The hand telescope finds comparatively little use in observing celestial bodies. It is usually quite too small for any except very limited applications, and cannot be given sufficient power without being difficult to keep steady except by the aid of a fixed mounting. Still, for certain work, especially the observation of variable stars, it finds useful purpose if sufficiently compact and of good light-gathering power. There is most decidedly a limit to the magnifying power which can be given to an instrument held in the hand without making the outfit too unsteady to be serviceable. Anything beyond 8 to 10 diameters is highly troublesome, and requires a rudimentary mount or at least steadying the hand against something in order to observe with comfort. The longer the instrument the more difficult it is to manage, and the best results with hand telescopes are to be obtained with short instruments of relatively large diameter and low power. The ordinary field glass of Galilean type comes immediately to mind and in fact the field glass is and has been much used. As ordinarily constructed it is optically rather crude for astronomical purposes. The objectives are rarely well figured or accurately centered and a bright star usually appears as a wobbly flare rather than a point. Furthermore the field is generally small, and of quite uneven illumination from centre to periphery, so that great caution has to be exercised in judging the brightness of a star, according to its position in the field. The lens diameter possible with a field glass of ordinary construction is limited by the limited distance between the eyes, which must be well centered on the eyepieces to obtain clear vision. The inter-pupillary distance is generally a scant 2½ inches so that the clear aperture of one of the objectives of a field glass is rarely carried up to 2 inches. The best field glasses have each objective a triple cemented lens, and the concave lenses also In selecting a field glass with the idea of using it on the sky try it on a bright star, real or artificial, and if the image with careful focussing does not pull down to a pretty small and uniform point take no further interest in the instrument. Fig. 110.—Optical Parts of Field Glass. The advantage of a binocular instrument is popularly much exaggerated. It gives a somewhat delusive appearance of brilliancy and clearness which is psychological rather than physical. During the late war a very careful research was made at the instance of the United States Government to determine the actual value of a binocular field glass against a monocular one of exactly the same type, the latter being cheaper, lighter, and in many respects much handier. The difference found in point of actual seeing all sorts of objects under varying conditions of illumination was so small as to be practically negligible. An increase of less than 5 per cent in magnifying power enabled one to see with the monocular instrument everything that could be seen with the binocular, equally well, and it is altogether probable that in the matter of seeing fine detail the difference would be even less than in general use, since it is not altogether easy to get the two sides of a binocular working together efficiently or to keep them so afterwards. There has been, therefore, a definite field for monocular hand telescopes of good quality and moderate power and such are manufactured by some of the best Continental makers. Such Fig. 111.—Steinheil Shortened Telescope. A much shortened telescope, as made by Steinheil for solar photographic purposes, is shown in Fig. 111. This instrument with a total length of about 2 feet and a clear aperture of 2? inches gives a solar image of ½ inch diameter, corresponding to an ordinary glass of more than double that total length. Quite the same principle has been applied to terrestrial telescopes by the same maker, giving again an equivalent focus of about double the length of the whole instrument. This identical principle has often been used in the so-called Barlow lens, a negative lens placed between objective and eyepiece and giving increased magnification with small increase of length; also photographic enlargers of substantially similar function have found considerable use. A highly efficient hand telescope for astronomical purposes might be constructed along this line, the great shortening of the instrument making it possible to use somewhat higher powers than the ordinary without too much loss of steadiness. There is also constructed a binocular for strictly astronomical use consisting of a pair of small hand comet-seekers. One of these little instruments is shown in Fig. 112. It has a clear diameter of objectives of 1? inch, magnification of 5, and a brilliant and even field of 7½° aperture. The objectives are triplets like Fig. 57, already referred to, the oculars achromatic doublets of the type of Fig. 104a. With the exception of these specialized astronomical field glasses the most useful and generally available hand instrument is the prism glass now in very general use. It is based on reversal of the image by internal total reflection in two prisms having their reflecting surfaces perpendicular each to the other. The Fig. 112.—Astronomical Binocular. This is nothing more nor less than a right angled glass prism set with its hypothenuse face parallel and with its sides at 45° to the optical axis of the instrument. Rays falling upon one of its refracting faces at an angle of 45° are refracted upon the hypothenuse face, are there totally reflected and emerge from the second face of the prism parallel to their original course. Inspection of Fig. 113 shows that an element like A B perpendicular to the plane of the hypothenuse face is inverted by the total reflection so that it takes the position A' B'. It is equally clear that an element exactly perpendicular to A B will be reflected from the hypothenuse face flatwise as it were, and will emerge without its ends being reversed so that the net effect of this single reflection is to invert the image without reversing it laterally at the same time. On the other hand if a second prism be placed behind the first, flat upon its side, with its hypothenuse face occupying a plane exactly perpendicular to that of the first prism, the line A'B' will be refracted, totally reflected and refracted again out of the prism without a second inversion, while a line perpendicular to A'B' will be refracted endwise on the hypothenuse face of the second prism and will be inverted as was the line A B at the start. Fig. 113.