heart for that very reason is not so capable of exerting a lively influence over the brain, have a more limited intellect, and the cerebral functions less marked. On the contrary a very short neck, and the approximation of the heart to the brain very generally are found to coincide with the latter. Similar phenomena are sometimes observed in men. They who have the neck particularly long are dull, they who have it short, for the most part intelligent and lively. From these many facts we may confidently assert, that one of the means, by which the heart maintains the brain in action, consists in the habitual movement, which it impresses on it. But this movement is essentially different from that which in the other viscera, such as the liver, or spleen, is derived from the same cause. In these it is little manifest, in the brain it is very apparent; the reason is evident; the large arterial trunks of the brain, are situated at its base, between the brain and its bony parietes; in consequence of which, at each diastole, the vessels experience a resistance from the bone, which is communicated immediately to the cerebral mass. At such time the brain is really lifted, just in the same way as we see a tumour lifted by the arteries which creep along the bones beneath it; and instances of this are frequent. So apparent indeed is the motion of tumours when they are situated over the carotid, as it lies upon the vertebral column, or over the femoral artery, immediately after its passage under the crural arch, as often to occasion doubts with respect to their nature. But no other organ is enclosed within a bony cavity; the motion of the arteries every where else, is lost in the surrounding cellular substance, or soft parts. Such motion, then, is unessential to the functions of the liver, the kidney, and other analogous viscera. The integrity of the functions of the brain, is not only dependent on the mere motion, but on the sum also of the motion communicated. It is equally impaired by too much, or by too little motion. Of this assertion the following experiments are proofs. 1st. Inject water by the carotid of a dog; the presence of this fluid in the brain is not pernicious, and the animal will live very well, when the injection has been skilfully made. But if it be pushed with violence, the cerebral action will immediately be troubled, and often cannot be restored.[61] In every experiment, there will be found to exist a relation between the force of the impulse and the state of the brain; if the pressure be but a little augmented, its effects will be instantly seen in the agitation of the countenance of the creature; if relaxed, a corresponding calm will succeed; if increased to the highest pitch, it will immediately occasion death. 2dly. If the brain be exposed, and an artery afterwards opened, so as to produce a considerable hemorrhage, the motion of the brain will be diminished in proportion as the afflux of the blood to it is diminished, and finally will cease entirely. Now, according to all these various degrees of diminution, which may be observed in the movements of the brain, will be the corresponding weakness of the cerebral influence as it is discoverable in the state of the eyes, the touch, and the voluntary motion of the animal.[62] Hence it is easy to see, why a state of prostration and languor is always the consequence of great hemorrhage—and from what has been said above we may conceive the reason, why the arterial system of the brain has been at first concentrated at its base, while the larger venous trunks are almost all of them situated on the convexity of its surface. The base of the brain is small and easily moved, the convexity large and little capable of transmitting motion, such as could be made upon it by vessels. Besides, it is at the lower part of the brain that exist its particular and essential forms. The lesions of these are mortal, and consequently their functions must be important. On the contrary, experiment and observation alike have proved, that very little derangement follows, from cutting or rending the substance of the upper part of this organ. Hence also we may see the reason, why its natural defences towards its base, are constituted in such way as to be almost impenetrable, and why at its upper surface, it is less protected. Now, where its life is indispensable, and its action absolutely necessary, it should naturally receive the first and undiminished impulse of its excitant. We may conclude, that the interruption of the action of the red-blooded heart is the occasion of interruption in the action of the brain by annihilating its movement. But this movement is not the only means by which the influence of the heart is exerted on the brain; for if it were so, we might easily reanimate the enfeebled functions of the latter, by injecting it with water at the same time through both the carotids. If pushed with an equal force, the black blood and the red blood alike would be capable of keeping up its action; but this, as we shall presently see, is not the fact. The heart, then, acts upon the brain by the nature of the fluid which it sends thither; but as the lungs are the focus, where the blood undergoes an alteration, we shall refer the examination of its influence upon the cephalic system, to the chapter in which we shall treat of the relation of this system, with that of the lungs. II. In what way does the cessation of the functions of the black-blooded heart interrupt the functions of the brain? It very rarely happens that general death commences by that of the venous auricle and ventricle. On the contrary, they are almost always the last in action, and when they cease to act, the brain, the lungs, and the red-blooded heart have already ceased to exhibit their respective phenomena. Nevertheless the contraction of these cavities may be annihilated, or rendered at least inefficacious with regard to the circulation, from the rupture of an aneurism or similar causes; in which case the brain becomes inactive and dies, as we have shewn it to do in the preceding section, from want of movement. There is another kind of death of the brain depending on the interruption of the transmission of blood from the head to the heart, as when the jugulars are tied. The venous system, in consequence, is glutted and the brain compressed, from the continued afflux of the red blood into its arteries; but the phenomena of this sort of death are already sufficiently known. In the present chapter it is my intention to examine a species of death, the principle of which by many physiologists has been placed in the heart, but which appears to me to affect the head only; I mean that death which may be occasioned by the injection of air into the veins. It is generally known, that as soon as any quantity of this fluid is introduced into the vascular system, the movements of the heart are accelerated, that the creature is much agitated, cries with pain, is convulsed, and soon after deprived of its animal life, but lives organically for a certain time, and then invariably dies.[63] Now, what is the organ so readily affected by the contact of air? I affirm it to be the brain, and not the heart; and maintain that the circulation is annihilated, only because the cerebral actions have previously been so. For, in the first place, in this kind of death, the heart continues to beat for some time after the cessation of the animal life, and consequently for some time after that of the action of the brain.[64] Secondly, By injecting air into the brain through one of the carotids, I have caused the death of the creature just in the same way as when air is introduced into the veins; excepting only with a previous palpitation of the heart.[65] Thirdly, Morgagni has cited a number of cases of sudden death, the cause of which should appear, from his remarks, to be the repletion of the blood vessels of the brain by air, which had been developed there spontaneously, and which he says, by its rarefaction, compressed the origin of the nerves. I cannot suppose that such compression can be effected by the very small quantity of air, which, when injected into the carotid, is sufficient to occasion death; accordingly, I should doubt whether this compression were real in the cases adduced, but for this, they are not the less important. Whatever be the manner in which it kills, air is fatal whenever introduced into the brain, and this is the essential point. It is with the fact that we have to do and not the manner.[66] Fourthly, As often as an animal is killed by the insufflation of air into one of its veins, I have ascertained that the whole of the red-blooded, as well as the black-blooded heart, is full of a frothy blood, mixed with air bubbles; and that the carotids, and vessels of the head, contain a similar blood; such blood must act upon the brain, in the same manner as it does in the two sorts of apoplexy, of which we have just been making mention. Fifthly, If air be pushed into one of the divisions of the vena portÆ from the side of the liver, it oscillates in the greater trunks of that organ for a considerable length of time, and arrives but slowly at the heart.—In this instance I have observed, that the animal experiences, only after a certain interval, those affections which are sudden when the fluid is injected into the veins of the principal system.[67] Sixthly, The rapidity with which, in certain experiments, the annihilation of the cerebral action succeeds to the insufflation of air into the veins, might almost persuade us that such phenomenon is occasioned, as it is in wounds of the heart and syncope;—but 1st. The most simple inspection is sufficient to shew us that the heart continues to act after the apparent death of the animal.—2dly. As the motions of the heart are prodigiously accelerated by the contact of the foreign fluid, they push on the frothy blood with an extreme velocity, and hence we have the reason, why the brain in such case is so rapidly affected. Seventhly, Were the cerebral action in this sort of death interrupted for want of movement from the heart, it would happen as it does in great hemorrhages of the aorta; that is to say, without violent convulsion. But here, on the contrary, the convulsion is extremely violent, immediately after the injection, and consequently, announces the presence of an irritating substance on the brain. We shall conclude, that in the accidental mixture of air with the blood of the venous system, it is the brain which dies the first, and that the death of the heart is the consequence of the death of the brain. I shall explain in another place, in what way this phenomenon is occasioned. [56] It is not true that a ligature on a nerve produces its effects only on the part to which this nerve is distributed; the brain is also affected; for, without this, how can be explained the pain that is felt, and the excitement, which is often sufficiently powerful to produce convulsions, and sometimes even death. CHAPTER III. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE HEART OVER THAT OF THE LUNGS. The lungs are the seat of two very different sorts of phenomena. The first, which are entirely mechanical, are relative to the rise and fall of the ribs and diaphragm, to the dilatation and contraction of the air vessels, and to the entry and exit of the air, which is the effect of these movements. The second, which are purely chemical, may be referred to the different alterations, which the air and blood experience. These two sorts of phenomena have a mutual dependence on each other. Without the mechanical, the chemical changes could not be made; without the chemical changes, the blood would cease to become an excitant to the brain, in consequence of which that organ would no longer operate upon the diaphragm or intercostal muscles; the muscles themselves would then become inactive, and the motions of the thorax be annihilated. These phenomena, however, are put an end to in a different manner by the death of the heart, accordingly as it happens on one or the other side. I. In what manner are the actions of the lungs interrupted, when the black-blooded heart ceases to act? The heart has certainly no influence over the mechanical functions of the lungs, but it contributes essentially to produce the chemical changes which are made there, by sending thither the fluid which is destined to undergo a change. When its functions then are interrupted as may happen from wounds or be occasioned by ligature, the chemical changes which should be made in the blood, are suddenly suppressed; though the air continue to enter into the lungs, from the dilatation and contraction of the chest. Meanwhile there arrives nothing at the red-blooded heart, or[68] so little as to be insufficient for the production of the cerebral movements. The functions of the brain are consequently suspended, and of course the movements of the diaphragm and ribs. II. In what manner are the actions of the lungs interrupted, when those of the red-blooded heart are suspended? Whenever from wound, ligature, or aneurism, the functions of the red-blooded heart or aorta cease, the functions of the lungs are terminated in the following order: 1st. There is no further impulse made upon the brain. 2dly, No further movement of that organ.[69] 3dly, No further action exercised upon the muscles. 4thly, No further contraction of the intercostals or diaphragm. 5thly, The mechanical functions of the lungs cease. 6thly, Their chemical functions cease. In the former case, the chemical changes could not be made for want of blood. Here they cannot be made for want of air. Such is the difference in the death of the lungs, in consequence of that of the heart, according as the latter is affected. But as the circulation is very rapid, there cannot be but a very short interval between the interruption of the chemical and the mechanical functions of the lungs. CHAPTER IV. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE HEART OVER THAT OF ALL THE ORGANS. I shall divide this chapter, as the preceding one, into two sections. In the first I shall examine, how the death of the red-blooded heart, in the second how the death of the black-blooded heart, is the cause of the death of all the parts of the body. I. On the death of the red-blooded heart, and how that of the organs is occasioned by it. All the functions belong either to the animal, or to the organic life. Hence the difference of their classes. Now the death of those of the first class, in consequence of lesions of the red-blooded auricle and ventricle, is caused in two ways, and first, because the brain in such case is rendered inert from want of impulse, and can neither have sensations, nor exercise an influence over the locomotive and vocal organs. Accordingly, all this order of functions is stopped, as when the encephalic mass has experienced a violent concussion. It is in this way that a wound of the heart, or the bursting of an aneurism, annihilate all our relations with external objects. So strict a connexion between the movement of the heart, and the functions of the animal life, is not observable in those animals in which the brain, in order to act, does not require the habitual stroke of the blood. Tear away the heart of a reptile, or tie its large vessels, and it will continue for a long time to move and have sensations. Besides, supposing even that the action of the brain were not to be suspended from lesions of the red-blooded heart, the animal life would not, on that account, be the less put an end to; because to the exercise of the functions of this life, is attached as a necessary cause, the excitement of its organs by the afflux of blood into them: now this excitement, both here and every where else, depends upon two causes.—1st, On the movement impressed, and 2dly, On the nature of the blood. At present I shall only examine the first mode of influence; the latter will come under our consideration, when we speak of the lungs. Habitual motion is necessary to all the parts of the body alike, is a condition essential to the functions of the muscles, the glands, the vessels, and the membranes, &c. But this movement, which is partly derived from the heart, is very different from that which is communicated by the blood to the brain. The latter organ receives an impulse by which the whole of its mass is visibly raised, an impulse, in the intermission of which the whole of its mass subsides. On the contrary, the interior movement, by which its particles are affected, is scarcely marked at all: and this depends upon the smallness and the delicacy of the vessels by which its substance is penetrated. The contrary of this appearance is observed in the movement occasioned in the other organs by the influx of the blood into them: we see them neither rise nor subside; there is nothing like a general impulse made upon them, because, as I have said, such impulse is lost from the little resistance of the surrounding parts. On the contrary, they are penetrated by vessels of considerable magnitude, which create an intestine motion, oscillations, and impulses adapted to the actions of the tubes, lamellÆ, or fibres, of which they are composed. This difference of movement may be easily conceived, by comparing the manner in which the brain on the one hand, and on the other the liver, the spleen, the muscles, or the kidneys receive their blood; indeed it is requisite that the brain should be distinguished from the other organs, in the manner of receiving its impulses, because it is enclosed in a case of bone, and consequently abstracted from the thousand other causes of agitation, to which the other parts of the body are exposed. For we may remark, that all the other organs have about them a number of agents, which are destined to supply the place of that general impulse, which is wanting to them on the part of the heart. In the breast, the intercostals and diaphragm are continually rising and falling; the lungs and the heart are successively the seat of a dilatation and contraction. In the abdomen, there is an uninterrupted agitation produced, by the influence of respiration upon its muscular parietes; an incessantly variable state of the stomach, intestines and bladder. Lastly, from the various contractions of the muscles, the limbs have a still more evident cause of movement. Nevertheless, it is probable that every one of the organs, as well as the brain, has a general though obscure movement impressed upon it, from the pulsation of the arteries; and hence, perhaps, we have the reason, why the greater number of the viscera, receive the impulse of the red blood upon their concave surfaces, as may be seen in the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, and the intestines. By such disposition, the impulse of the heart is less divided.[70] From what has now been said, we may add another reason to that which we have before given, for establishing in what way the functions of the animal life are interrupted from cessation of action in the red-blooded heart. We may now also begin to explain the same phenomenon in the organic life. The reason of such interruption in both the lives is the same. It is as follows: 1st. In the case of death affecting the red-blooded heart; the intestine movement, which proceeds from the manner in which the arteries are distributed within the substance of all the organs, both of the one and the other life, is suspended; hence there exists no farther cause of excitement for the organs: they must consequently die.—2dly. The causes of the more extensive and general movements of the organs are abstracted; for almost all these causes depend upon the brain. We respire and move, only while the brain is alive: but as the brain must be in a state of collapsus, as soon as it ceases to receive the impulse of its blood, its influence must be evidently annihilated. Hence it follows, that the heart exercises over the different organs two modes of influence; the one direct and immediate, the other indirect, and made through the medium of the brain, so that the death of the organs in consequence of the death of the heart, is immediate or mediate. We have sometimes examples of partial death, analogous to this sort of general death. Thus, when the circulation is impeded in a limb, and the red blood no longer distributed to its parts, such parts become at first insensible and paralytic, then gangrenous. The operation of aneurism furnishes us with too many instances of this phenomenon, which by ligature, may be produced also in the living animal. Undoubtedly the principal cause of death in these cases, is the want of that stimulus which it is the business of the particles of the red blood to create, in contradistinction to those of the black blood, but the absence of the intestine movement in question, is by no means a less real cause of such death. As for the interruption of the nutritive process, it cannot be admitted as a cause of the symptoms which succeed after the obliteration of a large artery. The slow, the gradual, and insensible way, in which this function is performed, does not accord with the sudden and instantaneous production of those symptoms, especially as they affect the animal life; for this is annihilated in the limb at the very instant when the blood ceases to flow into it, just in the same way as it is, when by the section of its nerves, the influence of the brain is abstracted.[71] Besides the preceding causes, which, when the heart is dead, suspend in general the whole of the animal and organic functions; there is another cause of death which especially affects the greater number of the latter, such as the processes of nutrition, exhalation, secretion, and therefore digestion, which is only performed by means of the secreted fluid. This cause of death to which I refer, consists in the necessary stop which is put to these different functions, in consequence of their no longer receiving the materials upon which they are exercised. Nevertheless, such term arrives by degrees only, because they receive the materials on which they act, from the capillary, and not from the general circulation. Now the capillary circulation, is only subject to the influence of the insensible contractile powers of the parts in which it is performed; and is exercised independently of the heart, as may be seen in the greater number of reptiles, where the heart may be taken away, and the blood be notwithstanding observed to oscillate for a long time afterwards in the minuter vessels.[72] It is manifest, then, that whatever quantity of blood is left in the capillary system at the period of the death of the heart, will for some time afterwards be sufficient to keep up the functions in question, and that such functions in consequence will only gradually cease. The following is a general view of the manner in which the annihilation of all the functions succeeds to the interruption of those of the heart. The animal life is terminated—1st, Because the organs of which it is composed, are no longer excited without, by the movement of the neighbouring parts, nor within, by the blood.—2dly, Because the brain, from want of excitement, can no longer be a cause of excitement. The organic life is terminated—1st, Because, as in the animal life, there is a want of external and internal excitement for its different viscera.—2dly, Because there is a want of the materials on which its functions are particularly exercised. There are a number of other considerations, however, besides those which we have mentioned, which prove the reality of the excitement of the organs, from the movement communicated to them by the blood, as well as the reality of the cause, which we have asserted to be that of their death, when such excitement ceases. For, 1st.—The organs which are penetrated only by the serum of the blood, such as the hair, the nails, the tendons, and cartilages, enjoy a less degree of vitality, and a less energetic action, than those in which the blood is made to circulate, either immediately by the heart, or by the insensible contractile powers of the parts themselves. 2dly.—When the white organs are inflamed, they receive an augmentation of life, a superabundance of sensibility, which frequently put them on a level in many respects with those organs, which in their natural state are endowed with the highest degrees of life and sensibility. 3dly.—Those organs which habitually receive the influx of the red blood, when inflamed, exhibit, in every instance, a local exaltation of the phenomena of life. In the two preceding instances, it is true, indeed, that the change of vital powers, precedes in point of time, the change which is made in the circulation; the organic sensibility of the part, has been augmented before the blood is carried thither in greater quantity; but afterwards it is the afflux of such increased quantity of blood, which keeps up the unnatural action which has been established. A determined quantity of blood in the ordinary state of the part, is necessary to the maintenance of that state; but when the part receives a double or triple increase of energy, its excitant also must be doubled or tripled; for in the exercise of the vital powers, there are always three things to be remarked; the power inherent in the organ; the excitant which is foreign to it; and the excitement which is the product of the two. 4thly.—It is doubtless, for this reason, that the organs to which the blood is habitually carried by the arteries, enjoy a degree of life, proportionate to the quantity of fluid by which they are injected. Such phenomenon may be observed in the glans penis, in the corpora cavernosa, in the nipple, in the skin of the face, and the actions of the brain, whenever the blood is directed with impetuosity towards them. 5thly.—The whole of the circulatory system, is thrown into greater action from the exaltation of the whole of the vital phenomena, just in the same way as the particular circulation of any part is augmented, when the particular phenomena of the life of that part are increased. The use of spirituous liquors, and spices to a certain quantity, is followed for a time by a general increase of energy in the powers of the system. The access of inflammatory fever will double and triple the intensity of life. In these considerations I have only regarded the movement which is communicated to the organs by the blood. In another place I shall call the attention of the reader to that species of excitement, which is produced by the nature of the blood, by the contact of its component particles when in a state of oxydation or otherwise, with the different parts of the body. The reflections which I have offered, will be amply sufficient to convince us how much the blood, independently of the materials which it conveys with it, by its simple influx, is necessary to the activity of the organs, and consequently how much the cessation of the functions of the heart, must influence the death of the organs. CHAPTER V. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE HEART AS TO THE PRODUCTION OF GENERAL DEATH. Whenever the heart ceases to act, general death is produced in the following manner:—1st. For want of excitement the cerebral actions are annihilated, and consequently an end is immediately put to all sensation, locomotion, and utterance. Besides, for want of excitement on the part of the blood, the organs of these functions would cease to act, even supposing that the brain were to remain unaffected, and exert upon them its accustomed influence. Thus the whole of the animal life is suddenly suspended, and at the instant of the death of the heart, the individual is dead to what surrounds him. The interruption of the organic life, which has commenced by the death of the heart, is produced at the same time by that of the lungs. The brain being dead, the mechanical functions of the lungs must cease: the chemical functions of the lungs must cease also, for want of the materials on which they are exerted: the latter are directly interrupted, the former through the medium of the brain. After this the progress of death is gradual. The secretions, the exhalations, the nutritive actions are put an end to. The latter are first arrested in those organs which receive the more immediate impulse of the blood, because in these, such impulse is necessary to the performance of the functions. The paler organs are less dependent on the influence of the heart, and consequently must be less affected by the cessation of its action.