
[Note.—The system of pronunciation here followed is the English system, because it is the one at present most used among English-speaking peoples. In it the letters have substantially their English sound. Upon the continent of Europe the pronunciation of Latin and Greek is in like manner made to correspond in each nation to the pronunciation of its own language, and thus there is much diversity among the continental systems, though they resemble each other more closely than they do the English. In England and America also the continental methods of pronunciation have been extensively used. Thus Æneas may be pronounced A-na´-ahss; AÏdes ah-ee´-daze. Since the true, the ancient, pronunciation has been lost, and, as many contend, cannot be even substantially recovered, it is a matter of individual preference what system shall be followed.]


Abderus (ab-dee´-rus), 244.

Absyrtus (ab-sir´-tus), 226.

Academus (ak-a-dee´-mus), 268.

Achelous (ak-e-lo´-us), 254, 278.

Acheron (ak´-e-ron), 132, 250.

Achilles (a-kil´-leez), 131, 291, 287, 297.

Acis (a´-sis), 105, 167.

Acrisius (a-crish´-e-us), 189, 205, 209.

Acropolis (a-crop´-o-lis), 189.

ActÆon (ak-tee´-on), 91.

Admete (ad-mee´-te), 244.

Admetus (ad-mee´-tus), 76, 119, 216.

Adonis (a-don´-iss), 59.

Adrastia (ad-ras-ti´-ah), 142.

Adrastus (a-dras´-tus), 272.

Æacus (ee´-a-cus), 34.

ÆÆa (ee-ee´-ah), island of, 67.

Ægean Sea (ee-gee´-an), 287.

[53]Ægeus (ee´-juce), 259, 262, 264.

Ægina (ee-ji´-nah), island of, 230.

Ægis (ee´-jiss), 26.

Ægisthus (ee-jiss´-thus, th as in both), 305.

Ægle (egg´-le), 163.

Ægyptus (ee-jip´-tus), 135.

Aello (a-el´-lo), 137.

Æneas (ee-nee´-ass), 304.

Æolus (ee´-o-lus), 170, 210.

AËr (a´-er), 12.

Æsacus (es´-a-cus), 284.

Æsculapius (es-cu-la´-pe-us), 177.

Æson (ee´-son), 213.

Æetes (ee-ee´-teez), 215, 222.

Æther (ee´-ther), 12.

Æthiopia (e-thi-o´-pe-ah), 207.

Æthra (ee´-thrah), 259, 267, 288.

Ætna, Mount (et´-nah), 100.

Agamemnon (ag-a-mem´-non), 94, 286, 305.

Agave (a-ga´-ve), 127, 205.

Agenor (a-jee´-nor), 203.

Ages, 22.

Aglaia (ag-lay´-yah), 163.

Agraulos (a-graw´-los), 122.

Agrigent (ag´-ri-jent), 213.

AÏdes (a-i´-deez), 52, 130, 250.

—helmet of 206, 208.

AÏdoneus (a-i-do´-nuce), 130.

Air, 12.

Ajax (a´-jax) the Greater, 298.

—the Lesser, 305.

Alcestis (al-ses´-tiss), 76.

Alcinous (al-sin´-o-us), 228, 318.

Alcippe (al-sip´-pe), 113

AlcmÆon (alk-mee´-on), 273, 277.

Alcmene (alk-mee´-ne), 35, 234.

Alecto (a-leck´-to), 138.

Alexander (al-ex-an´-der), 284.

AloidÆ (al-o-i´-de), 113.

Alpheus (al´-fuce), 242.

Altars, 191.

Althea (al-thee´-ah, th as in both), 90.

Altis (al´-tis) the, 41.

Amalthea (am-al-thee´-ah), 15.

Amazons (am´-a-zons), 244, 258, 264.

Ambrosia (am-bro´-zhah), 15.

Amor (a´-mor), 150.

Amphiaraus (am´-fe-a-ray´-us), 273.

Amphidamas (am-fid´-a-mass), 221.

Amphilochus (am-fil´-o-cus), 277.

Amphion (am-fi´-on), 33.

Amphitrite (am-fe-tri´-te), 104, 167.

Amphitrion (am-fit´-re-on), 35, 234.

Amycus (am´-i-cus), 219.

Anaitis-Aphroditis (an-a-i´-tis-af-ro-di´-tis), 92.

Ananke (an-ang´-ke), 147.

AnciliÆ (an-sil´-e-e), 115.

Androgeos (an-dro´-je-oss), 262.

Andromache (an-drom´-a-ke), 295, 304.

Andromeda (an-drom´-e-dah), 207.

Antea (an-tee´-ah), 256.

Anteos (an-tee´-os), 248.

Anteros (an´-te-ross), 150.

Antigone (an-tig´-o-ne), 271, 275.

Antinous (an-tin´-o-us), 321.

Antiope (an-ti´-o-pe), 32.

Antiphates (an-tif´-a-teez), 311.

Aphareus (af´-a-ruce), 34.

Aphrodite (af-ro-di´-te), 58, 99, 152.

Apollo (a-pol´-lo), 68.

—(Roman), 83.

Apple of Discord, 39.

Arachne (a-rak´-ne), 45.

Arcadia (ar-ca´-de-ah), 240.

Arctos (ark´-tos), 35.

Areopagus (a-re-op´-a-gus), 44, 113, 212.

Ares (a´-reez), 99, 112.

—grove of, 215.

—field of, 223, 225.

Arete (a-ree´-te or ar´-e-te), 228, 318.

Arethusa (ar-e-thu´-sah), 163.

Aretias (a-ree´-she-ass), 221.

Argia (ar-ji´-ah), 272.

Argives (ar-jives), 274.

Argo, 215, 230, 321.

Argonauts (ar´-go-nawts), 213.

Argos (ar´-gos), 209, 216, 283.

