Acetone, action on cellulose nitrates of diluted, 46
Acid-cellulose, 68
Acids, volatile, from cellulose, 145
Æschynomene aspera, 135
Alcohol from cellulose and wood, 146
Alcoholic soda, mercerisation results with, 26
Alkali-cellulose, effects of long storage on, 31
Amyloid, vegetable, 153
Arabinose from gluconic acid, 117
'Ash' of plants, 13
Bacterium xylinum, 85
Barley plant, chemical processes in the, 103
---- straw, carbohydrates of, 105
Bleaching, 166
Bran, digestion of, 139
Brommethylfurfural, 8, 84, 86
Carbohydrates, action of hydrogen bromide on, 86;
action of hydrogen peroxide on, 114;
nitrated, as food for mould fungi, 43;
nitrates of, 41;
quantitative separation of, 96
Carbohydrates of barley straw, 105;
of wheat, 137;
of yeast, 113
'Caro's reagent,' 118
'Celloxin,' 71
Cellulose, alcohol from, 146;
constitution of, 77, 92;
fermentation of, 76;
industrial uses of, 155;
iodine reaction of, 21;
methods for the estimation of, 3, 4, 16, 19, 97;
nitration of, 43;
saccharification of, 73;
ultimate hydrolysis of, 11;
volatile acids from, 145
---- acetates, monoacetate, formation of, 40;
tetracetate, constitution of, 80
---- benzoates, 34;
from structureless cellulose, 36;
from three varieties of cotton, 35;
monobenzoate, properties of, 36;
dibenzoate, properties of, 37;
acetylation of, 130;
nitration of, 38
---- derivatives, commercial aspects of, 171;
saccharification of, 73
---- nitrates, 44, 45, 83;
structureless, 45, 51;
cupric reducing power of, 73;
instability of, 50, 53
---- sulphocarbonate, 27;
effects of the nature of the cellulose, 28;
---- —— solutions, analysis of, 32;
iodine reaction of, 33;
loss of carbon bisulphide, 33;
viscosity of, 30
Cell-wall constituents, 97
Cereal celluloses, 101, 105
Chitin, 112
Chlorination, Cross and Bevan's method, 19;
statistics of, 134
Chloro-lignone, 126
Collodion. See Silk, artificial
Cotton, lustreing effect of mercerisation, 23;
mercerised, structural properties of, 25;
pentosane content of, 148
'Crude fibre,' 17
Cuprammonium solvent, 21, 58, 173
Currants, pectin of, 152
Denitration of collodion silk, 56;
of jute nitrate, 133;
products of, 74
Dioxybutyric acid, 71
Elder pith, 137
Eriodendron, seed hair of, 92
Explosives, 44;
sporting powders, 52
Fermentation of cellulose, 76;
of furfuroids, 108;
of sugar from wood, 148
Fibres, report on miscellaneous, 139
Flax boiling, 168;
spinning, 161
Fodder plants, pentosanes of, 122
Fungi, tissue constituents of, 109
Furfural from cellulose, oxycellulose, and hydrocellulose, 70;
derivative from lÆvulose, 8;
estimation as hydrazone and phloroglucide, 119, 121;
oxidation of, 114, 118 (refer also 'Pentosanes')
Furfuroids, 8, 10, 102, 105;
assimilation of, 108
Gabriel's method of cellulose estimation, 18
Gluconic acid, action of hydrogen peroxide on, 117
Glucosamin, 112
Hemicellulose, 96, 97;
determination and separation of, 100
HÖnig's method of cellulose estimation, 18
'Hydralcellulose,' 68
Hydrocellulose, 73;
nitration of, 43
Hydrogen peroxide, oxidations with, 114
Hydroxyfurfural in lignocellulose, 9, 116, 118
Incandescent mantles of artificial silk, 14, 15
Industrial appliances of cellulose, 155
Iodine reaction of cellulose, 21
Isosaccharinic acid, 71
Jute, composition of, 141;
quality of, 140;
treatment of, 142 (refer also Lignocellulose)
---- acetate, 129
---- benzoate, 127;
acetylation of, 130;
nitration of, 132
---- nitrate, 131
Ketoses, physiological importance of, 9
Lange method of cellulose estimation, 18, 98
Lead compounds of nitrated carbohydrates, 49
Lignin, 100
Lignocellulose, constitution of, 133;
esters of, 125;
hydroxyfurfural in, 9;
new type of, 135
Lignone complex, properties of, 126
'Lignorosin,' 151
'Lustra-cellulose.' See Silk, artificial
Malt, pentosanes of, 122
Mather system of boiling textiles, 167
Mercerization, 22; shrinkage during, 24
Mercerised yarn, strength and elasticity of, 25, 26
Methylhydroxyfurfural, 84
Mould fungi, nitrated carbohydrates as food for, 43
Mycosin, 113
Nitrated carbohydrates, lead compounds of, 49
Nitrates of carbohydrates, 41
Nitrocellulose (see Cellulose nitrates);
silk, 55
'Normal' cellulose, definition of, 27
Normal paper, 160
Oxycellulose esters, 72;
nitration of, 43;
researches on, 71, 72, 74;
rÉsumÉ of properties, 94
Oxygluconic acid, 117
Paper, deterioration of, 155;
normal standard, 160;
pulp, spinning of, 169
Peat, constituents of, 154
Pectins, 151, 152
Pentosanes, 100, 109, 144;
constituents of cotton, 124;
constituents of fodder, 122;
estimation of, 121;
of seeds during germination, 124
'Permanent tissue,' 103
Phloroglucinol, 119, 121
Plant tissues, carbohydrates of, 96, 97, 99
Plants, source of unsaturated compounds in, 145
Powders, manufacture of sporting, 52
Saccharification of cellulose and derivatives, 73
Schulze method of cellulose estimation, 18, 98
Schweizer solution, 101
Seeds, pentosanes in germinating, 124
Silica in plant tissues, 13
Silk, artificial, 54, 62, 63, 172;
bibliography of, 60;
from cuprammonium, 58, 64, 173;
from nitrocellulose (collodion), 55, 63, 172;
from viscose, 59;
from zinc chloride, 59;
reactions of, 64
---- natural, reactions of, 64
Straws, 101, 105
Succinic acid from furfural, 118
Sulphite waste liquors, 149, 164
'Swedish' filter paper, 14
Tissue constituents, 99, 109
Trees, composition of trunk woods, 142
Viscose and viscoid, 157, 158, 159
---- silk, 59, 175
---- —— specific gravity of, 34 (refer also Cellulose
'Vulcanised fibre,' 20
Weende, method of cellulose estimation (crude fibre), 17, 98
Welsbach mantles, 14;
Clamond type, 15
Wheat grain, insoluble carbohydrates of, 137
Wood, alcohol from, 146, 148
Wood-cellulose, waste liquors, 149
Wood-gum, 144
Wood-pulp, processes, 162
Wood, trunks of trees, 142
Yeast, carbohydrates of, 113
Zinc chloride, artificial silk, 59;
solvent action of, 20