[73] In the successive termination of the latter phenomena of the internal life, the vital powers continue to subsist for some time after the loss of the functions: thus, the organic sensibility, and the sensible and insensible contractilities survive the phenomena of digestion, secretion, and nutrition.[74] The vital powers continue to subsist in the internal life, even when the corresponding powers of the animal life, have suddenly become extinct: the reason is plain: the power of perceiving and moving organically does not suppose the existence of a common centre; for the animal perceptions and motions, the action of the brain is requisite. The phenomena of death are concatenated in the above order in all aneurismal ruptures, in all wounds of the heart or larger vessels, in all cases of polypi formed in the cardiac cavities,[75] of ligature artificially applied, of compression exercised on the parietes of the heart by humours, abscesses, &c. &c. It is in this manner also that we die from sudden affections of the mind. The news of a very joyful, or a very melancholy event, the sight of a fearful object, of a detested enemy, of a successful rival, are all of them causes capable of producing death. Now in all these instances, it is the heart, which is the first to die, the heart, whose death successively produces that of all the other organs, the heart, on which the passion is exerted. And hence we are led to some considerations on syncope, an affection exemplifying in a less degree the same phenomena, which in a greater one, is offered us in cases of sudden death. The causes of syncope are referred by Cullen to two general heads: Of these there is one set which according to him affect the brain, another set which affect the heart. Among the first, he places the more violent impulses on the mind, and various evacuations, but it is easy to prove, that the brain is only secondarily affected in syncope produced by passion, and that it is the heart, whose functions in all these cases are the first to be interrupted. The following considerations, if I am not mistaken, will leave but little doubt on this head. 1st.—I have proved, in speaking of the passions, that they never affect the brain in the first place; that the action of this organ, in consequence of their development, is only secondary, and that every thing relating to our moral affections has its seat exclusively in the organic life. 2dly.—The phenomena of syncope when produced by lively emotion, are similar in every respect to those of syncope, the effect of polypi or dropsy of the pericardium, but in the latter, the affection of the heart is the primary one, and should in consequence be the same in the former sort of syncope. 3dly.—At the moment when syncope takes place, we feel the attack at the heart, and not in the brain. 4thly.—In consequence of lively passions, which may have occasioned syncope, we find that the heart and not the brain becomes diseased, nothing is more common than organic affections of the former from sorrow, &c. The different sorts of madness, which are produced by the same cause, for the most part have their principal seat in some of the viscera of the epigastrium, and in such case, the irregularity of the cerebral action is the sympathetic effect of the profound affection of the internal organ.[76] 5thly.—I shall prove hereafter, that the cerebral system does not exert any direct influence over that of the circulation; that there is no reciprocity between the two, and that the changes of the first are not followed by similar changes in the second, however much the changes of the second may modify the first. Destroy all nervous communication between the brain and the heart, and the circulation will go on as usual; but if the vascular communications be intercepted, the cerebral action vanishes at once. 6thly.—Palpitations and other irregular movements of the heart are often the effect of the same causes, which in some individuals are the occasion of syncope. In such cases, it is easy to discover the seat of the affection, and such smaller effects of the passions on the heart, are very well calculated to throw light upon the nature of the greater.[77] From these many considerations, we may conclude that the primitive seat of the attack in syncope, is the heart, which does not cease to act, because the action of the brain has been interrupted, but because it is the nature of some of the passions in such way to affect it, the brain at the same time, suffering a temporary death, because it no longer receives the fluid, which is necessary to its excitement. The nature of syncope is well enough illustrated, by the vulgar expression of being sick at heart. It is of no importance to our present purpose, whether syncope depend on polypi, on aneurism, or be the result of some violent emotion. The successive affection of the organs is always the same. They die for the moment in the same way, as they really perish when the heart is wounded, or a ligature put upon the aorta. In the same manner also are those sorts of syncope produced, which succeed after any great evacuation of blood, pus or water. The heart is affected from sympathy, the brain for want of its excitant.[78] Those cases of syncope which are occasioned by peculiar odours, by antipathies, &c. appear also to be attended with the same progression of symptoms, though their character be much less easily understood. There is a great difference between syncope, asphyxia, and apoplexy, in the first it is by the heart, in the second by the lungs, in the third by the brain that begins the general death of the body. Death, as it happens in consequence of disease, in general exemplifies a concatenation of these different symptoms. The circulation, respiration, or cerebral action cease, the other functions are afterwards interrupted of necessity, but in these sorts of death, it rarely happens that the heart is the first to die. This however is sometimes the case. After long continued suffering, great suppuration, and sometimes, in dropsy, certain fevers, and gangrenes, one fit of syncope comes on after another, at last a longer one succeeds, and the patient dies, but whatever be the part affected, whatever the diseased viscus or organ, whenever the phenomena of death commence by the heart, they succeed each other as we have described them to do in sudden death, from lesion of that organ. In other cases, the heart is the last to act, is the ultimum moriens. In general, in morbid affections, we much more commonly observe the ingress of death to be made by the lungs, than either by the heart, or the brain. Whenever disease is terminated by syncope, the lungs are found to be almost empty, and if not affected by any organic disease, are collapsed, occupy a part only of the cavity of the thorax, and are of their natural colour. The reason of this anatomical fact is simple. The circulation which has been suddenly interrupted, has not had time to fill the vessels of the lungs, as happens when death begins, by affecting the lungs or the brain. The truth of this fact I can vouch for, having frequently ascertained it by dissection, and in general, as often as death commences by the heart, or the larger vessels, such vacuity of the lungs may be considered as universal. I have remarked it in the bodies of persons who have died from great hemorrhage from wounds or aneurismal rupture and violent passion, as well as in those who have suffered by the guillotine. The same phenomenon may be seen, by inspecting the lungs of any animal, which is killed in our butcheries. In killing the animal slowly by the lungs, that organ might be filled with blood. Its taste would then be different from that which it naturally possesses, and resemble that of the spleen. Our cooks know well how to take advantage of that state of infiltration in which the latter viscus is generally found. [73] Life is so obscure in the tendons, ligaments, &c. that it is impossible to fix the moment when it ceases in these parts. How then has Bichat been able to compare the quickness of their death with that of the other organs? Upon what data has he been able to determine that it takes place more slowly?
CHAPTER VI. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE LUNGS OVER THAT OF THE HEART. We have already said, that the functions of the lungs are of two kinds, mechanical and chemical. Now the activity of this organ ceases sometimes by the former, and sometimes by the latter of these functions. Any wound, which exposes the lungs on both sides, for a considerable extent, occasions their sudden collapse; any division of the spinal marrow, which suddenly paralyses the intercostals, and the diaphragm; any very strong compression exerted at the same time upon the whole of the thorax, and the parietes of the abdomen, any sudden injection of a large quantity of fluid into this cavity, are all of them causes which begin the death of the lungs, by putting an end to their mechanical functions. Those which influence in the first place their chemical functions, are the different sorts of asphyxia, strangulation, submersion, and a vacuum, in whatever manner produced. I. In what manner is the death of the heart occasioned by the interruption of the mechanical functions of the lungs? The interruption of the functions of the heart, can only succeed in two ways to that of the mechanical functions of the lungs: 1st. Directly, because a mechanical impediment is put to the circulation of the blood, by a state of collapse in the lungs. 2dly. Indirectly, because in such state the lungs no longer receive the materials, upon which their chemical functions are exerted, and therefore cannot transmit them to the heart. Physiologists have all of them admitted the first mode of interruption, in the Pulmonary circulation. Reflected on themselves, the vessels of the lungs have not appeared to them, to be capable of transmitting the blood, on account of the numerous angles which they make. This idea they have borrowed from the phenomena of hydraulics, and it is their reason for the death which ensues, in consequence of a too long continued expiration. Notwithstanding all which, it has been proved by Goodwyn, that in such case there remains a sufficient quantity of air in the air vessels, for dilating them enough to allow of the mechanical passage of the blood; he proves in consequence, that an unnatural permanence of the state, in which the lungs are placed from the act of expiration, does not affect the blood in the way, which is commonly believed. This is one step towards the truth, but we shall approach it much more nearly, and even attain it, should we be able to prove, not only that there remains a sufficiency of air in the lungs to permit the transmission of the blood, but that the very folds produced in the vessels by a state of collapse in the organ are not a real impediment to its course. The following observations and experiments will assuredly determine this fact. 1st.—I have already proved, that a state of fulness or emptiness in the stomach, and in all the hollow organs in general, produces no apparent change in the state of their circulation; and that the blood in consequence, will traverse the vessels, when bent or doubled upon themselves, as easily, as when they are distended in every direction. For what reason should a different effect be produced in the lungs, by the same disposition of the parts? 2dly.—There are different vessels in the oeconomy which we may alternately bend or extend at pleasure: such are those of the mesentery, when exposed by an incision into the abdomen of the animal. Now in this experiment, which has been already made to prove the influence of the tortuous direction of the arteries upon the mechanism of their pulsation, if one of the mesenteries be opened, and then either bent or extended, in either case the blood will be thrown out with the same degree of violence, and in equal times will be emitted in equal quantities. I have always obtained the same result in this experiment which I have many times repeated. From analogy we might expect the same from the vessels of the lungs;[79] and from the following experiment it may be proved. 3dly.—Take a dog, cut the trachea, and adapt the tube of an injecting syringe to it, then make a vacuum in the lungs, and cut the carotid artery. It is evident, that according to the common belief, the circulation should be immediately suspended, in this experiment, since the pulmonary vessels from their ordinary state of distension, must have passed to the greatest possible degree of collapse, in consequence of the total abstraction of air; notwithstanding which the blood will be violently thrown out from the divided arteries for a certain time, and must consequently traverse the lungs: it will afterwards cease by degrees, but this, from causes which I shall explain hereafter. 4thly.—The same effect may be produced by opening, on both sides, the breast of a living animal, because the warm and rarified air of the lungs, will be more than balanced by the pressure of the colder air without;[80] now, neither in this case does the circulation experience any sudden change. For the sake of greater exactness, the little air remaining in the cells of the organ may be voided by a syringe. Along with these observations let us place the facility with which the pulmonary circulation continues to be made, when collections of water, pus, or blood, are lying within the pleura, or pericardium. In these cases the air vessels are often prodigiously contracted, and consequently the vessels of their parietes doubled and bent.[81] If this state be taken into consideration, we shall have sufficient data for concluding that the tortuous disposition of the vessels, can never be an obstacle to the passage of the blood; and therefore, that the interruption of the mechanical functions of the lungs, can never directly put a stop to the action of the heart, though it may do so indirectly, in impeding the exercise of the chemical functions of the lungs. If then we can determine why the heart remains inactive, when the latter phenomena are annihilated, we shall have resolved a double question. Many authors have asserted that the death, which ensues after a too long continued inspiration, is owing to the mechanical distension of the pulmonary vessels by the rarified air, a distension impeding the circulation. But this reason also is as false a one, as that which we have already disproved. Inflate the lungs as powerfully as may be, then tie the trachea and open the carotids, and the blood will flow as impetuously as when the respiration was perfectly free.[82] II. Why does the heart cease to act, when the chemical functions of the lungs are interrupted? According to Goodwyn, the reason why the contractions of the heart are stopped, when the chemical functions of the lungs have ceased to be performed, consists in the want of that excitement which the red blood only can produce upon the red-blooded ventricle. This ventricle, says he, has not a sufficient stimulus in the black blood, and death is occasioned because it no longer is capable of transmitting any thing to the different organs. In this case death must happen, as it would from ligature of the aorta—precisely in the same way as when its source is exclusively in the heart. The other parts die only for want of blood, just as when in a machine, the principal spring being taken away, the others cease to act, because they are not put into action. On the contrary, I am persuaded that there is a general affection of all the parts, whenever the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended; I am persuaded that the black blood continues to be pushed on for some time by the aorta, and that its influx into the organs is the occasion of their death; that the organs die in fact, not because they do not receive blood, but because they do not receive red blood; in a word, that they are penetrated by the material cause of their death; so much so, that we may asphyxiate any isolated part at will, by injecting it with venous blood while all the others shall continue to receive the red blood of the heart. At present I shall inquire into the phenomena of the contact of the black blood with the parietes of the ventricle, and refer the reader to the following chapters, for its effects upon the other parts. The movements of the heart may be stopped and made to cease altogether from the influence of the venous blood in two ways.—1st. As Goodwyn has said, because the left ventricle is not excited by it upon its internal surface.—2dly. Because such fluid, when carried into the substance of the heart by the coronary vessels, must act upon the muscular fibre of the heart in the same way as it does upon the other muscles. Now, for my part, I am assured that the black as well as the red blood, will excite into contraction the internal surface of the aortic ventricle. The following observations and experiments will confirm my assertion. 1st. If asphyxia were to be followed by the consequences which Goodwyn has supposed, it should influence the heart in the first place; the annihilation of the functions of the brain, as in syncope, should be only secondary; nevertheless, asphyxiate an animal, by stopping up the trachea, by placing him in a vacuum, by opening the chest, or plunging him into carbonic acid gas, and it will in every instance be observed, that his animal life is the first to be interrupted, and that the creature externally is dead; but that within the heart continues for some time afterwards to act, and the pulse to be felt. In this way the symptoms of asphyxia are not the symptoms of syncope. In the latter the cardiac and cerebral actions are suspended at the same instant, in the former the heart survives, as in cases of strong concussion of the brain for many seconds. It follows, that in asphyxia, the different organs do not cease to act, because the heart has ceased to supply them with blood, but because it no longer supplies them with that sort of blood by which they can be stimulated. 2dly. If the trachea of an animal be stopped, and an artery opened, the colour of the blood which it emits, will gradually be changed, and at last become as black as that of venous blood. Now, notwithstanding this phenomenon, which is as apparent as it can be, the fluid for some time afterwards is thrown out full as strongly as it would be, were it red. I have seen a quantity of black blood discharged in this way, more than sufficient to kill the creature from hÆmorrhage; were it not already dead, in consequence of its asphyxiated state. 3dly. In the last-mentioned experiment, it may, indeed, be alleged, that some remains of air in the air cells, might, as long as the black blood continued to flow, have communicated to it a principle of excitement; but to put it out of all doubt, that the venous blood does really pass into the aortic ventricle, unaltered in its passage from the corresponding cavity, the air may be entirely pumped out of the lungs with a syringe, by exposing the trachea, in the first place, and then adapting the instrument to the transverse section of the tube; after this, let the carotid be opened; now as soon as the red blood contained in this artery is exhausted, the black blood will succeed to it, and that, without undergoing a variety of gradations in colour; in this case also for a time, the jet will be very powerful, and only be gradually weakened; but if the black blood were not an excitant to the heart, its interruption should be immediate. 4thly. The following is another proof of the same nature. Expose the breast on one side by sawing exactly through the ribs before and behind: when this is done, the lungs on that side will collapse. Proceed to open one of the pulmonary veins; fill a syringe warmed to the temperature of the human body with venous blood, then push it into the red-blooded ventricle. Now, according to the common opinion upon the subject of asphyxia, such fluid should at least diminish in a sensible way, the movement of that cavity, notwithstanding which, in four successive experiments, I could not observe any such diminution. On the contrary, in one of them, on pushing the piston, the strokes of the heart were augmented in number. 5thly. If the black blood be not an excitant to the heart, it can only want such power, because it contains more carbon and hydrogen, than the red blood;[83] but if the heart of an animal, which has been killed expressly for the experiment, by lesion of the brain or of the lungs, has ceased to beat, it may, notwithstanding, be made to contract as long as it preserves its irritability, by throwing into the aortic ventricle either hydrogen gas, or carbonic acid gas. It follows, that neither hydrogen gas nor carbon can act as sedatives to the heart. The experiments which I made and published last year, on the emphysemata, produced in different animals with these gases, have established the same truth with respect to the muscles, since they do not cease to move in consequence of such experiments, and after death, preserve their irritability as they usually do. Lastly. I have often succeeded in re-establishing the contractions of the heart, which have been annihilated in different sorts of violent death, by the injection of black blood into the red-blooded cavities, with a syringe adapted to one of the pulmonary veins. Thus it is proved, that the red-blooded heart does actually push the black blood into all parts of the body; and in this way is the colour given to the different surfaces, of which, in one of the following chapters, I shall offer a sketch. Neither does the simple presence of the black blood act in a more sedative way upon the internal surfaces of the arteries.[84] If, in fact, while the tube adapted to the trachea is shut, the blood be made to flow from an artery of the foot, it will be thrown out for some time, with the same force which it would have been, were the pipe to be open. The action, then, which it exercises in its passage from the heart, upon the parietes of the arteries, does not diminish the energy of these parietes. When this energy decreases, it is at least in part from a different cause. From the above experiments we may conclude, that the black blood arriving in mass at the red-blooded ventricle, and correspondent arterial system is able, from its sole contact with them, to occasion the action of these cavities; we may be equally certain, that were not the functions of these parts suppressed from other causes, the circulation would continue to be made in a very sensible manner, at least, if not with force. Of what nature, then, are the causes which interrupt the circulation in the heart and arteries when they are supplied with venous blood? for when this has been flowing for some time, the jet of it is gradually weakened, and ceases at last entirely; yet if the cock of the pipe be opened, it will be restored with vigour. I am persuaded that the black blood acts upon the heart as it does on all the other parts, as we shall see that it affects the brain—that it affects the voluntary muscles, the membranes, and the system in general; the tissue of which it penetrates and operates within it as a debilitant upon each individual fibre. I am fully of opinion, that the circulation would be almost as quickly interrupted as in the preceding cases, were it even possible to supply the coronary arteries of the heart with red blood, while the black blood is transmitted to the various parts of the body by the aortic auricle and ventricle. The black blood operates by its contact with the fleshy fibres, at the extremity of the arterial system and not by its contact with the internal surface of the heart. Thus it is only by little and little, and when each fibre has been as it were injected, that the powers of such fibres diminish and cease. On the contrary supposition, their cessation and diminution should be almost sudden. It may be demanded in what manner the black blood acts at the extremities of the arteries, upon the fibres of the different organs. Is it upon the fibres themselves, or upon the nerves which are distributed to them? I am rather inclined to suppose the latter to be the fact, and to consider asphyxia as an effect produced in general by the black blood upon the nerves, which every where accompany the arteries of a certain diameter: for as we shall presently see, the debility which in such case the heart experiences, is only a particular symptom of a disease in which the organs in general are the seat of a like debility. It might be demanded also in what way, that is to say, by what manner of influence, the black blood acts upon the nerves or fibres. Is it from the principles which it actually contains, or from the absence of those which are proper to the red blood? Is oxygen the principle of irritability—are hydrogen and carbon the reverse? These questions have been sufficiently disputed.—Let us stop when we arrive at the limits of rigorous observation. Now, I think, that we shall establish an assertion the most strictly conformable with such principle, in saying generally and without determining the manner, that the heart ceases to act, when the chemical functions of the lungs are interrupted, because the black blood with which its fleshy fibres are penetrated, is not of a nature to keep up their action. From this manner of regarding the phenomena of asphyxia with relation to the heart, it is evident that both the ventricles should be equally affected by it, because their parietes must be equally injected with venous blood. Nevertheless, it is constantly observable, that the movement of the red-blooded heart is the first to stop; that the black-blooded heart in every case the ultimum moriens; but this phenomenon does not suppose a more real, a more decided debility in the one, than in the other heart; for as Haller observes, the fact is common to every kind of death in the red-blooded animal, and not the case particularly in asphyxia.—Besides, were the red-blooded heart the first to be absolutely affected, as the theory of Goodwyn supposes, the following would be the appearances on opening the asphyxiated subject.—1st. A distension of the corresponding auricle and ventricle, by the black blood which they would not be able to expel into the aorta.—2dly. An equal fulness of the pulmonary veins and lungs.—3dly. A consequent fulness and swelling of the pulmonary artery and the black-blooded cavities. In a word, the congestion of the blood should be the greatest in that of its reservoirs, whose action is the first to cease. But this is contrary to observation—for 1st. In the asphyxiated subject, the red-blooded cavities and pulmonary veins, contain but a very small quantity of blood in proportion to that which distends the opposite heart. 2dly. The place where the blood has stopped, is found to be principally in the lungs, in the lungs must we begin to follow its accumulation into the venous system. 