AbÉlard, 101
Acoemetae, 30
Adeline, 69
Age for ordination, 15 f.
Agnew, Sir Andrew, 78
Aidan, St., liv
Ailech, 40
Aleth, mother of St. Bernard, 7, 71
Alexander I., King of Scots, 76
Alps, 72
passes of, when closed, 142
Alternative sees, xlvii, 19
Amalgaid, coarb of Patrick, 164, 165
Anacletus II., anti-pope, 72
Anastasius, St., monastery of, at Rome, 118
Anmchara, 161
Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, xv, xxii, xxiv, xxvi, xxxvi, 47, 162
letters of, xxiv, xxix, xlvi, 47
Antiphonary of Armagh, 170
—— of Bangor, 28
Antrim, 88
Applecross, 29
Arch-priests, xxvii
Ardnurcher, diocese of, li
Ardpatrick, 14
Ards, The, 40
Ardstraw, diocese of, xli
Argyll, diocese of, 28
Armagh, xvi, xvii, lvii, 8, 11, 26, 36
abbots of, 164:
see also Amalgaid, Cathasach, Donnell, Dubdalethe, Joseph, Mael Brigte, Maelcoba, Maelisa, Murtough, Niall
antiphonary of, 170
archbishops of: see Cellach, Gelasius, Malachy
bishops of, xxxiv, xxxv, 164, 166
Book of, 53 f., 58, 169
cemetery of St. Patrick at, 115
diocese of, xli, lvi, lviii, 161-163
insignia of abbots of, 53-5, 58, 168, 169
monastery of SS. Paul and Peter at, 11, 18
pestilence at, 60
Aube, river, 71
Augustine, St., archbishop of Canterbury, xxxix
Augustinian canons, lx, 11, 63, 64, 67, 69, 113, 121
Baltinglas, 76
Bangor, liii, liv, lv, lvii, lviii, lx, 26, 27, 36, 67, 80, 118
abbey church at, 109
abbots of, liv, 28, 31:
see also Tanaidhe
ancient glory of, 27-30, 74
antiphonary of, 28
called Vallis Angelorum, 27
community of, lv, 41
convent of regular clerics at, 63 f.
etymology of, 27
headquarters of St. Malachy, liv, lviii, 33, 35, 64, 113
monastery of, 28, 91 f., 96, 104, 163
canons of, formed the bishop's chapter, 64
destroyed, 30, 40
oratory of, 30, 32, 109-113
possessions of, 26, 30 f., 108, 111
remains of, 109
site of, 28
Bann, river, xli, xliv
Bar-sur-Aube, 71
Barre, St., lxi, 92
Barrenness of soul, 98
Beatitudine, De, 76
Bective, 76
Bede's History, xxiii, xxxix f.
Bedell, Bishop William, xvii
Benedictione Dei, De, 76
Berengarius, 101
Bernard, St., xv, xxxv, lx, lxii, lxv, 7, 16, 71, 72, 117
at St. Malachy's funeral, 129
bias of, 170
errors of, 19, 31, 35, 36 f., 40, 45, 46, 50, 53, 62, 63, 76, 92, 118, 122, 124, 165, 166, 169
frailty of, 122
kisses St. Malachy's feet, 129, 144
omissions of, 53, 87, 169, 170
used good materials, 166
Bernard, Great St., mountain, 71, 72
—— Little St., mountain, 72
Bishop of a diocese abbot of regular canons, 64
"Bishop-King," 44
Bishops in Ireland, number of, xliii, lxii, 46
status of, xiii f., xxxiii, 166
Bobbio, 29
Book of Armagh, 53 f., 58, 169
Book of Kells, xxv
Book of Leinster, 171
Borromeo, St. Charles, favourite story of, 96
Boyle, 76
Boyne river, 75, 170
Bregha, 40
Breifne, xlix
Brian Boroimhe, xxiii, 161
Brigit, St., 100
Brothers left at Clairvaux by St. Malachy, 4, 68, 74, 132
—— sent from Ireland to Clairvaux, 75, 131
—— sent from Clairvaux to Ireland, 75, 133, 135
Brude, king of the Picts, 29
Brus, Robert de, 121
Burial of the poor, 14
Cairngarroch, 67, 78
Canice, St., 29
Canon of Patrick, 54
