Accentus, 32.
Adelphi, 21.
Æschylus, 12.
Agnus Dei, 19.
Alexandria, 18.
"All is divine," 38.
All Souls' day at Edgbaston, 19.
Allegri, 19, 20.
Allen, A. 38.
Andria, 21.
Anglican service, 25.
Architecture, 33-36.
Aristotle, 26.
BacchÆ, 12.
Bach, J.S. 33.
Badeley, E. 23.
Bai, 19, 20.
Baini, 20.
Ballantine-Dykes, Canon, 38.
Barnby, Dr. J. 38.
Barth, T.W. 38.
Basili, 20.
Beethoven, 9, 12-17, 22, 23, 30-32, 35, 36, 39.
Bellasis, E. 38.
Benedict XIV. Pope, 16.
Bennett, Mr. 24, 25.
Berlioz, 15.
Birmingham Festival, 18, 32.
"Oratory choir, 38.
""hymn-book, 23, 27, 29-31, 39.
Bittleston, Rev. H. 31, 32.
Blachford, Lord, 8.
Blanco White, 5, 9, 13.
Bowden, J. 9, 21.
Bowles, Rev. F.S. 10, 22.
Brahms, 18, 19.
Bulwer. Rev. H. Earle, 38.
Burns, J. 31, 37.
Butler, Rev. C.E. 38.
Candlemas, 26.
Canzonet quartet, 18.
Capecelatro, Cardinal, 5, 6, 32, 40.
Caswall, Rev. E. 14, 31, 32.
Catholic service, 26.
Chadwick, Bishop, 32.
Chalmers, Dr. 5.
Cherubini, 18, 32.
Chichester, 25.
Chopin, 14.
Christie, S.J. Rev. A.J. 32.
Coffin, C.SS.R. Bishop. 22.
Consolation, 38.
Conversion, 28, 31.
Copleston, Provost, 8.
Corelli, 13, 16, 20.
Credo, 14.
Crookall, Dr. 30.
Crotch, Dr. 29.
"Daily, daily," 31.
Darnell, Rev. N. 33.
Death, 31.
Dies IrÆ, 15, 19.
Discussions and Arguments, 16.
Don Giovanni, 31.
Dream of Gerontius, 12, 38.
Dublin Review, 16.
Ealing school, 21.
Edgbaston, 8, 19, 24, 28, 39.
Elijah, 17.
Eliseus, 24.
Elvey, Mr. 25.
"Sir G. 25.
Essays, 12, 23, 26.
Eternal Years, 39.
Eunuchus, 21.
Euripides, 12.
Faber, Fr. F.W. 28, 29, 31, 39.
Farm Street Church, 17.
Fidelio, 12.
Froude, R.H. 9, 38.
Gardiner, J.A. 38.
Gatty, C.T. 38.
Gaul, Dr. A.R. 38.
Gigli, Fr. 30.
"God of mercy," 32.
Gothic, 33-36.
Gounod, 15, 17, 18.
Gratry, Fr. 38.
Grecian architecture, 33-36.
Gregorian, 32-37.
Guglielmi, 20.
"Hail, Queen of Heaven," 32.
Hamilton, W. 38.
Handel, 16, 17, 36.
Harvey, Mrs. M.A. 38.
Haven, 22.
Hawkins, Provost, 8.
Haydn, 7, 13, 16, 38.
Heathen Greece, 38.
Heber, Bishop, 32.
Holy Week, 32, 38.
Hume, W. 38.
"I was wandering," 28, 31.
Idea of a University, 5, 6, 16, 24.
In exitu Israel, 12, 33.
"Jesus, My God, behold," 32.
Jewish music, 34, 35.
Jouvency, S.J. Fr. J. 23.
Keble, Rev. J. 29.
Lambert, K.C.B. Sir J. 37.
Latin play, 21.
Lauda Sion, 17.
Layton, H.C. 38.
"Lead, kindly light," 38-40.
Leporello, 31.
Lindley, 11.
Lingard, Dr. 32.
Littlemore, 22.
Lockhart, O.C. Rev. W. 11, 22, 29.
London Oratory choir, 38.
"hymn-book, 28, 29.
"Review, 23.
Loss and Gain, 11, 34, 36.
Lydian mode, 34.
Lyra Apostolica, 38.
"Catholica, 32.
Macfarren, Dr. G.A. 38.
Magnificat, 6.
Maher, S.J. Fr. W. 17.
Mariale Sti. Anselmi, 32.
McCarthy, Rev. Mr. 10.
M'Quoin, Rev. Mr. 10.
Meacham, Dr. C.J.B. 38.
Mendelssohn, 12, 14, 16-18, 30.
Merry England, 34.
Milan Cathedral, 36.
Miserere, 19, 20.