3dly. The arteries are as full of blood as their correspondent ventricles, and consequently it cannot be in the ventricle more than elsewhere, that death has been begun. But what is the reason why the black-blooded heart is the last to beat? because, says Haller, it is the longest excited; because it contains a greater quantity of blood; because the blood is sent into it from the largest veins of the system, and regurgitates from the lungs. The famous experiment is well known by which in emptying the black-blooded cavities, and tying the aorta so as to retain the blood within the red-blooded cavities, the contractions of the latter are prolonged so much beyond the contractions of the former. But in this experiment it is manifestly the black blood which accumulates in the aortic auricle and ventricle, because the breast must be preliminarily opened, and therefore the lungs collapse. Should a more direct proof be required, immediately before the experiment, let the trachea be closed with a syringe, and the air of the lungs be voided; the experiment will just as well succeed; besides, the operator to be sure of the colour of the blood in the aortic cavities, has nothing more to do than to open them, as soon as he has finished his experiment. We shall conclude that the black blood is almost as powerful a stimulus as the red blood to the inner surface of those cavities, which usually contain the latter only: the reason why they are the first to be arrested in their action, is, because they do not receive so large a quantity of blood as the others. Notwithstanding what I have said, I do not entirely reject the idea of the red-blooded ventricle being not excitable by the black blood. It may indeed be less excitable by this sort of blood, than by the other; but I believe that the preceding considerations will reduce this difference of excitement to a mere trifle. The following, however, is an experiment where such difference would appear to be very manifest. If a stop cock be adapted to the trachea, and an artery opened, the blood will blacken, and continue for some time to be thrown out with its ordinary force, but at last the jet will gradually grow weaker. If, after this, the air be admitted, the blood will almost immediately become red and its jet be visibly augmented. In this case the sudden augmentation appears at first to depend upon the simple contact of the red fluid with the sides of the aortic ventricle, since it has not had the time to penetrate the tissue of the heart; but let things be a little attentively examined, and it will soon be seen that this impetuosity of impulse, depends on the movements of inspiration and expiration, to which the animal is obliged, on the admission of air into the lungs. The heart excited at its exterior, and perhaps a little compressed by these movements, is the occasion of such phenomenon, and expels the blood with a force which is far beyond that which results from its habitual contractions. What I have here advanced is proved, by the manifest diminution of the jet, as soon as once the lungs have taken on their accustomed degree of action. Besides, the influence of a series of full expirations may be manifested without dividing the trachea. Open the carotid and precipitate the respiration of the animal by tormenting it (for pain will constantly have this effect) and the jet of blood will be visibly increased. The same augmentation may be artificially produced, by suddenly compressing the parietes of the thorax. These experiments succeed best on animals already weakened by the loss of a certain quantity of blood. In the ordinary state of health however, a series of strong expirations will not be found to quicken the pulse. Of this I cannot assign the reason. From what we have now said, it follows, that the experiment, in which, on the opening of the cock of the syringe, the blood is thrown out with augmented force, is not so conclusive as might at first be imagined. I confess that it embarrassed me much for many days, I hold then my former conclusions to be good. In the red and cold-blooded animals, the action of the lungs has not so immediate a connexion with that of the heart, as it has in the red and warm blooded animals. I tied the lungs of two frogs at their basis, having previously exposed them, by incisions made laterally into the breast, the circulation however continued as usual for a considerable time. After this experiment, I have seen on opening the breast, the movements of the heart precipitated, a circumstance depending no doubt upon its contact with the air. I shall finish this chapter by the examination of an important question, and inquire into the reason, why when the chemical functions of the lungs are stopped, the pulmonary arteries, the black-blooded cavities of the heart, and in a word all the venous system, are found so much more full of blood, than the aortic system. In such case the circulation appears at first to be interrupted in the lungs, and then in the other parts, according to their proximity to the lungs. This phenomenon must have been observed by all who have opened the asphyxiated subject. It has been explained by Haller and others, from the tortuosity of the vessels; but this opinion I have sufficiently refuted.[85] But before I proceed to assign a more real cause, I shall observe, that the lungs, (when the blood is first arrested, because it finds in them the first obstacle to its progress,) are found in a singularly various state, according to the kind of death of which the individual has died. In sudden, in instantaneous death, neither the lungs, nor the black-blooded heart are very much distended. I have observed this fact, 1st. In the bodies of two persons who had hanged themselves and were brought into my amphitheatre. 2dly. On two subjects who had fallen into the fire, and were instantly suffocated. 3dly. On dogs which I have suddenly drowned. 4thly. Upon guinea-pigs, which I have killed in a vacuum, or in different gases, or otherwise. On the contrary, arrest the phenomena of respiration in a gradual manner; drown the animal by plunging him in water, and taking him out alternately, asphyxiate him by placing him in a vessel of gas imperfectly closed, continue as long as possible such state of pain and anguish, and the lungs will be found extremely full of blood. Between the extreme fulness, and the almost complete emptiness of the pulmonary vessels, there is a variety of degrees; now by the manner in which we kill the animal, we can determine any one of these degrees at will: It is in this way that we must explain that state of fulness in the lungs of such subjects, as are usually brought into our amphitheatres: in the greater number of cases, the attacks of death are slow and gradual. But whatever be the state of the lungs in the asphyxiated subject, the venous system is full of black blood, especially about the heart. In this respect, there is always a very wide difference between the veins and the arteries, and accordingly the blood must find in the lungs the principal obstacle to its circulation: such obstacle, as we have said, does not proceed from the tortuosity, and state of collapse in the pulmonary vessels; its causes are relative, first to the blood, secondly, to the lungs, thirdly to the heart. The principal cause depending on the blood, consists in the great quantity of this fluid, which passes from the arteries into the veins. In fact we shall soon see, that the black blood when it circulates in the arteries, is not capable of furnishing the materials of secretion, exhalation, or nutrition, or if it be so, that it is not a stimulus to the organs which are the agents of these functions.[86] It follows as a necessary consequence, that the portion of fluid which is usually taken up from the arterial system by these different functions, flows on into the venous system, together with the portion which should naturally pass thither; hence there must be contained a greater quantity than usual in the veins; and therefore a greater difficulty be experienced in its passage through the lungs. Practitioners in opening the bodies of asphyxiated persons, have always remarked the abundance of blood which is met with there. The fact has been particularly remarked by Portal, and I have always found it in my experiments. The causes of obstacle to the passage of the blood proceeding from the lungs, are first the non-excitement of this organ by arterial blood. In asphyxia, the bronchial arteries are penetrated by the black blood as well as the rest. Hence its obscure and dusky colour in this case. This colour and its successive shades, may be easily remarked in the collapsed lung, when the chest is opened; but in asphyxia, such blackness is principally owing to the colour of the blood, contained in the pulmonary veins. The black blood when circulating in the bronchial vessels, produces upon the lungs the same effect which it does in the heart, by penetrating the coronary arteries; it weakens the different parts—impedes their action, and the capillary secretions which should be made there, from the tonic powers of the organ. The second cause of obstacle to the circulation, when the chemical functions of the lungs are interrupted, is the non-excitement of the organ by vital air. The first effect of such air upon the mucous surfaces of the air-cells, is to stimulate them, and so to keep them up in a sort of perpetual erethism.[87] In the same way are the powers of the stomach brought into action by the presence of aliment there, and those of every reservoir of the body, by the influx of their accustomed fluids. Again, such excitement of the mucous surfaces by foreign substances keeps up their tone. The privation of such excitement, therefore, must put a stop to their capillary secretions, which depend upon their tonic powers. The different aeriform fluids which take the place of the atmospheric air in the different sorts of asphyxia, appear to act very differently upon the tonic powers, or the insensible organic contractility of the lungs. Some of these put a sudden stop to the circulation, others not. Compare the asphyxiÆ produced by nitrous or sulphurated hydrogen gas, with those which may be occasioned by pure hydrogen, or carbonic acid gas, and the difference will instantly be seen. This difference indeed, as well as the various other phenomena observable in the various asphyxiÆ, depends on causes which we have not mentioned, but the affection of the air-cells, is evidently one of them. Lastly, the third cause of stagnation of the blood in the venous vascular system, is that debility, which takes place in the ventricle and auricle of this system, when penetrated with venous blood: on the influx of the blood from the cava, they are consequently distended, and this is the case also with the cava itself, for the very same reason. The causes which are now assigned, are sufficient to shew why the black-blooded system, is gorged with fluids in asphyxiÆ.[88] The following considerations will shew why the red-blooded system contains a lesser quantity of fluid. 1st.—The obstacle commences in the lungs; therefore the aortic heart must receive a less quantity than usual: hence, as we have seen, proceeds the quicker cessation of the contractions of this ventricle. 2dly.—The natural strength of the arteries, though enfeebled by the influx of blood into their parietes, is much superior to that of the veins, which besides are subject to the same cause of debility.[89] Accordingly these vessels and the aortic ventricle, are capable of surmounting the resistance of the capillary vessels of the body in general, much more easily than the veins and the venous ventricle, are of vanquishing the capillaries of the lungs. 3dly.—In the general capillary system, there is only one cause of want of action, viz. the presence of black blood in it; to this in the lungs there is added another cause, the want of that habitual excitement which this organ receives on the part of the atmospheric air: accordingly in the lungs, there is a greater resistance offered to the influx of the blood, and with respect to the heart, a less capability of surmounting such resistance. In the other parts, the contrary of all this is observed, a less resistance to the influx of the blood from the arteries into the veins on the one hand, and on the other a greater capability of overcoming such resistance. 4thly.—In the general capillary system, which is continued on from that of the arteries, if the circulation be embarrassed at first, in any organ in particular, it may still continue to go on in the other organs, more or less, in which case the blood regurgitates by these others into the veins. On the contrary, as all the capillary system, which is the continuation of the general venous system, is concentrated in the lungs, the venous circulation must be suppressed, whenever this organ loses its powers. The preceding considerations, if I am not mistaken, explain why the vascular systems are so unequally full of blood after death, a circumstance, which is common to almost every disease, as well as the asphyxiÆ. In the latter sort of death however, although the general capillary system presents a less degree of resistance than is made by the capillary system of the lungs, nevertheless such resistance arising from the influx of the black blood into the organs in general is very manifest, and produces two remarkable phenomena. The first is a greater quantity than usual of black blood in the arteries, and therefore a greater difficulty of injecting these vessels. Such blood is seldom coagulated. Indeed in all cases the venous blood is much less coagulable than arterial blood. This fact is proved, 1st, By the experiments of modern Chemists. 2dly, By the comparison of the blood of varices with that of aneurisms. 3dly, By the inspection of that which usually stagnates after death in the veins of the neighbourhood of the heart. The second circumstance, to which I have referred, is the general livid colour of the greater number of the surfaces, with the fulness of divers parts, such as the face, the tongue and lips. These two phenomena indicate a stagnation of the blood at the extremities of the arteries, in the same way as they denote the same effect in the pulmonary vessels; here there is a much more evident repletion, because as I have said, the capillary system is there concentrated within narrow limits. The reflux of the blood of the veins towards the extremities is the reason assigned by authors for the livid appearance of asphyxiated persons. There is little reality in this cause: in fact, this reflux, which is very sensible in the trunks of the veins, diminishes continually towards their ramifications, where it is impeded and rendered impossible by the valves, besides which, the following experiment is an evident proof, that we must attribute the lividity in question, to the impulse of the black blood from the aortic ventricle. 1st.—Adapt a syringe with its stop-cock to the divided trachea. 2dly, Open the abdomen so as to distinguish the intestines and epiploon. 3dly, Shut the cock. At the end of two or three minutes, the red tint which animates the peritoneum, and which is borrowed by this membrane from the vessels, which creep underneath it, will be changed into a dull brown colour. This colour may be made to disappear and re-appear at will, by opening or shutting the syringe. Here we cannot, as if the experiment were made upon other parts, suspect that a reflux is propagated from the right ventricle towards the venous extremities, since the mesenteric veins, together with the other branches of the vena portÆ, form a system apart, independent of the great black-blooded system, and having no communication with the cavities of the heart which correspond with this system. But I shall touch again upon this subject. The above experiment is amply sufficient to prove, that the lividity of the surfaces of the body is owing to arterial impulse. At present we are in a condition to explain how the lungs are more or less gorged with blood, more or less livid, and how the livid spots upon the different parts of the body are more or less marked accordingly as the asphyxia has been more or less prolonged: for it is evident, that if before death, the black blood have gone round the two systems ten or twelve times, it will inject the extremities much more than if it had made such circulation only two or three times; at each revolution, a greater or less quantity will be left in the extremities, for want of action in the capillary vessels. In finishing this chapter I shall take occasion to observe, that the spleen is the only organ of the economy susceptible like the lungs of assuming a very great variety of volume. Scarcely is it ever found in the same state. It has been falsely supposed that there is a relation between the plenitude or vacuity of the stomach, and the inequalities of the spleen; but this is not the case, as I have said elsewhere. Such inequalities during the life of the body do not exist, and supervene only at the instant of death. It appears to me, that they depend especially upon the state of the liver, the capillary vessels of which, are the continuations of all the branches of the vena portÆ as the capillaries of the lungs are those of the great venous system. Thus, when the hepatic capillaries from any cause whatever are enfeebled, the spleen must swell and be filled with the blood, which cannot traverse the liver.[90] In such case, if I may so express myself, there is an isolated asphyxia of the abdominal vascular apparatus. The liver being to the spleen, what the lungs are to the black-blooded cavities in common asphyxia. The resistance is in the former, the stagnation in the latter. But this matter may be better understood hereafter. Experiments upon animals killed in different ways, would throw much light upon it, and these I purpose undertaking. By these means we may rigorously establish the analogy existing between the stagnation of the blood in the different branches of the vena portÆ, and that which is observed in the general venous system, in consequence of various kinds of death. With respect to the spleen and its system of veins, in ordinary asphyxia, I have never remarked in it any peculiarity. [79] It is not because the vessels of the lungs have become tortuous that the blood flows through them with difficulty, but because they are compressed. It was needless for Goodwyn to seek for reasons to prove, that the flattening of the lungs does not offer a mechanical obstacle to the course of the blood. If he had observed with attention the phenomena of respiration, he would have seen that this contraction, if it does not completely interrupt the circulation of the blood in the lungs, at least modifies it in a very remarkable manner. When the lungs contract, not only the bronchial cells are flattened, but the pulmonary vessels are compressed, and tend to expel the blood contained in their cavity. This fluid flows back then on one part towards the right ventricle by the pulmonary artery, and on the other it accumulates in the pulmonary veins before entering the left auricle. Hence we see that the jet by the carotid artery must increase rather than lessen in the last moments. But if the compression continues, as the capacity of the ramifications of the pulmonary artery is diminished as well as that of the veins of the same name, the quantity of blood which passes through the lungs is less, and the jet by the carotid necessarily decreases. The experiment related by Bichat is then entirely opposed to the opinion which he advances. It is not only by influencing the course of the blood in the system of pulmonary vessels that the alternate motion of the thorax modifies the circulation. If we lay bare the jugular vein of a dog, we perceive that the blood does not move in its cavity from the sole influence of the right auricle, but in an evident manner from the influence of the motions of respiration also. At each time that the thorax is dilated in inspiration, the vein is quickly emptied, flattened and its parietes are sometimes brought exactly against each other; it swells on the contrary and fills with blood when the thorax contracts. A similar phenomenon takes place in the venÆ cavÆ. In order to render it evident it is sufficient to introduce by the jugular vein into the venÆ cavÆ a sound of gum elastic; we then see that the blood flows through the extremity of the sound only during the time of expiration. A similar effect is observed if we introduce a sound into the crural vein and direct it towards the abdomen. Haller and Lorry have paid much attention to this phenomenon, and have proposed an explanation of it which seems very satisfactory at first view, though it is really imperfect. When the thorax is dilated, say they, it draws the blood from the venÆ cavÆ, and, by degrees, that of the veins which are near it. The mechanism of this inspiration is very similar to that by which the air is drawn into the trachea. When the thorax contracts, on the contrary, the blood is crowded back in the venÆ cavÆ by the pressure which is made on all the pectoral organs, vessels, heart and lungs, by the expiratory powers, and by degrees arrives at the veins which terminate in them. Hence the alternation of vacuity and fulness which the jugular veins exhibit. If we open an artery, and examine with attention the jet of blood, we see that it increases in expiration, and this is especially evident when the animal expires strongly or makes an effort; but as we cannot always produce these efforts at will, or a great inspiration, we can in some measure imitate the phenomenon and produce the contraction of the lungs by compressing with the hands the sides of the thorax; we see then the jet of arterial blood increase or diminish, in proportion to the pressure that is made. If respiration produces this effect on the course of the blood in the arteries, it is natural to think that it can influence the course of the venous blood, not only by means of the veins, as Haller and Lorry thought, but also by means of the arteries. For the purpose of satisfying myself, I made the following experiment, I tied the jugular vein of a dog; the vessel became empty below the ligature, and swelled much above, as uniformly happens. I punctured slightly with a lancet the distended portion, so as to make a very small opening. I obtained in this way a jet of blood, which the ordinary motions of respiration did not modify evidently, but which trebled or quadrupled in size if the animal made any considerable effort. It might be objected, that the effect of respiration was not transmitted by the arteries to the open vein, but by the veins which were free, and which would have transmitted the blood of the venÆ cavÆ, towards the tied vein, by means of anastomoses. It is easy to remove this difficulty; in fact, in the dog the internal jugular vein is, as it were, but the appearance of a vein, and the circulation of the head and neck is performed almost entirely by the external jugular veins, which are very large. By tying at the same time these two veins I was sure of preventing, in a very great measure, the reflux which has just been spoken of; but so far from the double ligature diminishing the phenomenon before stated, the jet becomes on the contrary more strictly in relation with the motions of respiration, for it was evidently modified, even by common respiration; which, as we have seen, does not happen in the case of a single ligature. In order to render the thing more evident, I tried it on the crural vein; this vein and all its branches being furnished with valves, which oppose a reflux, if this phenomenon of the increase of the jet appears during expiration, we might be sure that the impulse came from the arteries. This is what I have observed in fact in many experiments. The crural vein being tied and punctured below the ligature, the jet which is formed increases evidently in powerful expirations, in the efforts and the mechanical compressions of the parietes of the thorax with the hands. We see by this and the preceding experiments, that we cannot adopt without modification the expression of Haller and Lorry relative to the swelling of the veins. This swelling takes place, not only, as they say, by the flowing back of the blood of the venÆ cavÆ into the branches which open into them mediately or immediately, but also by the entrance into the vein of a greater quantity of blood coming from the arteries. CHAPTER VII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE LUNGS OVER THAT OF THE BRAIN. We have just seen, that in asphyxia, the movements of the heart are paralyzed, because its fleshy fibres are penetrated with venous blood. This fact should indicate the same to be the case with reference to the action of the brain. It is indubitably proved by experiment. Whatever be the manner in which the pulmonary functions are interrupted, it is always the interruption of the chemical changes, which troubles the functions of the brain.[91] What I have said upon this point with respect to the heart, is exactly applicable to the cerebral mass: I shall not repeat it. It remains to shew by experiment, and the observation of diseases, that when the chemical functions of the lungs are put a stop to, it is the black blood which interrupts the action of the brain and that of the nervous system. In the first place let us examine our experiments. I first began by transfusing into the brain of an animal, the arterial blood of another, that this essay might serve as a point of comparison for others. Open one of the carotids of a dog; tie the extremity towards the brain, and fasten a tube to that which is next the heart; then open the carotid of another dog, tie the extremity of the vessel next the heart, and fix the other end of the tube into that which is next the brain; then let the assistant, who meanwhile should have had his fingers upon the artery of the first dog underneath the tube, remove his compression, and the carotid of the second dog will be seen beating under the impulse of the blood injected from the heart of the first. This operation fatigues but little the animal which receives the blood, particularly if one of the veins be previously opened, to prevent too great a fulness of the vessels. It will live very well afterwards. This experiment has been often repeated, and always with the same results. After this experiment, I opened the carotid, and the jugular vein of another dog, and after tying the extremity of the carotid next the heart, received the blood of the jugular into a warm syringe, and injected it into the brain. The creature appeared immediately to be agitated, breathed quickly, and seemed to be in a state of suffocation, similar to that of asphyxia. Its animal life became entirely extinct; the heart, however, continued to beat, and the circulation to go on for half an hour afterwards; at the end of which time the organic life was terminated also. This dog was of a middle size, and about six ounces of blood were injected with a gentle impulse, for fear of that being attributed to the shock, which ought to have been the result of the nature and composition of the fluid. I repeated this experiment upon three dogs the same day, and afterwards at different times upon others; the result was invariable, not only as to the asphyxia of the animal, but even as to the concomitant appearances. It might be thought that out of its vessels, and exposed to the contact of the air, the blood might imbibe a pernicious principle, or be deprived of that which is requisite for the maintenance of life. It might be imagined, that to this cause was owing the sudden death of the dog, on the injection of the brain with venous blood. To shew that this was not the case, I made a small opening in the jugular of a dog, to which I adapted a moderately warm syringe, and pumped the blood immediately from the vein.—It was afterwards thrown into the carotid: the symptoms were the same as the preceding, but less marked, and the death of the creature induced more slowly.—It is probable, then, that the air when in contact with the living blood without its vessels may alter it a little, but the essential cause of death is still the same. Hence it appears that the black blood either is not an excitant capable of keeping up the cerebral action, or that it acts in a deleterious manner, upon the brain. The injection by the carotid of various other substances will produce analogous effects. I have killed animals in this way with ink, oil, wine, and water coloured with indigo. The greater number of the excrementitious fluids, such as urine, bile, the mucus of catarrhs, occasion death also by their simple presence on the brain. The serosity of the blood is fatal, but not as quickly so. Now it is certainly upon the substance of the brain, and not upon the internal surface of the arteries, that these different substances exert their influence. I have injected them all into the crural artery. In this way they are none of them mortal, but occasion always a torpor, amounting even to paralysis at times.