Argus, 224.

Argus-Panoptes (pan-op´-teez), 36.

Ariadne (a-re-ad´-ne), 128, 263.

Aricia (a-rish´-e-ah), 97.

Arion (a-ri´-on), 275.

AristÆus (ar-iss-tee´-us), 81.

Aristodemus (a-ris´-to-de´-mus), 282.

Aristomachus (ar-is-tom´-a-cus), 282.

ArsinoË (ar-sin´-o-e), 278.

Artemis (ar´-te-miss), 87.

Ascalaphus (ass-cal´-a-fuss), 55, 250.

Asclepius (ass-clee´-pe-us), 71, 76, 176.

Ashtoreth (ash´-to-reth), 61.

Asphodel meadows (ass-fo-del), 133.

Astarte (ass-tar´-te), 61.

AstrÆa (ass-tree´-ah), 85.

AstrÆus (ass-tree´-us), 68.

Astyanax (ass-ti´-a-nax), 304.

Atalanta (at-a-lan´-tah), 89.

Ate (a´-te), 149.

Athamas (ath´-a-mass), 111, 215.

Athene (a-thee´-ne, th as in both), 43.

Athene-Polias (po´-le-ass), 44, 189, 199, 264.

Athens, 264.

Atlas, 207, 248.

Atreus, (a´-truce), 282.

Atropos (at´-ro-pos), 139.

Atys (a´-tiss), 19.

Augeas (aw´-je-ass), 242, 254.

Augurs, 196.

Aulis (aw´-lis), 97.

Aurora (aw-ro´-rah), 13, 67.

Autochthony (aw-tok´-tho-ny), 22.

Autolycus (aw-tol´-i-cus), 235, 251.

Autonoe, (aw-ton´-o-e), 205.

Avernus (a-ver´-nus), 132.

Avertor (a-ver´-tor), 180.

Averuncus (av-e-run´-cus), 180.


Bacchanalia (bac-ca-na´-le-ah), 199.

Bacchantes (bac-can´-teez), 198.

Bacchus (bac´-cus), 130.

Battus (bat´-tus), 119.

Baucis (baw´-sis), 37.

Bebricians (be-brish´-e-anz), 219.

Beech-nymph, 168.

Bellerophon (bel-ler´-o-fon), 256.

Bellerophontes (bel-ler´-o-fon´-teez), 256.

Bellona (bel-lo´-nah), 116.

Belvedere (bel´-vi-deer), 85.

Benthesicyme, (ben-the-siss´-i-me), 105.

Berecynthia-Idea (ber´-e-sin´-the-ah-i-dee´-ah), 19.

Beroe (ber´-o-e, first e like ei in their), 35.

Birch-nymph, 168.

Bistonians (bis-to´-ne-anz), 243.

Bithynia (bi-thin´-e-ah), 220.

Boreas (bo´-re-ass), 171.

Brauron (braw´-ron), 96.

Brazen Age, 23.

Briareus (bri´-a-ruce), 13.

BrisËis (bri-see´-iss), 292.

Brontes (bron´-teez), 16.

Busiris (bu-si´-ris), 248.

Butes (bu´-teez), 228.


Cadmus, 203.

Caduceus (ca-du´-she-us), 121.

Calais (cal´-a-iss), 171, 220.

Calchas (cal´-kas), 94, 287, 289, 292.

CalirrhoË (cal-lir´-ro-e), 278.

Calliope (cal-li´-o-pe), 80, 159.

Callisto (cal-lis´-to), 35.

Calydonian Boar-hunt, 89.

Calypso (ca-lip´-so), 317.

CamenÆ (ca-mee´-nee), 184.

Campus Martius (mar´-she-us), 115.

Canens (ca´-nenz), 182.

Capaneus (cap´-a-nuce), 273.

Caphareus, Cape (ca-fa´-ruce), 305.

Carmenta (car-men´-tah), 184.

Carmentalia (car-men-ta´-le-ah), 184.

Carnival, 201.

Carpo, 164.

Cassandra (cas-san´-drah), 284, 303, 305.

Cassiopea (cas´-se-o-pee´-ah), 207.

Castalian Spring, 159, 195.

Castor, 33, 187, 268.

Caucasus (caw´-ca-sus), Mount, 222.

Cecrops (see´-crops), 189.

CelÆno (se-lee´-no), 137.

Celeus (see´-le-us), 53.

Celts, 10.

CenÆus (se-nee´-us), 255.

Centaurs (sen´-tawrs), 266.

Ceos (see´-os), 13.

Cepheus (see´-fuce), 207.

Cephissus (se-fiss´-us), 169.

Cerberus (ser´-be-rus), 133, 153, 249.

Cercyon (ser´-se-on), 261.

Cerealia (se-re-a´-le-ah), 201.

Ceres (see´-reez), 58, 201.

Cerunitis (ser-u-ni´-tis), 240.

Cestus (ses´-tus), 59.

Ceto (see´-to), 111.

Ceuta (su´-tah), 222.

Ceyx (see´-ix), 110, 254, 280.

Chalciope (cal-si´-o-pe), 223.

Chaos (ka´-oss), 11.

Chares (ca´-reez), 99.

Charites (car´-i-teez), 163.

Charon (ca´-ron), 132, 153.

Charybdis (ca-rib´-dis), 228, 316.

ChimÆra (ki-mee´-rah), 257, 162.

Chiron (ki´-ron), 289.

Chloris (clo´-ris), 171.

Chrysaor (cris-a´-or), 145.

ChrysËis (cri-see´-iss), 292.

Chryses (cri´-seez), 292.

Cimmerians (sim-me´-ri-anz), 132, 314.

Cimon (si´-mon), 268.

Circe (sir´-se), 64, 182, 227, 311.

CithÆron (si-thee´-ron, th as in both), 40.

—Mount, 236.

