- Abductions of women, 125
- Abram men, 346
- Academy of Arts, planned, 326
- Act of Indemnity, 81
- Act of Uniformity, 81
- Actors, 321
- Actresses, first introduced, 318
- Agriculture, bad state of, 126
- Ailesbury, Earl of, 173
- Albemarle, Duke of. See Monk, General
- Aldermen, 12, 17, 37, 52, 69, 72, 76, 88, 128, 155, 218, 333, 335;
- court of, 114, 207, 358;
- election of, 119
- Aldersgate, 275, 335;
- Street, 173, 253, 275
- Aldgate, 13, 103, 151, 262, 277, 305
- Allen, Lady, 266
- Allin, Rev. John, 230
- Allor, Edward, 327
- Almshouses, 158, 360;
- list of, 372, 373
- Alsatia, 146, 168, 348
- Alsatians, 126
- Ambassadors, reception of, 172;
- houses of, 39–42;
- chapels of, 42, 116
- America, emigration to, 32
- Amwell, 9
- Anderson, William, 204
- Anderton, Henry, 327
- Andrews, Thomas, 52
- Anglers, 346
- Anne, Queen, and the City, 127;
- at Sacheverell’s trial, 131;
- dies, 134
- Anne of Denmark, Queen, 143, 173
- Antiquaries, Society of, 239
- Apothecaries’ Hall, 177
- Browne, General, 45, 50, 76
- Browne, Sir R., 78, 260, 266
- Brydges Street, 251
- Bubb, Captain, 162
- Buckingham, Duke of, 25, 30, 31
- Buckingham, Earl of, 177
- Buckingham, 2nd Duke of, 76, 198
- Buckingham House, 270
- Buckingham Palace, 313
- Bucklersbury, 116
- Bunhill, 179, 274;
- Fields, 272
- Burgess, Cornelius, 152
- Burghley, Lord, 161
- Burial, 147, 148
- Burlington, Earl of, 177
- Burroughs, Captain John, 179
- Burton, Henry, 144
- Busby, Captain, 340
- Butcher’s Close, 274
- Butcher’s Row, 276, 277
- Butler, Samuel, 157, 238
- Butter, Nathaniel, 327
- Buttolph’s Wharf, 260
- Byzantine Gift, 363
ass="ml3">Stepney, 269; Temple, 265; Westminster Abbey, 5, 267; Whitechapel, 44 Church of England—after the Restoration, 154; and Charles I., 111; and the City, 131; High Church party, 127, 130–133, 144, 145, 146; Growth of, 133; Footing in, 145, 146 Church-houses, 360 City, the—Area of after Fire, 272; Expansion of, 269; families, 176; inhabited by merchants, 173; health of, 283; new houses built in, 180; small tenements in, 180; Protestant, 20; turns Royalist, 69–73; sanitation of, 283; rebuilt after Fire, 251, 254, 256, 264, 265, 279 287; and Charles I., 24, 25; and Charles II., 82–102; and the Church of England, 131; and the Civil War, 42–46, 49, 53–63; and the Commonwealth, 64–73; and the County Gentry, 173, 174; and the election of Sheriffs, 17; and the fleet, 25, 28, 29; and the Freemen, 134; and the Irish Estates, 29, 30, 207–212; and James I., 9, 20, 21; and James II., 110, dress of, 302 Court of Conscience, 8 Courtney, Viscount, 177 Covent Garden, 56, 168, 186, 251, 262, 270, 280, 315 Coventry, Earl of, 177 Coventry, Lord Keeper, 29 Cow Cross, 274 Cowden’s Rents, 279 Crafts, feuds between, 280 Craftsman, 139; wages, 184; leave City, 269; dress of, 302 Cramp Ring, the, 163; rite of blessing, 166, 167 Crane, Sir F., 200 Craven, Earl of, 173, 177, 218 Crimes, 345, 346 Crimping, 184, 185 Cripplegate, 78, 220, 223, 269, 275 Crisp, Sir N., 177 Crofton, Zachary, 150, 151 Cromwell, Oliver, 64, 65, 68, 150, 151, 276; and the Irish Estates, 210, 211 Crooked Lane, 242 Crystal-gazing, 162 Cuckold’s Point, 362 Cullons, Thomas, 49 Cunningham, 292 Customs duties, 190, 198 Custom House, 246, 251 Cutler, Sir J., 177 - Damiens, 104
- Daniel, Cromwell’s Porter, 157
- Davenant, Sir W., 198, 240, 321
- Day, Cornet, 77
- Deadman’s Place, 146
- Dean Street, 275
- Debtors, 8, 168, 315;
- Lane, 171, 274, 315
- Green Arbour Court, 276
- Green Cloth, Court of, 366
- Green, J. R., 139
- Green Park, 311
- Greenwich, 223, 282, 362
- Green Yard, 305
- Gresham College, 251, 257, 262, 264, 265, 266
- Gresham, Sir T., 261
- Greville, Sir J., 75
- Grey, Lord, 173
- Grey of Wark, Lord, 105
- Griffith, Sarah, 159, 160
- Grimes, 155
- Grimston, Sir H., 177
- Grub Street, 269
- Guards, Royal, 365, 366
- Guido, 326
- Guildhall, 95, 96, 107, 128
- Gunpowder Plot, 7
- Gwynne, Nell, 157, 321
- Hacker, Colonel Francis, 81
- Hackney, 173, 381
