A. - Ainsworth, Mr. W. F., on Darwin at Edinburgh, 22
- Allen, Mr. Grant, on Darwin, 25, 31, 95, 112
- Ancestry of the Darwins, 11, 12, 14
- Andes, 43, 45
- Antiquity of man, 113
- Ants, Observations on, 88, 89
- ArchÆology and earthworms, 151, 152
- AthenÆum, The, 22, 94, 124
B. - Bahia, 32
- Bahia Blanca, 38
- Beagle, H.M.S., 27, 29, 34, 36, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 52-60, 65
- Bees, Observations on, 88, 89
- Bell, Sir C., “Anatomy of Expression,” 126
- Bentley, T., and Darwin’s mother, 17
- Blushing, 133
- Bladderwort, The, 140
- Botanical papers, 103
- Botanical works, 103-108, 136-145
- Brazil, 32-36
- Breeds, Domestic, 80-82, 109-111
- British Association, Darwin at, 60
- Buenos Ayres, 39, 40
- Burdon-Sanderson, Prof., 140
- Butterwort, The, 140
- Button, Jemmy, the Fuegian, 130
C. - Caldcleugh, Mr., 45
- Cambridge University, 24-29, 146
- Candolle, A. de, 148-150
- Carlisle, Bishop of, on Darwin, 154, 155
- Carlyle, Thomas and Mrs., and Erasmus Darwin, 19
- Character of Darwin, 155-160, 162-165
- Chili, 43-45
- Chiloe, 43
- Chonos Archipelago, 43
- Christianity and Darwin, 115-117, 121, 163-166, 169
- Cirripedia, Books on, 61-63
- Classification, 91
- “Climbing Plants,” 107
- Copley medal, 106
- Coral reefs, Book on, 55-59;
- Corfield, Mr. R., 43
- Cross-fertilisation of plants, 141-143
D. - Dana, Prof. J. D., on Coral Reefs, 58
- Darwin, Charles, and domestic animals, 71;
- and entomology, 25, 167;
- and Malthus, 72, 73;
- and novelists, 133;
- and Prof. Henslow, 24-30;
- and Sir C. Lyell, 31, 51, 52, 69, 70;
- and Sir J. Hooker, 54, 74, 75, 78;
- and slavery, 34, 35;
- and spelling reform, 148;
- as an experimenter, 162;
- at Cambridge, 24-29;
- at Edinburgh, 22-24;
- “Biographical Sketch of an Infant,” 131;
- birth, 18;
- character of, 155-160, 162-165;
- “Climbing Plants,” 107;
- contributions to mental science, 134, 135;
- death of, 153;
- “Descent of Man,” 112-125;
- discovery of extinct mammals, 38, 39;
- elected F.G.S., 51;
- experience of missionaries, 43, 47;
- experiments on children, 129, 131;
- “Expression of Emotions,” 126-135;
- fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom, 141-143;
- “Fertilisation of Orchids,” 103-106;
- first scientific paper, 23;
- “Formation of Mould,” 150-152;
- forms of flowers, 143;
- funeral of, 154;
- “Geology of the Beagle,” 55-60;
- history of “Origin of Species,” 64-78;
- honours bestowed on, 146;
- “Insectivorous Plants,” 136-139;
- “Journal of Researches,” 52;
- modesty of, 28, 66;
- on blushing, 133;
- on Cirripedia, 61-63;
- on religion, 115-117, 121, 163-169;
- on vivisection, 160-162;
- “Origin of Species,” 41, 42, 46, 64-78, 79-99;
- physical appearance and habits of, 100-102, 147, 148;
- places named after, 48;
- portraits of, 146;
- power of movement in plants, 143-145;
- school-days of, 19-21;
- secretary of Geological Society, 51;
- sons of, 102;
- statue of, 156;
- voyage in Beagle, 29-50
- Darwin, Mrs. C., 53
- Darwin, Erasmus, of Lichfield and Derby, 12-14, 66-67
- Darwin, Erasmus, of London, 19, 153
- Darwin, Mr. Francis, 140-144
- Darwin, Mrs. R. W. (Susannah Wedgwood), 17-19
- Darwin, R. W., of Elston, 12
- Darwin, R. W., father of Charles, 14-18
- Darwin Sound, 48
- Death of Charles Darwin, 153
- “Descent of Man,” 112-125
- Digestion by plants, 137, 138
- Discovery of extinct mammals, 39
- Down House, 60, 101, 102, 147-150
E. - Earle, Erasmus, 12
- Earthquake experience, 44
- Earthworms, Darwin on, 150-152
- Edinburgh Review, on “Descent of Man,” 124;
- on Erasmus Darwin, 12, 13;
- on “Origin of Species,” 94
- Edinburgh University, 21-24
- Ehrenberg, 31
- Entomology, 25, 141-143
- Evolution, History of, in Darwin’s mind, 39, 40-42, 46, 47, 50, 64-78, 112
- “Expression of Emotions,” 126-135
F. - Falkland Islands, 43, 60
- Fertilisation, Cross and Self-, in the Vegetable Kingdom, 141-143
- “Fertilisation of Orchids,” 103-106
- Fitzroy, Capt., 27, 29, 31, 48, 49
- “Forms of Flowers,” 143
- Fuegians, 42, 43, 112
- Funeral of Charles Darwin, 154
G. - Galapagos Islands, 45-47
- Gauchos, 38, 40, 116, 130
- Geikie, Prof. A., on Darwin’s “Coral Reefs,” 58
