(In all work of a biographic character it is important to make copious reference to as many as possible of the generally-recognised virtues, vices, good points, foibles, peculiarities, tricks, characteristics, little weaknesses, traits, imperfections, fads, idiosyncrasies, singularities, morbid symptoms, oddities, faults, and regrettable propensities set forth in the following table. The form of an alphabetic index, with references to the examples given in the preceding pages, has been chosen, so that the beginner who may be desirous, when trying his hand at work of this sort, of seeing how any given one of these subjects may best be treated, is enabled at once to turn to one or more model passages.) - Abominable deceit (Wren).
- Agitation, reluctance to explain (Beit).
- Allah, Prophet of, refusal to admit identity with (Mahomet).
- Appearances, disregard of, by man of position (Mallory).
- Artistic temperament, the: its acute sensitiveness (Van Eyck);
- love of violent action (Liszt);
- deliberate eccentricity (Fife);
- naÏf self-appreciation (Cimabue);
- irresistibly attracted by the sublime (Grieg);
- high value set upon it by Frenchmen (Tiziano).
- Bankruptcy, moral (Wren).
- Blindness to obvious tendency of public opinion (Belloc).
- Cobdenism, qualified adherence to, hesitation to avow (Acland-Hood).
- Conduct, disingenuous (Wren).
- Contentions and disagreements, love of (Erasmus, Besant and Rice, Clifford, Raleigh).
- Diet, morbid delicacy in matter of (Davy, Besant, Marconi, but cf. Bunyan).
- Domestic servants, encouragement of dishonesty among (Wren).
- Efficiency (Dewar, Cimabue, Hirst, Liszt).
- Escutcheon, blot on, action involving (Wren).
- Excisable commodity, unsympathetic attitude towards (Clifford).
- Fact, cynical perversion of (Wren).
- Frigidity of style, sometimes attributable to prÆ-natal influences (Hume).
- Funereal thoughts, predisposition to (Harley).
- Generalisations, sweeping, dangerous fondness for (Pizarro).
- Guile (Wren).
- Habits, repugnant personal, often found in association with fine spiritual gifts (Bunyan).
- Horizon, restricted mental (Pizarro).
- Hour of trial, fortitude in (Acland-Hood).
- Hubbub, interminable, power to raise (Marconi).
- Hypocrisy, calculated (Wren).
- Ignoring, pointed, of literary rivals (Job).
- Information, insufficient, proneness to act upon (Shaw, Roosevelt).
- Insomnia, liability to (Van Eyck, Beit).
- Integrity, low standard of (Wren).
- Jesuitical dealing (Wren).
- Justification, flimsy, of homicide (Pizarro).
- Kindness to animals (Job, Marx).
- Knavery (Wren).
- Labouchere, Mr, power to awaken interest in (Austen).
- Levity, irresponsible, of Yorkshiremen (Hirst).
- Lie, bouncing, circulation of (Wren).
- Low company, penchant for (Mallory).
- Macchiavelli, unholy precepts of, tendency to act upon (Wren).
- Memory, lapse of (Odo).
- Mind, contented, blessing of a (Mallory).
- Nervous prostration, freedom from (Laurie).
- "Noblesse Oblige," disregard of apothegm (Wren).
- Obesity, effective treatment of (Wellington).
- Openness, want of (Wren).
- Ordinary man, treatment of genius at hands of (Davy, Harley).
- Oriental metaphor, distaste for (Chapman and Hall).
- Ostentation, contempt for (Mallory).
- Output, delusions in regard to reception of literary (Belloc).
- Percussion, instrument of, habit of treating pianoforte as (Liszt).
- Principle, absence of (Wren).
- —— self-sacrificing devotion to (Chapman & Hall).
- Prompt and decisive action, unfitness for position requiring (Otto).
- Psychology, complex and baffling, of contemporary genius (Marconi).
- Quickening, need of spiritual (Wren).
- RepartÉe, witty and pungent, gift of (Hirst, Cimabue).
- Resemblance, confusing physical, sometimes noted among higher types of genius (Mahomet).
- Restoration, lax morality of, readiness to fall in with (Wren).
- Salvation Army, sympathy with methods of (Liszt).
- Satanism, revolting display of (Wren).
- Self-effacement, public-spirited (Clive).
- Sense of proportion, lack of (Pizarro).
- Simple Life, fondness for the (Edward the Confessor, Mallory).
- Statesmanship, qualities of:
- anticipation of coming problems (Harley);
- readiness to sink own prejudices in interest of common weal (Acland-Hood);
- freedom from insomnia (Edward the Confessor).
- Taboos, faithful observance of (Odo).
- Taciturnity of the strong, silent man (Beit).
- Tartufe, willingness to regard, as moral examplar (Wren).
- Treasury, Parliamentary Secretary to the, anxiety to remain (Acland-Hood).
- Ugly, indifference to appearing (Wellington).
- Umbrage, quickness to take (Erasmus).
- Untruth, plausible, ability to frame (Wren).
- Utilitarianism, susceptibility to charms of (Mill).
- Utopian conditions, ill-judged efforts to realise (Pizarro).
- Valhalla, precipitate eagerness to qualify for (Shaw).
- Vaticanism, display of blighting effects of, upon human mind (Liszt, Pizarro).
- Veracity, departure from (Wren).
- Watchword, insistence upon ill-chosen (Roosevelt).
- World, the next, neglect of prospects in (Wren).
- Years, early, forgetfulness of habits inculcated in (Marconi).
- Y.M.C.A., unfitness for (Wren).
- Zealous pursuit of pleasure at expense of soul (Wren).
- Zenith of literary achievement, attainment of (Austen).
- Zulus, gradual adoption of social practices of (Fife).
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