CleodÆus (cle-o-dee´-us), 282.

Cleopatra (cle-o-pat´-rah), 220.

Clio (cli´-o), 159.

Cloacina (clo-a-si´-nah), 61.

Clotho (clo´-tho), 139.

Clymene (clim´-e-ne), 64.

ClytÆmnestra (clit-em-nes´-trah), 94, 305, 306.

Clytie (cli´-ti-e), 63.

Cocalus (coc´-a-lus), 213.

Cocytus (co-si´-tus), 132, 314.

Coelus (see´-lus), 11.

Colchis (col´-kis), 215, 222.

Colonus (co-lo´-nus), 271.

Colossus of Rhodes (co-los´-sus), 66.

Comus (co´-mus), 184.

Consualia (con-su-a´-le-ah), 183.

Consus (con´-sus), 183.

Copreus (co´-pruce), 239.

Cora, 197.

Cornucopia (cor-noo-co´-pe-ah), 148.

Coronis (co-ro´-nis), 75.

Corybantes (cor-i-ban´-teez), 19.

Cos, island of (coss), 104.

Cottos (cot´-tos), 13.

Crania, island of (cra-ni´-ah), 286.

Creon (cree´-on), 237, 275.

Cresphontes (cres-fon´-teez), 282.

Cretan Bull, 243.

Crete (creet), 229.

CrËusa (cre-yu´-sah), 210.

Crios (cri´-os), 13.

Croesus (cree´-sus), 195.

Crommyon (crom´-me-on), 260.

Cronus (cro´-nus), 14, 179.

Ctesiphon (tes´-i-fon), 93.

CumÆan Sibyl, the (cu-mee´-an), 84.

Cupid (cu´-pid), 150.

Curetes (cu-ree´-teez), 15.

Cybele (sib´-i-le), 18, 128.

Cyclops (si´-clops), 105, 307.

Cycnus (sik´-nus), 66, 247.

Cyllene, Mount (sil-lee´-ne), 119.

Cyparissus (sip-a-ris´-sus), 77, 182.

Cyprus, island of (si´-prus), 60.

Cyrus (si´-rus), 195.

Cythera (sith-ee´-rah), 60.

Cyzicus (siz´-i-cus), 218.


DÆdalus (ded´-a-lus), 211.

DÆmons (de´-mons), 185.

Damastes (da-mas´-teez), 261.

DanaË (dan´-a-e), 205, 209.

DanaÏdes (dan-a´-i-deez), 135.

Danaus (dan´-a-us), 135.

Danneker (dan´-ek-ker), 129.

Daphne (daf´-ne), 74.

Daphnephoria (daf-ne-fo´-re-ah), 200.

Daphnephorus (daf-nef´-o-rus), 200.

Deianeira (de-i´-a-ni´-rah), 254.

Deiphobus (de-if´-o-bus), 300.

Deipyle (de-ip´-i-le), 272.

Delia (dee´-le-ah), 83.

Delos, island of (dee´-los), 69, 83.

Delphi (del´-fi), 82.

Delphic Oracle, 194.

Demeter (de-mee´-ter), 50, 197.

Demi-gods, 8.

Demophoon (de-mof´-o-on), 53, 280.

Deucalion (du-ca´-le-on), 21.

Diana (di-an´-nah), 87.

—of Versailles, 88.

Dice (di´-se), 164.

Dictys (dic´-tiss), 205.

Dindymene (din-di-mee´-ne), 19.

Dino (di´-no), 145.

Diomedes (di-o-mee´-deez), 112, 243, 297, 305.

Dione (di-o´-ne), 58.

Dionysia (di-o-nish´-e-ah), 180, 197.

Dionysus (di-o-ni´-sus), 124, 193, 198, 263.

Dioscuri (di-os-cu´-ri), 33.

DirÆ (di´-ree), 138.

Dirce (dir´-se), 33.

Dis (diss), 137.

Discord, goddess of, 284.

Dodona (do-do´-nah), 29, 216.

Doliones (do-li´-o-neez), 218.

Dorians (do´-re-anz), 211.

Doris (do´-ris), 108.

Dorus (do´-rus), 211.

Dryades (dri´-a-deez), 168.

Dryas (dri´-ass), 126.

Dymas (di´-mass), 283.


Echedorus (ek-e-do´-rus), 247.

Echemon (ek-kee´-mon), 282.

Echidna, (ek-kid´-nah), 146.

Echo (ek´-o), 169.

Egeria (e-gee´-re-ah), 184.

Eilithyia (i-lith-i´-yah), 41, 237.

Electra (e-lek´-trah), 111, 306.

Electryon (e-lek´-tre-on), 35.

Eleusinian Mysteries (el-u-sin´-e-an), 56, 132, 196.

Eleusis (e-lu´-sis), 54.

Elis (ee´-lis), 254, 283.

Elysian Fields (e-lizh´-e-an), 133.

Elysium (e-lizh´-e-um), 133.

Enceladus (en-sel´-a-dus), 20.

Endymion (en-dim´-e-on), 87.

Enipeus (e-ni´-puce), 106.

Enyo (e-ni´-o), 113.

Eos (ee´-os), 67, 297.

Epaphus (ep´-a-fus), 36, 64.

Epeios (ep-i´-os), 301.

Ephesus, temple of (ef´-e-sus), 92.

Ephialtes (ef-e-al´-teez), 105.

Epidaurus (ep-e-daw´-rus), 260.

Epigoni (e-pig´-o-ni), 276.

Epimetheus (ep-e-me´-thuce), 25.

Epopeus (e-po´-puce), 32.

Erato (er´-a-to), 159.

Erebus (er´-e-buss), 13.

Erechtheus (e-rek´-thuce), 210.

Eresichthon (er-e-sik´-thon), 57.

Erginus (er-ji´-nus), 237.

