NO. 288
[1] This term, which is wrongfully used in printing today to denote all majuscules, was formerly employed only for the initial letters of chapters. It was in this sense that Schoeffer used it when he said, in 1457, that his Psalter was venustate capitalium distinctus [distinguished by the beauty of its capitals]; also Chevillier, when he wrote in the Origine de l'Imprimerie de Paris (page 32), that the books of the first printers of Paris had no 'capitals,' the chapter initials being left blank, to be made by the illuminators. M. Crapelet, taking the word in its present meaning, concluded therefrom that the books of Gering and his associates were without majuscules; and he thereupon attributes the introduction of roman letters in Paris to Josse Bade, in the sixteenth century, but he is altogether wrong.
[110] Gilles de Gourmont had just published Lucian's Dialogues in Greek (quarto, 1528); but Tory's translation was made from a Latin version. Although he knew Greek, he did not use it when he could avoid it. As a general rule he translated from Latin versions such Greek authors as he dealt with.
[213] [For the original Latin, see Appendix X, r.]
[324] [An office-book formerly in use, containing the antiphones called 'graduals,' as well as introits and other antiphones, etc., of the mass. Also called the 'Cantatory' or 'Cantatorium.'—CENTURY DICT.]
[427] According to the catalogue quoted in the last note, the reverse of the plate also is embellished with arabesques.
[531] He is mentioned as 'imprimeur du roi,' without other description, in the registers of the cemetery of Les RÉformÉs de la TrinitÉ, rue Saint-Denis; but I think that he was simply an engraver on copper, like Tavernier.
P. 298. 'M. Wey has forgotton', changed 'forgotton' to 'forgotten'.
Index: 'Barthelin' changed to 'Berthelin' and moved to alphabetic position.
Index: 'Bassentin, Jacques, 'L'astronomique discours,' 261', page number should be 262, changed.
Index: 'Champ Fleury, p. 29: added 'note 1'.
Index: 'Laborde, Comte LÉon de', p. 24 note 1; added note '1'.
Index: 'Sirand, Alexandre', p. 24 note is a part of p. 23 note 1; added note '1'.
Changed all instances of 'francois' to 'franÇois' when in Latin or French.
Fixed various punctuation and latin accents.