-11.htm.html#Page_36" class="pginternal">36 Baselard, 352 Basset, Robert, 140; Hill, 237; Ward, 215 Brembre, Nicolas, 77, 80, 84, 86, 259 Brembres, the, 217, 359 Brereton, Humphrey, 271 “Bretasche,” 65 Breton pirates, 266 Bretoun, John, 73 Brewer, William, 15 Breweries, 234 Brewers, 259 Bridewell, 241, 242, 245, 364 Bridge Estate, the, 303 Bridge House, the, 185 Bridge Row, 174, 238 Bridges—Bow, 162; Fleet, 235; Holborn, 167; London, 6, 33, 37, 45, 46, 52, 55, 82, 89, 93, 94, 108, 112, 124, 129, 131, 133, 135, 142, 143, 144, 167, 174, 178, 185, 190, 192, 228, 236, 244, 251, 341, 346, 350, 370, 388, 389 Bridge Street, 118, 174, 242 Bristol, 200 Brittany, 202, 168, 198; St. Martin le Grand, 60, 120, 174, 226, 228, 239, 361; St. Martin, Ludgate Hill, 246; St. Martin Outwich, 246; St. Martin’s, Vintry, 169; St. Mary-le-Bow, 64, 226; St. Mary Magdalene, 181; St. Mary Matfelon, 164; St. Mary Mounthaw, 171; St. Mary of Grace, 99; St. Mary Overies, 234, 364; St. Mary Somerset, 169, 171; St. Mary Spital, 98; St. Mary Staining, 169; St. Mary Stanigeslane, 370; St. Michael, 50, 169; Cornhill, 118, 180, 356; St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, 171, 181; St. Olave, 178; St. Oswyth, 100, 239; St. Paul’s Cathedral, 7, 11, 24, 50, 55, 62, 74, 76, 85, 86, 100, 104, 105, 107, 109, 118, 119, 136, 145, 166, 176, 180, 182, 184, 226, 240, 241, 244, 327, 332, 379; St. Peter, 64, 99, 169, 74 Cock Lane, Smithfield, 274, 275 Cocke, Thomas, 127 Codesfold, Richard de, 370 Coffeur, Henry le, 368; Matilda, 368 Coggeshale, Abbay of, 96 Coinage of golden pennies issued, 33 Coins, 200 Coke, Alderman Sir Thomas, 139, 140, 141, 224 Colchestre, Gilbert de, 368 Cold Harbour, 180, 245 Colechurch, Peter of, 6 Coleman Street, 235, 239 Colet, 222 Collections of a London Citizen, 112 College Hill, 245 College of Priests, 263 College Street, 239 Colleges, Law, list of, 325; Sion, 97; God’s House, 97; of Christ, 97; of the Holy Spirit, 97 Colman, 331 Cologne, 205, 390 Commissioner, the King’s, 54 Common Council, the, 70, 230 “Common Hunt,” the, 165 Common Seal, the, 52 Common Serjeant, the, 352 Commons of the City, the, 33 Commune, Chief Magistrate of the, 14; establishment of the, 13; granting of the, 11 Companies’ Halls, the, 236, 245, 270 Companies, lending money to the King, list of, 213 Conduits, 24, 43, 50, 97, 125, 205, 233, 235, 359; the Great, 38, 125, 174, 234, 235; the Little, 125, 391 Eleanor, Queen, 239, 323 Elizabeth, Edward IV.’s Queen, 139 Elizabeth Lucy, the Lady, 154 Elizabeth Moring, 274 Elizabeth, Queen, 45, 208, 294 Elizabeth of York, 271 Elms at Smithfield, the, 45 Elsing, Robert, 344 Elsinge, William, 97 Eltham, 323 Eltham, Sir John de, 56 Ely, 33 English, John, 267 Epidemics of the Middle Ages, 343 Erber, the, 245, 259 Erigena, 331 Eslingen, 345 Essex, 81, 94, 164, 297, 312; the Commons of, 129 Essex House, 184 Essexe, Agnes de, 366, 368 Este, Robert, 129 Estfield, 263 Estfried, Sir William, 97 Ethelred, 205 Ethelred II., 388; Earl of Mercia, 165 Euisham, the Abbay of, 96 Eustace of Boulogne, 278 Eustace, the Monk, 188 Evesham, 33 Evesham, Richard de, 73 Exchequer, the, 213 Execution of traitors, 17 Executions, 42, 45, 55, 82, 93, 94, 105-107, 117, 118, 120, 124, 130, 132, 136, 138, 140, 144, 215, 349 Exeter, 200; charter of, 264; the D