Eridanus, river, the (e-rid´-a-nus), 65, 227, 248.

Erinnyes (e-rin´-ne-eez), 138.

Eriphyle (er-i-fi´-le), 273.

Eris (ee´-ris), 39.

Eros (ee´-ros), 74, 150.

Erymantian Boar (er-e-man´-shun), 240.

Erythia (er-e-thi´-ah), 246.

Eteocles (e-tee´-o-cleez), 272, 275.

Ether (ee´-ther), 12.

Euboeans (u-bee´-anz), 210.

EumÆus (u-mee´-us), 320.

Eumenides (u-men´-i-deez), 138, 271.

Eunomia (u-no´-me-ah), 164.

Euphemus (u-fee´-mus), 221.

Euphrosyne (u-fros´-i-ne), 163.

Europa (u-ro´-pah), 34.

Eurus (u´-rus), 171.

Euryale (u-ri´-a-le), 144.

Eurybia (u-rib´-e-ah), 13.

Euryclea (u-ri-clee´-ah), 321.

Eurydice (u-rid´-i-se), 81.

Eurylochus (u-ril´-o-kus), 311.

Eurynome (u-rin´-o-me), 98.

Eurypylus (u-rip´-i-lus), 299.

Eurystheus (u-riss´-thuce), 237, 280.

Eurytion (u-rit´-e-on), 246, 266.

Eurytus (u´-ri-tus), 235.

Euterpe (u-ter´-pe), 159.

Evander (e-van´-der), 184.

Evenus (e-ve´-nus), 254.


Farnese Bull, the (far´-neez), 33.

Fates, 139.

Fauns (fawns), 175.

Faunus (faw´-nus), 174.

Festivals, 196.

Fetiales (fe-she-a´-leez), 124.

Flora, 180.

Floralia (flo-ra´-le-ah), 180.

Fortuna (for-tu´-nah), 147.

Furies, 278, 306.


Gadria (gad´-re-ah), 246.

GÆa (je´-ah), 11.

Galatea (gal-a-tee´-ah), 167.

Ganymede (gan-i-mee´-de), 156, 246.

Ganymedes (gan-i-mee´-deez), 156, 246.

Ge, 11.

Genii (jee´-ne-i), 185.

Geryon (jee´-re-on), 246.

Geryones (je-ri´-o-neez), 246.

Giants, 13, 199, 218.

Gigantomachia (ji-gan´-to-ma´-ke-ah), 20.

Glauce (glaw´-se), 231.

Glaucus (glaw´-cus), 109, 219.

Golden Age, 22, 185.

Golden Fleece, 215, 223, 226, 230.

Gordius (gor´-de-us), 128.

Gorgons, 144, 206.

Graces, 163.

Gradivus (gra-di´-vus), 115.

GrÆÆ (gree´-ee), 145, 206.

GratiÆ (gra´-she-ee), 163.

Gyges (ji´-jeez), 13.


Hades (ha´-deez), 250.

HÆmon (hee´-mon), 276.

Halcyone (hal-si´-o-ne), 110.

Halirrothius (hal-ir-ro´-the-us), 113.

Hamadryades (ham-a-dry´-a-deez), 168.

Harmonia (har-mo´-ne-ah), 204, 276.

Harpies (har´-piz), 137, 220.

Harpinna (har-pin´-nah), 233.

Hebe (hee´-be), 41, 156, 256.

Hebrus, river, the (hee´-brus), 82.

Hecate (hec´-a-te), 85.

Hecatombs (hec´-a-tomes), 193.

Hecatoncheires (hec´-a-ton-ki´-reez), 13.

Hector, 284, 290, 293.

Hecuba (hec´-u-bah), 283, 304.

Helen, 267, 286, 304.

Helenus (hel´-e-nus), 299.

Helicon (hel´-e-con), 158, 162.

Helios, (hee´-le-os), 61, 316.

Helios-Apollo, 70.

Helle (hel´-le), 215.

Hemera (hee´-me-rah), 13, 142.

Heosphorus (he-os´-fo-rus), 68.

HephÆstus (he-fes´-tus), 97.

Hera (he´-rah), 38, 214.

Heracles [54] (her´-a-cleez), 26, 218, 234.

HeraclidÆ [54] (her-a-cli´-dee), 280.

HerÆ (he´-ree), 41.

Hercules (her´-cu-leez) See Heracles.

—Pillars of, 246.

HermÆ (her´-mee), 118.

Hermes (her´-meez), 117, 250, 312.

Hermione (her-mi´-o-ne), 307.

Heroes, 8.

Herostratus (he-ros´-tra-tus), 93.

Herse (her´-se), 87, 122.

Hesiod's Theogony (he´-she-od), 24, 150.

Hesione (he-si´-o-ne), 245, 253, 285.

Hesperia (hes-pee´-re-ah), 163.

Hesperides (hes-per´-i-deez), 162, 247.

Hesperus (hes´-pe-rus), 68.

Hestia (hes´-te-ah), 48.

Hip´pocamp, 229.

Hippocamps, 102.

Hippocrene (hip-po-cree´-ne), 159, 162.

Hippodamia (hip´-po-da-mi´-ah), 232, 266.

Hippolyte (hip-pol´-i-te), 264.

Hippolyte's Girdle, 244.

Hippolytes (hip-pol´-i teez), 283.

Hippolytus (hip-pol´-i-tus), 266.

Hippomedon (hip-pom´-e-don), 273.

Hippomenes (hip-pom´-e-neez), 91.

HorÆ (ho´-ree), 164.

Horned Hind, 240.

Hyacinthus (hi-a-sin´-thus), 77.

Hyades (hi´-a-deez), 170.

Hydra, Lernean, the (hi´-drah, ler-nee´-an), 239.

Hygeia (hi-jee´-yah), 177.

Hylas (hi´-las), 216, 219.