- Hackney coaches, 66, 83, 229, 242, 340
- Hackney coachmen, 356
- Haddon Hall, 299
- Halifax, Viscount, 177
- Hamersley, Sir H., 179
- Hamilton, Marquis of, 200
- Hammersmith, 381
- Hampden, John, 35
- Hampstead, 9, 78
- Hand Alley, 155
- Harding Street, 276
- Harrington of Exton, Lord, 200
- Harrison, General, 58, 68, 81
- Hart, Alexander, 162
- Hartley, William, trial of, 6
- Hartly Row, 60
- Harvey, Sir Elias, 262
- Hastings, Lord, 173
- Hatton Garden, 262, 274
- Hatton, Lord, 177
- Hawkabites, 206;
- and the Irish
- Society, 208, 209;
- his amusements, 329;
- his Court, 359
- James II. at the Restoration, 76;
- and the Succession, 89, 90;
- and the City, 94, 110, 114;
- and the Customs, 103;
- and Catholicism, 108–111;
- escapes, 114;
- dies, 126;
- and the fire of London, 245, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266
- James Frances Edward, Prince of Wales, 113, 114, 126, 134
- Jefferson, Colonel, 151
- Jefferys, Alderman, 125
- Jeffreys, Judge, 99, 110, 114, 115, 125, 346
- Jepson, John, 125
- Jesuits, 126, 257
- Jewel, Bishop, 144
- Jewin Street, 155
- Jews, the, 151, 196, 235
- Jones, Inigo, 152, 323
- Jones, Col. John, 81
- Jones, Mr. Justice, 97
- Jones, Sir W., 88, 97
- Jonson, Ben, 178, 179, 199, 200, 235, 236, 237, 323–325
- “Judgment and Decree,” the, 87
- Juries, 345, 346
- Justice House, the, 246
- Kensington, 263, 264;
- Gardens, 381
- Kiffin, William, 110
- Killigrew, 314, 346
- Ogilby’s map, 272, 278–280, 397
- Okey, 80
- Old Artillery Gardens, 275
- Old Bailey, 276
- Old Fish Street, 240
- Old Jewry, 26
- Old Palace Yard, 152
- Old Street, 220, 272
- Open spaces, 274
- Open stalls, 195, 196
- Overton, Colonel, 77
- Oxford, 20, 132, 326, 340, 360, 361
- Oxford, Earl of, 347, 348
- Oxley, Elizabeth, 257
- Pads, 346
- Painting, 326
- Palace Gardens, 243
- Palaces, 172
- Pall Mall, 270
- Papacy, the, 137
- Paper-making, 198
- Papillon, Thomas, 95, 96, 98, 99
- Parents and children, 361
- Paris Gardens, 351
- Parker, Archbishop, 239
- Parks and Gardens, 311–317, 351, 381–382
- Parliament—and supplies, 24;
- and Charles I., 31, 34, 35, 37;
- and the City, 46, 47, 50;
- and Charles II., 86, 89, 90;
- composition of, 374
- Parmigiano, 326
- Passive obedience, 144, 145
- Paternoster Row, 223, 245, 251, 262
- Paul, Rev. Dr., 160
- Paul’s Cross, 152
- Paul’s Wharf, 159, 260
- Peiletot, John, 182, 186, 314, 338
- Strafford, Earl of, 42
- Strand, the, 9, 55, 75, 173, 195, 197, 251, 262, 264, 270, 276, 277, 303, 316, 340, 354
- Street Cries, 122
- Streets—Acts for pitching and levelling, 254;
- cleaning, 181, 182, 283, 357;
- during plague, 229;
- dogs in, 182;
- footpaths, 181;
- enlarged and improved, 375–377;
- levels altered after Fire, 256;
- lighting, 121, 181, 182, 357;
- paving, 13, 83, 182, 357;
- policing, 128;
- suggested reforms, 183, 184;
- traffic, 84, 182, 252, 281;
- water-supply, 9, 215, 244
- Strype, 248
- Stubbs, 257
- Stukeley, Sir L., 5
- Suburbs, 18, 67, 88, 133, 196, 262, 269, 272, 350
- Suffolk, Earl of, 10
- Sugar Loaf Court, 279
- Sumptuary laws, 188
- Sunday, keeping of, 14, 15, 20, 32, 81
- Vauxhall, 222, 315
- Veal, Mrs., 160
- Venner, Thomas, 68, 77, 78, 80
- Verney, Sir Ralph, 305;
- John, 305
- Villamediana, Count de, 10, 11, 12
- Vincent, Rev. T., 220
- Vintry, the, 245
- Virginia, 15–17, 34, 184, 195
- Visitation of London, the, 176
- Vyner, Sir R., 178
- Waggons, 338
- Waiters, 168
- Wakes, 360
- Walkinson, Robert, trial of, 6
- Waller, General, 44, 45
- Wallop, Robert, 80
- Waltham, 5
- Wapping, 115, 160, 242, 269
- Ward, Sir Patience, 94
- Wardrobe Square, 256
- Warwick, Earl of, 178
- Warwick House, 173, 275
- Washing, 298, 299
- Watch, the, 128, 182, 225, 357
- Water Gate, 253
- Water Lane, 278
- Water-machines, 244
- Watermen, 242, 281, 338, 342
- Water-supply, 9, 215, 244, 256, 257
- Watling Street, 260, 262
- Watts, Mr., 160
- Weddings, 155, 308
- Weekly News, the, 327
- Welden, John, trial of,6
- Wentworth Street, 269, 275
- Westminster, 6, 44, 78,