- Abu Bekr, 66
- Abu ’l CasÍm, 431
- Abu ’l Faraj, 430
- Abu ’l Fath Nasr, 431
- Abu Ishak, 428
- Abu Obeidah, 70, 423
- Abu SaÍd BarkÚk, 435
- Abu TÁher, 95
- AbÚdat ibn es SÁmit, 424
- Abyssinians, 475
- Acre, 367, 391, 406, 464
- Adana, 166
- AdhÉmar, 144, 145, 171, 173, 175
- Ælia Capitolina, 54
- Afdhal, 196, 330
- Agrippa, chap. i.
- Akiba (Rabbi), 51
- Albinus, 8
- Alexandria surrenders to Shirkoh, 307;
- Alexis Comnenus, chap. vi.
- Alice of Antioch, 253, 261
- Alimi, El, 438
- Al ImÁm es Shafi, 429
- Amaury, King, chap. xiv.
- Amaury de Lusignan, 444
- Andrew’s Crusade, 451
- Anselm, vision of, 178
- Antioch, siege of, 170
- Antoninus, 118
- Arabs, their character and arts, 91
- Armenians, 475
- Arm of Ambrose, loss of, 207
- Arnold, 176, 185, 216
- Arnulphus, 118
- Ascalon, 107, 287, 408
- Ashraf Barsebai, Sultan, 435
- —— Catibai, Sultan El, 439
- —— EinÁl, Sultan El, 438
- —— Shaban, Es Sultan, 434
- Assassins, murder of messenger, 319;
- Assises de Jerusalem, 202
- Babain, battle of, 307
- Baghi Seyan, 170
- Baldwin I., chap. viii., Holy Fire, miracle of, 216
- Holy Grail, the, 219
- Holy Lance, vision of the, 173;
- Holy Sepulchre, discovery of, 57;
- Hugh of CÆsarea, 304
- —— of Jaffa, 263
- —— Vermandois, 157, 205, 209
- Humphrey de Toron, 346, 394
- Ida of Austria, 209
- Ilgazi, 238
- Imposture of Easter fire, 474
- Innocent III., 445
- Interdicts in Palestine, 290
- JamÍ-en-NisÁ, 421
- Jerome, 114
- Jerusalem, Repair of the walls, 410
- —— Siege of, by Titus, chap. ii.
- —— Siege and fall of, 354
- —— Taking of, by Saladin, 385
- Jesus, son of Ananus, 25
- Jews, heroism of, 44
- Jocelyn, 239, 241, 260
- —— II., 271
- John de Brienne, 446, 452
- —— Comnenus, 265
- —— of Gischala, chap. ii.
- Josephus, chap. ii
- Judas the GalilÆan, 3
- Julian, attempts to rebuild the Temple, 61
- Ka‘abeh, the, desertion of, 96
- Khalit ibn el WalÍd, 424
- Kharezmians, 459
- Khotbah of Muhiy-ed-dÍn, 388
- King, choice of, 191
- Knights Hospitallers, foundation of, 247
- —— Templars, foundation of, 249
- Kokeb, capture of, 397
- Lietbert, 135
- Longsword, William, 337
- Louis VII., chap. x.
- —— IX., 461
- MacÁm en nebÉ, 421
- Macarias, 135
- MaghÁrah, the, 419
- Manahem, 15
- Manners of the Syrian Christians, 295
- Maria of Constantinople, 309
- Masjid el Aksa, 75, 381
- MejÍr-e
- besieges Jerusalem, chap. ii.
Toghrul Beg, 109 Tomb of David, 436 Tours, Council of, 458 Trajan, revolt under, 49 Tripoli, 226 Truce between Saladin and Richard, 414 True Cross, Invention of, 56; - discovery of piece of, 195
—— loss of, 381 Tutush, 111 Tyre, 243 —— siege of, 393 - Ventidius Cumanus, 4, 5
- Vespasian in Galilee, 17;
- Walter the Penniless, 148
- Walter of CÆsarea, 263
- William of Cerdagne, 226
- Willibald, 123
- YaghmÚri, El, 435
- YarmÚk, battle of, 69
- Zanghi, 253, 262, 265, 270, 272, 330
- Zidugdi, 438
- Zimisces, 97, 129
- ZirÁyeh, the, 417
The transliteration of Arabic words proved difficult to render, particularly with respect to multiple diacritical marks. The printer seemed somewhat undecided about how best to represent the hamza (?) and ayn (?). For example, coran, dai? ed doat, or Eshka‘as, and sometimes omitting them (e.g. Shafi‘Íte = ‘ShafiÍte’ or ‘Shafiite’ for ‘Shafi‘Íte’). They are rendered here as left and right single quotes. Where the mark is printed atop a letter, in mid-word, it is inserted to the left. This avoids a number of unacceptable approximations, e.g., where that hamza appears atop a Latin i, as in dÁi? ed do‘Át, where the dot is retained in the italic form used in the text (dÁi?) The page reference (p. 585) for Saladin’s taking of Jersulem is incorrect. It has been corrected to p. 385. Other errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. The following issues should be noted, along with the resolutions. 127.19 | for dy[e]ing. | Inserted. | 138.12 | but instead of helping Afsi[s/z] | Replaced. | 160.32 | occupied by the caliphat[e] of Cordova | Added. | 179.9 | the time was gone by fo[t/r] negotiation | Replaced. | 226.33 | The next important place attac[h/k]ed | Replaced. | 239.3 | allowed to d[e/i]sperse in various directions | Replaced. | 283.19 | make themselves masters of the position[,/.] | Replaced. | 331.18 | Shaw[a/e], as perfidious as he was ambitious | Replaced. | 343.1 | religion, a famil[i]ar thing, | Inserted. | 353.14 | Guy had taken it all[.] | Added. | 383.22 | Saladin next attacked Beir[u/Ú]t | Replaced. | 383.28 | While he was at Beir[u/Ú]t | Replaced. | 389.1 | leaving an empty space between;[”] | Removed. Prob. spurious. | 400.2 | the Grand Master of the Templars[,/.] | Added. | 473.18 | called the House of St. Mark[,/.] | Replaced. | |