Mixed Congregations, Discourses to, 5.
M'Neill, Canon, 11.
Mon Reale, Sicily, 34.
Month of Mary, 27, 30.
Moorat, S. 30.
Mors et Vita, 15.
Mors stupebit, 19.
MosÉ in Egitto, 20.
Mount of Olives, 14.
Mozart, 13, 16, 17, 30-32, 36, 38.
Mozley, A. Corr. J.H.N. 6-9, 13, 14, 20, 21, 24, 29, 34.
Mozley, Canon J.B. 14.
"Mrs. J. 6, 9, 22.
"Rev. T. 9, 10.
Naples Oratory, 30.
Newman, Mrs. J. 13.
"F.W. 7.
"C.R. 7.
Nicholson, W. 38.
Niedermeyer, 37.
Night, 28.
Norris, Rev. J. 10.
Novello, 28.
"O God, Who canst not change," 38.
"O silly souls," 29.
Oakeley, Canon, 32.
"Sir H. 33.
Okely, Mr. 17.
Omni die, 32.
Oriel College, Oxford, 7, 8.
Otter, J. 38.
Ottoboni, Cardinal, 20.
Oxford University Sermons, 5, 6, 18.
Pagan music, 34, 35.
Palestrina, 12, 20.
Pater noster, 32.
Paternoster Review, 11, 22.
Philomel, 9.
Phrygian mode, 34.
Pianoforte quintet, 18.
Pickering, 31.
Pilgrim Queen, 27, 30, 38.
Pincott, F.G. 38.
Pinsuti, C. 38.
Pitts, W. 28, 30.
Plater, E. 30.
Pleyell, 30.
Pope, Rev. T.A. 40.
Prendergast, A.H. 29.
Psalms, 149th, 150th, and In exitu, 12, 33.
Quam olim, fugue, 19.
Queen of Seasons, 27.
R., J.W. 38.
Rasoumousky quartet, 31.
Redemption, 18.
Regina Apostolorum, 27, 30.
Regulars and St. Philip, 27, 30, 31.
Reinagle, 9, 27.
Requiems, 15, 18, 19.
Rogers, F. 8.
Roman Oratory Choir, 30.
Romberg, 13.
Rosa mystica, 27, 30.
Rose Hill, 9.
Rossini, 20, 21.
Rousseau, J.J. 34.
Rowley, K. 38.
Ryder, Rev. H.I.D. 10.
S., R. 38.
Sacrifice, 39.
St. Philip and the poor, 30.
""in himself, 30, 31.
""in his disciples, 30.
""in his mission, 30.
""in his school, 30.
St. Anselm, 31, 32.
"Clement's, Oxford, 24.
"George's, Windsor, 25.
"Gregory the Great, 37.
"John's, Oxford, 7.
"Magnus, 23.
"Mary's, Oxford, 24, 25.
"Peter's, Rome, 20.
"Philip Neri, 5, 6, 17, 24, 30.
"Thomas Aquinas, 18, 26.
Saul, 24.
Schubert, 12, 16.
Schumann, 16, 18.
Septet, 13.
"Softly and gently, dearly ransom'd soul," 38.
Solvet sÆclum, 19.
Sola, 21.
Sophocles, 12.
Stanfield, Rev. F. 31.
Sullivan, Sir A. 38.
Supper of the Apostles, 18.
Symphony in A major, 12.
""C major, 14.
""C minor, 12.
""D major, 14.
""F major, 14.
""G minor, 18.
Tablet, 24.
Tarugi, Cardinal, 30.
TenebrÆ, 20.
Terence, 21.
"The Angel-lights of Christmas morn," 27.
"The holy monks," 27, 31.
"The red sun is gone," 28.
"There are many saints above," 29.
"There sat a Lady," 27, 30, 38.
Thom's Blanco White, 6.
Tiddeman, M. 38.
Tilleard, J. 38.
"To Jesus' heart all burning," 32.
TonnellÉ, M. 38.
Tozer, F. 38.
Triumphlied, 18.
Two Worlds, 38, 39.
Tunbridge Wells, 12.
Vaughan, C.SS.R. Fr. 32.
Verses on Various Occasions, 22, 23, 27, 39.
Vesper Psalter, 37.
W., E. 38.
Wagner, 16, 18.
Waiting for the morning, 38.
Walker, Canon, 22.
Ward, Dr. W.G. 33.
Warden of Keble, 14.
Warnings, 38.
Watchman, 38.
Waller, W.H. 38.
Webbe, 30.
Wellington, Duke of, 29.
Wesley, Dr. S.S. 38.
Westlake, Mr. 31.
Whitty, S.J. Fr. 10.
Wood, M.A. 38.
Worcester Festival, 24.
ZauberflÖte, 22.
Zingarelli, 20.