- Aconite, Winter, 285
- Ageratums, 313
- Altheas, 302–304
- Anise, 206
- Anterrhinums, tall, 268
- Aralia Spinosa or Hercules Club, 294
- Arctotis Grandis, 264–267
- Argemone, 265
- Arsenate of Lead, 211
- Arsenate of Zinc, 211
- Artichokes, 186–187;
- Jerusalem, 188–189
- Asparagus, starting of bed of, 80;
- fertilizing, 80–81–82;
- setting of roots, 81;
- when to set, 81;
- to avoid self-sowing of, 82;
- variety to plant, 83;
- young plants, 84;
- when to cut, 84;
- to keep down weeds, 84;
- spraying, 214;
- to can, 244–245
- Asparagus Sprengeri, 313
- Aspidistras, 322
- Aster, 269–270
- Balm, 205
- Basil, 206
- Beans, 127–128;
- how to plant, 124;
- varieties, 125;
- Lima beans, 126, 128;
- when to plant, 122;
- how to sow, 39;
- varieties, 123, 129;
- to spray, 214–215;
- to can, 245–246
- Beans Anthracnose, 214
- Bean Beetle, 215
- Bean Weevil, 215
- Beets, 86–88–89–90;
- how to sow, 39;
- soil for, 87;
- depth to plant, 87;
- to grow, 89;
- beet leaf spot, Euonymus, or Burning Bush, 295
- Emulsion, Kerosene, 213
- Feverfew, 275–276
- Flats, florist's, 33;
- size, 33;
- cover, 34;
- drainage, 34
- Forsythias, 300–302
- Garden, location, 2–3–4;
- size, 9;
- ploughing, 4–5;
- cultivating, 5;
- harrowing, 5–6;
- intensive, 43;
- Fall work, 256;
- Winter treatment, 257–258
- Garden, Annual Flower, 261–262–263–264–265–266–267–268–269–270–271–272
- Garden, Hardy Flowers, 273–274–275–276–277–278–279–280–281
- Garden for Shut-Ins, 308–309–310–311–312–313–314–315–316–317
- Garden, Window Space, 318–319–320–321–322–323–324
- Garden, Roof, 324–325–326–327
- Garlic, 195–196
- Geraniums, 86–118–119;
- how to sow, 39–42;
- to protect from maggots, 169–170
- Riccinus, 264, 268, 324
- Rosemary, 205
- Rudbeckias, 301
- Rue, 205
- Rhus typhina laciniata, 293–294
- Sage, 206
- Sage, scarlet, 268
- Salsify, 3;
- to store, 231
- Salvias, 271
- Sand box, size, 31;
- location and use for plants, 31;
- location for vegetables, 32
- Scab, 218
- Scabiosas, 268
- Scillas, 282–285
- Schizanthus, 271
- Seed—In Hot Beds: sowing, 22;
- separating, 22;
- arrangement, 22–23–25;
- labelling, 23;
- germination, 23;
- watering, 24;
- care of young seedlings, 26
- Seeds—In Flats: Sowing, 34;
- covering, 34;
- labelling, 35;
- care after planting, 35;
- planting in open ground, 36;
- condition of ground, 36;
- when to plant, 37;
- seed drilling, 37;
- rapid seed dropping, 38;
- treatment of different sizes, 39;
- buying, 40;
- testing, 41;
- table for quantity of, 200–201;
- saving, 258–259
- Shrubbery, 292–293–294–295–296–300–304–305–306–307;
- selection of, 289–