[92] The black blood is doubtless fatal to the brain, the brain becoming at once a tonic from its presence. In what way does it act? I do not pretend to determine the manner; for this were only to begin a series of conjectures. By this time we are authorised to conclude, that in asphyxiÆ, the circulation which continues for some time after the interruption of the chemical functions of the lungs, interrupts the cerebral functions, from its being composed of black blood only. The fact is proved in another manner, for the movements of the brain continue to be made as usual. If the cerebral mass be exposed, and the creature asphyxiated, the animal life will be extinguished, but the motion of the brain will be apparent still. Since then the latter cause of life subsists, the cause of death must be in the nature of the fluid, by which the organ is penetrated. Nevertheless, if any affection of the brain coincide with asphyxia, the death which is occasioned by the latter, will be quicker than is usually the case. Strike a dog a violent blow upon the head, and then if he be deprived of air, he will die on the instant. In asphyxiating another animal already in a state of stupor, from compression of the brain, I observed that the vital functions were interrupted somewhat sooner, than when the brain is untouched during that operation; but the consequences hitherto deduced, may be supported by other experiments. If in asphyxia the black blood suspend the action of the cerebral mass, it is evident that the black blood taken from the arteries of an animal dying of asphyxia, and injected into the brain of another, will be the cause of death. The experiment will be found to succeed—cut the trachea, of a dog, and tie it up hermetically; then in the course of two or three minutes, open the carotid and receive into a syringe the blood, which flows from the vessels; inject it into the brain of another animal, and it will die. The following experiment is very similar, but offers a somewhat different result. 1st. Adapt a tube with a stop-cock to the trachea of a dog, and a tube of silver to the carotid, next the head, after dividing this vessel, and tie up the extremity towards the heart. 2dly. Fix the other end of the tube to the divided carotid of another dog next the heart, and tie the extremity of the vessel towards the head. 3dly. Shut the cock of the tube in the trachea, and the black blood of the one dog in a short time, will be injected into the brain of the other. The appearances above described will shortly afterwards succeed, but not so soon as in the former experiment, and if the transfusion be stopped, the animal which has been asphyxiated in this way, may recover and live. In the preceding experiment he will always die. It appears then that some extraneous pernicious principle is imbibed by the venous blood, when in contact with the air. Observe that for the latter experiment the dog from which the brain of the other is to be injected, must be stronger and more vigorous than the other. The reasons are evident. I was desirous of trying whether the venous blood would not be capable of keeping up the cerebral action, if reddened artificially. For this purpose I opened the jugular and the carotid of a dog, and received the blood of the vein in a vessel filled with oxygen; it immediately became of a vivid purple, but on its injection into the brain, the animal was very suddenly killed. I was much surprised at this result, but ceased to be so on remarking, that a great quantity of air was mixed with the fluid, and that it arrived upon the brain, in a state of foam: now we know that a very small number of bubbles are sufficient to kill an animal, whether they be introduced on the side of the brain, or on that of the heart. From this reflection, I was induced to repeat my experiments upon the injection of black blood, suspecting as I did that some small quantity of air might in these cases have been contained in the extremity of my syringe. I soon however recollected that if this cause were real, it should produce the same effect in every instance whatever were the fluid employed, now when water is injected there is nothing of the kind observable. We may be thus assured that the black blood is either incapable of keeping up the action of the brain, or that it acts in a deleterious manner upon that organ, from the very nature of the principles, which it contains. From such datum it should appear that the life of the asphyxiated person might be restored, by pushing on into the brain a sufficient quantity of arterial blood, but here we must make a distinction of two periods in asphyxia: 1st. That in which the cerebral functions are only suspended: 2dly. That in which the circulation and the movements of the breast are stopped (for this disease is ever characterised by the sudden loss of all animal life, and consecutively by that of the organic life.) Now, as long as the first period of asphyxia continues, I have observed that, by the transfusion of red blood into the brain, from the heart of another animal, the movement of the creature which is dying will be restored by degrees, and the cerebral functions resume in part their activity; but this is only a temporary thing, and the animal will fall again into its previous dying state, if the asphyxiating cause be continued. On the other hand, if during the first period, to which we have alluded, the air be readmitted, into the trachea, the lungs will be reanimated, the blood be coloured, and the creature be revived without the assistance of any transfusion; and such transfusion again is of no avail, after the second period of asphyxia, so that this experiment offers only a proof of what we already know; with respect to the difference of the influence of arterial and venous blood upon the brain, and not a remedy in case of asphyxia. Again, whenever I have injected venous blood into the brain, by the help of a syringe, I have universally found that such proceeding is fatal. Though the cause of asphyxia be removed, and arterial blood injected, either with the syringe, or immediately from the heart of another animal, it is of little effect, and frequently of none whatever. And in general asphyxia when produced by blood, which has been taken from the venous system itself and pushed into the brain is much more certain and more decided, than that which is occasioned by ligature of the trachea, or the introduction of different gases into the lungs. After having established by different experiments, how fatal the influence of the black blood is upon the brain, which receives it from the arteries whenever the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended, it will not be amiss or out of place to shew, that the phenomena of the asphyxia, which are observed in the human subject, accord with the experiments of which I have given the detail. 1st. It is generally known that every kind of asphyxia affects the brain in the first instance; that the functions of this organ are the first to be annihilated; that the animal life, and particularly the sensations cease; that all our relations with exterior objects are instantly suspended, and that the organic functions are only consecutively interrupted. Whatever be the mode of asphyxia, by submersion, strangulation, gases, or a vacuum, the same phenomena occur at all times. 2dly. It is known that the greater number of those who have escaped suffocation, have been sensible only of a general stupor, the seat of which has been evidently in the brain. It is known also, that death is almost always certain in these cases, while the pulse and the heart have ceased to be felt. 3dly. It is affirmed by almost all such persons as have survived this accident, especially when caused by the vapour of charcoal, that the first thing of which they were sensible, was more or less pain, in the head, an effect in all probability occasioned by the first influx of the black blood into the brain. This fact has been noted by the greater number of authors, who have written on asphyxia. 4thly. The vulgar expression that “charcoal flies to the head” is surely a proof that the brain, and not the heart, is the first affected in the asphyxia occasioned by this deleterious substance. The unprejudiced vulgar, oftentimes observe more correctly than we do, who frequently see only what we wish to see.[93] 5thly. There are many examples of persons, who after escaping the pernicious effects of the vapour of charcoal, have been subject afterwards to paralytic affections, and loss of memory. Such changes have evidently their seat in the brain. Convulsion also is frequently the effect of the impression of mephitic vapour: head-ache is a common symptom, and for the most part remains after the others have disappeared. In every book of cases may be seen examples of these affections. In cold-blooded animals, and in reptiles especially, this influence of the black blood on the brain, though real, is much less apparent. Make an incision into both sides of the breast of a frog, then tie the lungs at their root, and the animal will live notwithstanding for a considerable time. Cut away the lungs entirely, and the same phenomenon will be remarked. In fish, the relation between the lungs and the brain, is somewhat more direct, for by the organization of the branchiÆ, they differ essentially from reptiles. I have taken away the cartilaginous plate which covers the gills of the carp, the motion of the gills however continued to be made as before, and the animal lived without any apparent injury done to its functions. I afterwards put a ligature about the cartilaginous rings which sustain the branchiÆ, so as to hinder all motion in the pulmonary apparatus. The effect was, that the animal languished, his fins dropt, his muscular movements soon grew weak, then ceased entirely, and the creature in the course of a quarter of an hour was dead. The same phenomena with some little variety, were observable in a carp from which I cut away the branchiÆ. After all however, the particular nature of those relations, which unite the heart, the lungs, and the brain, both in the red and cold-blooded animals, is well worthy the farther investigation of physiologists. The latter sort of animals, can neither be subject to syncope or apoplexy, or at least the character of these diseases must be very much modified in them. They are with much more difficulty asphyxiated. We shall now return to those species which bear a nearer resemblance to man. From the influence of the black blood over the heart, the brain, and the rest of the organs, it was my opinion, that persons affected with varicose aneurisms, would perish less quickly from asphyxia then others; because the red blood passes into the veins, and traverses the lungs without requiring alteration. Accordingly, it should be capable of keeping up the cerebral action. To be assured if this suspicion were well founded, I made a communication between the carotid artery and jugular vein of a dog, by means of a curved tube. The pulsation of the artery was thus communicated to the vein. I afterwards asphyxiated the animal by stopping the trachea, but the phenomena of death were little different from those of common asphyxia. We may conclude with certainty, from the various considerations and experiments presented in the present chapter. 1st. That when the chemical phenomena of the lungs are interrupted, the black blood acts upon the brain, as it does upon the heart, by penetrating the tissue of that organ, and depriving it of the excitement, which is necessary to its action. 2dly. That its influence is much more rapid upon the first, than on the second of these organs. 3dly. That it is the inequality of such influence, which occasions the difference in the cessation of the two lives in the case of asphyxia. The animal life is always annihilated before the organic life. We may conceive from what has been said in this and the preceding chapter, how unfounded are the suspicions of those who have supposed that the brain, after the separation of the head from the body by the guillotine, might live awhile and have sensation. The action of this organ is immediately connected with its double excitements.—1st, By motion; 2dly, By the nature of the blood which it receives. Now, when the interruption of such excitement is sudden, the interruption of every kind of feeling must also be sudden. When the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended, the disturbance induced in the functions of the brain, has indeed a very considerable influence on the death of the other organs; nevertheless, such disturbance is the beginning of death only in the animal life, and even then is connected with other causes. The organic life ceases from the sole presence of the black blood among the different organs. The death of the brain is only an isolated and partial phenomenon of asphyxia, which does not take place in any particular organ, but in all alike. We shall explain this assertion in the following chapter. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE LUNGS OVER THAT OF THE ORGANS IN GENERAL. I have just shewn in what way the interruption of the chemical phenomena which take place in the lungs, annihilates the functions of the heart and brain. It remains me to shew, that the other organs of the body are as much affected by such cessation; so that asphyxia, as I have said, is a general disease, and not an affection of any one organ in particular. But before I proceed to analyze the effects of asphyxia upon the organs in general, and consequently the mode of action of the black blood upon them, it may be of use to explain the phenomena of the production of this kind of blood, at the instant when the functions of the lungs are suspended. This paragraph will possess, perhaps, some interest; it might have belonged indifferently to either of the preceding chapters. I. Exposition of the phenomena of the production of black blood, when the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended. It is known in general, that the blood is coloured in traversing the lungs, that from black it becomes red; but this very interesting fact, has not been hitherto the object of any precise or rigorous experiment. The lungs of the frog, of which the air vessels are large, and the membranes thin and transparent, would serve very well for the purpose of observing the process of the phenomenon in question, but for the slowness of respiration in these animals, the difference of organization in their lungs, and the too small quantity of blood by which they are traversed. On such account there can be little analogy between them and the more perfect animals, and then again our experiments upon these little amphibiÆ, are all of them rendered incomplete, by the tenuity of their pulmonary vessels, and the impossibility of observing the correspondence of the change of velocity in the circulation, with the colour of their blood. The phenomena of the respiration of man, and those of the functions which are dependent on it, can be illustrated only by experiments made upon animals with a double ventricle, with a complete pulmonary apparatus, possessed of a temperature superior to that of the atmosphere, and the two separate systems of venous and arterial blood; but on the other hand, in the mammalia resembling man, their respiratory apparatus, the thickness of the vessels and cavities of the heart, impede the view of the blood which they contain; and experiments made without an absolute inspection of the fluid there, can only give us approximations. The indecisive experiments of former physiologists on this subject were my motives for the present inquiry. One of the best methods of judging of the colour of the blood, consists as I have often said, in fixing a tube with a stop-cock to the trachea. By this, the influx of air into the lungs, may be regulated or altogether stopped. By this, we may distend the organ, or entirely evacuate it; it gives us also the facility of introducing whatever gas we please. The animal breathes very well by such pipe when it is open, and would live with it for a considerable length of time without any very great alteration in its functions. In the second place, an artery, the crural or carotid for instance, must be opened with the view of observing the varieties of colour in the blood projected from it. A small artery should not be chosen. From such a one the course of the blood would be suspended by the slightest accident; and on the other hand, the larger arteries expend in a little time too large a quantity of blood; this inconvenience may be remedied, by adapting to these vessels a tube of a small diameter, or a stop-cock. All things being thus prepared, on a dog, for instance, let us see what are the phenomena which take place, when the colour of the blood is altered. In my indication of these, however, I shall speak only of what I have seen, and by no means pretend that in man their duration should be similar or uniform, or even that in animals of the same species, under the different circumstances of sleep, digestion, exercise, and passion, &c. if it were possible in such way to repeat them, they should be alike. The instability of the animal functions, as I have said, is extreme; they cannot be submitted to calculation; they remain indeed the same, but their variations as to plus or minus are innumerable. Let us now return to our subject: 1st. If the cock of the pipe be shut immediately after the animal has inspired, the blood begins to be altered in colour at the end of about thirty seconds.—At the end of a minute its colour is dark; at the end of a minute and half or two minutes, it is perfectly similar to venous blood. 2dly. If the cock of the pipe be shut immediately after the animal has expired strongly, the blood receives its tinge of black some seconds the sooner. 3dly. If the air of the lungs be pumped out entirely with a syringe, the blood will suddenly pass from red to black.[94] In such case it appears that the artery immediately throws out a black stream, after it has expelled the red blood which it previously contained. There is no gradation. The blood is expelled by the arteries, such as it is in the veins. 4thly. If, instead of making a vacuum in the lungs, we inflate the air cells to the full, the blood is a longer time in becoming black, a minute at least, and is not completely black before the end of three minutes.—This will vary according to the quantity of air injected. From all these experiments it follows, 1st, That the length of the interval, during which the blood retains its red colour, is in direct proportion to the quantity of air contained in the lungs; 2dly, That as long as there remains any quantity however small of respirable air in the cells of the lungs, the blood will preserve more or less of its crimson colour; 3dly, That this colour diminishes in proportion as the respirable air diminishes; and 4thly, That the blood is exactly similar to that of the veins, as soon as the whole of the vital air in the extremities of the bronchiÆ has been exhausted. In my different experiments with regard to asphyxia, I have remarked, that if after shutting the cock of the syringe, the animal agitate the chest by similar movements to those of inspiration and expiration, the blood is a longer time in losing its red colour, than in the case where the breast remains at rest. Such motion and agitation must cause a circulation of air in the cells, in consequence of which, a greater number of its points must be presented to the circulating fluid. My experiments which I shall presently detail on the breathing of animals in bladders, will prove the truth of the above explanation. At present I pass to a contrary set of phenomena—to those which are exemplified when the blood regains its arterial colour during the period, which, from a state of asphyxia, restores the animal to life. 1st. When the cock, which for some minutes has been shut, is opened, the air immediately penetrates into the bronchiÆ; but previously the animal expires strongly. Six or seven large inspirations and expirations follow each other precipitately. The artery being now examined, a jet of a very vivid colour is seen succeeding to the efflux of black blood, and takes place in thirty seconds at most, from the time of opening the tube. This is the inverse of the phenomenon above described. There are no successive shades perceived from black to red; the passage is instantaneous. The brightness of the colour seems even to be greater than is natural. 2dly. If instead of suddenly turning the cock, a very strong stream of air only be admitted, the colour is less lively indeed, but just as quickly regained. 3dly. If there be adapted to the stop-cock a syringe full of air, and this fluid be pushed into the lungs, on opening the pipe, and then the pipe be suddenly shut again, the blood will become red, but much less evidently so, than when the entrance of the air is owing to voluntary inspiration. Here the portion of air injected must repel into the bottom of the cells whatever is already vitiated, while on the contrary, if the tube be simply opened, the vitiated air is at once rejected, and then replaced from without. The following experiment appears to confirm this idea. 4thly. If instead of pushing air upon that which is contained in the lungs, we pump out the vitiated air in the first place, and then inflate the organ, the colouring process will be more rapid, and the colour of the blood itself especially, more lively than in the preceding case, though less so than in the first of this latter suite of experiments. 5thly. The lungs being exposed on both sides by a lateral section of the ribs, the circulation will continue to go on for a certain time. Now, if by means of a syringe adapted to the stop-cock in the trachea, the pulmonary vesicles be alternately emptied and dilated, the changes from red to black, and from black to red, will be observed as in the above experiment, as long as the circulation lasts. The following consequences may be inferred from the facts, which I have mentioned. 1st. The rapidity with which the blood becomes red again, on opening the pipe in the trachea, is a plain proof, that the principle from which this colour is gained, must pass into the blood across the membranous parietes of the air cells, and not by means of the absorbents. I shall establish this fact hereafter upon other proofs. 2dly. The celebrated experiment of Hook, in which the enfeebled movements of the hearts of animals in a state of asphyxia are accelerated by injecting air into the lungs, is very well explained. The red blood penetrates into the fibres of the heart, and puts an end to the debility induced, by the influx thither of the black blood. 3dly. I do not believe, that motion can ever be restored to the heart, when once it has been wholly annihilated by the presence of venous blood. In this I have never succeeded, though I have often attempted it. Many authors, however, pretend to have done so. If the heart be reanimated by arterial blood, it is necessary at any rate, that such blood, should pass into it, now in what way can it arrive there, if the circulation have entirely ceased. We must observe, however, that there are two cases of interruption in the action of the heart from asphyxia. Sometimes there supervenes a syncope which arrests the movement of this organ, before the black blood has been able to produce such effect; and here it is manifestly capable of excitement, from the presence of the red blood, just as it is from the application of any irritating cause; but when it has been injected with venous blood, it then contains within itself the principle of its inertia, which can be removed only by the contact of arterial blood with it; but such contact is become impossible. I was very desirous of knowing what the influence might be of the different gases when inspired upon the colour of the blood. Accordingly I successively adapted to the pipe different bladders, containing hydrogen and carbonic acid gas. The animal alternately swells and contracts the bladder by the different motions of the thorax. It is calm at first, but at the end of three minutes, begins to be agitated; its respiration is now hurried and embarrassed, and at the end of four or five minutes, the blood of the carotid is black. Whichever of the two gases be employed, there is little difference in the above phenomena. This remark should be compared with those of the Members of the Institute, who have assured us that complete asphyxia supervenes only after an interval of ten minutes, with pure hydrogen, and at the end of two minutes with carbonic acid gas. The black blood must continue, therefore, to circulate for a longer time in one than in the other kind of asphyxia here spoken of. This circumstance confirms some reflections which I shall have occasion to offer upon the difference of asphyxiÆ. For what reason should the blood be a longer time in losing its colour, when bladders of non-respirable air are fixed to the pipe, than when the cock is simply turned? The reason of this is evident. By the different motions of the lungs, the air is expelled and reabsorbed, the respirable portion of it must consequently be successively presented to the capillary orifices, by which it is transmitted to the blood. On the contrary, when the pipe is simply shut, the air it is plain has not the same influx and efflux; in comparison with such motion, it may be said to stagnate so that the respirable portion of that which is enclosed in the bronchial cells is exhausted, and the blood ceases to be coloured, though there remain in the trachea and its larger divisions, a considerable quantity of fluid, which has not been despoiled of its vivifying principle. Of this we may be certain, after the death of the animal, by cutting the trachea under the pipe, and plunging a bougie into it. The process by which the blood gains its red colour appears to take place only at the extremities of the bronchiÆ, the inner surface of the larger aerial vessels, has nothing to do with this phenomenon. We may convince ourselves of the reality of the explanation which I have offered, if we pump out the air of the lungs, before we fit the bladder to the trachea; for in such case, the animal must breathe the air of the bladder without mixture. Here the change of the blood to black is almost sudden, but here also, as in the preceding experiment, there is little difference in the phenomena, whatever gas we employ. I have chosen the two gases above mentioned, because they enter into the phenomena of natural respiration. When we adapt to the pipe a bladder full of pure oxygen, the blood is very long in becoming black, but does not at first assume a redder tint than it usually has. II. The blood which has been blackened in consequence of the interruption of the chemical functions of the lungs penetrates into the organs, and circulates for some time in the vascular system of the red blood. We have just established what are the phenomena of the alteration of colour in the blood, when the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended. Before we consider the influence of this change upon the death of the organs, let us prove, that they are really penetrated by the blood when so altered. I have proved it to be a fact, that the force of the heart subsists for some time, notwithstanding the influx of the black blood into it, and have shewn that the black blood is thrown out with a jet, similar to that of the red blood, &c. &c. Hence I might already conclude, 1st, That the arterial circulation continues for a certain time, though the arteries contain a fluid, to which they are not accustomed, and 2dly, That the necessary consequence of such circulation, must be the injection of the different parts of the body with black blood; but we shall deduce the latter conclusion from precise and rigorous experiments. To be certain of this important fact, we have only to expose successively the different organs, while the animal is suffering a death of asphyxia. I have in this way examined the muscles, the nerves, the membranes and the viscera. The following are the results of my observations. 1st. The colouring matter of the muscles, exists in the body in two states—at liberty, or in a state of combination; in the vessels, where it circulates with the blood, or in the fibres, with which it is combined. It forms especially the colour of the muscles, and in such state undergoes no alteration from asphyxia; in its free state it is blackened. The divided muscles furnish an infinity of black drops, which are no other than indices of the divided vessels. Such drops contrast with the red of the muscles; but when circulating within them, are the cause of that livid tint which they then present. 