Canonical hours, chanting of, 17 f., 37, 161
Canterbury, xxxix, 70
archbishops of: see Anselm, Augustine, Lanfranc, Ralph, Sigeric, Theobald
suffragans of, xxi, xxii, xxxvi, xlv, lxiv
Carlisle, 64, 67, 76
Carntougher mountains, xli, xliii
Carthach, St., 19
Cashel, 65, 91
archbishop of: see Malchus
archbishopric of, xxxv f., xlvii, lxi, lxiii, 65, 73
assembly at, xxxv
synod of, 62, 75, 163
Cathair, 40
Cathasach, abbot and bishop of Armagh, 164
Catholicus, a brother, 119
Ceadd, lv
Cedd, lv
Cellach, archbishop of Armagh, xxii, xxxiv-xxxvii, xxxviii, xlvi, lii, lv, lvi, lvii, lx, 14, 15, 16, 20, 26, 36, 40, 43, 45, 46, 49, 65, 89, 164
not married, 49
"wife" of, 49
will of, lvi, 43, 47
CenÉl Conaill, xliii
CenÉl Eoghain, xliii, 59
of the Island, xliii
Christian (Gilla Crist Ua Condoirche), abbot of Mellifont, bishop of Lismore, papal legate, lxii, lxv, 34, 75, 95, 134, 136
—— bishop of Clogher; see O'Morgair
Church of Ireland, constitution of, xiii-xv
Church Island, 40 f.
Churches founded, 170
Ciaran, St., xlix
Cistercian Order, lx, 4, 69, 71, 76, 114, 120, 136
churches of, 109
Citeaux, 71
"City," 35, 37, 40, 85, 88
Clairvaux, 152
visit of St. Malachy to York, 70
visitation of Munster by St.
xxii, xli
Dubdalethe, II., coarb of Patrick, 164, 165
Dublin, xix, xlvi
archbishopric of, lxiii f.
archbishops of: see Gregory, O'Toole
bishops of, xx, xxiii: see also Dunan, Gregory, O'Hanley, Patrick
burgesses of, xxii, xlvi
church of Holy Trinity (Christ Church) in, xix, 54, 64
diocese of xix, xlv
hostility of, to Irish Church, xxii, xlv f., lxiii f.
king of: see Gothric, Sitric
Duevania, 88
Duleek, xlix
diocese of, l
Dunan, bishop of Dublin, xix, xx
Dunshaughlin, diocese of, xxvii, l
Ecclesia, 4
Edgar the Atheling, 76
Emly, diocese of, lxi
Eporedia, 72
Erming Street, 70
Erne waterway, lix
Erolbh, bishop of Limerick, xxi
Errew, 93
Espec, Walter, 69
Eucharist called "sacraments," 114
heresy concerning, 101-3
Eugenius III., Pope, lxii, lxv, 3, 38, 117 f., 122
—— bishop of Clonard, l
Eusebius, a deacon, 14
Family of coarbs of Patrick, 165
extinction of, 61, 166
"Fasting on," 106, 107
Faughart, 100
Fearnmaigh (Farney), 59
Felix, bishop of Lismore, 75
Ferdomnach, 53
Fergus, lord of Galloway, 77, 120
Fer lÉgind, xvi
Fermanagh, lix
Ferta martair, 115
Fiachrach, son of Colla fo Crich, 165
Fiadh meic Oengusa, council of, xxxvii, 46
Fingal, 59
Finnian, St., xlix
Fir Li, xliv
Fontaines, 71
Fore, diocese of, li
Forma, 11, 56
Four Masters, confusion of, 168
Gall, St., 86
Gelasius, archbishop of Armagh, lvii, lx, lxiii, 59, 62, 167, 168, 169, 171
"Generation," 45, 166
Gentes, 74, 80
Geoffrey, St. Bernard's secretary, 47, 81
prayer of, 130
Gerlatus, 81
Geswalt, 78
Gibeonites, 50
Gilbert, bishop of Limerick, papal legate, xxi, xxii, xxvi, xxix-xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xliii, xliv f., xlviii, lvi, lx, lxi, 17, 47 f., 73, 163;
not a suffragan of Canterbury, xxi f., 47
——, St., of Sempringham, 123
Gill Abbey, Cork, 93
Giraldus Cambrensis, xv, 162
Gisburn, 67, 121
monastery of, 120 f.