Hyllus (hil´-lus), 254, 281.

Hymen (hi´-men), or HymenÆus (hi-me-nee´-us), 154.

Hyperion (hi-pee´-re-on), 13.

Hypermnestra (hip-erm-nes´-trah), 135.

Hypnus (hip´-nus), 142.

Hypsipyle (hip-sip´-i-le), 274.


Iambe (i-am´-be), 53.

Iapetus (i-ap´-e-tus), 24.

Iasion (i-a´-zhe-on), 137.

Iberia (i-bee´-re-ah), 247.

Icaria (i-ca´-re-ah), 212.

Icarus (ic´-a-rus), 211.

Ichor (i´-kor), 7.

Ida, Mount, 157, 284, 300.

Idas (i´-dass), 34, 75.

Idmon (id´-mon), 216.

Idomeneus (i-dom´-e-nuce), 286.

Ilion (il´-e-on), 283.

Illyria (il-lir´-e-ah), 205.

Ilus (i´-lus), 283.

Inachus (in´-a-cus), 36.

Ino (i´-no), 205, 215.

Inuus (in´-u-us), 174.

Io (i´-o), 36.

Iobates (i-ob´-a-teez), 257.

Iolaus (i-o-la´-us), 239, 251, 281.

Iolcus (i-ol´-cus), 213, 230.

Iole (i´-o-le), 251, 255.

Ion (i´-on), 210.

Iphigenia (if´-i-ge-ni´-ah), 94, 289, 307.

Iphitus (if´-i-tus), 251.

Iris (i´-ris), 155, 220.

Iron Age, 23.

Ismene (iss-mee´-ne), 271.

Ister (iss´-ter), 226.

Isthmian Games (isth´-me-an), 107, 264.

Ithaca (ith´-a-cah), 310, 319.

Ixion (ix-i´-on), 135.


Jani (ja´-ni), 178.

Janus (ja´-nus), 18, 178.

Jason (ja´-son), 213.

Jocasta (jo-cas´-tah), 269, 270.

Juno (ju´-no), 42, 185.

Jupiter (ju´-pe-ter), 38.

Jupiter-Ammon, 207.

Juventas (ju-ven´-tass), 156, 183.


Keidomos (ki´-do-mos), 113.

Ker (cur), 149.

Keres (kee´-reez), 149.


Labdacus (lab´-da-cus), 269.

Labyrinth (lab´-i-rinth), 212, 262.

LacedÆmon (las-e-dee´-mon), 283.

Lac´edÆmo´nians, 189.

Lachesis (lak´-e-sis), 139.

Lacolia (la-co´-le-ah), 250.

Lacus Nemorensis (la´-cus nem-o-ren´-sis), 97.

Ladon (la´-don), 240.

Laertes (la-er´-teez), 314, 323.

LÆstrygones (les-trig´-o-neez), 311.

Laius (la´-yus), 269.

Lampetus (lam´-pe-tus), 67.

Lampsacus (lamp´-sa-cus), 176.

Laocoon (la-oc´-o-on), 301.

Laodamas (la-od´-a-mass), 277.

Laomedon (la-om´-e-don), 104, 245, 253.

Lar, 186.

Lares Familiares (la´-reez fa-mil´-e-a´-reez), 186.

Larissa (la-ris´-sah), 189, 209.

Latmus Mount, 87.

Latona (la-to´-nah), 31.

Laverna (la-ver´-nah), 184.

Leda (lee´-dah), 33.

Lemnos, island of, (lem´-noss), 98, 217.

Lemuralia (lem-u-ra´-le-ah), 186.

Lemures (lem´-u-reez), 186.

Lerna, 239.

Lernean Hydra. See Hydra.

Lesbos (lez´-bos), 290.

Lethe (lee´-the, th as in both), 133.

Leto (lee´-to), 31.

Leucippus (lu-sip´-pus), 34.

Leucothea (lu-co´-the-ah, th as in both), 111, 318.

Liber (li´-ber), 130.

Liberalia (lib-er-a´-le-ah), 130.

Libya (lib´-yah), 207, 229.

Limoniades (lim-o-ni´-a-deez), 170.

Linden-nymph, 168.

Linus (li´-nus), 235.

Lion, Nemean (ne´-me-an), 238.

Ludi Maximi (lu´-di max´-i-mi), 48.

Ludovici Villa (lu-do-vee´-chee), 116.

Luna (lu´-nah), 86, 97.

Lupercus (lu-per´-cus), 174.

Lycaon (li-cay´-on), 37.

Lycomedes (lic-o-mee´-deez), 268, 287.

Lycurgus (li-cur´-gus), 126, 189, 274.

Lycus (li´-cus), 32.

Lynceus (lin´-suce), 34, 216.


Macaria (ma-ca´-re-ah), 281.

Machaon (ma-ca´-on), 177, 300.

Magna-Mater (may´-ter), 19.

Maia (may´-yah), 119.

Mamers (ma´-merz), 114.

Manes (ma´-neez), 185.

Marathonian Bull (mar-a-tho´-ne-an), 262.

Mares of Diomedes, 243

Marpessa (mar-pes´-sah), 75.

Mars (marz), 114.

Marspiter (mars´-pe-ter), 114.

Marsyas (mar´-she-ass), 78.

Mater-Deorum (dee-o´-rum), 19.

Matronalia (ma-tro-na´-le-ah), 43.

Mecone (me-co´-ne), 24.

Medea (me-dee´-ah), 223, 261.

Medusa (me-du´-sah), 45, 144, 206.

MegÆra (me-jee´-rah), 138.

Megapenthes (meg-a-pen´-theez), 209.

Megara (meg´-a-rah), 138, 237, 251.

Melanippe (mel-a-nip´-pe), 245.

Meleager (me-le-a´-jer), 89, 216.

