A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y. Abbey, E. A., 177. Academy of Fine Arts (of New York), 24. Akers, Benjamin Paul, 151. Alexander, Cosmo, 16, 24. Alexander, Francis, 49. Allston, Washington, 16, 29, 31, 44, 47. American Art Students' Association, Munich, 200. Ames, Joseph, 49. Andrew, John, 168. Annin, P., 168. Anthony, A. V. S., 168. Architecture, 178. Art Education, 186. Artists' Funding Society, 88. Artists' League, 186. AthenÆum, Providence, 31. Augur, Hezekiah, 138. Bacon, Henry, 7. Baker, George A., 49. Ball, Thomas, 149, 150. Bannister, E. M., 106, 190. Barry, Charles A., 174. Bartholomew, Edward S., 152. Bartol, E. H., 195. Beard, James, 86. Beard, William H., 86. Beckwith, J. C., 207. Bellew, Frank H. T., 177. Bellows, A. F., 79. Bensell, E. B., 174. Benson, Eugene, 7. Berkeley, Bishop, 15, 17. Bierstadt, Albert, 97. Birch, Thomas, 37. Bishop, Annette, 174. Bispham, Henry C., 86. Blackburn, 16. Blashfield, Edwin H., 7. Blauvelt, C. F., 115. Boutelle, D. W. C., 106. Bowdoin College, paintings of, 47. Brackett, Walter M., 85. Bradford, William, 84. Bricher, A. T., 111. Bridgman, Frederick A., 7. Bridges, Fidelia, 131. Bristol, John B., 76. Brown, George L., 64. Brown, Harry, 84. Brown, J. Appleton, 106. Brown, J. G., 115. Brown, J. H., 167. Brown, J. Ogden, 131. Browne, Henry K., 149. Brumidi, M., 185. Bunner, A. F., 207. Burling, Gilbert, 112. Burns, J., 115. Calverly, Charles, 156. Casilear, John W., 73. Cassatt, Mary, 210. Catlin, George, 88. Champney, J. W., 113. Chapman, J. G., 88. Chase, William M., 203, 207. Church, Frederick E., 81. Church, F. S., 174. Cincinnati, Music Hall of, 163. Clevenger, Shobal Vail, 138, 145. Close, A. P., 104. Cobb, Darius, 125. Cole, J., 168. Cole, J. Foxcroft, 199. Cole, Thomas, 47, 66. Conant, Cornelia W., 7. Colman, Samuel, 79, 112, 190. Copley, John Singleton, 16, 17, 88, 138, 164. Cooper Institute, 186. Cranch, Christopher P., 76. Crawford, Thomas, 138, 145, 149. Cropsey, Jasper F., 76. Cummings, T. S., 167. Curtis, Jessie, 172. Cusack, S., 177. Custer, E. L., 125. Dana, W. P. W., 7. Dana, William J., 168. Darley, Felix O. C., 171. Darrah, Mrs. S. T., 195. Davis, J. P., 168. Davis, T. R., 174. Davidson, Julian O., 174. Deas, Charles, 88. Decorative Art, 186. De Haas, M. F. H., 109. De Kay, Helena, 207. Dengler, Frank, 161. Dewing, T. W., 199. Dexter, Henry, 156. Dielman, Frederick, 204. Dillon, Julia, 133. Dix, Charles Temple, 84. Dolph, J. H., 131. Doughty, Thomas, 47, 56, 59, 66. Drowne, Shem, 14, 37, 136. Dunlap, William, 18. Durand, Asher B., 47, 56, 59, 66, 167. Duveneck, F., 7, 203. Eakins, Thomas, 208. Eaton, Wyatt, 207. Edmonds, F. W., 52. Ehninger, John W., 115. Elliott, Charles Loring, 49, 50. Enneking, John J., 196. Eytinge, Sol, 174. Ezekiel, Moses J., 156. Falconer, John M., 112. Farrar, Henry, 113. Fassett, Mrs. C. A., 127. Feke, Robert, 16. Fenn, Harry, 172. Flagg, George B., 87. Foote, Mrs. Mary Halleck, 172. Fraser, John, 31, 56, 167. Frazee, John, 136, 138. Fredericks, Alfred, 