Glendalough, bishop of, xlvi, lxiv
diocese of, xlv, lxiv
Godscalcus, 81
Gothric, king of Dublin, xxiii
Gougaud, Dom L., xxi, 76
Gregory, archbishop of Dublin, xx, xxii, lxiii, 20
—— I., Pope, xxxix, xl
—— VII., Pope, 162
Greenogue, xlv
Grenan Ely, 40
Gyrovagus, 55
Harding, Stephen, 71
Henry I., king of England, 47
—— II., king of England, 62
——, son of David I., king of Scots, 77
Hereditary succession of abbots, xv, lvi f., 45 f., 48, 148, 165
Heresy regarding the Eucharist, 101-103
Hinba, 29
Holy Island, liv
—— Trinity, church of: see Dublin
Honorius II., Pope, 72
Hook, simile of a, applied to Death of Christ, 145
Horse presented to St. Malachy, 69 f.
Humbert of Igny, 136
Ignatius, St., epistles of, 37
Igny, Humbert of, 136
Imar: see O'Hagan
Indrechtach, abbot of Bangor, 31
Inishowen, xli, xlii f.
Inislounaght, 76, 114
Inispatrick, synod of, lxi, 118
Innocent II., Pope, lx f., 71, 72 f., 117, 118
Irish Church, state of, described, 16-18, 37 f., 45 f., 161-3
Isaac, 133 f.
Ithael, xvii
Iveagh, 40
Iveragh, lv, 40, 43
site of S. Malachy's monastery in, 40 f.
Ivrea, 71, 72
John Evangelist, St., Abbey of, at Cork, 93
——, son of Sulien, xvii
manuscript written by, xviii
verses, of, xviii
Jonas, 30
Joseph, coarb of Patrick, 165 f.
Judas MaccabÆus, 23
Kells, xvii
archdeacon of: see Petit
archdeaconry of, xxviii
bishop of, xxviii, lxiii
Book of, xxv
diocese of, xxvii, xxviii, li
synod of, xxvii, lxii-lxiv, 75, 93, 163
Kilcurry River, 100
Kildare, xvii
Killeshin, 4
Kilmore, diocese of, xlix, li, lxii
Kingarth, 29
Kirkham Abbey, 69
Kirk Mochrum, 78
Knock, monastery of SS. Paul and Peter at, 67, 118, 170
Krusch, Bruno, 30
Lambay Island, xlv
Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, xv, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, 162;
letters of, xxiii
Lapasperi, Portus, 78 f.
Larne, lviii
Laurence, St.: see O'Toole
Learning in Ireland, xiv, xvi-xviii, xxvi
Leath Chuinn, xxv, xl
—— Mogha, xl
Lecan, Yellow Book of, 171
Leinster, xxxviii, xl, 86
Book of, 171
Lepadh Feichin, 170
LÍa na rÍgh, 51
Limerick, bishops of: see Erolbh, Gilbert, Patrick, Turgesius
church of St. Mary in, xxx, xliv
diocese of, xix, xxi, xxx, xliv
Lismore, xlvii, liii, lv, 19, 36, 46, 69, 86, 87, 101
assemblies at, 101 f.
bishops of: see Christian, Felix, Malchus
—— or Waterford, diocese of, xlvii
—— in Scotland, 28
Llanbadarn Fawr, school of, xvii
London, 70
Louth, see of diocese of Oriel, lix, 66
county of, lix f.
diocese of, lix, 64
bishops of: see O'Kelly, O'Morgair
monastery of St. Mary at, 67
Loxewdy, diocese of, li
Lucius II., Pope, 118
Lugaid, 28, 29
Lugidus, 28
Luxeuil (Luxovium) 29 f.
Mabillon, J., lxv
Mac Cairthinn, St., 54
Mac Carthy, Cormac, king of Desmond, liii, lvi f., 43 f., 51, 53, 93, 167, 170
assists St. Malachy at Iveragh, lv, 40, 41
called Bishop-King, 44
character of, 22, 23 f., 44
crozier of, 44
expelled from kingdom and restored, lv, 21-4, 41, 43
Mac Carthy, Dermot, 93
Mac Carthy, Donough, lv, 21, 23
Mac Carthy, Teague, king of Desmond, 21, 43
Mac Firbis, 7, 164, 165
Mac Mahon, 166
Mac Murrough, Dermot, king of Leinster, 90xlvii, liii, lv, lx, 18 f., 21, 23, 47 f., 65;
miracles of, 19 f.