Meliades (me-li´-a-deez), 170.

Melissa (me-lis´-sah), 15.

Melpomene (mel-pom´-e-ne), 159.

Memnon (mem´-non), 297.

Memphis (mem´-fiss), 36.

Menades (men´-a-deez), 198.

Menelaus (men-e-la´-us), 294, 304, 305.

Menesthius (me-nes´-the-us), 268.

Menoeceus (me-nee´-suce), 274.

Menoetius (me-nee´-she-us), 216.

Mercury (mer´-cu-ry), 123.

Merope (mer´-ope, first e like ei in their), 269.

Messene (mes-see´-ne), 283.

Metaneira (met-a-ni´-rah), 53.

Metis (mee´-tiss), 30.

Metra (mee´-trah), 57, 92.

Midas (mi´-das), 79, 128.

Midea (mi-dee´-ah), 209.

Milo (mi´-lo), 60.

Miltiades (mil-ti´-a-deez), 268.

Mimas (mi´-mass), 20.

Minerva (mi-ner´-vah), 47.

Minerval (mi-ner´-val), 47.

Minos (mi´-nos), 34, 134, 212, 243.

Minotaur (min´-o-tawr), 212, 262.

Minyans (min´-yanz), 237.

Mnemosyne (ne-mos´-i-ne), 13, 31.

Moira (moy´-rah), 139.

MoirÆ (moy´-ree), 297, 139.

Moly (mo´-ly), 312.

Momus (mo´-mus), 149.

Moneta Juno (mo-nee´-tah), 42.

Mopsus, 216.

Morpheus (mor´-fuce), 143.

Mors (morz). See Thanatos.

Musagetes (mu-saj´-e-teez), 71.

Muses, 157.

Mutunus (mu-tu´-nus), 176.

MycenÆ (mi-see´-ne), 209, 305.

Myrmidons (mir´-mi-dons), 288, 293, 295.

Myrtilus (mir´-ti-lus), 233.

Mysia (mish´-e-ah), 219.

Mysians, 289.


Naiads (na´-yads), or Naiades (na-i´-a-deez), 166, 227.

NapÆÆ (na-pee´-ee), 169.

Narcissus (nar-sis´-sus), 169.

Nausicaa (naw-sic´-a-ah), 317.

Naxos (nax´-oss), 128, 263.

Necessitas (ne-ses´-si-tass), 148.

Nectar, 15.

Neleus (nee´-luce), 106, 119, 216.

Nemea (nee´-me-ah), 274.

Nemean Lion. See Lion.

Nemesis (nem´-e-siss), 141.

Nemoralia (nem-o-ra´-le-ah), 97.

Neoptolemus (ne-op-tol´-e-mus), 299, 304.

Nephalia (ne-fa´-le-ah), 139.

NephelÆ (nef´-e-lee), 12.

Nephele (nef´-e-le), 215.

Neptunalia (nep-tu-na´-le-ah), 107.

Neptune (nept´-une), 14, 107.

Nereides (ne-ree´-i-deez), 108, 167.

Nereus (nee´-ruce), 13, 108.

Nessus, 254.

Nestor, 286, 301, 305.

Nike (ni´-ke), 117.

Niobe (ni´-o-be), 79, 141.

Noman, 309.

Notus (no´-tus), 171.

Nox. See Nyx.

Nyctimus (nic´-ti-mus), 38.

Nycteus (nic´-tuce), 32.

Nymphs, 165.

Nysa, Mount (ni´-sah), 125.

Nyx (nix), 13, 142.


Oceanides (o-se-an´-i-deez), 108, 166.

Oceanus (o-see´-a-nus), 12, 107, 166, 314.

Ocypete (o-sip´-e-te), 137.

Odysseus (o-dis´-suce), 131, 287, 307.

Œchalia (e-ka´-le-ah), 255.

Œdipus (ed´-i-pus), 146, 269.

Œneus (ee´-nuce), 89, 254.

Œnomaus (ee-nom´-a-us), 232.

Œnone (ee-no´-ne) 284, 300.

Ogygia (o-jij´-e-ah), 317.

Oileus (o-i´-luce), 216, 221.

Olympia (o-lim´-pe-ah), 29, 123.

Olym´pic Games, 30.

Olym´pus, Mount, 27.

Omphale (om´-fa-le), 252.

Ops, 19.

Oracles, 194.

Orchamus (or´-ca-mus), 63.

Orchomenus (or-com´-e-nus), 237.

Orcus (or´-cus), 136.

Oreades (o-ree´-a-deez), 169.

Orithyia (or´-i-thi´-yah), 171.

Orestes (o-res´-teez), 95, 139, 306.

Orpheus (or´-fuce), 80, 216, 228.

Orthrus (or´-thrus), 246.

Ossa (oss´-sah), 106.

Othrys, Mount, (o´-thris), 16.

Otus (o´-tus), 105.

Oxen of Geryones. See Geryones.

Oxylus (ox´-i-lus), 283.


PalÆmon (pa-lee´-mon), 111.

Palamedes (pal-a-mee´-deez), 287, 291.

Palatine (pal´-a-tin), 181.

Pales (pa´-leez), 181.

Palilia (pa-lil´-e-ah), 181.

Palladium (pal-la´-de-um), 299, 301.

Pallan´tids, 262.

Pallas (pal´-lass), 117.

Pallas-Athene, 43, 234, 302.

Pan, 79, 171, 198.

Panacea (pan-a-see´-ah), 177.

PanathenÆa (pan´-ath-e-nee´-ah), 199.

Pandareos (pan-da´-re-oss), 138.

Pandora (pan-do´-rah), 25.

Panisci (pa-nis´-si), 174.

Panoptes (pa-nop´-teez), 246.

ParcÆ (par´-see). See MoirÆ.

Paris (par´-ris), 39, 284, 286.

