We now have to treat of the fibrous raw materials from the point of view of form or structure, which is, of course, a very important factor in determining the quality of the paper or other fabric into which they are manufactured. It is sufficiently evident that the strength of paper is primarily due to the cohesion of its constituent fibres. When paper is torn, the edges present a fibrous appearance, and observation teaches us that, other things being equal, the greater the manifestation of fibrous structure the stronger will be the paper. If a paper be thoroughly wetted, its tensile strength is reduced to a minimum, and if subjected to a slight strain we get, not a tearing, but a pulling asunder of the fibres. If this be performed under a lens, the structure of the paper is more clearly seen, and it will be appreciated to what extent the qualities of a paper are the aggregate of the qualities of its constituent fibres. A more careful dissection of the paper shows that these fibres, which are the ultimate fibres of the plant, as distinguished from the bundles of these, or filaments, which the spinner employs, are interlaced in all directions. To produce this effect of interweaving, and to insure that uniformity which is an essential feature of good paper, we have among others the following contributory causes: (1) the deposition of the fibres from suspension in water; (2) the composition of the pulp with regard to the reduction of the fibrous bundles, and the isolation of the individual fibres; and (3) the structure of these ultimate fibres. It is with the last that we are chiefly concerned at present. To convey a general notion of the influence of the structure {31} of fibres upon fabrics, we shall with advantage travel outside our immediate province to consider briefly the woollen and silk manufactures in relation to this point. Wool is, as we know, a discontinuous fibre, and its structure is that represented in Fig. 1, the most conspicuous feature being its broken surface, consisting apparently of imbricated scales. FIG. 1. The silk fibre, on the other hand, is a dual cylinder, spun by the worm in a continuous length, and with a perfectly smooth surface. Now, it would not be to our purpose to point out that in starting from a discontinuous simple fibre, to produce a continuous, therefore necessarily compound one, a very different treatment or process of spinning is required from that which the opposite condition renders practicable. We will rather consider the influence of structure upon materials manufactured from these fibres. It is obvious that the wool fibres, brought into contact with one another, tend to interlock; whereas silk fibres if rubbed or pressed together, simply slide over one another; the result in the fabric is by multiplication of the effect, a shrinking or contracting in length and breadth. This interaction of the fibres, and the phenomena to which it gives rise, is known as the felting of wool and woollen goods; this tendency, for the contrary reason, is not seen in silk fabrics. The production of paper from a disintegrated fibrous mass or pulp introduces similar considerations. That paper will be the stronger in which the constituent fibres are the better felted, and the degree in which felting takes place will depend to a great extent upon the form or microscopic peculiarities of the fibres. This is only one of the more obvious inferences to be drawn from the structure of fibres to the qualities of the papers which they compose. Other {32} equally important practical bearings will be seen to attach to the microscopic study of our fibrous raw materials, and to the consideration of this branch of the subject, we now ask the careful attention of the student. Microscopical Examination.—Under the head of “Microscopic Features” we must include everything which has to do with the structure of the vegetable fibres, as well as their organisation and distribution in the plant. In the analysis of “organised” structures we employ the two methods. (1) of dissection; (2) examination by means of the microscope; in other words, we first isolate the part under investigation by a mechanical process and then proceed to the optical resolution or analysis of the part. Having by analysis acquired a knowledge of the parts, we study their mutual relations in the structure they compose—we integrate our knowledge, so to speak—by means of sections of the structure, cut so as to preserve the cohesion of the parts in section, and yet in so fine a film as to appear under the microscope to be virtually a plane surface. These points are illustrated in the drawings given.It is impossible for us to deal specially with the subject of the microscope and its manipulation. The microscope, as a revealer of natural wonders is one thing; as an instrument of scientific discovery, quite another. For the latter, the student must train himself by systematic work, and should especially concentrate his attention upon some one branch of natural history, however restricted. We shall assume, in our treatment of the subject, a knowledge of the microscope as an instrument of research, such as can be easily acquired in a few weeks of work under the guidance of a teacher or of one of the excellent manuals which now abound. We also assume a certain acquaintance with the elements of vegetable physiology, which it will be seen is necessary for a full grasp of the subject. Such an acquaintance, also, may be easily acquired, under direction, in a few weeks of work. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. We have before alluded to the differences presented by {33} mono and dicotyledonous stems in regard to the distribution of their fibrous constituents. In illustration of this, we may cite Figs. 2, 3, which represent, (2) a section of the aloe, (3) a section of the jute plant. The available fibres are in (2) the fibro-vascular bundles (f), which are irregularly distributed throughout the main mass of cellular tissue, and {34} in (3) the bast fibres (f), which constitute a definite and separate tissue. We have already alluded to the practical consequences of this typical difference of distribution, in regard to processes of separating these fibres on the large scale. This process we have explained is necessarily simpler in the case of a fibrous tissue, definitely localised; and this may be demonstrated by a superficial examination of a young branch of an exogen. As we know, the bark tissues are easily stripped from the underlying wood. If now we work up the former in a mortar, with a little water, we soon perceive the separation of the compound tissue into cellular matter on the one hand and fibres, the latter being more or less long and silky, according to the plant from which isolated. They vary in length from one millimetre to several centimetres, and are aggregated together in the plant in such a way as to constitute bundles, often of very considerable length; the general arrangement being comparable with that of the tiles in the roof of a house. It is important to distinguish the fibre-bundles from the elementary or normal fibres, and to this end they are designated by the term filament. Bast fibres are flexible and fusiform, terminating gradually in a point at either end, as represented in Fig. 4; bast filaments, built up of these fibres, containing often as many as twelve in the bundle, are usually cylindrical, but exhibit the widest differences in regard to the aggregation, in degree as well as number of their constituents. It is obvious that while the spinner has to do with these filaments, the paper maker works up the ultimate fibre constituents or fibres. It is also an obvious corollary from this distinction that a fibrous material which from “weakness” is unavailable for textile application, may yet be perfectly “strong” from the paper maker’s point of view; in other words, the individual fibres may be strong, but have little cohesion in the filaments. As we proceed, the student will see more and more the practical bearings of this branch of the study, and will perceive the inferences to be drawn from the investigation of {35} minute relationships to manufacturing processes and their products. FIG. 4. We shall say but little as to the necessary equipment. (1) A dissecting microscope, for dissecting under a lens, magnifying the object to 40 or 50 diameters. (2) An ordinary student’s microscope with lenses for magnifying to 100 and 300 diameters. This is adequate to the work, though of course, it may be an advantage in certain cases, to be provided with higher powers. (3) A glass slide, carrying an engraved scale of centimetres and millimetres for measuring the lengths of objects, and a micrometer, divided into 1?/?10 mm. for measuring diameters. It is also important to be able to determine the degree of enlargement under any particular combination of lenses, and for this purpose to possess a micrometer eye-piece, with a millimetre scale divided into hundredths. (4) An effective microtome and the usual mounting accessories. A very important feature in the diagnosis of fibres, more especially in regard to the composition of the fibre substances, is the effect produced by treatment with various reagents. Certain of these reactions we have already {36} indicated. We shall now give the details of composition of the several solutions which will be required. Neutral Mounting Solutions.—It is advantageous in mounting transparent objects to employ a solution of the same refractive power as the substance itself. For this purpose, pure glycerin or a syrupy solution of calcium chloride may be employed; it is expedient to mix with either reagent a small proportion of acetic acid. The designation “neutral” has reference to the fact that these reagents are without sensible action on the fibres.Iodine Solution.—We have previously described the preparation of a solution, giving the characteristic blue reaction with cellulose directly. It is, however, often preferable to bring about this colouration in another way, and the following are the solutions employed:—1 gramme of potassium iodide is dissolved in 100 cc. water, and the solution is saturated with iodine; it is preserved in stoppered bottles, containing a few fragments of the element, so as to keep up the saturation of the solution.The accessory solution, dilute sulphuric acid, which is employed to determine the reaction between the cellulose and the iodine, is prepared as follows:—2 volumes of concentrated glycerin are mixed with 1 volume water, and to the mixture an equal volume of oil of vitriol (1·78 sp. gr.), is slowly added, so as to prevent as far as possible a rise of temperature. The effect of the glycerin is very remarkable in preventing the distortion of the objects under the action of the acid, which in other respects remains uninfluenced. By way of verification of this iodine test, which is somewhat capricious, it is advisable to test the reagents with a standard substance. The best for the purpose is a linen yarn which has been partially bleached. Under the action of the reagents the fibres composing this yarn, which must, of course, be suitably “teazed out” for mounting, are coloured a light blue, the centre, however, showing a yellow line, {37} marking the distribution in the interior canal of a non-cellulose fibre constituent. Should these effects not appear, it may be concluded that the acid requires to be strengthened. On the other hand, too great a concentration is equally to be avoided; it is evidenced by causing a distortion of the fibre, easily recognised by comparison with the fibre mounted in a neutral medium. Chlorine Water.—One of the most characteristic reactions of lignose, or lignified cellulose, is that of combining with chlorine. The reaction of the chlorinated derivatives with sodium sulphite solution, is an important feature in the microscopic diagnosis of lignified fibres and cells. The reagent is prepared by dissolving chlorine to saturation in water. The sodium sulphite solution is prepared by dissolving the crystallised salt in 20 parts distilled water.Aniline Sulphate Solution.