

Acts of the Apostles referred to; 281
À Kempis, Thomas; 115
Afterword; 376
Allegory; 66
Allegories, Old Testament; 121
All-wide Consciousness; 281 et seq.
Ammonius Saccas; 28
Animal Symbols of Zodiac; 165
Anselm and Redemption; 195
Answers to Prayer; 277
" Subjective Prayer; 290
Apollonius of Tyana; 31
Apostolic Fathers; 70
Appearances of Divine Beings; 93
Aquinas, Thomas; 112
Arians of the Fourth Century, quoted; 103
Aristotle, Effect on MediÆval Christianity; 112
Ascension, The; 231, 250
" and Solar Myth; 231
" of the Christ; 249
Asiatic Researches, quoted; 258
Aspects of the One; 262
Athanasius, Story of; 353
Athanasian Creed, quoted; 263, 367
Atlantis, Continent of; 18
At-one-ment; 209
Atonement as one of Lesser Mysteries; 200
" Early Church on the; 195
" Calvinistic View of; 197
" Edwards on the; 197
" Flavel on the; 196
" Luther's Views on the; 196
" Dr. McLeod Campbell on the; 199
" F. D. Maurice on the; 199
" Vicarious and Substitutionary; 196
Atonement—Views of Dwight, Jeune, Jenkyn, Liddon, Owen,
Stroud, and Thomson; 198
" Truth underlying the Doctrine of; 199
" Pamphlet on, quoted; 198
" Nineteenth Century quoted on; 205
AugÖeides; 27
Barnabas; 71
Baptism, A Mantram in; 350
" A Minor Form of; 349
" Belief in Death-bed; 352
" Infant; 353
" In the Early Church; 352
" In Other Religions; 348
" of Initiate; 53
" of Holy Ghost and Fire; 188
" of Jesus; 133
" of the Christ; 186
" Tertullian on; 349
Beatific Vision, The; 95, 295
Bernard of Clairvaux; 112
Bel-fires; 164
Bhagavad GÎt referred to; 50, 202, 270, 306, 318
Bible Account of Creation; 179
Birth, Second; 247
Blavatsky, H. P., referred to; 127
Blood of Christ symbolised in Eucharist; 359
BÖhme, Jacob; 115
Body, Causal; 239, 247
" Desire, Changes in; 244
" Meaning of a; 234
" Mental; 236
" " Building of; 245
" Natural or Physical; 236
" Natural, of St. Paul; 237
" of Bliss; 240
" of Desire; 236
" Physical, Changes in; 243
" Resurrection; 240
Body, Spiritual; 239
Book of Job, quoted; 268, 332
" of the Dead, referred to; 339
" of Wisdom, quoted; 266
Bread, General Symbol in Sacraments; 358
BrihadÂranyakopani?hat, quoted; 50, 202
Brotherhood of Great Teachers; 9
Bruno, Giordano, referred to; 5, 113, 115, 225, 322
Buddha, Birth Story of; 164
Buddhist Trinity; 258
Calvinistic Doctrine; 197
Cardinal Nicolas of Cusa; 115
Cathari, The, referred to; 113
Cave of Initiation; 186
Celsus—Controversy with Origen; 88
ChhÂnaogyopanishat, quoted; 253
ChrÊstos and Christos; 174
Christ as Hierophant of Mysteries; 231
" Baptism of; 186
" Crucifixion of; 183
" Disciples of; 223
" in the Spiritual Body; 137
" Life of the; 217
" of the Mysteries; 191
" The; 132, 134
" the Crucified; 182
" the Historical; 120, 140
" the Kosmic; 179
" the Mystic; 170
" the Mythic; 145
" Sufferings of the; 223
Christian Creed, referred to; 180, 181
" quoted; 206, 207, 229
Christian Disciples—their work; 223
Christian Records, quoted; 348
Christian Symbols, &c., not unique; 148
Christianity has the Gnosis; 36
Christmas Day; 159, 161
Christmas Festival, rightly regarded; 164
Clarke's Ante-Nicene Library, quoted; viii., 21, 58, 71, 72, 73, 74,
77, 78, 80 et seq., 87, 88, 90 et seq., 103, 150, 151, 266
Classes of Prayers; 283
Clement of Alexandria, quoted; viii., 20
" " referred to; 73
" " on the Gnosis; 83, 84
" " on Scripture Allegories; 83
" " on Symbols; 80
" " and Catechetical School; 73
" " a Pupil of PantÆnus; 73
Colossians, Epistle to, referred to; 58, 65, 81, 177
Comparative Mythologists; 7
" " Theory of; 8
" Religionists; 7, 8
" Mythology; 147
Consecrated Objects; 382
Consecration of Churches, Cemeteries, &c.; 385
Constant, Alphonse Louis; 118
Conversion, Phenomenon of; 313 et seq.
Corinthians, Epistles to, quoted; ix., x., 6, 32, 55, 64, 67, 124,
175, 177, 232, 239, 240, 241, 251, 253, 270, 356, 373
Creed, taught after Baptism in Early Church; 352
Cruden's Concordance, quoted; 33
Cur Deus Homo of Anselm; 195
Dangers to Christianity; 125
Dark Powers in Nature; 186, 187
Dean Milman, quoted; 255 et seq.