Parnassus (par-nas´-sus), 158.

Parthenon (par´-the-non), 46.

—Hill, 89.

ParthenopÆus (par´-then-o-pee´-us), 273.

Patroclus (pa-tro´-clus), 288, 293, 314.

Pedasus (ped´-a-sus), 292.

Pegasus (peg´-a-sus), 145, 162, 257.

Peitho (pi´-tho), 134.

Peleus (pee´-luce), 39, 287.

Pelias (pee´-le-ass), 106, 213, 230.

Pelion, Mount (pee´-le-on), 106.

Peloponnesus (pel´-o-pon-nee´-sus), 281.

Pelops (pee´-lops), 135, 232.

Penates (pe-na´-teez), 187.

Penelope (pe-nel´-o-pe), 287, 319.

Peneus (pe-nee´-us), 74, 242.

Penthesilea (pen´-the-si-lee´-ah), 296

Pentheus (pen´-thuce), 126, 205.

Pephredo (pe-free´-do), 145.

Peplus (pee´-plus), 199.

Periphetes (per-i-fee´-teez), 260.

Perse (per´-se), 64, 312.

Persephone (per-sef´-o-ne), 52, 197, 267.

Perseus (per´-suce), 145, 205.

Petasus (pet´-a-sus), 121.

PhÆaces (fee-a´-seez), 228, 318.

PhÆdra (fee´-drah), 266.

PhaËthon (fa´-e-thon), 64, 67.

Pharos, isle of, (fa´-ros), 108.

Phases, river (fa´-seez), 222.

Phegeus (fee´-juce), 278.

Phidias (fid´-e-ass), 28.

Philemon (fi-lee´-mon), 37.

Philoctetes (fil-oc-tee´-teez), 256, 290, 299.

Phineus (fi´-nuce), 208, 220.

Phlegethon (flej´-e-thon), 134.

Phocis (fo´-siss), 306.

Phoebe (fee´-be), 13.

Phoebus-Apollo (fee´-bus), 68, 298.

Pholus (fo´-lus), 240.

Phorcys (for´-siss), 13, 111.

Phrygia (frij´-e-ah), 18.

Phryxus (frix´-us), 222.

Phylace (fil´-a-se), 290.

Phyleus (fi´-luce), 242, 254.

Phylla (fil´-lah), 233.

Picumnus (pi-cum´-nus), 182.

Picus (pi´-cus), 182.

Pieria (pi-ee´-re-ah), 119, 158.

Pierides (pi-er´-i-deez), 158, 162.

Pierus (pi´-e-rus), 158.

Pilumnus (pi-lum´-nus), 182.

Pindus, Mount, 158.

PirithÖus (pi-rith´-o-us), 216, 250, 265.

Pisa (pi´-sah), 232.

Pittheus (pit´-thuce), 259.

Platea (pla-tee´-ah), 40.

Pleiades (plee´-ya-deez), 119.

Pluto (plu´-to), 136.

Plutus (plu´-tus), 132, 137, 148.

Podalirius (pod-a-lir´-e-us), 177.

Podarces (po-dar´-seez), 253.

Pollux, 33, 187, 227, 268.

Polybotes (pol-e-bo´-teez), 104.

Polybus (pol´-e-bus), 269.

Polydectes (pol-e-dec´-teez), 205.

Polydeuces (pol-e-du´-seez). See Pollux.

Polydorus (pol-e-do´-rus), 205.

Polyhymnia (pol-e-him´-ne-ah), 159.

Polynices (pol-e-ni´-seez), 271, 272, 275.

Polyphemus (pol-e-fee´-mus), 105, 219, 307.

Pomona (po-mo´-nah), 180.

Pontus, 13.

Porta Lavernalis (lav-er-na´-lis), 184.

Poseidon (po-si´-don), 101, 162, 266.

Praxiteles (prax-it´-e-leez), 123.

Priam (pri´-am), 254, 283, 304.

Priamus (pri´-a-mus). See Priam.

Priapus (pri-a´-pus), 175.

Priests, 191.

Procrustes (pro-crus´-teez), 261.

Proetus (pree´-tus), 257.

Prometheus (pro-mee´-thuce), 24, 149, 193, 222.

Proserpine (pross´-er-pine), See Persephone.

Protesilaus (pro-tess´-i-la´-us), 290.

Proteus (pro´-tuce), 108.

Prytaneum (prit-a-nee´-um), 49.

Psophis (so´-fiss), 278.

Psyche (si´-ke), 150.

Pylades (pil´-a-deez), 95, 306.

Pylos (pi´-los), 286.

Pyracmon (pi-rac´-mon), 16.

Pyrrha (pir´-rah), 22.

Pythia (pith´-e-ah) 195, 269.

Pythian Games, 83.

Python (pi´-thon), 31, 72, 195.


Quirinus (que-ri´-nus), 115.


Remus (ree´-mus), 114.

Rhadamanthus (rad-a-man´-thus), 34, 134.

Rhamnus (ram´-nus), 142.

Rhamnusia (ram-nu´-zhe-ah), 142.

Rhea (ree´-ah), 13, 18.

Rhoda (ro´-dah), 105.

Rhodes (roads), 105.

Rhodope, Mount (rod´-o-pe), 130.

Rhoetus (ree´-tus), 20.

Robigus (ro-bi´-gus), 180.

Romulus (rom´-u-lus), 114.


Sacrifices, 192.

Sagaris (sag´-a-ris), 19.

Salamis (sal´-a-mis), 285.

Salii (sa´-le-i), 115.

Samos (sa´-mos), 34.

Saturn (sat´-urn), 17, 200.

Saturnalia (sat-ur-na´-le-ah), 200.

Satyrs (sa´-turz), 174, 198.

Scamander (sca-man´-der), 290.

Scheria (skee´-re-ah), 318.

