An eye clinic is maintained by the Department of Medical Inspection at the Brownell School. This clinic is open every afternoon during the school year. The method of procedure is as follows: During the routine physical examinations of children by the doctors in the different schools, the vision is tested and, if found defective, the parents are advised of it by note. The nurse then follows up the case and if she finds that the parents are unable to pay for an examination by an oculist, she takes the child to the school clinic, after having obtained the written consent of the parent. There the child is given a thorough and accurate examination, the eyes being first dilated with homatropin and the error of refraction determined by means of the retinoscope. The proper glasses are ordered for the child and in a few days he is brought back to the clinic and the frames carefully adjusted. The nurse then keeps in touch with the case, seeing to it that the child wears the glasses, that the frames are straight, and that the symptoms Many parents are unable to pay an oculist's fee but are able and willing to pay a small amount for glasses and in these cases a nominal charge is made for them. Experience has shown that if a charge, no matter how small, is made for the glasses better care is taken of them and better results are obtained. In some cases there has been opposition on the part of the parents to the child's wearing glasses, but usually the nurse has been able to prove to them the necessity and has obtained their consent. During the school year 1914-15, the total number of dispensary visits was 1,913. In 665 cases the eyes were refracted and in 500 cases glasses were furnished. In about 75 per cent of the cases the children's symptoms are relieved and their scholarship is improved. In about 10 per cent of the cases the symptoms are not relieved. About five per cent of the children refuse to wear the glasses. The remaining 10 per cent of the children cannot be located because they have moved from the city or been transferred to private schools. The value of the work of the eye clinic is beyond question. There are no other clinics in connection with the Cleveland public school system. Mental examinations are made by a special teacher |