- Geographical distribution, 91
- Geological observations by Darwin, 30, 38, 39
- Geological papers by Darwin, 51, 52, 59, 60
- Geological record, Imperfection of, 90, 91
- Geological Society, 51, 52, 63
- “Geology of the Beagle,” 53, 55-60
- Germination of plants, 142
- Grant, Prof., 23, 69
- Greville, Dr., 23
H. - Haeckel, Prof., 71, 72, 147
- Hall, Capt. Basil, and Coral Reefs, 55
- Henslow, Prof., 24-30
- Herbert, Dean, 71
- Holmgren, Prof., Letter to, 160-162
- Honours conferred on Darwin, 146
- Hooker, Sir J., 54, 74, 78, 140
- Huxley, Prof., 65, 91, 94, 165-167
I. - Imagination, Definition of, 115
- “Insectivorous Plants,” 136-141
- Insects, 88, 89, 102-106, 136-139
- Instinct, 88-90, 114
- Interdependence of species, 84
J. K. L. - Lamarck and Darwin, 67, 68
- Linnean Society, 75-78, 107, 143, 147
- Literary position of Darwin, 165
- Lubbock, Sir J., 141
- Lyell, Sir C., 31, 51, 52, 69, 70, 74
M. - Magellan, Straits of, 43
- Maldonado, 36, 37
- Malthus on Population, 72, 73, 82
- Mammals, Extinct, 38, 39, 54
- Masters, Dr., on Darwin and Horticulture, 167
- Matthew, Mr. P., and “Origin of Species,” 97
- Mental powers of man, 114-123
- Mental science, Darwin and, 134, 135
- Meteyard, Miss, on R. W. Darwin, 16;
- Missionaries, 43, 47
- Monkeys, 132
- Monkeys and man, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122
- Monte Video, 36, 40
- Montgomery, James, “Pelican Island,” 55
- Morphology, 64, 91, 92
- “Mould, Formation of,” 152
- Mount Darwin, 49
- Mount, The, Shrewsbury, 17-20, 80
- “Movement, Power of, in Plants,” 143-145
- Murray, Mr. J., on Coral Reefs, 59
- Mylodon Darwinii, 54
N. - “Naturalist’s Voyage Round the World,” 53
- Natural Selection, 84, 85, 97-99, 108, 117
- New Zealand, 47
- Niata cattle, 40
- Novelists, 133
O. - “Orchids, Fertilisation of,” 103-106
- “Origin of Species,” 41, 42, 46, 64-78, 79-99
- Owen, Sir R., 53, 64
- Oxford, Bishop of, (Wilberforce), on “Origin of Species,” 95
P. - PalÆontographical Society, 62
- Pampas thistles, 40
- Pangenesis, Hypothesis of, 111
- Patagonia, 41
- Peru, 45
- Phillips, Prof. J., 52, 63
- Physiological Selection, 87
- Physiological Society, 159
- Plinian Society, Edinburgh, 22, 23
- Port Darwin, 48
- Portraits of Darwin, 146
- Punch, 123, 124
Q. - Quarterly Review on Darwin’s “Journal,” 53;
- on “Descent of Man,” 124, 125;
- on “Origin of Species,” 95
R. - Ray Society, 62
- Religion, 115-117, 121
- Religious views of Darwin, 163-166, 169
- Reptiles of Galapagos, 46
- Riley, Prof. C. V., on Darwin and Entomology, 25, 167
- Rio Negro, 37, 40
- Rio Plata, 41
- Romanes, Mr., 87, 89, 115, 134, 135
- Rosas, General, 38, 39
- Royal medal, 62
- Royal Society and Charles Darwin, 52, 62, 106
- Rudimentary organs, 92
S. - Santiago, 43, 45
- Saturday Review on Charles Darwin, 156, 157;
- on “Descent of Man,” 125;
- on “Origin of Species,” 95
- Savage man described, 49, 122, 123
- “Scientific Inquiry, Manual of,” 61
- Selection, Natural, 84, 85, 97-99
- Selection, Physiological, 87
- Semper, Prof., on Coral Reefs, 58
- Shrewsbury, 15-20
- Shrewsbury school, 20
- Social qualities of man, 116
- Social questions, 121
- Sonnet on Darwin, 169
- Spencer, Mr. Herbert, Views of, 73, 112
- Statue of Darwin, 155-156
- Stokes, Admiral, 33, 34
- Structure of human body, 114
- Struggle for existence, 72, 73, 82, 83
- Sully, Mr. James, on Evolution and Design, 168
- Sun-dew, 136-139
- Sweden and Darwin, 156
- Sydney, 48
T. - Tahiti, 47
- Tasmania, 48
- Tierra del Fuego, 42, 43
- Times, The, on Charles Darwin, 155
- Tree of Life, 85-87
- Tres Montes, 44
- Tucutuco, Blindness of, 68
U. - Unitarian Church, Shrewsbury, 17, 19
V. - Valdivia, 44
- Valparaiso, 43, 45
- “Variation of Animals and Plants,” 108-112
- Variations of Species, 79, 85-87, 108-112
- Verde, Cape de, 31, 41
- “Vestiges of Creation,” 73
- Vivisection, Darwin on, 160-162
- Volcanic islands, 59
W. - Wallace, Mr. A. R., 75-78
- Wedgwood, Josiah, 14
- Wells, Dr., and Origin of Species, 96
- Winchell, Prof., and evolution, 168-169
- Wollaston medal, 63
- Woman compared with man, 119, 120
- Woodall, Mr. E., on Charles Darwin, 17, 101
Y. - Yates, Mr. E., on “Darwin at Home,” 157