htm.html#Page_96" class="pginternal">96 Free Chamber of the King of England, 43 Free Trade, 71, 94 French Chronicle, the, 48, 49, 53, 55 French, the, 136; landing of, 272 Friars Minors, the, 197, 232 Friars Preachers, 55, 57 Friday Street, 172, 254 Fripperers, 192 Froissart, 284, 285 Fuatard, John, 364 Fuel, 193; charcoal and seacoal, 253 Furniture, and construction of a London citizen’s house, 247; list of household goods, 257; of a mediÆval house, 255; tables, 294 Furnivall, 299, 376 Furnival’s Inn, 233 Furriers, 232 Fynesbury, the Mayor of, 56 Gairdner’s Introduction to the Paston Letters, 127 note Galley Quay, 209 Galley Wharf, 239 Gamage, 222 Gambling, 318 Games and sports, “New Fair,” 292; list of, 307, 318 Garbodesham, Hachard de, 366-367 Garden, the Drapers’ , 315 Gardens, 315 Garlande, John de, 258 Garlick Hithe, 238, 239 Garter, the Knight of the, 121 Gascoigne, 358 Gascony, 72, 299 Gates, Sir Geoffrey, 141 Gates— the City, 37, 41, 49, 93, 94, 101, 226, 230, 239; Aldgate, 162, 164; Aldersgate, 166; Bishopsgate, Holy Land, the, 35 Holy Trinity Priory, 332 “Holyrood,” 310 Holywell Nunnery, the, 165 Honey Lane, 234, 238 Hood, Robin, 361 Horn, John, 35 Horne, Robert, 129, 130 Hornsey, 153 Hosier Lane, 174 Hospitals— Bridewell, 363; Bethlehem, 352; Christ’s, 363; Foundling, the, 234; St. Anthony’s, 192; St. Bartholomew’s, 97, 166, 363; St. John, 344; St. Katherine’s, 11; St. Thomas, 363; St. Thomas Acon, 97, 126 Houndsditch, 164 Houses, 184, 341, 342; of the retailer, 248; of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, 251 House of Converts, the, 23 House of Fame, 65 House of Lords, 124 House of St. Mary of Bethlehem, 165 House of the Sorores Minors, 162 Householders of London, 393 Howard, Lord, 150 Hugh de Hoddone, 366 Hugh le Bever, 257, 287 Hume, Master John, 117 Humphrey, Sir, 129 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 114, 115, 116, 118; and the City, 119, 327 Hungary, 345 Hunsdon House, 216 Huntingdons, the, 197, 245 Huntyngdon, 96 Hustings, the, 52, 264 Hymn of Praise to the Virgin, the sailor’s, 190 Hythe, the, 186, 357, 388 Icanhoe, 1
i> the Earl of, 54, 62, 325; Sir Thomas de, 56 Lancastrians, 136, 137, 138 Landlord and tenant, relation between, in City, 254 La Newe Were, 390 Lanfare, Henry de, 370 Lanfranc, 337 Langland, 231, 291, 293 Langley, 15 Langton, Walter, Bishop of Chester, 47 Large, Robert, 98 “La Sheelde,” 265 Latimer, 107 Latimer, Lord, 75 “Latin Christianity,” 85, 86 Latoun or latten, laton, 258 “Lawless Church,” the, 56 Lawsuit, Scrope v. Grosvenor, 172 Lawyers, Rules concerning, 396 Layamon, 332 Lay-stalls, 229 Lazar Houses, building of, 68 Leadenhall Street, 177 Leadenhall, the, 307, 118 Le Bever, 256 Lede Hall, the, 56 Leeds Castle, 354 Leg, John, 82 Legate, the, 25, 33 Legge, Thomas, 224 Leicester, 205; Earl of, 30, 127, 320 Leigh, Sir Thomas, 224 Lent, 302 Leofwin the Portreeve, 224 Leper Hospital, the, 20 Lepers, 191, 192, 336 Leprosy, 68 Lesnes, the Castle of, 117 Letters—re apprentices, 266; demanding taxes, etc., 265; Patent, 268; re Piracies, etc., 265; postage and carriage of, 288; recommendatory, 268 Levant, the, 189 Lewes, 32, 381, 394 Memorials of London, 49, 256 Mercer (the pirate), 79, 188, 266 Mercers, 136, 259, 263 “Merchant Adventurers,” 206, 208, 266; Incorporation of the, 189 Merchant Gild, the, 204 Merchants, 14, 19, 35, 39, 63, 80, 94, 130, 141, 186, 188, 189, 204, 214, 391; foreign, 42, 204, 208, 388; the Hanseatic, 37, 266, 388, 391; of Picardy, Normandy, 390; of Provence, 391; social position of English, 223 Merton, the Abbay of, 96 Merton Priory, 278 Merton, Walter de, 35, 36 Mewsgate, the, 38 Middlesex, 59, 60, 307; the Forest of, 312 Mile End, 81, 168 Mile End Road, 69, 130 Milk Street, 238, 245 Milman, 85, 86 Mincing Lane, 