APPLETONS' TOWN AND COUNTRY LIBRARY. PUBLISHED SEMIMONTHLY. 1 D. APPLETON and CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. Books by Sara Jeannette Duncan . That evening the Professor of Ignorance sat long with paper spread before him, and with a pen in his hand, but he wrote nothing. The window of his study looked out on to the street, which was lit by many gas-lamps. At length he dipped his pen into the ink, and wrote this: "We should judge men by their best, not by their worst; by their possibilities, not by their limitations." Next morning he read what he had written the night before, and smiled to himself. "I have seen that before," he thought. He took a book from the little shelf that stood close to his right hand, and referred to it. "I am now quite sure that what I have written is true," he said. The Professor of Ignorance. |