- Abbot's Cliff, 191
- Aberdeen, 72, 73, 80
- Accountant-General, 45, 55
- Addresses on letters, 108, 111, 115, 120, 252
- Admiralty, 220
- Advertising postal facilities, 85, 323
- Aldersgate Street, 129
- Allen, Ralph, 36
- Alphabet keeper, 45
- America, 64
- Anglo-American Telegraph Company, 160
- Animals by post, 323
- Annals of the Road, 27
- Annuities, Post Office, 143
- Architecture of Post Offices, 233, 302
- Army Post Office—
- Crimea, 130
- Early history, 336
- Duties of, 337
- Arran Islands, 217
- Assistant Secretaries, 261
- Associations, their recognition by Postmaster-General, 262
- Atlantic Ferry, 209, 212
- Athens, 81
- Australia—
- First mail service to, 215
- Postal service, 258
- Articles refused by post, 328
- Austria, 160
- Awards Committee, 206
- Aylesbury Coach Road, 89
- Bagnigge Wells, 85
- Baines, F. E., C.B., 32, 265
- Balloons, 235
- Balmoral Castle, 216
- Band conveyors, 60
- Baptism, commercial idea of, 150
- Barnet, 98
- Bartholomew's Hospital, 58
- Batavia, 213
- Bath, 22, 36
- Baudot system—
- Introduction, 155
- Circuit, 160
- Working of, 167
- Bawtry, 281
- Bedminster Town Penny Bank, 325
- Bees by post, 323
- Belfast, 279
- Belgium—
- Parcel Post to, 84
- Money Orders to, Eastbourne, 284
- East India Company, 247
- Edinburgh, 23, 32, 36
- Edinburgh Castle, 216
- Edison Telephone Company, 183, 184
- Egypt, 84, 215, 336
- Electric stamping machines, 61
- Electric Telegraph Company, 161
- Elephant as carrier of mails, 246, 249
- Engineer-in-Chief, 267
- Engineers, 195, 196
- Enniskillen, 284
- Etruria, 213
- Euston, 72, 74, 80, 89
- Exchange Telegraph Company, 165
- Exeter, 25
- Express Delivery Service, 96, 323
- Factories (see Post Office Factories)
- Fair Isle, 220
- Fair Wages Resolution, 206
- Falkland Islands, 328
- Falmouth—
- As packet station, 209
- 100 years ago, 210
- P. and O. service, 214
- Farmers' telephones, 193
- Fawcett, Right Hon. H., 85, 262
- Ferry mail services, 81
- Fiji Islands, 216
- Fishguard, 217
- “Fleece Tavern,” 44
- Flushing, 75, 220
- Flying Coaches, 22
- Folkestone, 75, 220
- Foot posts, 21
- Foreign Parcel Post, articles refused, 328
- Foreign postal rates, 223
- Foreign Post Office methods, 231
- Forman, H. Buxton, C.B., 265
- Forty Years at Post Office, 265
- Foula, 220
- Founder's Court, E.C., 161
- France—
- Money Orders to, 131
- Wires to, 160
- Postal methods, 234
- Savings Bank, 235
- Telegraphs, 236
- Parcel Post, 45, 48, 55
- London—
- Early posts, 19
- Mail coaches, 27
- Twopenny posts, 35
- First Post Office, 43
- Postmaster of, 56
- Chief Post Office, 57
- London and North-Western Railway, 31, 73, 74
- London and South-Western Railway, 75
- London Bridge, 75
- London Postal Service, 56
- Lucania, 213
- Lusitania, 213
- Maberley, Colonel, 50
- Macadam, 27
- Macdonald, Flora, 285
- Madeira, 81, 216
- Magazine competitions and postal orders, 133
- Magazine Post, 238
- Magnetic clocks, 170, 200
- Mail bags—
- Makers of, 45
- Colour, 62
- Travelling Post Office, 77
- Repairs, 203
- Mail cart, 80
- Mail coaches—
- Early days, 23
- Speed, 24
- Robberies, 27
- Procession, 27
- End of, 29
- Coach v. motor, 104
- Mail coachmen—
- Uniform, 24
- Furious driving, 26
- Stories of, 104, 107
- Mail guards—
- Arming of, 24, 103
- Condition of service, 25
- Complaints against, 26
- Mail trains—
- First trains, 32
- Late-fee boxes, 73
- Night, 74, 75
- Catching up, 302
- Majestic, 213
- Mallaig, 220
- Malta, 84
- Manchester, 35, 279, 326
- Manila, 216
- Manning, Thomas, 216
- Marconi Company, 178
- Marriage, depositors' views on, 150
- Masters of the Posts, 143
- Mauretania, 156, 217
- Scotland—
- Early postal service, 19
- Footposts, 21
- Postal charges to, 32
- Mails to, 73
- Scott, Sir Walter, 29
- “Scottish Coast Village,” 298
- Scudamore, Frank Ives, C.B., 54, 265
- Selby, 32
- Serna, 213
- Shanghai, 215
- Sheffield, 279
- Shelley, H. C., 338
- Shetland Isles, 39, 79, 116, 156, 217, 219
- Shrewsbury, 79
- Sikes, Sir C. W., 138
- Skye, 217
- Smirke, Mr., 49, 55
- “Snooper in,” 190
- Solicitor to Post Office, 267
- Sorting carriages, 73, 74
- Sorting of letters and parcels, 60, 61, 88
- South Africa, 253
- South America, 243
- Southampton, 218
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 75, 302
- Southsea, 286
- Spain—
- Leisured methods, 211
- Postal service, 236
- Spanish swindle, 114
- Special Events Section, 166
- Steam motors, 101
- Stephen, Justice, 185
- Stephenson, George, 31
- Stock certificates, 140
- Stock Exchange, 173
- Stores Department—
- Early beginnings, 45
- Offices, 68
- Business, 200
- Sale of stores, 205
- Stow's Survey, 43
- Straits Settlements, 84, 245, 328
- Studd Street, 68
- Submarine cables, 156, 160, 191
- Sub-Postmaster—
- Qualifications, 289
- Increase of duties, 292
- Troubles, 294
- Hereditary,
At the top of p. 28, the conclusion of the paragraph is punctuated inconsistently. Either the quotation begun on the preceding page should end after the words 'key bugle', or at the end of the paragraph. In the latter case, the quotation marks are incorrect. The passage is left as printed. On p. 51, the paragraph beginning 'The old riddle' is likewise compromised by faulty punctuation. In this case, the nested quotations on p. 52 are corrected for consistency. However, it is not clear where the quotation ends. An index entry for “Mails to Scotland” is incorrectly referenced to p. 407, which does not exist. It is most likely meant to refer to the discussion of the mail train to Scotland on p. 73, and the entry is accordingly revised. In most instances, apparent errors appear in quoted material, and have not been corrected. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. v.7 | but it count[ sits/s its] friends in millions | Space misplaced. | 52.1 | [“/‘]Oh,[”/’] said she, [“/‘]I don’t> | Replaced. | 52.2 | We don't begin till eleven.[”/’] | Replaced. | 52.5 | replied, [“/‘]I daresay | Replaced. | 52.8 | of the hour.[”/’] | Replaced. | 61.32 | On the no[r]thern side correspondence | Inserted. | 182.28 | the Centennial Exposition in Philade[l]phia | Inserted. | |