

Put twa half-pennies in a purse, and they will draw together.

Put not your hand betwixt the rind and the Tree.

Pith is good in all Playes.

Penny wise, pound fool.

Puddings and Paramours would be hotly handled.

Poverty parts good company, and is an enemy to vertue.

Put a begger on horseback, and he will ride fast, or else break his neck.

Preists and Doves, make foul houses.

Painters and Poets may have leave to lie.

Put your hand no farther nor your sleeve may reek.

Plenty, is na Dainty.

Pride and sweirnesse would have meikle upholding.

Patience perforce.

Poor men are fain of little thing.

Poor men (they say) have no souls.

Possession is worth an ill chartour.

Play with your peers.

Pride will have a fall.

Provision in season makes a rich meason.

Peter in, and Paul out.

Put that in the next few.

Put your hand into the creel, and you will get either an adder, or an Eele.



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