——, brother of Christian, abbot of Mellifont, 33 f., 95
Malcolm IV., king of Scots, 77
—— Canmore, king of Scots, 76
Marcus, author of Tundale's Vision, 88
Margaret, St., 76
Marianus Scotus: see Mael Brigte, Muiredach.
Marriage, 18, 37, 39, 162, 170
Married abbots of Armagh, 45, 164
Mary, St., church of, at Clairvaux, 128, 129, 130
at Limerick, xxx, xliv
at Mellifont, 75 f.
at Melrose, 69
monastery of, at Louth, 67
Matilda, empress, 76, 121
——, wife of David I., 69, 76
——, wife of Henry I., 76
——, wife of Stephen, 76
Mattock, stream, 75
Maurice, St., in Valois, 30
Maxwell, Sir Herbert,
Meath, xl, 40
bishops of: see O'Dunan, Rochfort, Tachmon
deaneries of, xxvii, li
dioceses of, xxvii-xxix, xxxiii, xlviii-lii
Mellifont Abbey, 75, 170
choice of site of, 75, 132
consecration of church of, 59, 75
daughters of, 76
progress of, 75, 135
Melrose, 69
Membra (memrae), 60
Memoria Sanctorum, 60
"Metropolitan," 36, 45, 166
Michael, abbot at Soulseat, 34, 120
Michael's Church, St., 78
Mitre of St. Malachy, 73
Mochrum, 78
Mochuta, St., xlvii, 19
Molua, 28
Monaghan, county of, xli, lix
Monasteries rebuilt, 170
Monasternenagh, 76
Monenna, St., Life of, 32
Monk, nations which have not seen a, 74
Moore, Sir Edward, 75 f.
Moriarty, Nehemiah, bishop of Cloyne, lxi, 89
Mortlach, 28
Muiredach Mac Robartaigh (Marianus Scotus), xviii
Mullingar, diocese of, li
Mungret, 6
Munster, xl, 46, 91
visitations of, xxxiv, xxxvi, 14, 16, 53, 167, 168, 169
Murtough, coarb of Patrick, 43, 46, 50, 51, 164, 165 f., 167, 170
"Nations," 74
Nehemiah, bishop of Cloyne, lxi, 89
Nemheds, 170
Newbald, 68
near Trim, xxvii, li
synod at, xxvii, xxviii
Newtown Stewart, xli
Niall, coarb of Patrick, 43, 50, 53, 58, 167, 168, 170, 171
Nostal, priory of St. Oswald at, 69
O'Boyle, Caincomrac, bishop of Armagh, xxxiv
Cinaeth, bishop of Clogher, lix, 66
O'Brien, xxvi
Conor, king of Thomond, lv, lvi f., 21, 23, 43 f., 51, 170
Dermot, xxiv, 43
Murtough, king of Munster, xxiv, xxx, xxxv, xxxviii, lv, 43
Teague, 106
Turlough, xxiii, xxiv
O'Carroll, Donough, king of Oriel, lvii, lix, 58 f., 66, 67, 75, 163, 170 f.
O'Conor, Cathal, 106
Rory, 106
Turlough, king of Connaught, lv, 21, 23, 43, 106
O'Dunan, Mael Muire, "bishop of Meath," bishop of Clonard (?), xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxix, xxxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, xlix
O'Flaherty, Donnell, 106
O'Gormon, Oengus, coarb of Comgall, 27
O'Hagan, sept of, 51 f.
