Aberdeen, 32
"All's Well that Ends Well," 39
Ancient Pistol, 43
"Antony and Cleopatra," 53
Arden, Forest of, 47
" Mary, 9, 58
" Robert, 58
Ariosto, 47
Arnold, Matthew, 7
"As You Like It," 32, 47
Aston Clinton, 7, 9
Aubrey's "Lives of Eminent Men," 66
Avon, 5, 73, 75, 82
Barnard, Lady, 60
" Sir John, 60
Barnfield, Richard, 44
Bath, 30
"Bear's House," 25, 26
Beaumont, 41, 42, 44
"Bell, The," 43
"Bell Inn," 17
Bishopgate, 26, 27
Bishopton, 64
Blackfriars, 21, 70
" Theatre, 22, 62
Boar's Head, 40, 41
"Bohemia," 44
Boswell, 61
Brentford, 77
"Bull Inn," 27
Burbage, Cuthbert 62
" James, 22, 62
" Richard, 22, 32, 37, 49, 62
Burbie, Cuthbert, 35, 36
Cambridge University, 82
Chapel of the Guild, 72
Charlecote, 7, 12, 46, 56, 80
" Park, 81
Charles II., 29
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 43, 44, 68
"Children of the Chapel, The," 48
Clopton, Sir Hugh, 58, 60, 82
" Sir John, 60
" House, 82
Cobham, Lord, 46
College of Heralds, 57
Combe, John, 82
" William, 82, 83
"Comedy of Errors, The," 36
Compton, Lord, 80
Condell, 62
"Convivial Laws," 42
Coopers' Arms, 33
"Coriolanus," 53
Coventry, 30
"Cow Lane," 35
Cromwell, Oliver, 73
"Crosby Hall," 27
Crown Inn, 68
"Curtain, The," 21
"Cymbeline," 53
Danter, John, 36
Derby, Earl of, 22
"Devil Tavern," 41, 42
Drayton, Michael, 7, 44, 69, 70, 83
Droeshout, Martin, 67
Eastcheap, 40
Edward VI., 72
Elizabeth, Queen, 13, 32, 37, 39, 46, 50, 51
Essex, Earl of, 47, 48
"Falcon, The," 41, 60, 62
Falstaff, Sir John, 13, 46, 77
Faversham, 30
"Feverel, Richard," 16
Field, Richard, 20, 21, 35
Fletcher, 41, 42
Florence, 26
Flower, Edgar, 67
Folkestone, 30
Fulbroke Parks, 12
Fuller, 41
Gastrell, Rev. Francis, 59, 60, 61
"George, The," 41, 43
" I., 70
"Globe, The," 22, 48, 62, 84
Gower, 25
Grammar School, Stratford, 72
Gray's "Elegy," 1
Greene, Robert, 27, 36, 43, 71
Greenwich, 32, 38
Guild Hall, 72
Gunpowder Plot, 82
Hall, John, 66, 70
" Susanna, 62, 66
Halliwell-Phillipps, Mr. J. O., 61
"Hamlet," 31, 32, 48, 49
Hathaway, Anne, 11, 17, 18, 60
"Henry IV.," 13, 14, 39, 40, 46
" V.," 14, 47, 62
" VI., King," 36
" the Seventh, King, 57
" VIII.," 47, 53, 63
High Wycombe, 20
Holinshed's "Chronicles," 33, 52, 53
Hunt, Wm., 61
Hythe, 30
James I., King, 22, 24, 29, 51, 77
Johnson, Robert, 53
Jones, Inigo, 29
Jonson, Ben, 7, 41, 42, 43, 67, 70, 83
"Julius CÆsar," 48
Keere, Peter Van den, 24, 25
Kemp, William, 32
Kenilworth, 39
"King John," 37
" Lear," 52
"King's Servants, The," 51
"Lambeth Marsh," 25
Lee, Dr. Sidney, 10, 31, 32, 49, 52, 67
Leicester, Earl of, 13, 21, 39, 80
Leyton, Edward, 61
Lichfield, 61
Loggin, Mrs., 61
Lollard, 46
"Love's Labour's Lost," 35
Lucy, Sir Thomas, 12, 13, 46, 80
"Macbeth," 51, 52
Manasseh ben Israel, 73
Marlborough, 30
Marlowe, Christopher, 27, 36, 37, 43
Masuccio, 33, 36
"Measure for Measure," 51
"Merchant of Venice, The," 37
Meredith, George, 16
Meres, Francis, 44
"Mermaid, The," 41, 42, 44
"Merry Wives of Windsor," 13, 40, 46
"Midsummer Night's Dream, A," 13, 39
Milton, 7
Miranda, 53
Moorfields, 21
"More Feyldes," 25
Mountjoy, 33
"Much Ado about Nothing," 47
Naseby, 5
Nash, Elizabeth, 60
" Thomas, 62
Newington Butts, 22
New Place, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 69, 70, 82, 83
New Place Museum, 62
New Romney, 30
Nimrod, 13
Norman William, 5
Oldcastle, Sir John, 46
Old Stratford, 11, 64
"Othello," 51
Oxford, 20, 30, 68
Oxford University, 82
"Palace of Nonsuch, The," 38
Peele, 36
Pembroke, Earl of, 51
"Pericles," 52, 53
Phillips, Augustus, 22, 62
"Phoenix and the Turtle, The," 48
Plautus, 36
"Play House," 25
Plutarch's "Lives," 33, 48, 53
Ponte Vecchio, 26
Prospero, 53, 54
Quiney, Mr. Thomas, 66
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 42
"Rape of Lucrece, The," 37, 38
Rhodes, Cecil John, 2
"Richard II.," 37, 47
"Richard III.," 27, 37
Richmond, 38
"Romeo and Juliet," 36
Rookwood, Ambrose, 82
"Rose, The," 22
Rowe, Nicholas, 70
Rye, 30
Saffron Walden, 30
Saxon Harold, 6
Senlac, 5
Severn, 5
Shakespeare, Edmond, 24, 69
" Gilbert, 69
" Hamnet, 66, 69
" Joan,