Two railroad men of mighty brain, The steadfast friends of true cowmen; No matter which the first you name, We all love George Crosby and Charlie Lane. And if in this story, they should see Some mentioned evil, for which a remedy That's in their power and can be used, They'll fix it so the shipper is less abused. Of all things needed, and it's a crying shame, Is some kind of toilet room on each stock train; In regard to fires, let the shippers agree, Whether they'll be froze or roasted into eternity. Have a call-boy escort with lantern bright, When at division stations we come in darkest night; To save our anxiety, fear and doubt, Put us on the right way-car that's going out. To the stockyards company a suggestion could be made, If they expect to keep and gain more trade; When our cattle are delivered on their transfer track, Try and unload them, or else we'll ship them back. If one or two of these evils should be wiped away By these suggestions in this humble lay, Then will I rejoice and forget the days of toil When I composed this work and burnt the midnight oil.