Death of Solar Heroes; 166
De Principiis of Origen; 101, 102
Deuteronomy, quoted; 96, 253
Diegesis of R. Taylor, quoted; 350
Die Deutsche Theologie; 114
Dionysius the Areopagite; 110
Disappearance of the Mysteries; 184
Disciples, The; 136
" Work of the; 223
" Writings of the; 140
Divine Beings, Appearance in Mysteries; 93
"Divine Grace," What it is; 224
" Ideation; 359
" Illumination; 377
" Incarnations; 273, 274
Duality of Manifested Existence; 235
" of Second Person of Trinity; 265
Easter Festival; 159
Eckhart, Teachings of; 113
Edwards on the Atonement; 197
Egypt and the Mysteries; 131
EncyclopÆdia Britannica, referred to; 22, 23, 117
" " quoted; 110 et seq.
Ephesians, Epistle to, quoted; 57, 65, 67, 366
Epistle of James, quoted; 276
" of Peter, quoted; 64, 121, 194, 354, 371
Esoteric Christianity, Popular Denial of; 2
" Teaching in Early Church; 2
Essentials of Religion; 4
Eucharist, Bread and Wine of; 357
" Change of Substance in; 361
" connected with Law of Sacrifice; 357
" Meaning and Use of; 357
" Sacrifice of; 355
" Unworthy Participants in; 362
Exodus, Book of, quoted; 91
Exstasy; 295
Faith Needed for Forgiveness; 312
Fathers, The Christian, on Scriptures; 371
Festivals; 147
Fish Symbol in Religions; 166
Flavel on Atonement; 196
Fludd, Robert; 116
Forgiveness of Sins; 301
" in Lesser Mysteries; 323
" in most Religions; 303
" ultimately refers to Post-Mortem Penalties; 307
Fourth Manifestation Feminine; 261
" Person; 263
Free-thinking in Christianity; 123
Friends of God in the Oberland; 114
Friends, Society of; 117
Future of Christianity; 41
Galatians, Epistle to, quoted; 64, 65, 66, 124
Genesis, quoted; 18, 180, 268, 269, 271, 279, 358
Germain, Comte de S.; 117
Gestures in Sacraments; 338
Gibbon's Decline and Fall of R. Empire, quoted; 162
Giles, Rev. Dr., quoted; 347
Gnosis, The; viii., " Mystery of; 366
" Sacrament of; 364
" type of union between God and Man; 366
Mary, the World Mother; 206
Master, Jesus, the; 142
Matthew, Gospel of, quoted; vii., 45, 46, 49, 52, 53, 54, 92, 134,
176, 177, 186, 210, 216, 240, 271, 274, 281, 306, 319
Maurice, cited; 254
Mead, G. R. S., quoted; 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 114
Mediator, Nature of; 274
Meditation—What it is; 293
" Growth by; 299
Men at different levels; 3
Miguel de Molinos; 116
Ministry of Angels, The; 287, 289
Miracles; 145
Mithras, Birth of; 161
Modern Spirit antagonistic to Prayer; 276
More, Henry; 116
Mother Juliana of Norwich; 117
Mount Serbal; 130
Mount of Initiation; 91, 188
MÜller, George, Case of; 284 et seq.
Music in Worship; 335, 337
Myers (F.), St. Paul; 378
Mystery Gods; 25
" of Christ; 57
Mysteries, Christian, Symbolism of; 247
Mysteries and Yoga; 31
" Christ as Hierophant of; 231
" Disappearance of the; 184
" Eliphas Levi on the; 118
" established by Christ; 142
" Greater, The; ix., 1, 22, 27, 63
" in the Gospels; 45
" in Egypt; 131
" in relation to Myth; 157
" Lesser; ix., 1, 22
" " and Prayer; 280
" " as to Bodies; 237
" " Teaching of; 251
" Names in Christianity; 47
" of Bacchus; 21, 27
" of ChaldÆa, Egypt, Eleusis, Mithras, Orpheus, Samothrace,
Scythia; 21
" of God; 57
" of Jesus; 1, 42, 94
" of the Early Church; 69 et seq.
" of Magic, quoted; 157
" praised by Learned Greeks; 21
" Pseudo, and Sun-God Story; 167
" source of Mystic Learning; 108
" The; 171, 178
" taught, Post-mortem Existence; 21
" The True; 179
" The Christ of the; 184
" Theory of the; 22
" withdrawn; 108
Mystic Christ, The; 170
" " Twofold; 178
" Vesture, The; 138
Mythic Christ, The; 145
Myth, Meaning of; 152, 153
" Solar; 156
Mythology Comparative; 147
Natural and Spiritual Bodies; 232
" Body—of St. Paul; 237
Natural Body, The; 235 et seq.
Need for Graded Religion; 14
Neoplatonists; 29, 112
Newman, Cardinal, quoted; 103 et seq.
" Recognises a Secret Tradition; 104
New Testament Proofs of Esotericism; 42 et seq.
Nicene Creed; 181
Nicolas of Basel; 114
Noachian Deluge; 19
Nous Demiurgos of Plato; 255
Numbers, Book of, quoted; 270
Object of all Religions; 3
Occult Experts; 127
" Knowledge, Danger of; 16
" Records; 18
" " and the Gospels; 129
" side of Nature; 279
" use of Sounds; 334
Old Testament Allegories; 121
One Existence, The; 253
One, The, Three aspects of; 262
" " Manifest; 261
Origen Against Celsus; 88 et seq.
" " "; 95
" on the Need of Wisdom; 99
" " Mysteries; 89
" " Scriptures; 372
" " Tower of Babel; 97
" referred to; 44
" Shining Light of Learning; 87
Orpheus, Mead's, quoted; 28, 29, 30, 114
Owen on Atonement; 197
PantÆnus; 73, 74
Paracelsus; 115
Paradise; 242
Path of Discipleship; 174