172. Freeman, Mrs. J. E., 156. French, Daniel C., 161. Frost, Arthur B., 174. Frothingham, James, 27. Fuller, George, 117. Fuller, R. H., 76. Furness, William Henry, 125. Gardner, Elizabeth I., 7. Gaul, Gilbert, 113. Gerry, Samuel L., 74. Gibson, W., 177. Gifford, R. Swain, 112, 190. Gifford, Sanford R., 80. Goodrich, Sarah, 51, 167. Gould, Thomas R., 152, 154. Grant, C. R., 199. Greenough, Horatio, 138, 142. Greenough, Richard, 156. Grey, Henry Peters, 51. Grey, Mrs. Henry Peters, 125. Grosjean, Charles T., 186. Guy, S. J., 115. Hale, Susan, 113. Hall, Mrs., 167. Hall, George H., 133. Hamilton, James, 71, 84. Harding, Chester, 47, 49. Hart, James, 79, 130. Hart, William, 79. Hart, Joel T., 138, 145. Hartley, J. S., 161. Haseltine, H. J., 156. Hayes, William, 85. Heade, M. J., 133. Healy, G. P. A., 49. Henry, E. L., 115. Henshaw, Mrs., 133. Hicks, Thomas, 49, 86. Hill, Thomas, 97, 98. Hinckley, T. H., 85. Homer, Winslow, 117, 190. Hoppin, Augustus, 172. Hoskin, Robert, 168. Hosmer, Harriet, 152, 156. Howland, A. C., 115. Hubbard, R. W., 74. Humphrey, L. B., 172. Hunt, William M., 49, 185, 193. Huntington, Daniel, 49, 51, 88. Impressionism in Art, 192. Ingham, C. C., 49. Inman, Henry, 49, 51. Inness, George, 79, 190. Inness, George, Jun., 131. Ipsen, L. S., 174. Irving, J. B., 113. Ives, C. B., 156. Jarvis, John Wesley, 28, 49. Johnson, David, 76. Johnson, Eastman, 116, 189. Juengling, F., 168. Kelley, J. E., 174. Kensett, John F., 63, 76. Kepler, Joseph, 177. Key, John R., 170. King, F. S., 168. Kingsley, E., 168. Knowlton, Helen M., 195. Kreul, G., 168. Lafarge, John, 71, 94, 133, 185. Lambdin, George C., 133. Lansil, Walter F., 111. Lathrop, Francis, 96, 174, 186. Lay, Oliver I., 115. Le Clear, Thomas, 49. Leutze, Emmanuel, 73, 88. Lewis, Robert, 174. Linton, W. J., 167. Longfellow, Ernest, 106. Longworth, Nicholas, 140. Loop, Henry A., 125. Loop, Mrs. Henry A., 125. Low, Will H., 207. Macdonald, J. W. A., 156. M'Entee, Jervis, 103. Magrath, William, 117. Malbone, Edward G., 31, 32, 167. Marsh, Charles, 168. Marshall, John, 167. Martin, Homer, 106. Mather, Cotton, 14. Maverick, Peter, 167. Mayer, B. F., 113. Meade, Larkin J., 152, 153. Meeker, J. R., 74. Mignot, Louis R., 83. Miller, Charles, 203. Millet, Francis D., 7. Mills, Clark, 138, 149. Milmore, Martin, 154. Moore, E. C., 186. Moran, Edward, 103. Moran, Peter, 103, 130. Moran, Thomas, 97, 100, 172. Morse, Samuel F. B., 33, 39, 51. Morse, W. H., 168. Mount, William Sidney, 52, 86, 117. Muhrman, William H., 207. MÜller, R. A., 168. Munzig, B. C., 170. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 186. Naegle, John, 29. Nast, Thomas, THE END. TIMELY AND IMPORTANT BOOKS ON ANCIENT AND MODERN ART. American Art. By S. G. W. Benjamin. Illustrated. 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Contemporary Art in Europe. By S. G. W. Benjamin. Copiously Illustrated. Square 8vo, Cloth, Illuminated and Gilt, $3 50; Half Calf, $5 75. 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