Imar, abbot of SS. Paul and Peter, Armagh, lii, liii, 11, 13, 15, 20, 26, 31, 33, 36
O'Hanley, Donough, bishop of Dublin, xx, xxi, xxiv
Samuel, bishop of Dublin, xx, xxi, xxiv, xlvi, 20
O'Hanlon, sept of, 166
Rev. J., 78
O'Hanratty, family of, 7, 27
Murtough, coarb of Comgall, 27
O'Heney, Donnell, xxiii, xxiv
Oirgialla, the, 59, 166
O'Kane, xliv
O'Kelly, Edan, bishop of Louth, lix f., lxii, 66
Old Melrose, 69
O'Loughlin, Conor, king of north of Ireland, lv, 40, 46, 55, 59, 170
Donnell, 40
O'Morgair, sometimes written O'Mongair, 6
family of, known as O'Dogherty, 7
Christian, bishop of Clogher and Louth, lix, 66, 67, 89, 167
Dermot, 6
Mughron, fer lÉgind at Armagh, 6
See also Malachy, St.
O'Neills, 51, 166
Oratories, materials of, 32 f., 109
Oratory at Bangor, 30, 32, 109-113
at Cairngarroch, 79, 171
at Clairvaux, 128, 129
at Saul, 113
Oriel, lviii, 59, 163, 170
cathedral of, 67
diocese of, lviii-lx, 67, 170
kings of: see O'Carroll, O'Loughlin
see of, lix f.
O'Rorke, Tighernan, 59
Oswald, St., priory of, 69
O'Toole, St. Laurence, archbishop of Dublin, xxi
Paisley, 29
Pall, xxxii, lx f., lxii-lxiv, 65, 73, 117, 118
Papal schism, 66, 72
Paparo, John, cardinal priest of St. Laurence, xxvii, xlv, lxii-lxiv
"Parish," meaning of, xxviii
Pastoral staves, 44, 49, 50, 123
Patrick, St., 27, 89, 117, 148, 162
authority of coarbs of, 44
burial place of, 44, 115, 117
canon of, 54
coarbs of: see Armagh, abbots of, archbishops of
gospels of, 53, 54
Patrick, bishop of Dublin, xx, xxi, xxiii, xlvi
——, bishop of Limerick, xxi, 73
Paul and Peter, SS., monastery of, at Armagh, 11, 18
at Knock, 67, 118, 170
Penance, 37, 97, 98, 115, 161, 167
Peter, St., coarb of, 118
Petit, Adam, archdeacon of Kells, xxviii
Petrie on stone churches, 32
Philip of Clairvaux, 13
Pilgrims from Connaught, 93
"Poor man," 93
Popes: see Eugenius, Gregory, Honorius, Innocent, Lucius
Portus Lapasperi, 78 f.
Primate of Ireland, xxxvii f.
Princeps, 27
"Quasi-generations," 45, 65
Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury, xxii, xlvi
Raphoe, diocese of, xli, xlii, lviii
Rathbreasail, synod of, xxxvii-lii, lvi, lviii, lix, 14, 18, 36, 47, 62, 65;
canons of, violated, lii, lviii, lx, lxi, lxii
Rathbrennan, 106
Rathluraigh, 44
Ratisbon, monastery of St. Peter at, xviii
Rebekah, 133 f.
Reformation of Irish Church, took place in twelfth century, xii
causes of, xvi-xx, xxvi
scope of, xiii
"Returning to his own country," 127
Rheims, council of, 121
Ribble, river, 67, 121
Ribchester, 121
Ricemarch, son of Sulien, life of St. David by, xviii
psalter of, xvii f.
verses of, xviii
Richard, abbot of Melrose, 69
Rievaulx, 69
Rivulet becomes a river, 105 f., 154
Robert, architect of Mellifont, 75, 136
Rochfort, Simon, bishop of Meath, xxvii, xxviii, l
Roe Valley, xliv
Rosemarkie, 28
Rouen, 76
Vallis Angelorum, 27
Victor IV., anti-pope, 72
Viride Stagnum, 120
Voice of the turtle, 3
Waltheof (Waldeve, Wallenus, Wallevus), St., abbot of Melrose, 69, 121
——, Earl of Northumberland, 69
Wardon, 69
Waterford, xix
bishops of: see Malchus, Tostius
diocese of, xix, xlvi
Watling Street, 121
Wexford, xix
——, diocese of, xix
—— or Ferns, diocese of, xlvii
William the Conqueror,
—— I., king of Scots, 77
——, prior of Kirkham, 69
Winchester, 18, 19
Wissant, 70, 123
Wooden churches, 32 f.
Wormwood, Valley of, 71
Yellow Book of Lecan, 171
York, xxii, xxxix, 67, 68, 70
Zacchaeus, 14
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