"It is the style which sets the seal of distinction on Mr. Bennett's work, and he has not written for the moment but for posterity."—Morning Post. "Mr. Bennett writes novels as Fielding, Smollett, Dickens, Thackeray wrote them—out of the abundance of his imagination, out of an inordinate eagerness to produce human life in all its profusion."—Daily News. "The man is immense. In point of sheer observation, revelation of character, fictional interpretation, and, above all, in the objective attitude towards his art, Mr. Bennett stands on this work supreme in English literature. His technique is consummate. His detail and paring work, his dramatic sense, his subtlety, his penetration—these things fill one with wonder."—English Review. "Mr. Bennett is an astonishingly clever and judicious artist, he has that sense of life without which no man can be a novelist; he has humour, and humour's twin brother, pathos; he has all this and much else as well; but the dominant characteristic of his mind is its amazing versatility."—Truth. "Mr. Bennett has the Trollopian gift of engaging our sympathy with thoroughly ordinary, commonplace, undistinguished, third-rate people, and investing them with qualities which excite curiosity and even fascination. He has qualities which place him in the forefront of living novelists."—Spectator. "All of us who treasure our Balzac will be grateful for the literary corner Mr. Bennett is making for himself in English middle-class life."—Sketch. "When we read Bennett, apart from the mere acute interest created by the story he has to tell, we are at once humbled and exalted by the revelation he forces upon us—humbled by the mystery and miracle of human existence, exalted by the heavenly gift of vision which lifts us beyond human despairs. Like Edwin, at the close of 'Clayhanger,' we find ourselves 'braced to the exquisite burden of life.' And that is the supreme achievement of literature."—Glasgow Herald.
The Regent Crown 8vo, 6s. Fourth Edition "We doubt whether any of Mr. Bennett's books is likely to give more unmitigated amusement than 'The Regent'—a book full of good humour and high spirits."—Spectator. "Mr. Bennett is in the lightest of moods—the mood of pure high spirits and burlesque."—Daily Telegraph. Clayhanger Crown 8vo, 6s. Eleventh Edition "In 'Clayhanger' Mr. Bennett has suddenly grown to full stature, and at no moment of the story does he lose touch with the warmth and glow of life."—Star. "Mr. Bennett has here enlisted all the resources of his fertile intellect, his observation, his keen perception, his essential idealism, and set himself again to the production of a work that will surely be memorable."—Daily News. "A masterly story, well ordered, and alive with interest."—Pall Mall Gazette. "It is all admirably done ... masterly studies of feminine character."—Nation. "A great book, handled with an immense breadth and spaciousness, and written in a style of perfect mastery."—Morning Leader. Hilda Lessways Crown 8vo, 6s. Eighth Edition "The book is packed with cleverness."—Standard. "Mr. Bennett has established himself as a great novelist."—Morning Leader. "A fine book in its truth, its comprehending sympathy, its courage."—Daily Chronicle. "Its realism is most expressive, and its artistry of a rare and excellent kind."—Pall Mall Gazette. "That 'Hilda Lessways' is as great as 'Clayhanger' cannot be doubted. It is the epic soul of a woman, and every woman will see in it a mirror of her own experience. It is full of the pity and the beauty of life. It is ennobling, assuaging, restoring, and healing in its vision of existence."—Star. The Matador of the Five Towns Crown 8vo, 6s. Second Edition A select number of short stories written by Mr. Bennett during the last few years, now issued for the first time in volume form. "Here, as elsewhere, Mr. Bennett has written with the hand of the master."—Dundee Advertiser. "A wealth of observation, insight, and creative power has gone to the making of these tales."—Daily Chronicle. "As full of subtle variety as the superficial greyness of everyday life."—Glasgow News. A Man from the North Crown 8vo, 6s. Third Edition This is a new edition of a novel which has been out of print for some years. "It is admirably fresh and brisk, vibrating with a wild, young ecstasy. It is cleverly written, and strong in appeal to human sympathy."—Daily Chronicle. "A book that will come to the jaded novel reader as a splendid surprise."—Black and White. The Card Crown 8vo, 2s. net Eleventh Edition "Mr. Bennett is in his liveliest form. It is true comedy of character. He has created a type for eternal laughter ... he has 'cheered us all up.'"—Morning Post. "It is full of delightful touches of humour."—Evening Standard. Buried Alive Crown 8vo, 2s. net Fifth Edition This is a new edition of a novel which has been for some little time out of print. "A most delightfully humorous story, which keeps the reader in a bubble of laughter the whole way through."—Daily Chronicle. "The novel is one of the most amusing we have read for some time. The author is to be congratulated on a notable piece of work."—Birmingham Post.
Anna of the Five Towns Fcap. 8vo, 1s. net Fourth Edition A new edition of a characteristic novel by Mr. Bennett, which has been for some little time out of print. It is now issued among Methuen's Shilling Novels. Teresa of Watling Street Fcap. 8vo, 1s. net To a plot of the highest ingenuity, Mr. Bennett adds his own minutely humorous and descriptive method. The volume is issued among Methuen's Shilling Novels. |