2dly. The nerves are habitually penetrated by a number of small arteries, which creep along within their tissue, and carry to them both excitement and life. In the state of asphyxia the black blood by which they are traversed, is announced by the dull brown, which succeeds to the rosy-white, which is natural to them. 3dly. There are few parts, where the influx of the black blood is more visible, than in the skin; the livid spots so frequent in asphyxia, are only the effect of the obstacles which it meets with, in its passage towards the general capillary system, to the organic contractility of which it is not a sufficient excitant. To this cause also is owing the tumefaction of certain parts, such as the cheeks and lips. This phenomenon we have seen already in the lungs, they cannot be traversed by the blood and therefore become in the last moments of life, the seat of a fulness, which affects the whole of the capillary system there; but for the reasons, which I have assigned, such fulness is always more evident in the capillary system of the lungs, than in that of the system in general. 4thly. The mucous membranes also, when the chemical functions of the lungs are interrupted, exemplify a similar phenomenon. The swelling of the tongue, observable in those that have been drowned or hanged, or asphyxiated by the vapour of charcoal, the lividity of the membrane of the mouth, of the intestines, and the bronchiÆ which have also been remarked, depend on no other cause. The following is a proof of this assertion: Drag out of an animal a portion of the alimentary canal and divide it in such way as to expose its inner surface. Then shut up the pipe which has been previously adapted to the trachea, and at the end of four or five minutes, a brown tint will succeed to the red one, which is natural to this surface. 5thly. I have made the same remark upon the fleshy granulations of a wound, inflicted on an animal, for the purpose of observing the manner in which they are coloured by the black blood. In the two last experiments, this phenomenon is slower in taking place than in many other circumstances. 6thly. The alteration of colour in the serous membranes is much more quickly effected than it is in the mucous membranes. Of this we may assure ourselves by comparatively examining the outer and inner surfaces of the intestines, while the pipe in the trachea is shut; in the serous membranes, the livid tint which they assume, depends upon the vessels, which creep underneath them, and not on the blood by which they are penetrated. Now as these vessels are considerable, the black blood must flow into them almost as soon as it is produced. In the mucous membranes on the contrary, and in all cicatrices, the colour which they take on in asphyxia, is made by the capillary system of the membrane itself, which system is much more tardy than the other, to receive the black blood, and to be penetrated by it; so much so indeed, as to refuse it in some parts. I have many times seen the membrane of the nasal fossÆ very red in asphyxiated animals, while that of the mouth has been quite livid, for there are parts into which as I have said the black blood will not penetrate at all, and then they preserve their natural colour. 2dly. There are others into which it evidently passes, but where it stops, and then a simple change of colour is observed, if it have penetrated but in small quantity; and again, if it have penetrated in a considerable quantity, together with such change of colour, there will be observed a tumefaction of the part. 3dly. In other cases, the black blood merely traverses the parts, without stopping in the capillary system, and passes at once into the veins, as the red blood does. In the first and second case, the general circulation experiences an obstacle which puts a stop to it in the general capillary system. In the third, which is much more universal, it is in the capillaries of the lungs that the blood is at last arrested, after having circulated in the veins. These two sorts of impediment coincide with each other, in many instances. Thus in asphyxia, a part of the black blood which circulates in the arteries stops in the face, upon the mucous surfaces, in the tongue, and in the lips, while the other, and much the larger quantity, finds no impediment in the general capillary system, and is finally arrested in the lungs. What is the reason, why certain parts of the capillary system refuse to admit the venous blood, or if they admit it, do not pass it on to the veins; while others are less enfeebled by it, and transmit it as freely as ever. All this must certainly depend on the relation existing between the sensibility of each part and the venous blood. I was desirous of making use of the power, which we possess, of changing the colour of the blood, for getting some insight into the influence of the circulation of the mother, upon that of the foetus; accordingly I procured a bitch big with young, and asphyxiated her, by closing a tube, adapted to the trachea. About four minutes after she had ceased to breathe, I opened her; the circulation was going on. I then cut into the matrix, and exposed the cord of two or three of the foetuses. The artery and the vein, were both of them full alike of venous blood. Had I been able to procure other bitches in a similar state, I should have repeated this experiment in another manner. I should in the first place have compared the natural colour of the vein, with that of the artery. In many of the young of the guinea pig, the difference appeared to me to be much less than it is in the adult animal. In many circumstances indeed I could perceive no difference whatever. Both the arterial and venous blood were equally black, though the respiration of the mother was in no wise impeded by the opening of the belly. Secondly, I should have closed the tube in the trachea, and then have observed whether the change in colour of the umbilical artery of the foetus (supposing the blood of the artery to be different from that of the vein) were correspondent with that, which would inevitably take place in the blood of the mother. Experiments made with a view to these circumstances, and on large animals, might probably throw much light upon the mode of communication, between the mother and the foetus. Observations are also much to be desired, with respect to the colour of the blood in the human foetus, and the cause of its passage from a livid colour, to the very marked red which it assumes, some little time after birth.[95] I might add a number of examples to these, which I have already related of the blackening of the organs by the venous blood. Thus, the kidney of a dog exposed, while the animal is dying of asphyxia, is much more livid than in its natural state, the spleen also and the liver, when divided, emit only black blood, instead of that mixture of red and black blood which is observable, in the section of these organs, upon an animal which breathes freely. But I trust that we have facts enough to establish it as a certainty, 1st, That the black blood after the interruption of the chemical functions of the lungs, continues for some time to circulate, and 2dly, That it penetrates into the organs, where it replaces the red blood; these circumstances explain the reason, why on opening the body we always meet with black blood even in the vessels which are destined for the circulation of arterial blood. In the last moments of existence of whatever death the individual may have died, we shall always observe the lungs become embarrassed and cease to perform their office, for some time previous to the total suspension of the functions of the heart. The blood makes its circle through the system, after ceasing to receive the influence of the air, and consequently in its venous state; accordingly it must remain so in the organ in every case, although the circulation be much less evident, than in asphyxia, for it is in this circumstance that consists, the great peculiarity of asphyxia. The following phenomena may now be easily understood. 1st. When the left auricle and ventricle together with the large divisions of the aorta, on opening the body, are found to contain blood, such blood is always black. The fact is familiar to those who are in the habit of dissecting. In exercising my pupils on the surgical operations, I have always observed that when the open arteries are not entirely empty, their contents are composed of venous blood. 2dly, The corpus cavernosum is always gorged with this sort of fluid, whether flaccid or in a state of erection. For I have seen it in the latter state in two subjects brought to my amphitheatre. One of these men had hanged himself, the other had died of concussion of the brain. 3dly, The blood which is found in the spleen is never red; but sometimes on the exterior, and sometimes on the concave surface of this organ, I have observed spots of a scarlet colour, for which I cannot account. 4thly, After death, the mucous membranes lose the red colour by which they are characterized during life. They assume a black and livid hue. 5thly, Blood extravasated in the brain of persons in a state of apoplexy, is almost always found to be black. 6thly, Sometimes, instead of accumulating inwardly the blood injects the surface of the body. In such case the face, the neck, and shoulders swell, and are infiltrated with blood. I have frequently remarked this sort of phenomenon in the subject, but have never found it coincide with any internal extravasion.—The colour of the skin is then of a purple or deep brown, an evident sign of the sort of blood with which it is injected, and is evidently produced by the stagnation of the black blood in the external capillary system, not by the reflux of the blood from the veins. I shall not dwell any longer upon the numerous consequences of the above established principle. I shall only observe, that when death commences by the circulatory system, the preceding phenomena are not to be remarked, or at least very little perceptible. Let us now pass on to the influence of the black blood upon the organs of which it penetrates the tissue. III. The black blood which penetrates the organs, as soon as the chemical functions of the lungs have ceased, will not maintain them in a state of life and activity. To determine what the influence of the black blood is upon the organs, I shall first remark, that the property of the red blood is to stimulate them, and keep up their vital actions. This will be proved by the following observations: 1st, Compare phlegmon, erysipelas, and inflammatory tumours (to the formation of which the red blood is essentially requisite) with scorbutic spots, and petechiÆ, produced by the black blood. The first will be found connected with the exaltation of the vital powers, the second with their depression. 2dly, Examine two men, the one with a rosy coloured skin and large breast, announcing vigour of lungs, the other with a pale and sallow countenance, and narrow chest: in these the vigour of the chemical combinations which are made in the lungs, should certainly be very different. 3dly, The greater number of gangrenes in old men, begin with a lividity in the part, a lividity which is evidently the index of the absence or diminution of the arterial blood in the part. 4thly, The redness of the branchiÆ of fish is always the sign by which their vigour may be recognised. 5thly, The redder the granulations of wounds, the more healthy is their nature; the paler or browner they are, the less has the part a tendency to cicatrise. 6thly, The lively colour of the face, and the ardent eye, coincide with the energy of the cerebral actions in certain fevers. 7thly, The more developed the pulmonary system of animals, the more active are the chemical processes of the lungs, and the more developed and perfect the general life of their different organs. 8thly, Youth, which is the age of vigour, is that also when the red blood predominates in the system. The arteries of old people are smaller, the veins larger than those of the young. It is a fact universally known, that at the two extremities of life the proportions of the two vascular systems are inverted. I am ignorant of the manner in which the red blood excites and keeps up the life of the parts. Perhaps the principles by which it is coloured become combined with the different organs to which it is distributed. In fact there is a considerable difference between the phenomena of the general and those of the capillary system. In the first, the blood in changing its colour, leaves behind it the principles which made it red; in the second, the elements to which its blackness is owing, are rejected by respiration and exhalation. Now, this union of the colouring principles of the arterial blood, may probably constitute a material part of the excitement which is necessary to the action of the organs.—If such be the case, the black blood as it does not contain the materials of such union, cannot act as an exciting cause. This idea, however, I offer only as a probability, and am by no means prepared to defend it as a truth; it may be ranked on a par with that of the sedative action, which I have said may be excited by the black blood on the different parts—for, however probable an opinion may appear, there should be no real importance attached to it as an opinion only. Without regard then to any system, let us inquire how the black blood, from its contact with the various parts, is the occasion of their death; how it acts on the parts of the animal life, and how it acts on those of the organic life. All the organs of the animal life depend upon the brain; now, we have seen that the black blood paralyses the cerebral powers almost suddenly. In the state then of asphyxia, the locomotive, the vocal and sensitive organs, must be inactive. From the same cause, their exercise must be suspended in all those different experiments where black blood is injected into the brain, the other parts receiving the red blood as usual. But when the black blood circulates throughout all the system, when the whole of the organs, as well as the brain, are submitted to its influence, then there are two other causes of death connected with those which have been mentioned. 1st, The nerves, which are penetrated by it, for that very reason are no longer capable of keeping up the communication between the brain and the senses on the one hand, and on the other, between this same viscus and the locomotive or vocal organs. 2dly, The contact of the black blood with these organs themselves annihilates their actions. Inject the crural artery of an animal with the black blood taken from one of its veins, and the movements of that member will be shortly afterwards enfeebled, or wholly paralyzed. In this experiment, the upper part of the artery, for manifest reasons, should be that to which the pipe of the syringe should be fixed. I am aware that as to this experiment, it may be asserted that the ligature of the artery, of itself, is capable of paralyzing the limb. In fact, such circumstance has happened twice with me, but I have also had occasion to observe, that it does not necessarily follow the ligature of this vessel, as it does the ligature of the aorta: when the latter vessel is tied, all movements cease at once; notwithstanding all which, the result of the injection of black blood, is almost constantly that which I have asserted it to be;—I say almost, 1st, Because I have once seen it fail in its effect, though done with the requisite precautions; 2dly, Because the debility, which is induced, both in duration and degree, will be according to the strength of the animal on which the experiment is made. There is also occasioned in this experiment, a manifest suspension of the sensibility of the animal; it is not indeed so ready to appear as the loss of motion; but it always comes on, especially if the injection of the black blood be repeated three or four times, with small intervals. A similar, but a more tardy effect may be produced by adapting to the canula, which has been placed in the crural artery of an animal, a tube which has been previously fixed to the carotid of another animal, and then by asphyxiating the latter.[96] The organs of the internal life are not dependent on the brain, and therefore are not affected by the suspension of the cerebral action in asphyxia. It is the influx of the black blood which is the immediate cause of their death. I have already demonstrated what the influence is of this blood upon the organs of the circulation. We have seen how the heart ceases to act, as soon as it is penetrated by it; it is owing in part to the injection of the arterial and venous parietes themselves, by the vasa vasorum, that the vessels are forced to suspend their actions. It will be always a difficult thing to prove, that the secretions, the exhalations, and the process of nutrition, could not be made from venous blood, because the circulation of this sort of blood in the arteries, does not continue for a sufficient time, to allow of observations, or the manner in which these functions would be affected by it. On this subject, however, I have made some essays. 1st, I exposed the inner surface of the bladder of a living animal, after having previously divided the symphysis pubis, and opened the lower belly, I then examined the oozing of the urine from the orifices of the ureters, while I asphyxiated the animal. 2dly, I divided the vas deferens, with the view of observing, whether the semen would flow or not, during such state. In general, I have had occasion to remark, that during the circulation of the black blood in the arteries, no fluids appear to issue from the different secreting tubes. But I confess, that in all these experiments, and in other similar ones which I have made, the animal is too much agitated, and the limits of the experiments too circumscribed, for any thing like a well founded judgment to be formed on the subject in question. It is chiefly from analogy, then, that I am led to conclude, that the black blood is unfit for the purposes of exhalation and nutrition: such supposition also accords well with divers of the phenomena of asphyxia.—1st, The want of exhalation from the skin during the state of asphyxia, is probably the reason of the phenomena of the animal heat in such sort of death.[97] 2dly, In asphyxiating animals very slowly during digestion, I have uniformly observed, that the bile ducts, and duodenum, contain a much less quantity of bile, than they do at such time, when these parts are exposed in the living animal.—3dly, As the blood loses nothing from the exercise of these functions, it must of course accumulate in the vessels; and in fact, it is very fatiguing and unsatisfactory, to dissect the bodies of those who have been hanged or asphyxiated with the vapours of charcoal, from the fluidity and abundance of their blood. But this abundance, perhaps, may depend upon the weakness of the absorbents. In other sorts of death, the absorbents continue for some time to act upon the serous portion of the blood remaining in the vessels. In asphyxia there is neither secretion nor absorption. The excretions also appear to be affected much in the same way. The bladder of asphyxiated persons has been observed by Portal, to be very much distended. Such distension, no doubt is occasioned by the urine already secreted before the accident which was the cause of their deaths. In general, the asphyxiÆ which are occasioned by the circulation of the black blood unmixed with any deleterious substance, are not accompanied with those spasms, which in so many other sorts of death, are so frequent. These spasms, which evacuate the organs of their fluids, should be carefully distinguished from the simple relaxations of the sphincters, by which analogous effects are produced.[98] In asphyxia, all is debility, in asphyxia, we never see that augmentation of life, that development of power, which so frequently mark the latter movements of the dying. Hence also perhaps, the great flexibility of the members of asphyxiated persons. The stiffness of the muscles appears to depend in many cases, on the circumstance of death having come on precisely at the moment of their contractions. The fibres remain approximated, and coherent among themselves;[99] in asphyxia, on the contrary, as there exists an universal relaxation and want of action in the parts, they remain so after death, and yield to whatever impulse may be communicated to them. I confess, however, that this explanation is subject to a difficulty which I cannot solve. Persons asphyxiated by mephetic vapours, perish nearly in the same way as those who are drowned; if the cause of their death be different, its effects are the same, as may be seen by opening the carotid of two dogs at the same time, that into the lungs of the one are injected the vapours of charcoal, and into those of the other, a certain quantity of water, which water, as in the drowned, is soon reduced into a state of foam. Notwithstanding this similitude of the last phenomena of life in the two cases, the members in the first remain for a certain time warm and supple, while those in the second, especially if the body be plunged into water during the experiment, become very suddenly stiff and frozen. Let us return, however, to our subject. We may conclude from the various facts and considerations related in this chapter, 1st, That when the chemical functions of the lungs are suspended, the functions of all the other organs are suspended also, from the presence of black blood within their substance. 2dly, That the death of the organs in general, coincides with that of the brain, and the heart, but is not immediately derived from them. 3dly, That if it were possible for the brain and heart to receive an influx of arterial blood, while the others were dying, from that of the venous blood, they would doubtless continue to exert their accustomed actions. 4thly, That, in a word, asphyxia is a general phenomenon, developed at the same time in all the organs, but especially in one of them. From this manner of regarding the influence of the black blood upon the different parts of the body, it appears that death is very soon the result of its circulation in the arteries. Nevertheless, certain organic defects have sometimes prolonged after birth, the mixture of the two sorts of blood, a mixture which is known to be made in the foetus. Such was the malconformation mentioned by Sandeford, in a child, the aorta of which arose by a branch from each of the ventricles. Such also appears, at first sight, to be the opening of the foramen ovale in the adult. We shall remark, however, that the existence of this foramen, does not suppose the passage of the black blood into the red-blooded auricle, as is generally believed. For the two semi-lunar valves, between which it is situated when met with after birth, are necessarily applied to each other by the pressure which the blood contained in the auricles, exercises upon them, when these cavities are simultaneously contracted. The foramen must be at such time shut, and its obliteration much more exact, than that of the opening of the ventricles, by the mitral and tricuspid valves, or that of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, by the sigmoid valves. With all this, the foramen ovale is actually very often found open in the subject, and when not so, nothing is easier than to destroy the species of adhesion which is contracted by the two valves which close it. This may be done with the handle of a scalpel, without any solution of continuity, the parts appear to be unglued. The oval hole when in this way artificially made, presents the same disposition, with that which is sometimes exemplified in the carcase. Now if this disposition be examined, it will be seen that when the auricles contract, the blood must make an obstacle to itself, and that it cannot pass from one into the other of these cavities. It is an easy thing to be convinced of the mechanism of which I speak, by means of two injections of a different colour, made at the same time from both sides of the heart, from the vena cava, and the pulmonary veins. From what we have said of the influence, which is exercised by the movement and the different principles of the blood, it is evident that the death of the white organs must be different from that of the red ones. Asphyxia can hardly reach them, but of the manner in which they die I confess that I know but little.
