- Abrupt changes in streams, 28.
- Alterations in a channel, upstream effect, 4.
- Aqueduct, Kali Nadi, 149.
- Available rainfall, 9.
- Bank protection, 60.
- — — artificial weeds, 70.
- — — berms, 70.
- — — bushing, 68.
- — — fascining, 66.
- — — heavy stone pitching with apron, 71.
- — — on the Adige, 67.
- — — reinforced concrete, 70.
- — — rolls of wire-netting, 70, 140.
- — — staking, 69.
- — — trees, 68.
- — — twig revetment, 68.
- — — Villa system, 69.
- Banks, 92.
- — Bell’s guide, 137.
- — continuous lining of, 64.
- — dimensions of, 93.
- — guide, 137.
- — side slopes of, 92.
- Barrage of the Nile, Assiut, 117.
- Bars, river, 203.
- Bed, protection of, 58.
- — — Villa system, 59.
- Bell’s guide banks, 137.
- Bends, effect of, 44.
- — short cuts of, 44.
- Bengal Dooars Railway, bridge and floods, 139.
- Bifurcation of a channel, 53.
- Birmingham water supply, 173.
- Borrow-pits in bed of channel, 53.
- Breakwaters, converging, 207.
- Bridges, 132.
- — foundations or floor, 132.
- — on Indian rivers, 134.
- — piers and abutments, 132.
- — protection of, 137.
- — at Wazirabad, 134.
- British Rainfall Organisation, 9.
- Canalisation of rivers, 84.
- Canals, 92.
- — fall, 113.
- — headworks, 54.
- — navigation, 93.
- — rapid, 113.
- — Ship, 95.
- Catchment area, “yield,” 9.
- Channel, alterations in, 4.
- Chanoine falling shutters, 121.
- Chenab River at Shershah, 210.
- Choice of types of work, 3.
- Closures of streams, Colorado River, 5.
- Ship canals, 95.
- Shutters, self-acting, Switzerland and Bavaria, 127.
- Silting and scouring, 27.
- Silt and scour, action at bends, 42.
- — — — on sides of channel, 40.
- — — effect of regulator or movable weir, 49.
- — — in the Sirhind Canal, 32, 54.
- — — increasing or reducing, 48.
- — — materials carried in suspension, 3.
- — — methods of investigation, 33.
- — — practical formulÆ and figures, 37.
- — — production of, 48.
- — — rolled materials, 29.
- — — sand separator, 34.
- — — scrapers or harrows, 48.
- — clay and sand, 36.
- — deposit, production of, 51.
- — in river Sutlej, 35.
- — in river Tay, 35.
- — quantity and distribution of, 35.
- — upstream of weirs, 103.
- Sidhnai Canal, dam, 117.
- Sirhind Canal, silt and scour in, 32, 54.
- Slips in embankments, 177.
- Sluice gates, Stoney’s, 119.
- Sluices, 102.
- Small streams, floods in, 141.
- Soundings, 21.
- Spurs or groynes, 58, 60, 61.
- Stream gauges, 19.
- — diversions of, 73.
- — general tendencies of, 45.
- — information concerning intermittent, 25.
- — — — small, 24, 25.
- — overflow, 46.
- — shifting, 20, 47.
- Sudbury River, Massachusetts, available rainfall, 12.
- Surface slope observations, 22.
- Survey of a stream, 21.
- Sutlej River, silt in, 35.
- Syphons, 132, 135.
- Tay River, silt in, 35.
- Teddington, weir at, 119.
- Tidal estuaries, works in, 198.
- — river, diagrammatic route-guide, 196.
- — rivers, 192.
- — works in, 196.
- Tide-gauges, 192.