Schoeneus (skee´-nuce), 89.

Scyros, island of, (si´-ros), 268, 287.

Scylla (sil´-lah), 104, 316.

Scyron (si´-ron), 260.

Seasons, 164.

Selene (se-lee´-ne), 86.

Selene-Artemis, 96.

Selli (sel´-li), 29.

Semele (sem´-e-le), 35, 205, 215.

Seriphus (se-ri´-fus), 205.

Servius Tullius (ser´-ve-us tul´-le-us), 184.

Shades, realm of, 267, 314.

Sibyls (sib´-bles), 84.

Silens (si´-lenz), 174.

Silenus (si-lee´-nus), 125, 198.

Silvanus (sil-va´-nus), 115, 182.

Silver Age, 23.

Simois (sim´-o-iss), 290.

Sinnis (sin´-nis), 260.

Sinon (si´-non), 302.

Siphylus (sif´-i-lus), 80.

Sirens (si´-renz), 112, 158, 315.

Sisyphus (sis´-i-fus), 135.

Sol (soll). See Helios.

Solymans (sol´-i-mans), 258.

Somnus (som´-nus). See Hypnus.

Soothsayers, 195.

Sparta, 285.

Sphinx (sfinks), 146.

Stables, Augean (aw-jee´-an), 242.

Statues, 190.

Stellio (stel´-le-o), 57.

Steropes (ster´-o peez, the first e like ei in their), 16.

Stheno (sthee´-no), 144.

Strophius (stro´-fe-us), 306.

Stymphalides (stim-fal´-i-deez), 221, 242.

Styx (sticks), 117, 132, 287.

Symplegades (sim-pleg´-a-deez), 221.

Syrinx (si´-rinks), 172.

Syrtes (sir´-teez), 229.


TÆnarum (ten´-a-rum), 132, 250.

Talaria (ta-la´-re-ah), 121.

Talus (ta´-lus), 229.

Tantalus (tan´-ta-lus), 134.

Tarquinius Superbus (tar-quin´-e-us su-per´-bus), 84.

Tartarus (tar´-ta-rus), 14, 134.

Taurica Chersonesus (taw´-ri-cah ker-so-nee´-sus), 93, 306.

Tauris (taw´-ris), 93, 306.

Tegea (tee´-je-ah), 279.

Telamon (tel´-a-mon), 216, 253, 285.

Telemachus (tel-lem´-a-cus), 287, 320.

Telephus (tel´-e-fus), 289.

Temenus (tem´-e-nus), 282.

Temples, 188.

Tenedos (ten´-e-dos), 290, 301, 303.

Terminus (ter´-mi-nus), 182.

Terpsichore (terp-sic´-o-re), 159.

Terra (ter´-rah, the e like ei in their), 11.

Tethys (tee´-thiss, th as in both), 107, 166.

Teutamias (tu-ta´-me-ass), 209.

[55]Thalia (tha-li´-ah), 159, 163.

Thallo (thal´-lo), 164.

Thamyris (tham´-i ris), 158.

Thanatos (than´-a-tos), 142.

Thaumas (thaw´-mass), 13, 111, 137.

Thebes (theebs), 203.

Theia (thi´-ah), 13.

Themis (thee´-mis), 31, 48.

Themiscyra (the-mis´-se-rah), 245.

Thermodon (ther-mo´-don), 244.

Thersander (ther-san´-der), 276.

Thersites (ther-si´-teez), 297.

Theseus (thee´-suce), 250, 259.

Thesmophoria (thes-mo-fo´-re-ah), 197.

Thes´saly, 77.

Thestius (thes´-te-us), 33.

Thetis (thee´-tis), 39, 98, 110, 297.

Thyone (thi-o´-ne), 128.

Tiphys (ti´-fiss), 216.

Tiresias (ti-ree´-she-ass), 235, 271, 274, 277, 313.

Tiryns (ti´-rinz), 209, 252.

Tirynth (ti´-rinth), 209, 252.

Tisiphone (ti-sif´-o-ne), 138.

Titanomachia (ti´-tan-o-ma´-ke-ah), 17.

Titans (ti´-tanz), 13.

Tithonus (ti-tho´-nus), 68, 297.

Tityus (tit´-e-us), 134.

Trachin (tra´-kin), 254.

Trachis (tra´-kis), 254.

Trinacria (tri-na´-cre-ah), 316.

Triptolemus (trip-tol´-e-mus), 53.

Triton (tri´-ton), 109.

Trivia (triv´-e-ah), 97.

Troezen (tree´-zen), 251

Tros (tross), 157, 246.

Troy, 283.

— walls of, 104.

Tubal-Cain (too´-bal-cane), 101.

Tyche (ti´-ke), 147.

Tydeus (ti´-duce), 272.

Tyndareus (tin-da´-re-us), 285.

Typhoeus (ti-fo´-yuce), 21.

Typhon (ti´-fon), 21.

Tyro (ti´-ro), 106.


Uffizi Gallery (oof´-fid-ze), 80.

Ulysses (u-lis´-seez), See Odysseus.

Urania (u-ra´-ne-ah), 159.

Uranus (u´-ra-nus), 11.


Veneralia (ven-e-ra´-le-ah), 61.

Venus (vee´-nus), 61, 183.

— of Milo, 60.

Vertumnus (ver-tum´-nus), 181.

Vesta (ves´-tah), 50, 201.

Vestalia (ves-ta´-le-ah), 59, 201.

Via Salavia (vi´-ah sa-la´-ve-ah), 184.

Victo´ria, 117.

Vulcan, 100.


Winds, 170, 298.

Wooden Horse, 301.


Xuthus (zoo-thus), 210.


Zephyrus (zef´-i-rus), 151, 171, 310.

Zetes (zee´-teez), 171.

Zethus (zee´-thus), 33.

Zeus (zuce), 26.


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