CHAPTER IX. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE LUNGS, OVER THE GENERAL DEATH OF THE BODY. In recapitulating what has been said in the preceding chapters, with respect to the influence of the lungs over the heart, the brain, and all the organs, it is an easy matter to form an idea of the successive termination of the whole of the functions, when the phenomena of respiration are suspended either mechanically or chemically. The following is the manner in which death supervenes, when the mechanical phenomena of the lungs are interrupted, either from the causes mentioned in the 5th chapter, or from similar ones, such as the rupture of the diaphragm, which I have twice had occasion to observe,[100] or from a fracture of a great number of the ribs, or the sternum. 1st. The mechanical functions of the lungs cease. 2dly. The chemical functions of the lungs cease also. 3dly. The cerebral actions are put an end to. 4thly. The animal life is interrupted. 5thly. The general circulation is interrupted. 6thly. The capillary circulation is interrupted. The phenomena of death, are differently concatenated, when they begin by the suspension of the chemical functions of the lungs: which may happen, 1st, From breathing in a vacuum; 2dly, From the obliteration of the passage of the trachea, by foreign substances introduced into it, or by tumour from without, or strangulation, accumulation of fluid in the air cells, &c.; 3dly, From different inflammatory affections, schirrhi, &c. of the cavities of the mouth or throat. 5thly, From want of respirable air, as on the summit of high mountains. 6thly, From the introduction into the air cells of non-respirable gases, &c. &c. In all these cases, the following is the order of the phenomena of death. 1st. The chemical functions of the lungs are suspended. 2dly. The functions of the brain are interrupted. 3dly. Sensation, locomotion, the voice, the mechanical phenomena of respiration cease. 4thly. The action of the heart, together with the general circulation is annihilated. 5thly. The capillary circulation is put an end to, together with the processes of secretion, exhalation, absorption, and digestion. 6thly. The animal heat of the system dies away. I. Remarks upon the differences of asphyxiÆ. The influence of the black blood as I have said, is always the great agent in this double sort of death, but it is not the only one: if that were the case, the phenomena of all the asphyxiÆ would be alike. It is true that in every sort of asphyxia, the black blood ceases to become red blood, and circulates in the arteries, such as it is in the veins; but notwithstanding the uniformity of this phenomenon, there can be nothing more varied, than the symptoms and progress of these accidents. In some of them, death is long in taking place; in others, almost instantaneous: the phenomena developed in the last moments of existence, are alike in none of them. The state of the organs, and that of the powers which they preserve after death, are as various. 1st, Asphyxia varies with respect to its duration; in sulphurated hydrogenous gas, in nitrous gas, and certain vapours arising from privies and sewers, it is quick in taking place. In carbonic acid gas, azote, in pure hydrogen, water, and a vacuum, its progress is slower. 2dly, Asphyxia varies with respect to its attendant phenomena. At times, the animal is violently agitated and suddenly convulsed; at others, it appears to lose its powers gradually; to pass into a state of sleep, and from sleep into a state of death. In comparing the numerous effects arising from the vapours of sewers, from those of charcoal, from the different gases, from drowning, and other causes of asphyxia, we find them almost as various, as the causes themselves. 3dly, The phenomena which make their appearance after death, are as variable. Compare the cold and frozen carcase of a drowned man, with the remains of one who has been suffocated. Read the result of the different experiments of the Institute, upon the affections of the galvanic fluid in the different asphyxiÆ; examine Halle’s detail of the symptoms which accompany the mephitism of sewers; approximate the numerous observations, which are scattered about in the works of Portal, Louis, Haller, Troja, Pechlin, Bartholin, and Morgagni; repeat the most common experiments on the submersion, strangulation, and suffocation of animals; and you will observe the greatest difference in all these sorts of asphyxia, they are each of them characterized, by a peculiar state of the bodies of the animals, which have been submitted to the experiment. To inquire into the causes of such differences, we must first divide the asphyxiÆ into two classes. 1st, Into those which happen from the simple want of respirable air, and 2dly, Into those, where to this first cause is joined also that of the introduction of some deleterious substance into the lungs. In the first class, the immediate cause of death, appears to be the simple presence of the black blood, in the various parts of the body, the general effect of which is always the same, in whatever manner produced; accordingly, the attendant symptoms and secondary results of all these sorts of death, are nearly alike, their duration the same, and if it varies, it varies only in consequence of the more or less complete interruption of the passage of air into the lungs. This variety in the duration and intensity of the asphyxiating cause, may nevertheless occasion some variety in the symptoms also; such as a greater or less lividity and swelling of the face, a more or less considerable embarrassment of the lungs; but all these differences indicate only so many modifications of the cause, 1st, A man who is hanged, does not die as a man who is suffocated by an inflammatory tumour, or a pea or bean which perchance may have fallen into the trachea.[102] 2dly, An animal will perish much more slowly under a vessel of air, than when the trachea is tied. 3dly, The symptoms of asphyxia, when occasioned by a great rarefaction of air, or by a suffocating heat, are much less slowly produced, than where the cavity of the lungs is opened. In all these cases the cause of death, namely the absence of red blood in the arterial system, is simple and unique, but according to the greater or less oxygenation of the venous blood, will be the appearances after death, for the longer the process of asphyxia endures, the less irritability will there be found in the system. But if the cause of asphyxia, have been the introduction of some deleterious fluid into the lungs, then the variety of the symptoms will depend upon the difference in the nature of the fluid. In these cases the cause is of two kinds: 1st, There is no red blood in the system. 2dly, A pernicious fluid is present in the system. All the gases however do not act as deleterious substances: in pure hydrogen for instance, the animal perishes only as it would from the want of respirable air. But when a man in descending into a common sewer, into a cellar, or into any place where putrid matters are accumulated, falls into asphyxia at the moment when he inspires their exhalations, and when such state is attended with convulsive movements and extreme agitation, then indeed, there must be something more in the cause of his death, than a simple suspension of the chemical functions of the lungs. In fact, together with the mephitic vapour, there continues to enter into the lungs a sufficient quantity of air to keep up life and its different functions. 2dly, Supposing even that the quantity of mephitic air were such as to leave no place for the entrance of respirable air, still the death ensuing should only be gradual, without agitation and convulsion, were it occasioned only by the absence of such air: now the very different way in which it supervenes, very evidently indicates the action of a deleterious substance, upon the animal oeconomy.[103] These two causes then act together, in those asphyxiÆ which are produced by certain gases, sometimes the one predominates, sometimes the other. If the deleterious substance be violent, it kills before the action of the black blood can have produced much effect, if weak, it is the black blood, which is principally the cause of death. The asphyxiÆ then, which are produced by the gases, differ only, in consequence of the nature of the deleterious substance, which varies ad infinitum. In some of the aeriform fluids indeed it is supposed to be known, but in the greater number of them it is not so:[104] I shall notice therefore in a general way the effects, which result from the action of the deleterious substance, remarking at the same time, that the symptoms by which they are displayed, are strongly or weakly marked, according to the age and temperament of the individual. Deleterious substances introduced into the lungs, together with the mephitic vapours of which they form a part, can act only in two ways. 1st, By affecting the nerves of the lungs, which re-act on the brain. 2dly, By passing into the blood, and exercising their influence, by means of the circulation on the various organs of the system. I can easily believe that the simple action of such a substance on the nerves of the lungs, may have a very marked effect on the economy, and be capable of troubling the functions of the system very sensibly; much indeed in the same way as with some individuals a mere odour, or the sight of a hideous object, will occasion syncope, in the same way that an irritating enema will suddenly awake the system into life, or the introduction of certain substances within the stomach, will be felt throughout the body, before such substances can have passed into the circulatory torrent. We meet at every moment with examples of these very remarkable phenomena, produced by the simple impressions of foreign bodies on the mucous surfaces; I cannot deny that deleterious substances may act in the same way upon the nerves of the lungs, though we must not exaggerate the sphere of this mode of action.[105] In fact, I am not acquainted with any one example, where the contact of a deleterious substance with a mucous membrane, has been the sudden cause of death. It may indeed be productive of such effect after a certain time, but never at the moment of its action; nevertheless, in those asphyxiÆ which are produced by mephitic vapour, so rapidly does death come on, that the black blood can scarcely have had the time to exert its influence upon the body. The principal cause of the cessation of the functions is manifestly the action of the pernicious substance. These considerations, then, incline me to believe, that these substances pass into the blood through the lungs, and that in circulating with the blood they carry to the organs the immediate cause of their death. Such passage into the blood has already been suspected by many physicians; the truth of the fact appears to be indubitably proved by the following reflections. 1st, It can hardly be doubted, that the poison of the viper and many other venomous animals, and that the saliva of rabid animals, pass into the system of the blood, and are taken up either by the veins or the lymphatics. 2dly, It appears to be very certain, that a portion of the atmospheric air is actually absorbed through the mucous membrane of the lungs itself, and not by means of the absorbent system. Now, if this be the case, I know not what should hinder the passage of mephitic vapour in the same way.[106] We are not sufficiently acquainted with the limits of the particular sensibility of the membrane of the air cells, to say that it cannot give a passage to such vapour. 3dly, The respiration of an air which has been charged with the exhalations arising from oil of turpentine, communicate a particular smell to the urine. It is thus that this fluid is affected from the residence of the persons in a newly varnished room. In this case it is evidently by the lungs in part, that the odoriferous fluid has its passage into the blood, and so on to the kidneys. In fact, I have often assured myself by breathing out of a bottle through a tube, air so charged (in which case it could not act on the cutaneous surface) that the smell of the urine undergoes a change. If, then, the lungs will admit a variety of substances, which do not enter into the composition of respirable air, for what reason should they not admit the mephitic vapour of mines and subterraneous places. 4thly, The respiration of humid air produces dropsy. The extent of the fact has been exaggerated, indeed, but the fact itself is true. It proves, that an aqueous fluid may pass into the blood, and consequently that other substances may pass into it also. 5thly, If an animal be asphyxiated in sulphurated hydrogenous gas, and a plate of metal some time after its death be placed under one of its muscles, the surface of the plate contiguous to the muscle, will be sensibly sulphurated. The foreign principle, then, which is here united with the hydrogen, must have been introduced into the circulatory torrent by the lungs, and have penetrated with the blood into all the parts. The deputies of the Institute have observed this phenomenon in their experiments. I have made a similar remark in asphyxiating animals with nitrous gas. A phenomenon of the same nature accompanies the exhibition of mercury. From the above, we have nearly a right to conclude, that the different deleterious substances of which the gases are the vehicles, do actually pass into the blood, and so affect the organs. Of this matter, however, I shall adduce some further proofs. I have ascertained by a number of experiments, that atmospheric air, or any other aeriform fluid, may be made to pass into the blood without alteration. Divide the trachea of a dog, inject the air-cells strongly with common air, and continue to retain it in the lungs. The animal will immediately discover signs of great distress and agitation; if an artery now be opened, the blood will be emitted in a frothy state. If hydrogen have been employed, it may easily be ascertained that the nature of the fluid is unchanged, by placing a candle over the bubbles which are disengaged. When the blood for the space of thirty seconds has flowed in this state, the animal life of the creature will be finished, and death ensue, with all the symptoms which accompany the insufflation of air into the black-blooded system of vessels. The re-admission of air into the lungs, will have no effect in restoring the animal to life, for as soon as frothy blood can flow from any one of the arteries, it must already have affected the brain with its pernicious influence. In this case it may be perceived, that the causes of death are the same as those which proceed from the insufflation of air into a vein. In the one instance the air passes at once from the lungs into the arterial system. In the other, from the veins across the lungs and then into the arteries. When we open the bodies of animals, which have been killed in these experiments, the whole apparatus of the red-blooded vascular system, is found to be filled with air bubbles of various sizes. In some circumstances, the blood will be transmitted in the same state into the general capillary system, and from thence into the veins; in others it will be stopped in the capillary system, and in such cases, though the circulation may have continued for some time after the suspension of the animal life, not a single particle of air will be discovered in the veins. In these experiments which I have frequently repeated, I have never found that the least fissure has been made in the bronchiÆ; nevertheless, I confess that it is difficult to say, whether this be so in their last ramifications. The following phenomenon, however, may throw some light upon the subject; for as often as air is pushed into the lungs with great violence, there will be produced an emphysema of the breast, or neck, from the infiltration of this fluid among the cellular texture, in addition to its passage into the blood. But if the impulse be moderate, and the quantity of air injected not much beyond the measure of a full inspiration, it will pass into the blood only, and not into the cellular texture.[107] The experiments of which I have given the detail, exemplify phenomena which do not indeed take place in the ordinary process of inspiration, and therefore I allow that no very rigorous induction can be drawn from them, with respect to the passage of deleterious substances into the mass of the blood; nevertheless it appears to me, that they very much confirm the probability of such fact, which besides is demonstrated by many of the preceding remarks. I shall conclude, then, that such passage is real. In fact, we have seen 1st, That the sole transmission of the black blood into the arteries, will not account for the infinitely various phenomena exemplified in the different sorts of asphyxiÆ; 2dly, That the simple contact of the deleterious substance with the nerves of the lungs, can by no means be the cause of a death so rapid as that which is occasioned by these accidents; 3dly, That, therefore, we are forced as it were to suspect the passage of the poison itself into the blood; 4thly, That a number of considerations are in favour of such suspicion, and thus that the fact is proved both directly and indirectly.[109] This principle being once established, a variety of results must flow from it. Of the first of these, of the mode of action, namely, which the deleterious substance must exercise upon the different organs, I shall say nothing, having nothing to offer but conjecture. I shall accordingly content myself with inquiring what system it is which is particularly influenced by these substances, when mingled with the blood.—Now, 1st, This system appears to be the nervous one, and that portion of it especially, which presides over the parts of the animal life, the organic functions being only secondarily affected; 2dly, Of all the nervous system, the brain is that part which is the most affected; 3dly, Under this relation Monsieur Pinel appears to me to have been right, in placing some of the asphyxiÆ (those for instance which are occasioned by the presence of a deleterious substance) among the neuroses. On this head the following considerations should leave us little doubt. 1st, In all the asphyxiÆ, when the presence of a deleterious substance cannot be doubted, the symptoms consist of two general and opposite sets of phenomena, of spasm and torpor. Of two workmen who had come up out of the sewer of the street St. AndrÉ des Ares, the one sat himself down upon a bulk, and fell into a state of asphyxia; the other with irregular convulsive movements, proceeded as far as the rue Battoir, and then fell down asphyxiated. The Sieur Verville, in consequence of inhaling the breath of a man who was lying in a state of asphyxia from the vapour of lead, fell down suddenly, and in a short time became convulsed. The vapour of charcoal intoxicates, as it is said. I have seen animals asphyxiated with other gases, and perishing with a stiffness, such as could be produced only by the most violent spasm. The centre of all these symptoms, and the organ from which they emanate, undoubtedly is the brain, and they depend upon its irritation or compression. 2dly, The animal life is always interrupted before the organic life, wherever the asphyxiating cause has been of a compound nature. Now the centre of the animal life is the brain. 3dly, I have proved when the animal perishes from the circulation of the black blood in the arteries, that the brain is especially affected even then; but in the same way, that is, by the cephalic arteries, the deleterious substance itself, may be introduced into the brain. 4thly, I have pushed a variety of deleterious gases (for example, sulphurated hydrogen) into the brain, and also some of those substances which vitiate the nature of these gases. The animal has always perished with symptoms of spasm, or torpor, and in general the death which is occasioned by the different gases, is always similar to that which is produced by the introduction of pernicious substances into the brain. 5thly, The consequences of these asphyxiÆ, when life has been restored, invariably suppose a lesion of the cerebral system, such consequences consist of palsy, tremour, wandering pains, and derangements of the exterior apparatus of the senses. From all these multiform experiments and considerations, we may surely conclude, that it is on the brain and nervous system that the deleterious principle, introduced into the blood, must act; from the death of these parts, that of the others is derived. In this case the different organs no doubt are directly enfeebled, and may perhaps be immediately affected by those principles, which flow into them together with the blood, but all such phenomena, are even more visible in the animal, than in the organic life. Let us not forget however, that a part at least of the cause of this sort of death, consists in the influence of the venous blood upon the organs, and that this influence must ever be in proportion to the length of time that such blood continues to circulate. The differences then which are found in the asphyxiÆ, may be said to proceed from the greater or less effect of the venous blood upon the system, from the different nature of the various deleterious substances inspired, and from the age and temperament of the individual affected. II. In the greater number of diseases, death commences in the lungs. I have just spoken of sudden death. I shall now enlarge a little on that which is the slow effect of disease. Physicians must be well persuaded, that by far the greater number of diseases, put an end to life by an affection of the lungs. Whatever be the seat of the principal affection, be it either an organic lesion, or a general disorder of the system, the action of the lungs in the latter moments of existence, becomes embarrassed, the respiration difficult, and the oxydation of the blood, but slowly effected; accordingly this fluid must pass into the arteries, almost in the venous state. The organs therefore which are already enfeebled, must be much more readily affected by the pernicious influence of such blood, than those which are subject to it, in the different cases of asphyxia. In this way the loss of sensation, and intellect, are very shortly the effect of embarrassment in the lungs; and ensue as soon as the brain begins to be penetrated with the fluid which is so transmitted to it. By degrees the heart and all the organs of the internal life, cease also to move. It is here the black blood which arrests these vital motions, which have already been enfeebled by the disease. Such weakness, the consequences of the disease, is very rarely the immediate cause of death, it only prepares it, by rendering the organs more susceptible of the alteration in the healthy state of the blood. Such alteration is almost always the immediate cause of death. The disease then, is only an indirect cause of death in general, it kills the lungs, and the death of the lungs occasions that of all the other parts. From hence it may be easily conceived, why the small quantity of blood contained in the arterial system of the subject, is almost always black. For 1st, The greater number of deaths begin by the lungs. 2dly, We shall see that those which have their commencement in the brain, are equally the cause of this phenomenon. Accordingly there can be only those, in which the heart ceases suddenly to act, after which the red blood can be found in the aortic ventricle, and auricle. Such appearance is seldom found, excepting in the bodies of persons who have perished from extensive hemorrhagy. From the frequency of deaths beginning with an embarrassment of the lungs, may be conceived also the reason, why this organ is so frequently gorged with blood in the carcase in general, the longer the agony, the heavier and fuller are the lungs. When such fulness is found, together with black blood in the red-blooded system, whatever the disease may have been, it may be pronounced that death has begun in the lungs. In fact the concatenation of the phenomena of death is from one of the three organs, from the lungs, brain, or heart, to all the others. Now when death begins in the heart, the pulmonary vessels are generally empty, and there is red blood in the aortic system. On the other hand, if death has begun in the brain, there is then indeed a certain quantity of blood in the arteries, but the lungs are empty, unless, when gorged with blood, by some antecedent affection. [100] When the diaphragm is ruptured, a sudden cessation of the functions is not always the result of this accident. Patients have been known to survive many days, and the cause of death has only been ascertained by examining the body. The intercostal muscles are, in this case, the sole agents of respiration, which becomes nearly analogous to that of birds or to that of animals with red and cold blood, who are destitute of the septum between the thorax and abdomen.[101] Lieutaud cites various ruptures of the diaphragm, produced by other causes than external injuries. Diemerbroech has seen this muscle wanting in an infant who still lived to the age of seven years. CHAPTER X. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE BRAIN OVER THAT OF THE LUNGS. As soon as the human brain ceases to act, the functions of the lungs are suddenly interrupted; this phenomenon, which is constantly observed in the red and warm-blooded animals, can happen only in two ways. 1st, Because the action of the brain, is directly necessary to that of the lungs, or 2dly, Because the latter receives from the former, an indirect influence by means of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, an influence, which ceases with the activity of the cerebral mass. Let us try to determine which of these two modes is that of nature. I. Is it directly that the lungs cease to act upon the death of the brain? I shall have proved that the death of the brain, is not immediately the occasion of that of the lungs, if I can determine that there is no immediate influence exercised by the first, upon the second of these organs, now, this essential principle may be easily demonstrated by experiment. The brain can exercise an immediate influence on the lungs, only by means of the par vagum or the great sympathetic nerve, the only nerves, which according to the common opinion, establish a communication between the two organs (an opinion however which is erroneous, as the great sympathetic is only an agent of communication between the organs and the ganglions of the system.) Now 1st, The influence which is derived by the lungs from the par vagum, is not actually necessary for them to act. The following experiments will show the truth of this assertion. 1st, Irritate the par vagum on one or both sides, and the respiration of the animal will be somewhat quickened; but such appearance is no proof of an immediate influence, for any wound of the neck, or any wound whatever, provided that it be the occasion of considerable pain, will be the cause of a similar phenomenon. 2dly, Cut one of the nerves, and the respiration will be at once affected, as when the nerve is irritated; but as soon as the pain ceases, the embarrassment of the lungs will disappear; and at the end of four and twenty hours, the phenomena of life be concatenated with their accustomed regularity. 3dly, Divide these nerves on both sides. In this case the breathing will be much more precipitated, and will not return to its ordinary state, as in the preceding experiment; it continues laborious for four or five days, and the animal perishes.[110] From the two latter experiments it follows, that the par vagum is indeed necessary to the phenomena of respiration, and that the brain must exercise, of course, an influence over this function, but at the same time, it may be seen, that without the immediate influence of the brain, the lungs will continue in play, and consequently that the interruption of such influence, as when the brain is injured, will not be an immediate obstacle to the continuation of the pulmonary actions. The question whether the functions of the lungs are more immediately connected with the influence derived from the ganglions, may be decided by the following facts. 1st, If on the one and the other side of the neck, the nervous thread be cut, which is usually regarded as the trunk of the great sympathetic, there follows little or no alteration in the phenomena of respiration. 2dly, If the par vagum and the great sympathetic be divided at the same time on both sides of the neck, the animal will die after a certain time, and much in the same way, as when only the par vagum is divided. 3dly, When we divide the sympathetic nerve in the neck, we do not deprive the lungs of the nerves which come from the first thoracic ganglion; now these nerves may contribute to keep up the action of the lungs, since, as I have said, each ganglion is a nervous centre, capable of emitting its own peculiar irradiations, independently of the other centres, with which it communicates. But whether the nerves, which are derived from the first thoracic ganglion, do really assist the functions of the lungs, I have not been able to ascertain by experiments on the nerves themselves, for such is the position of the first thoracic ganglion in most animals, that it cannot be taken away without doing so much injury to the parts as would kill the creature, or throw it into such agitation, as wholly to confound the phenomena of which we are in search, with those of a general distress and trouble. From analogy, however, and from the destruction of other ganglions, by which the internal organs are supplied, we should not have a right to suppose that the lungs would cease to act, when the ganglion in question is destroyed. Besides, the following reasons appear to me to prove unquestionably, the principle which I advance. If great lesions of the brain have the effect of suddenly interrupting respiration, because this organ can no longer influence the lungs by means of the nerves, which come from the first thoracic ganglion, it is evident that if all communication between the brain and this ganglion be taken away, such influence must cease, and respiration be suspended; but if we divide, as Cruikshanks has done, the spinal marrow on a level with the last of the cervical vertebrÆ, the animal will continue to live and breathe for a length of time, notwithstanding the want of communication between the brain and the lungs, by means of the first thoracic ganglion. From the above experiments, we may conclude, that the brain does not exercise any direct and actual influence over the lungs, and consequently that other causes must be sought for, if we mean to account for that sudden and instantaneous cessation of the functions of the latter of these organs, when those of the former are suspended. There exists, notwithstanding, a phenomenon which seems to cast some doubt upon the conclusion which I have deduced, and in the principle which it establishes. I speak of the sudden difficulty of respiration, and that impeded circulation which are occasioned by violent pain. This distress appears to indicate that the heart and the lungs are dependent immediately upon the brain; for the distress is in the brain, say the greater number of authors, and the affection of the heart and lungs, a consequence of the reaction of the brain; but here let it be remembered, that almost all pain is made up, first of sensation, and secondly of some emotion, passion or affection.[111] Now as I have proved at length, in the former part of this work, all passion and emotion have their seat in the internal viscera, and thus it will appear, that the trouble which in such case is felt in the heart and lungs, does not depend upon the brain for its cause, but is the immediate effect of the passion, or emotion, which accompanies the sensation. The following considerations will bear me out in this conclusion. 