—With this reagent lignose gives a characteristic deep yellow colouration. A convenient strength is a 2 per cent. solution of the salt. The colour is more quickly developed if the reagent is acidified; a few drops of sulphuric acid should therefore be added.Solutions of the Aniline Colours.—Some of these are of importance in enabling the microscopist to differentiate plant tissues. The “affinities” of the fibre substances for these are very various in kind and intensity. The phenomena of staining cannot be adequately treated in our histological scheme, which is necessarily very restricted. We, therefore, merely mention the more important colours which are used in staining, viz., magenta, methylene blue, eosine, diphenylamine blue. A convenient strength is a solution of 1 in 2000. (See also p. 43.)The employment of the aniline sulphate solution, as well as of the solutions of the aniline colours, presents no difficulties, and therefore needs no detailed description. The former strikes a more or less deep yellow with lignose; the aniline colours stain or dye the tissue or fibre more or less deeply, according to its composition, and, as it is a reciprocal action, {38} according also to the composition of the colouring matter. In following up this subject, the student will require to consult works on vegetable histology. Preparation of the objects.—The necessary preliminary to the examination of the fibres themselves is their isolation. This is accomplished either by means of the dissecting microscope, or more roughly, according to circumstances. Having obtained the filaments, they are boiled in a 10 per cent. solution of sodium carbonate until sufficiently softened to yield easily to the “teazing” needles. In certain cases the boiling must be supplemented by trituration in a mortar; this, or some similar operation, is especially necessary when the fibres are embedded in a mass of cellular tissue (parenchyma) e. g. in the fibro-vascular bundles of monocotyledons.Sections of the filaments are prepared by cutting in a microtome, the filaments being previously agglutinated into a stiff bundle by means of any of the usual stiffening solutions, and after drying, embedded in wax in the usual way. Sections of fresh stems and tissues are cut with a “section” razor. Having prepared the objects, their examination under the microscope necessarily divides itself into:—(1) the determination of external features; (2) the diagnosis of chemical composition. The fibres themselves will be individually considered in regard to microscopic features. There is one aspect of these structural features, however, which admits of more general treatment, and in respect to this we may anticipate with advantage, viz., the dimensions or simple elements of form. The importance of the determination of the length and diameter of both filaments and fibres will be readily appreciated by an inspection of the following table, in which the numbers are given for several of the more important. A careful study of this table in relation to the application of these several fibres, will show that the correlation of the latter with these ultimate dimensions is close and essential. {39}
A very important point in the diagnosis of a raw material, and next in order of treatment, is the degree of purity of the substance, in so far as this is related to structure. The fibres may be associated with cellular tissue, or with cellular debris, if they have undergone the retting process or other treatment for separation; or with “encrusting and intercellular substances” in various proportions. In the latter case the association with the fibres is usually much more intimate; they are in fact essential constituents of the fibre bundles {40} (bast-fibres, fibro-vascular bundles), whereas the former we may regard as “foreign matter.” We may, however, distinguish between the normal incrustation of the fibre-cells, and such an incrustation of the filaments as would be described as a loose adhesion of non-fibrous matter. The latter is seen in such tissues as the bast of the adansonia, and the fibro-vascular bundles of the aloes. These are points with which observation alone can familiarise the student; as experience grows he will find it increasingly easy to follow general distinctions, and in proportion as he uses his own faculties, so he will be able to generalise for himself. He will find this equally true of the second section of the microscopic examination, i.e., the micro-chemical diagnosis of fibres. Under this head is included the observation of the behaviour of fibres towards the various reagents above described. In addition to their microscopical employment it is useful to note their effect on fibres in the gross, both in their natural state and after treatment with bleaching agents. In applying the iodine reaction, attention must be paid to the following details of manipulation. Place the object (dry) upon the glass slide, moisten with a few drops of the iodine solution, cover with a glass slip and examine under the microscope. Note the effects, which are those of the iodine alone. Then remove the iodine solution by means of blotting paper, and introduce the sulphuric acid by the method of “irrigation.” The colouration of the cellulose (blue-violet) is immediate; it has the effect moreover, of bringing out more clearly a number of the structural details of the fibre. We have already treated of the resolution of the raw fibres into cellulose and non-cellulose constituents by processes which convert the latter into soluble derivatives. The student will derive much instruction from following up the attendant structural disintegration with the aid of the microscope. The chemical dissection of lignified fibres by the alternate action of bromine water and alkalis, should be studied by mounting specimens of the fibre at all stages and {41} carefully noting all the changes which occur. The more drastic action of chlorine should also be studied by mounting the chlorinated fibre (in water) and then irrigating with the alkaline solvent (caustic alkali or sulphite) and noting the stages in the completion of the disintegration. |