239 Minories, 239 Mints, 200 Miracle Plays, 316 Monastic Houses, architecture of, 246 Monasticon, Steven’s, 330 Money, value of, 303 Moneyers of London, the, 200 Monks, 330-332 357; Charter, 264; Earl of, 38; Mayor, 264; University, 327 Oxford Court, St. Swithin’s Lane, 245 Oxford Street, 293 Oynter, Michael, 6 Paddington, 38 Padington, John de, 55 Padua, 343 Page, Henry, 366 Pakington, Robert, 224 Palaces, 240-245— Baynard’s Castle, 17, 82, 138, 154, 155, 182, 238, 245, 259, 322, 364; Bishop’s Palace, 136, 141; Bridewell, 184; Durham House, 24; Kennington, 70, 77, 90, 242, 244; King’s House, Westminster, 240; called “the Mews,” 140; Savoy, 77; Tower of London, 240, see also Tower; Westminster, 237 Pancras Lane, 238 Panimo Guilliemi, 209 Pannere, Wiliam le, 369 Panyer Alley, 120 Parchissor, the Abbay of, 96 Pardon Churchyard, 289, 344; chapel in the, 7 Paris, 124, 319, 350; Provost of, 357 Paris, Matthew, 26, 28, 210, 212, 241, 312, 319, 332 Parliaments, 28, 30, 32, 48, 57, 72, 38, 73, 126 Science and Literature of the Middle Ages, 248 Scold’s Bridle, the, 356 Scone, the sacred stone of, 48 Scotland, 44, 202, 251, 358 Scotland, the King of, 69, 358 Scotus, John, 331 Scrop, Geoffrey le, 53 Scrope, Lord, 107 Seacoal Lane, 193, 253 Segrave, John, 45 Segrave, Stephen de, 57 Seldam, 64 Selds, the, 254 Seliot, Adam, 365 Serjeants, 336 Serle, Robert, 21 Serle, William, 94 Sevenoke, Sir William, 97, 99 Sevenokes, the, 129, 217, 263 Seville, 354 Seynt Augustyns, Abbay of, 96 Seynt, David of Salisbury, the See of, 96 Seynt Osiys, Abbay of, 96 Shakespeare, 129, 291 Sharpe, 49, 53, 79, 100, 124, 142, 146, 303 Sharpe, Jack, 124 Sharpe’s London and the Kingdom, 142, 152 Shaw, Dr., 153, 154 Shaw, John, 240 Sheriffs, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 32, 34, 36, 39, 44, 45, 51, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61, 69, 171, 174, 177, 191, 207, 231, 234, 237, 294, 342, 389 Thanet, the Earl of, 245 Thanet, the Foreland of, 73 Theobald, 278 Theodric, 242 Thierceville, 277 Thieves Down, 350 Thomas Bikering, 95 Thomas of Ely, 332 “Thomas of Winchelsee,” the, 67 Thomas of Woodstock, 80 Thomas, son of Hugh Atte Bow, 278 Thomas Turberville, 33, 357 Thompson, Alderman, 224 Thorold Rogers, 202 Thorlestan, 362 Thorney Island, 167 Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles, 133 Throgmorton Street, 245 Tiesle (Thiel), 389 Tilt Yard, Whitehall, 325; Westminster, 326 Titus Oates, 104 Todd, 258 Tolls, 94, 228 Tonge, William, 279 Tongs, 334 Tothill Fields, 21, 64, 67, 325, 360 Tottenham Court Road, 107 Toulouse, 288 “Tourhille,” 82 Tourney, the Abbay of, 96 Tournaments, 101; at Cheapside, 63 Tower, the, 11, 25, 31, 33, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 59, 65, 73, 81, 82, 90, 137, 139 Warton, 280 Warwick, Duke of, 128; the Earl of, 43, 48, 121, 122, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 247, 259, 358 Warwick House, 245; Lane, 245 Watling, 239 Watling Street, 167, 174, 177 Watlyng, John, 352 Wat Tyler, 81, 82, 126, 132, 133, 206, 285 Wayfaring Life, 362 Weald of Kent, the, 209 Weather, the, 23 Weavers, disfranchisement of, 14 Weavers’ Guild, the disfranchised, 13 Weirs, removal of, 12, 23 Wells, 188 Wells, Sir John, 97, 263, 325 Welsh, the, 358 Wendover, Roger of, 15, 16 Wengrave, John de, 57 Westminster, 20, 26, 30, 32, 33, 36, 44, 50, 64, 89, 91, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 116, 117, 118, 125, 129, 135, 136, 139, END OF VOL. I. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. FOOTNOTES: |