1st, In many instances the dyspnoea and impeded circulation, precede the pain. Examine the thorax, and place your hand upon the heart of a man about to undergo an operation, and you will be easily convinced of this truth. 2dly, There is sometimes a manifest disproportion between the sensation of pain, and the distress which is experienced about the heart, and in breathing. I have known the operation of cutting away the prepuce immediately fatal. Now in this case, it surely could not be pain which killed the man. 3dly, There are many persons who are capable of supporting violent pain, with resolution. Place your hand upon the heart of such persons, and no agitation whatever will be felt there. Nevertheless, their perception of pain must be what it is in other persons. 4thly, In the course of an operation, we are not to judge of the patient’s state of mind, from his cries, or silence. This sign is very deceitful; because a man may be sufficiently master of himself to overpower the influence of his internal organs. We must examine the heart and lungs; their functions, if I may allow myself the expression, are the thermometer of the affections of the mind. It is not without reason, that the actor who plays the part of a courageous man, takes hold upon the hand of him whom he wishes to set at ease, and lays it on his heart. The exterior movements of the passions, are not a fair criterion of the inward feelings of the individual, for these movements may be feigned as well as real: feigned if they originate in the brain: real if they have their sources in the heart;—in the first case voluntary, in the second involuntary. Touch the pulse of the angry man, if you wish to know whether he really is in anger. When I see a woman weeping or convulsed at any distressing news, and find her pulse in its natural state, I know what to judge of her affliction.—On the contrary, if her grief be concentrated, but her heart beat strongly, or her pulse have been suddenly depressed, I know that she feigns a calm which she does not feel. To judge correctly, we must always compare the external movement with the state of the internal organs. There could be no deceit, were it possible to distinguish the involuntary movements produced in a state of passion, by the action of the heart upon the brain, and then by the reaction of the brain upon the muscles, from the voluntary movements which are occasioned by the simple action of the brain upon the locomotive system. However strong may be the pain which has been the occasion of the dyspnoea, and impeded circulation, of which we have been speaking, this dyspnoea and distress about the precordia, will cease, provided only that the pain be continued. Nevertheless, if the reaction of the brain were the real cause of the distress in question, the contrary should be the case; for the continuation of the affection of the brain, should continue also to cause its re-action. But here the effect of habit is evident, though the pain subsists; the brain indeed continues to be affected, but the internal organs cease to be so. It may be easily perceived, that I am not here speaking of those cases, where the action of the heart and lungs has been deeply troubled by the effect of pain. To the above considerations I might add many others, with the view of proving, 1st, That although the brain be the seat of the pain, it is not the source of those affections of the internal organs, which are occasioned by such pain; 2dly, That these affections depend upon an emotion, which is absolutely distinct from sensation of whatever kind, both in its nature and effects. II. Is it indirectly that the lungs cease to act upon the death of the brain? Since the death of the lungs, upon the cessation of the cerebral action, is not direct, there must exist between the brain and the lungs, some intermediate agents, the cessation of whose functions, occasion the cessation of those of the lungs. These agents are the diaphragm, and intercostal muscles; for they depend immediately upon the brain by means of the nerves, which they receive from it, and consequently become paralytic on the death of the brain; the following experiments are a proof of the fact.[112] 1st, Cruikshanks divided the spinal marrow of a dog between the last cervical, and the first dorsal vertebrÆ. The intercostal muscles accordingly were immediately paralyzed, and the breathing of the animal continued to be made by the diaphragm only, which receives the phrenic nerve from a point above the section. In this experiment, it is easy to judge of the strong action of the diaphragm, by that of the abdominal muscles. 2dly, If the phrenic nerves only be divided, the diaphragm becomes immoveable, and then the respiration of the animal is effected by the intercostal muscles only. 3dly, After the two preceding experiments, the animal will live for a considerable time, but if the phrenic nerves, and the spinal marrow, towards the end of the neck, be divided at the same time, or what comes to the same thing, if the spinal marrow be cut above the origin of the phrenic nerves, then all communication between the brain and the active agents of respiration is cut off, and death follows of course. 4thly, I have frequently observed, that half an inch of difference in the place where the spinal marrow is divided, produces such a difference in its consequences, that in the one case the death is sudden, and supervenes in the other only, after an interval of fifteen or twenty hours. In dissecting the carcases of animals killed in this manner, I have constantly observed that the difference depended always upon the circumstance, of the phrenic nerve being cut or not. From these experiments then it is evident, that respiration ceases on a sudden, and in the following manner, in all lesions of that part of the nervous system, which is placed above the origin of the phrenic nerves. 1st, There is an interruption of action in the voluntary nerves, which are placed below the point of lesion, and consequently in the phrenic and intercostal nerves. 2dly, A paralysis of almost all the muscles of the animal life, and particularly of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. 3dly, A cessation of the mechanical phenomena of respiration. 4thly, A suspension of the chemical phenomena of respiration. The interruption of all these movements, is as rapid as their concatenation is prompt, in the natural order. It is thus that those persons perish, who experience any great lesion of the spinal marrow, between the brain and the origin of the phrenic nerves. Physicians have been very much embarrassed, in fixing with precision the spot, when a wound of the medulla ceases to be mortal; from what I have advanced, the limit is easily assigned.[113] From the same causes, concussion, and compression of the brain, are also fatal. We should observe notwithstanding, that these different causes of death, may act with various degrees of intensity. If they act but feebly, they affect the intellectual functions only, for these functions are always the first to be altered, in all lesions of the brain however small. If the lesion be greater, the affection extends to the muscles of the limbs, and convulsion or palsy ensue. Lastly, if the lesion be very great, the whole of the muscles of the animal life, the intercostals and diaphragm, as well as the others, are paralyzed, and death follows. We now can reply to the question proposed at the beginning of this section, and affirm that the death of the lungs is occasioned indirectly, by the death of the brain. It follows also, from the principles which are above established, that respiration is a mixed function, a function placed as it were between the two lives, to which it serves as a point of contact, belonging to the animal life by its mechanical functions, and to the organic life, by its chemical functions; and hence we have the reason no doubt, why the existence of the lungs is as much connected with that of the brain, as with that of the heart. It may be observed in the series of animals, that in proportion as the organization of the brain is straitened, a number of the phenomena of respiration also are lost. In birds, and the mammalia, this function as well as the brain, is much more developed than it is in the classes of fish and reptiles. It is known, that the nervous system of those animals which breathe by tracheÆ, is less perfect than in those which breathe by lungs; and that in those, where there is no nervous system, that of respiration disappears also. In general, there is a reciprocal relation between the brain and the lungs, especially in birds and the mammalia. The first of these occasions the action of the second, by raising the ribs and favouring the entrance of air into the bronchiÆ; the second also keeps up the activity of the first, by means of the red blood which it sends thither. It would be an interesting speculation to inquire into the relation of the nervous system with that of respiration in the class of insects, for as they receive the air by points, which open externally, there seems to be no mechanical action in the process of their breathing, and thus the function appears with them to belong entirely to the organic life. CHAPTER XI. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE BRAIN OVER THAT OF THE HEART. In the preceding chapter we have shewn how the lungs remain inactive, when the brain ceases to act.—The same phenomenon, under the same circumstances, takes place also in the heart, and must happen either immediately or mediately. I. Does the Heart cease to act immediately in consequence of the interruption of the cerebral action? The greater number of medical men, speak in much too vague a manner of the cerebral influence. They do not sufficiently determine its extent and limits, with respect to the different organs of the system. It is evident that we shall have answered the question proposed at the head of this section, if we can determine what the influence of the brain is with regard to the heart. Now, we have every reason to suppose, that no direct influence is exercised by the former over the latter of these organs, which, on the contrary, is immediately dependent with regard to its operations, on the movement communicated to it by the blood. This assertion is by no means a new one. It has been admitted by all sound physiologists; but as many opinions in medicine are founded upon a contrary principle, it will not be amiss to dwell upon it a little. It is equally demonstrated both by observation and experiment—and to begin with the former: 1st, All violent irritation made upon the brain, produces either partial, or general convulsion in the muscles of the animal life. Examine those of the organic life, on the contrary, and little will be found amiss in their actions. 2dly, All compression of the cerebral mass, whether made by pus, water or blood, has ordinarily the effect of paralyzing the voluntary muscles; but so long as the affection does not extend to the muscles of the breast, the action of the heart is in no degree diminished. 3dly, Opium and wine, when taken in a certain quantity, diminish the cerebral energy for the moment and render the brain unfit for the functions of the animal life. The action of the heart, on the contrary, is increased. 4thly, In palpitation, and the different irregular movements of the heart, it is not observable that the principle of these derangements exists in the brain.—In this respect, as well as on the subject of syncope, Cullen has been mistaken. The brain during such time, continues in action as usual. 5thly, The numerous phenomena of apoplexy, and epilepsy, and concussion, &c. do certainly all of them tend to shew, how independent the heart is of the brain. 6thly, Every organ which is subject to the direct influence of the brain, is for that very reason an organ of volition. Now, I should suppose, that few persons of the present day, would be inclined to maintain with Stahl, that the heart is among the number of such organs. What would life be, were we able at will, to suspend the action of the organ, by which the system is animated? From simple observation, then, we might conclude, that it is not immediately that the heart ceases to act, when the functions of the brain are interrupted, but this fundamental datum of physiology and pathology, we shall further establish, upon actual experiment. 1st, If the brain of an animal be exposed, and irritated either with mechanical or chemical agents, a variety of alterations will, indeed, be produced in the organs of the animal life, but none in the heart, so long as the muscles of the breast continue to perform their functions. 2dly, Experiments made in the same manner upon the spinal marrow of the neck, present the same results. 3dly, If the eighth pair of nerves be irritated, the movements of the heart will not be accelerated; they will not be arrested if these two nerves be divided. In all these experiments, however, we must be careful to make a proper distinction between the emotions and passions of the animal, and what it really suffers from the experiment. 4thly, The nature of the great sympathetic nerve, I suppose to be known;[114] now if the same experiments be made on the cardiac branches of this nerve, as were made upon the eighth pair, the same results will follow. I do not offer in detail the whole of these experiments; the greater part of them are well known: I was induced to repeat them, as authors are not agreed upon their consequences. The experiments of galvanism, are well calculated to throw light upon the relations existing between the heart and the brain; these I have taken care to repeat with the utmost exactness, and whatever authors may have advanced, they are all in favour of the above opinions—for 1st, If the galvanic apparatus be applied to the brain, and to the heart, and inferior extremities of a frog, and the communication made between the metals, there will constantly be seen a strong contraction in the muscles of the limb, and little or none in the heart. The same will be the case, to whatever voluntary muscle the zinc be applied. 2dly, The same results will be had, on the communication being made between the metals applied on the one hand to the spinal marrow above the giving off of the sympathetic, and on the other hand to the heart, and any of the voluntary muscles. 3dly, On establishing a communication between the metals applied to the cardiac nerves, and to the heart of the animal, there has been no contraction in the heart. In all these essays, the natural disposition between the parts which serve to unite the two organs, is preserved: there are other experiments which consist in detaching the heart from the breast. 2dly, In placing two points of its surface in contact with two different metals. 3dly, In making the communication between them with a third. From this experiment, Humboldt and other philosophers have procured contractions, but I have taken care to repeat it with the greatest accuracy, and must assert, that I have seen little or nothing of the kind; indeed, if I had, I should have concluded nothing from it; for it appears to me, that to decide upon the influence of the brain over the heart, a portion at least of the nervous system, should be in contact with one of the metals. I shall now pass to my experiments on red and warm-blooded animals. They are necessary for the decision of the question before us, as the mode of contractility in these animals differs much from that of the animals submitted to the experiments already mentioned. 1st, In the winter of the year 1798, I was authorized to make different essays on the bodies of persons who had been guillotined. I had them at my disposal thirty or forty minutes after they had undergone the punishment. In some of them, all mobility was extinct; in others, this property could be reanimated in all the muscles by the common agents, and in those of the animal life, by galvanism especially.[115] Notwithstanding which, I could never occasion the least motion, in applying the apparatus either to the spinal marrow and the heart, or to this latter organ and the nerves, which it receives from the ganglions of the sympathetic, or the par vagum. Nevertheless, the common mechanical excitant, immediately applied to the fleshy fibre, occasioned its contraction. Could this have happened in consequence of the separation of the nervous fillets from the brain? assuredly not; because the voluntary muscles were equally separated from it, and yet affected strongly. If any doubt remain, the following experiments will clear it up. 2dly, In dogs and guinea pigs, I have repeatedly applied the metals, first to the brain and the heart, then to the trunk of the spinal marrow, and the heart; then to the par vagum and the heart. The communication being made, was followed by no apparent result. 3dly, On making the communication between the metals, when applied to the cardiac nerves and the heart, there was no very sensible motion. 4thly, Humboldt has asserted, that when the heart is speedily detached with some of its nervous threads about it, a contraction may be excited, by arming the nerves with a metal, and then by touching this metal with another. I have many times tried this experiment in vain. I confess, however, that once it appeared to me to succeed. 5thly, On the contrary, I have almost always succeeded in producing contractions in the heart, by cutting it away from the breast, and making a communication between a couple of metals, applied to different points of its surface. This, if I am not mistaken, is the only means of evidently producing the phenomena of galvanism in this organ, but with respect to our present question, the experiment is wholly inconclusive. All these experiments I have repeated many times, and with the most scrupulous precautions, nevertheless I do not pretend to call in question the reality of those results, which other physicians have remarked. It is well known how very variable those experiments are, which have the vital powers for their object. Besides, in admitting even these different results, I do not see how it is possible to refuse acknowledging, that with respect to the stimulus of galvanism, there is a wide difference between the susceptibility of the muscles of the animal life, and those of the organic life. Again, supposing that the galvanic phenomena were the same in both sorts of muscles, the fact would prove nothing more, than that these phenomena with regard to their succession, follow laws directly the contrary of those, which are displayed in the phenomena which take place, when any common cause of irritation is applied to the nerves and their corresponding muscles. The proofs adduced, will allow us to conclude, that the brain exercises no direct influence over the heart, and consequently, that when it ceases to act, the functions of the latter must be interrupted indirectly. II. In case of lesion of the brain, is the death of the heart occasioned by that of any intermediate organ? When the brain dies, the heart dies, but not directly. There must be some intermediate organ then, the death of which occasions that of the heart.[116] That intermediate organ is the lungs. In this sort of death, the following is the series of the phenomena which may be observed. 1st, The cerebral action is interrupted. 2dly, The action of all the muscles of the animal life, and consequently of the intercostals and diaphragm, is annihilated. 3dly, The mechanical functions of the lungs are suspended. 4thly, The like ensues with respect to their chemical functions. 5thly, The fibres of the heart are penetrated with black blood. 6thly, The fibres when so penetrated, die. Such sort of death then, has much resemblance with that which is occasioned by the different asphyxiÆ. It is only more sudden, and that for reasons which I shall presently point out. The following experiments are an evident proof that the phenomena take place as I have described them to do. 1st, I have always found black blood in the red-blooded system of all animals, killed by concussion or compression of the brain; the heart livid, and the different surfaces coloured as in asphyxia. 2dly, I opened the carotid artery of a dog; the red blood instantly gushed out, but was immediately suppressed, and the artery tied. I then killed the creature, by striking him with violence on the occipital bone.[117] The animal life, and consequently both the mechanical and chemical functions of the lungs, were suddenly suppressed. The artery was then united. It poured forth the black blood with a feeble jet, for some little time, and after some minutes, the heart entirely ceased to move. 3dly, I have always obtained a similar result in opening the arteries of different animals which I afterwards killed, either by dividing the marrow between the first vertebra and occiput, or by strongly compressing the brain, which I had previously exposed.—It is thus also that animals perish, by the carotids of which a deleterious substance has been injected. 4thly, The preceding experiments explain the reason why the blood is black which flows from the arteries of animals, which are bled in our slaughter-houses, after having been knocked in the head. If the blow has been violent, the blood issues such as it was in the veins, but if the action of the diaphragm and intercostals has only been weakened by the blow, the redness of the blood is only diminished. The state in which the respiration may be (and it is altered from a variety of circumstances during profuse hemorrhagy) occasions a great variety in the colour of the arterial blood: hence we have the reason why it is found of so many different shades in the great operations of surgery. At the beginning of these, it often flows out quite red; at the end of them, is sometimes almost black. The easy or embarrassed state of the respiration of the patient, is the occasion of these varieties. This I have frequently remarked, when attending Desault, and was often struck with the appearance, before I knew the cause of it. I have never found any relation whatever, between the obscure colour of the blood, and the compression exercised above the artery, as some have asserted to take place. There is, indeed, a connection between the colour and the impetuosity of the jet, but the reason of this is evident to any one who has read the foregoing pages. To return to the point of doctrine on which we are at present occupied, I am persuaded from the considerations and experiments which are adduced in the course of this chapter, that the manner in which the heart ceases to act, when the cerebral functions are suspended, can no longer admit of a doubt, and that we may resolve the question proposed, in affirming that under such circumstances, the death of the heart is occasioned through the medium of that of the lungs. There is this difference, then, between the death of the heart, in consequence of that of the brain, and the death of the brain in consequence of that of the heart, that the one is indirect, the other direct, as we have already seen. If some men, as Stahl asserts, have really been able to suspend the movements of the heart, the fact is not a proof of the influence of the mind over the muscles of the organic life, but of its power over the mechanical, and consequently, the chemical phenomena of respiration. In red and cold-blooded animals, the death of the heart does not succeed the death of the brain so quickly as it does in red and warm-blooded animals. Cut off the head of a frog, and the heart will continue to beat for some time afterwards. This phenomenon will be easily accounted for, if we recollect that respiration with these animals may be suspended a length of time, without arresting the movements of the heart. In fact, as the heart dies only because the lungs die in the first place, when the cerebral functions are interrupted, it is plain that there ought to exist between the violent death of the heart and that of the brain, an interval nearly equal to that during which, in the natural state, there may be a suspension of respiration. [114] Physiologists have paid much attention to the great sympathetic nerve. They have made, in relation to its uses, many conjectures but few experiments; so that we have not on this subject any very precise notions. The deep situation of the ganglions renders them almost inaccessible, the superior cervical is almost the only one that can be taken out without producing death. M. Dupuy, Professor of the Veterinary School at Alfort, has discovered a method by which he can remove them with ease. We shall now relate some of his observations. “1st Experiment. The first experiment was made on a young and vigorous horse, who had been treated for the glanders; it soon appeared that he was not affected with it, and that it was merely the caries of a tooth that had led to the belief of the existence of the disease. “On the 24th of June his left guttural ganglion was extirpated. Soon after the operation, the eye of that side appeared to be more sunk in its socket, the eyelids were swelled and the pupil contracted. “On the 28th of June the sub lingual ganglion appeared swollen, hard and attached; a discharge of fetid, greyish matter was discovered in the nostril of the same side. “On the 29th of June, the wound suppurated copiously. “From the 30th of June till the 16th of July the wound advanced rapidly towards cicatrization. “From the 18th of July to the 15th of August the animal continued in the same state of health. “On the 15th of August, the right guttural ganglion with a portion of the nerve was removed; this operation was followed by the same phenomena as the preceding, with this difference, that two days after the animal could not swallow water, it run out at the nostrils. There was in fact a communication between the nostrils and mouth from the caries of the back molar tooth, the roots of which were opposite the maxillary sinus, that had an opening into the nostril; the voice was lost. “On the 20th of August, he was much emaciated, with the skin dry and adherent; the cheeks, below the jaw, were constantly moistened with sweat, which had been observed for twelve or fifteen days. The wound of the right side remained fistulous; the skin was covered with scurf, the sheath and scrotum, as well as the hind legs, were oedematous; the animal died. Nothing remarkable was discovered on dissection. Below the sub-occipital foramen the great sympathetic was slightly swelled, in the form of a knot, in the place where the division had been made.” “2d Experiment. On the 26th of April, the right guttural ganglion, with a portion of the nerve, was removed from a sound horse, four and a half years old, strong and in good condition. The ganglion of the left side was first a little mutilated, and the nerve was removed posteriorly to the extent of thirty three centimetres. The animal did not manifest so much pain as might have been expected. “The conjunctiva soon became red and the eyelids partly covered the eyes; the respiration became painful and loud; the pulse was hard, strong and frequent. The animal refused all food, and drank with great difficulty. “This state continued till the 10th of May following. The two wounds were almost healed; the animal eat and drank well; but the hind legs and scrotum were still so much swollen as to interfere with his walking; the conjunctiva remained red and the pupil contracted. “Towards the 13th of May the skin became adherent and covered with scurf; the cutaneous respiration was nearly destroyed. “On the 25th of May, the swelling of the legs and the scrotum became considerable, notwithstanding the frictions with water and turpentine, which were made several times a day since the 13th; he could, with difficulty be got out of the stable to be examined. The pulse retained its hardness and frequency. The dung was hard, black and small. “During the month of June the phenomena were similar to those we have enumerated; the swelling of the scrotum and the legs resisted the tonic and stimulating applications. “On examining the body, the ends of the nerves that had been drawn out were found swollen as in the first horse. Similar results have been obtained in all the other experiments that have been made on this subject. It may be said in conclusion, that the phenomena which appear after the removal of this ganglion, and which do not depend on the operation, are the contraction of the pupil, the redness of the conjunctiva, general emaciation, accompanied with swelling of the legs, and a scurfy eruption which ultimately affects the whole cutaneous surface.” CHAPTER XII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE BRAIN OVER THAT OF ALL THE ORGANS. When the brain dies, the animal life dies, for the functions of this life, either directly or indirectly, have their seat in the brain. It is manifest, that all the operations and affections of the mind, together with sensation, locomotion, and the voice, must be put an end to in such case. The difficulty then respects the functions of the organic life. I. Is the interruption of the functions of the organic life a direct consequence of the cessation of the cerebral actions? We shall here adduce both observation and experiment to prove, that the internal functions are all of them, as well as the action of the heart, withdrawn from the immediate influence of the brain. 1st, There are a number of diseases affecting the brain, which occasion so general a suspension of the animal life, as to leave neither sensation nor voluntary motion, excepting some feeble oscillations of the intercostals and the diaphragm. In this state the individual has lost the half of his existence, but the one half composed of the organic functions, continues in the meanwhile to subsist, and in many cases with energy. This phenomenon is exemplified continually in apoplexy, in concussion of the brain, and extravasation of blood upon its surface. 2dly, During sleep the secretions certainly go on, though Bordeu insists upon the contrary opinion, with the view of proving the influence of the nerves over the glands. During a state of sleep, digestion goes on as usually it does. The exhalations of the body are made with perfect freedom, and often augmented beyond their natural quantity; the process of nutrition continues to be effected, and is probably under such circumstances, increased. There are many proofs in favor of this opinion; but a state of sleep is a state of collapse in the brain. Then, neither is the relaxation of the functions of the internal organs the consequence of a relaxation of action in the brain, nor the death of the former the immediate effect of the death of the latter. 3dly, The sleep of animals, which pass a certain part of the year in a state of torpor, is a very strong proof of the co-existence of a suspension of the cerebral functions, with a permanent action of those of the organic life.[118] 4thly, In the different palsies; in those for instance which affect the lower limbs, and the viscera of the pelvis, in consequence of some concussion or compression of the medulla spinalis, the communication of the paralyzed parts with the brain, is either entirely cut off, or only enfeebled. It is entirely interrupted when all feeling and power of moving have ceased—it is enfeebled, when the one and the other of these properties are only enfeebled. But in these two cases the general and the capillary circulations continue. The exhalations from the cutaneous surface and in the cellular substance, are made as usual; the process of absorption goes on, for without absorption, we should soon see dropsy. The secretions also are effected, for nothing in such sort of palsy is more common than a copious secretion of mucus from the bladder. As for nutrition if it be diminished in energy, the process is certainly never entirely arrested. 5thly, Spasms and convulsions, which proceed from an unnatural energy of the cerebral action, have little influence over the exhalation, secretion, and nutrition of the parts in which they make their appearance. The trouble and excessive agitation of the animal life of such parts, compared with the calm of their organic life, are facts well worthy of remark. 6thly, Foetuses without heads, in the uterus, possess as active an organic life, as those which have no defect of conformation whatever, and sometimes at the time of birth, are monstrous even in bulk; this circumstance I have frequently had occasion to observe at my amphitheatre; the functions of nutrition then and circulation may take place with activity, though deprived of the influence of the brain: 7thly, In animals, which have no cerebral mass, and in those (the polypes for instance) where not even a nervous system is apparent, these organic processes are admirably well conducted,[119] the greater part of them indeed are common to the vegetable, and the animal. 8thly, If the different proofs, which Bordeu has given of the influence of the brain over the functions be well examined, it will seem that no one of them is decisive. The sudden interruption of the secreted fluid, in consequence of the division of the nerves of the part, would be the only proof which I should be inclined to admit as positive. Now I am not acquainted with any means of making such division with exactness. We have heard much of an experiment of this nature upon the parotids; but the disposition of the nerves distributed to these glands is such, that I have not been even tempted to repeat the experiment. The testicle is better adapted for the attempt, and accordingly without touching the vessels, I divided the spermatic nerves, but an inflammation and a deposit of matter took place in the gland, and with respect to the secretion of the semen, I could not judge of the effect of the division of the nerves. But here this very inflammation coming on without the influence of the brain, appears to me to infer a possibility of the seminal secretion under the same circumstances. In this experiment, the spermatic artery cannot be separated from the plexus which it receives from the great sympathetic, so intricate is the network of these nerves about it; their division however is of little consequence, as they come from the ganglions. It is easy to break off all communication with the brain, by destroying the lumbar fillets of nerves. I might add a number of other considerations to the above, but here I have to remark that the distinction of the sensibility and contractility into their two kinds is particularly worth attention. In fact, the idea of sensibility in our usual way of seeing things, suggests the idea of the nerves, the nerves again make us think upon the brain, we associate the three ideas, but excepting for the animal life they should not be associated. In the organic life, at least their union is not immediate. I do not mean to say that the cerebral nerves have no influence whatever over the organic sensibility, but I maintain that such influence is not direct and not of the nature of that which is observed in the animal sensibility. Many authors have already discovered a number of difficulties resulting from the opinion which makes the nerves the exclusive seat of sensibility, they have even sought for other means of explaining the phenomena of great living bodies. But of its agents we know as little as we do of its nature, and have no means of elucidating questions of this sort. Let us be contented with analyzing, collecting and comparing facts with seizing their general results; the aggregate of these researches will compose the true theory of the vital powers; the rest is only conjecture: but besides the considerations which I have offered, there is another which manifestly goes to prove that the organic functions are not under the immediate influence of the brain, and this is, that the viscera, which perform such functions do not receive their nerves from the brain but from the ganglions. This anatomical fact is observable in the liver, the kidney, the spleen, pancreas, intestines, &c. even in the organs of the animal life there are nerves which serve for the external, and nerves which serve for the internal functions. In such the former come directly from the brain, the latter from the ganglions. Thus the ciliary nerves, which come off from the opthalmic ganglion, are those which preside over the secretions and nutrition of the eyes, the optic nerve which is derived from the brain is the nerve of vision.[120] In the same way the olfactory nerves of the pituitary membrane are the agents by which we have the perception of odours, the threads which come off from the ganglions of Mekel, relate only to the organic phenomena of the membranes. Now the nerves of the ganglions cannot transmit the action of the brain; for we have seen that the nervous system derived from these bodies should be considered as entirely independent of the nervous system of the brain; and that the great sympathetic does not derive its origin from the brain, from the spinal marrow, or from the nerves of the animal life; but from the ganglions exclusively; this nerve indeed does not exist, it is only the aggregate of so many small nervous systems as there are ganglions, which are the particular centres of the organic life, just in the same way as the brain is the great and only centre of the animal life. To establish it as a fact that the great sympathetic such as it is understood does not in reality exist, I might add a number of proofs to those, which I have already mentioned. The nervous communications, which are taken for it, are nothing more than accessories to the system of the ganglions; for 1st, These nervous communications, as Cuvier has observed, are not met with in the necks of birds; between the upper cervical and first thoracic ganglion there is no vestige of a sympathetic. In birds then, the upper cervical ganglion is that which in man the opthalmic ganglion, the ganglion of Mekel and others are. This disposition, which is natural in birds, agrees with what I have sometimes observed in the human subject between the first lumbar and the last thoracic ganglions, as well as between the lumbar and sacral ganglions themselves. 2dly, In many instances there are no ganglions in the spot where the pretended sympathetic nerve communicates with the spinal marrow. This may be seen in the human neck, and in the abdomen of fish, but such disposition should be thus regarded. The inferior cervical ganglion furnishes a great branch which ascends to the superior cervical ganglion, and establishes between the two a direct communication; but in ascending it distributes many branches to each of the cervical nerves, which form a secondary communication. If we reflect on these considerations, together with those which have been already offered, we shall be more and more convinced—1st, That the great sympathetic is only an assemblage of small nervous systems, having each of them a ganglion for its centre, and all of them independent of each other, though generally communicating with the spinal marrow and between themselves. 2dly, That the nerves belonging to these small systems, cannot be considered as a part of the great nervous system of the animal life. 3dly, That the organs, which are provided exclusively with the nerves, are not under the immediate influence of the brain. Notwithstanding which, we must not suppose that all the organs which serve for the internal functions, receive their nerves exclusively from the ganglions: many of these organs are furnished from the brain, and yet from experiment, it is found that they are not under the immediate influence of the brain. As yet we have only observation and reasoning for the basis of the important principle which we are labouring to establish, namely, that the organic functions are not directly put a stop to in consequence of the death of the brain; but experiments upon living animals are not a less evident demonstration of this principle. 1st, I have always observed, that in producing palsy or convulsion, I have never been able to impair in any very sensible or sudden manner, either the exhalation, the absorption, or the nutrition of the convulsed or palsied part. 2dly, It has been for a long time known, that no spasm of the muscular fibres of the stomach, bladder, or intestines, can be produced by irritating the nerves of the ganglions which go to these organs. 3dly, The division of the nerves of the ganglions, will not immediately paralyze the hollow organs. Their vermicular motions continue for a long time after the experiment. 4thly, With respect to the stomach, intestines, bladder and uterus, I have repeated the galvanic experiments which, with respect to the heart, have already been mentioned at length; but never could obtain contractions.[121] 5thly, The same experiments being made upon the organic muscles, and the great sympathetic nerve of a dog, there was no contraction. 6thly, The issue of the latter operation may be easily conceived, according to our manner of regarding things. In fact, the ganglions, which are situated between the gastric organs and the nervous trunk of the chest, might possibly have interrupted the series of the galvanic phenomena. With a view, then, to remove all doubt of this kind, I exposed the nerves, which go from the ganglions immediately to the stomach, bladder and rectum, and in this way galvanised the organs but no contraction appeared to me to be the result of the experiment; at least no contraction, which I could suppose to be the effect of galvanism, for here I cannot too much recommend a proper distinction to be made between that which should be the effect of this fluid, and that which results from the mechanical contact of the metals. 7thly, These experiments are not easily made upon the intestines, on account of the tenuity of their nerves; but as these nerves compose a very perceptible plexus about the mesenteric artery, the intestine may be galvanized by surrounding the artery with one of the metals, while the other is placed under the intestinal tube. This experiment I have made, but could not obtain any sensible result. 8thly, The preceding essays were made upon warm and red-blooded animals. Similar attempts were repeated on cold and red-blooded animals, but with no effect. 9thly, The nerves which immediately supply the gastric organs of the frog, are so delicate as to make it an extremely difficult matter to get them into proper contact with the zinc: a small contraction of the stomach was, however, obtained by Jadelot on operating directly on these nerves; but this contraction was similar, no doubt, to those which I have so frequently observed in other experiments, and not to be compared to the astonishing effects which are observable in the voluntary muscles. I shall conclude, therefore, that with respect to the galvanic phenomena, there exists a wide difference between the muscles of the animal life and those of the organic life. I have now collected proof enough, I trust, for resolving, with certainty, the question proposed in the above chapter, and for establishing it as a fundamental principle.—1st, That the brain does not directly influence the organs and the functions of the internal life; and 2dly, That, therefore, the interruption of these functions, in case of any great lesion of the brain, is not an immediate effect of such lesion. Nevertheless, I am far from considering the cerebral action as foreign entirely to the organic life. I only maintain that its influence upon it is indirect, and as yet but little known. I have been somewhat prolix upon this subject; for certainly nothing in medicine is more vague than the sense which is commonly attached to the words nervous action, cerebral action, &c. There is never a proper distinction made between that which belongs to one life, and that which is the attribute of the other. Cullen, in particular, may be reproached with having exaggerated the influence of the brain. II. Is the interruption of the functions of the organic life, the indirect effect of the cessation of the cerebral action? The organic life continues to subsist for a certain time, after the apparent death of the individual. There must be some intermediate agents then, the cessation of the action of which, occasions the death of the inward organs. Such agents are chiefly the mechanical organs of respiration. The series of the phenomena are the following: 1st, The cerebral actions are interrupted.—2dly, The mechanical functions of the lungs are put an end to.—3dly, There is an annihilation of their chemical functions.—4thly, The black blood circulates in all the parts.—5thly, The movement of the heart and the action of all the parts is weakened.—6thly, Suspended. All the inward organs then, die nearly as they do in asphyxia; that is to say—1st, Because they are penetrated by the black blood.—2dly, Because the circulation ceases to communicate that motion which is essential to their life. Nevertheless, there are many differences between death from asphyxia, and death from lesion of the brain. 1st, The animal life in the latter sort of death, is generally interrupted at the very instant of the shock or blow. In the former it is terminated only in proportion as the black blood penetrates the substance of the brain.—2dly, In the greater number of the asphyxiÆ, the circulation does not immediately cease, the blood is only gradually blackened, and continues for some time to be moved onwards by the agitation of such parts as are still under the influence of the brain. On the contrary, in lesion of the brain, the interruption of respiration is sudden; the blood also loses its red colour at once: on the other hand, the animal life being suddenly arrested, the organs of volition become immovable on the spot, and are capable no longer of favouring the motion of the blood. This remark is particularly applicable to the breast, the parietes of which facilitate very much the pulmonary circulation, and even the movements of the heart by their rise and fall, for in such alternation of motion consists the true influence which the circulation receives from the respiratory process. But after all, these two sorts of death may be more or less similar to each other according to the way in which they happen. The differences which I have pointed out are by no means general. Thus, when asphyxia is sudden, as when for instance the air of the lungs is pumped out with a syringe, there are neither livid spots, or fulness of the lungs to be met with. The circulation ceases quickly, and the phenomena of death are such as are observable when the brain is suddenly destroyed. On the contrary, if the death of the brain be slow, and the process of respiration for a certain time continued, the capillary system of the lungs will be gorged with blood, and the general capillary system be filled also. The circulation in such case will be slow to cease, and the phenomena of death like those of many of the asphyxiÆ. Thus the promptitude or slowness of death, proceeding from lesion of the brain, will occasion all the differences. It has been often a question in what way criminals die, who are hanged. In some, the vertebral column is luxated, and in others, want of respiration is the cause of death.[122] But whenever there is luxation, there is at the same time asphyxia, and in such case asphyxia is produced, both because the pressure of the cord intercepts the passage of the air, and because the intercostals and diaphragm are paralyzed. From what I have now said, a comparison may be made between the three kinds of death upon which I have expatiated. This comparison, according to my ideas, is of importance: I shall give some features of it. Generally speaking, there is a greater similarity in the two modes by which the death of the brain, or that of the lungs produces the death of the organs, than between either of these modes, and that, where the death of the heart is followed by the same effect. But 1st, There is always black blood in the red-blooded system, when death begins either by the brain or the lungs. When the functions of the heart are suddenly suspended, the arterial system contains a portion of red blood only. 2dly, In the two first cases, the circulation continues for awhile; in the third, it is immediately suppressed. 3dly, When the death of the organs is a consequence of the death of the heart, they die, because they cease to receive that excitement, to which they are accustomed from the motion of the blood. When their death is produced by that of the brain or lungs, they die not only because they lose the excitement above-mentioned, but because they are penetrated by a fluid which is incapable of keeping up their actions, &c. The reader will easily finish the parallel which I have thus begun. In red and cold-blooded animals, the death of the organs succeeds much more slowly to that of the brain, than in red and warm-blooded animals. We cannot assign the reason of this fact, because we do not know the difference of the arterial blood from the venous blood of these animals, nor the effect which is produced on their organs by the contact of either sort of blood with them. When reptiles remain for a length of time under water, does the arterial blood become black from want of respiration? is the influx of such blood into their organs, pernicious or not?[123] or is there a sufficient quantity of air contained in the large vesicles of the lungs of these animals to oxydate their blood for a length of time, as but little blood is capable of passing into the pulmonary artery, which is only a branch of the aorta. The latter opinion appears to be confirmed by the experiment of injecting the lungs of a dog with a large quantity of air, in which case the blood of the creature is reddened for a greater length of time. But all these questions, notwithstanding the essays of Goodwyn, require much elucidation. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DEATH OF THE BRAIN OVER THAT OF THE BODY IN GENERAL. From the consideration of what has been said in the preceding chapter, nothing can be more easy than to form an accurate idea of the manner in which the phenomena of general death, commencing by the brain, are concatenated. The series is as follows: 1st, The cerebral action is annihilated. 2dly, There is a sudden cessation of sensation and voluntary motion. 3dly, A simultaneous paralysis of the intercostals and diaphragm. 4thly, An interruption of the mechanical phenomena of respiration and the voice. 5thly, An annihilation of the chemical phenomena of the lungs. 6thly, A passage of black blood into the arteries. 7thly, A slowness of circulation owing to the influx of such blood into the arteries, and the absolute immobility of all the parts, of the intercostals and diaphragm in particular. 8thly, The heart dies and the general circulation ceases. 9thly, The organic life vanishes. 10thly, The animal heat, which is the product of all the functions, disappears, 11thly, The white organs die. Though in this kind of death, as well as in the two preceding kinds, the functions are suddenly annihilated; the parts retain, for a certain time, a number of the properties of life. The organic sensibility and contractility, continue for some time, to be manifest in the muscles of the two lives; and in those of the animal life, the susceptibility of being affected by the galvanic fluid is very great in the muscles of the animal life. This permanence of the organic properties, is nearly the same in every case; the only cause which affects it, is the slowness with which the phenomena of death have succeeded each other. In every case where their duration has been the same, whatever may have been the cause of death, experiments instituted upon these properties, are attended with similar results; for it is evident that concussion of the brain, luxation of the vertebrÆ, the section of the spinal marrow, apoplexy, compression of the brain, or inflammation, are all of them causes which are attended with a like effect. The same, however, is not the case with respect to the asphyxiÆ produced by the different gases. We have shown the reason of this in the more or less deleterious nature of the gases which produce asphyxiÆ. The state of the lungs also, is very various in the bodies of persons who have died from lesions of the brain. This organ is sometimes gorged and sometimes almost empty: it shews, however, whether the death of the individual has been sudden or gradual. The same indication may be had from the state of the exterior surfaces. The death, which is the consequence of disease, commences much more rarely in the brain, than in the lungs. Nevertheless, in certain paroxysms of acute fever, the blood is violently carried to the head, and is the occasion of death. The concatenation of its phenomena, are then the same as take place in sudden death. There are a great number of other cases besides those of fever, where the commencement of death may be in the brain, though the brain itself may not have been previously affected by the disease. In these cases, the state of the lungs is very various; but little can be learnt from it with respect to the nature of the disease. It is only an indication of the manner in which the functions have been terminated. TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE Footnote [28] is referenced from Footnote [27] not from the text itself. Footnote [101] is referenced from Footnote [100]. Footnote [108] is referenced from Footnote [107]. Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, air-cells, air cells; economy, oeconomy; no-wise, nowise, no wise; errors, errours; mechanicians; contractility; hemorrhagy; hebetate. In the main text: Pg 17, ‘not of the mattter’ replaced by ‘not of the matter’. Pg 20, ‘its accessaries’ replaced by ‘its accessories’. Pg 25, ‘TH TWO LIVES’ replaced by ‘THE TWO LIVES’. Pg 33, ‘make a differerence’ replaced by ‘make a difference’. Pg 36, ‘at the expence’ replaced by ‘at the expense’. Pg 58, ‘nearly analagous’ replaced by ‘nearly analogous’. Pg 59, ‘sudden alteratian’ replaced by ‘sudden alteration’. Pg 69, ‘whick Authors’ replaced by ‘which Authors’. Pg 79, ‘it is succeptible’ replaced by ‘it is susceptible’. Pg 144, ‘at utterence’ replaced by ‘at utterance’. Pg 149, ‘then the nutrive’ replaced by ‘then the nutritive’. Pg 173, ‘physiolgist. Now’ replaced by ‘physiologist. Now’. Pg 173, ‘is ther esult’ replaced by ‘is the result’. Pg 176, ‘the body ensuses’ replaced by ‘the body ensues’. Pg 196, ‘which its practicles’ replaced by ‘which its particles’. Pg 213, ‘cut the treachea’ replaced by ‘cut the trachea’. Pg 235, ‘is propogated from’ replaced by ‘is propagated from’. Pg 236, ‘Ex-riments upon’ replaced by ‘Experiments upon’. Pg 240, ‘to the concominant’ replaced by ‘to the concomitant’. Pg 248, ‘the venons system’ replaced by ‘the venous system’. Pg 252, ‘when the functious’ replaced by ‘when the functious’. Pg 258, ‘swells and cantracts’ replaced by ‘swells and contracts’. Pg 259, ‘pipe, then when’ replaced by ‘pipe, than when’. Pg 261, ‘that livid tin’ replaced by ‘that livid tint’. Pg 278, ‘in sulphureted’ replaced by ‘in sulphurated’. Pg 278, ‘azot, in pure’ replaced by ‘azote, in pure’. Pg 293, ‘extensive hemorhagy’ replaced by ‘extensive hemorrhagy’. Pg 293, ‘have began in’ replaced by ‘has begun in’. Pg 310, ‘I was authorzied’ replaced by ‘I was authorized’. Pg 333, ‘of accute fever’ replaced by ‘of acute fever’. In the Footnotes: FN 4 (Footnote [4] referenced from) pg 12, ‘the maunmalia’ replaced by ‘the mammalia’. FN 5 pg 17, ‘opake colour’ replaced by ‘opaque colour’. FN 5 pg 17, ‘cogulum of milk’ replaced by ‘coagulum of milk’. FN 13 pg 43, ‘In somnambulition’ replaced by ‘In somnambulism’. FN 15 pg 57, ‘perfect iudifference’ replaced by ‘perfect indifference’. FN 27 pg 90, ‘and peritoreum’ replaced by ‘and peritoneum’. FN 31 pg 105, ‘the duoderum’ replaced by ‘the duodenum’. FN 31 pg 105, ‘as the ileo-coecal’ replaced by ‘as the ileo-cecal’. FN 34 pg 118, ‘to the indiosyncrasy’ replaced by ‘to the idiosyncrasy’. FN 76 pg 206, ‘name of hypocondria’ replaced by ‘name of hypochondria’. FN 90 pg 236, ‘vena porta, as’ replaced by ‘vena portÆ, as’. FN 92 pg 241, ‘soon ofter grew’ replaced by ‘soon after grew’. FN 92 pg 241, ‘the plantive cries’ replaced by ‘the plaintive cries’. FN 103 pg 281, ‘prot-phosphuretted’ replaced by ‘proto-phosphuretted’. FN 115 pg 311, ‘of middle heighth’ replaced by ‘of middle height’.