—Reversion Prism. Consequently two prisms thus placed will completely invert the image, producing exactly the same effect as the ordinary inverting system Fig. 106. The simple reversion prism is useful as furnishing a means, when placed over an eye lens, and rotated, of revolving the image on itself, a procedure occasionally convenient, especially in stellar photometry. The two prisms together constitute a true inverting system and have been utilized in that function, but they give a rather small angular field and Fig. 114.—Dove’s Prisms. The first actual prismatic inverting system was due to M. Porro, who invented it about the middle of the last century, and later brought it out commercially under the name of “Lunette À Napoleon TroisiÉme,” as a glass for military purposes. Fig. 115.—Porro’s Prism System. The prism system of this striking form of instrument is shown in Fig. 115. It was composed of three right angle prisms A, B, and C. A presented a cathetus face to the objective and B a cathetus face to the ocular. Obviously a vertical element brought in along a from the objective would be reflected at the hypothenuse face b, to a position at right angles to the original one, would enter the hypothenuse face of C and thence after two reflections at c and d flatwise and without change of direction would emerge, enter the lower cathetus face of B and by reflection at the hypothenuse face e of B would be turned another 90° making a complete reversion as regards up and down at the eye placed at f. An element initially at right angles to the one just considered would enter A, be reflected flatwise, in the faces of C be twice reflected endwise, thereby completely inverting it, Fig. 116.—Lunette À Napoleon TroisiÉme. From ocular to objective the length was about an inch and a half. It was of 10 power and took in a field of 45 yards at a distance of 1000 yards. Here for the first time we find a prismatic inverting system of strictly modern type. And it is interesting to note that if one had wished to make a binocular “Lunette À Napoleon TroisiÉme” he would inevitably have produced an instrument with enhanced stereoscopic effect like the modern prism field glass by the mere effort to dodge the observer’s nose. Somewhat earlier M. Porro had arranged his prisms in the present conventional form of Fig. 117, where two right angle prisms have their faces positioned in parallel planes, but turned around by 90° as in Fig. 114. The ray traced through this conventional system shows that exactly the same inversion occurs here as in the original Porro construction, and this form is the one which has been most commonly used for prismatic inversion and is conveniently known as Porro’s first form, it actually having been antecedent in principle and practice to the Fig. 117.—Porro’s First Form of Prisms. Cosmos, Vol. 2, p. 222.—“We have wished for some time to make known to our readers the precious advantages of the “longue-vue cornet” or tÉlÉmetre of M. Porro. Ordinary spyglasses or terrestrial telescopes of small dimensions are at least 30 or 40 cm. long when extended to give distinct vision of distant objects. The length is considerably reduced by substituting for a fixed tube multiple tubes sliding into each other. But the drawing out which this substitution necessitates is a somewhat grave inconvenience; one cannot point the telescope without arranging it and losing time. For a long time we have wished it were possible to have the power of viewing distant objects, with telescopes very short and without draw. M. Porro’s “longue-vue cornet” seems to us to solve completely this difficult and important problem. Its construction rests upon an exceedingly ingenious artifice which literally folds triply the axis of the telescope and the luminous ray so that by this fact alone the length of the instrument is reduced by two-thirds. Let us try to give an idea of this construction: Behind the telescope objective M. Porro places a rectangular isosceles prism of which the hypothenuse is perpendicular to the optic axis. The luminous rays from the object fall upon the rectangular faces of this prism, are twice totally reflected, and return upon themselves parallel to their original direction: half way to the point where they would form the image of the object, they are arrested by a second prism entirely similar to the first, which returns them to their original direction and sends them to the eyepiece through which we observe the real image. If the rectangular faces of the second prism were parallel to the faces of the first, this real image would be inverted—the telescope would be an astronomical and not a terrestrial telescope. But M. Porro being an optician eminently dextrous, well divined that to effect the reinversion it sufficed to place the rectangular faces of the second prism perpendicular to the corresponding faces of the first by turning them a quarter revolution upon themselves. In effect, a quarter revolution of a reflecting surface is a half revolution for the image, and a half revolution of the image The new telescope is then a true pocket telescope even with a magnifying power of 10 or 15. Its dimensions in length and bulk are those of a field glass usually magnifying only 4 to 6 times. The more draws, the more bother,—it here suffices to turn a little thumbscrew to find in an instant the point of sharpest vision. In brilliancy necessarily cut down a little, not by the double total reflection, which as is well known does not lose light, but by the quadruple passage across the substance of the two prisms, the cornet in sharpness and amplification of the images can compare with the best hunting telescopes of the celebrated optician Ploessl of Vienna. M. Porro has constructed upon the same principles a marine telescope only 15 c.m. long with an objective of 40 m.m. aperture which replaces an ordinary marine glass 70 c.m. long. He has done still better,—a telescope only 30 c.m. long carries a 60 m.m. objective and can be made by turns a day and a night glass, by substituting by a simple movement of the hand and without dismounting anything, one ocular for the other. Its brilliancy and magnification of a dozen times with the night ocular, of twenty-five times with the day ocular, permits observing without difficulty the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter. This is evidently immense progress. One of the most illustrious of German physicists, M. Dove of Berlin, gave in 1851 the name of reversion prism to the combination of two prisms placed normally one behind the other so that their corresponding faces were perpendicular. He presented this disposition as an important new discovery made by himself. He doubtless did not know that M. Porro, who deserves all the honor of this charming application, had realized it long before him.” Fig. 118.—Porro’s Second Form. A little later M. Porro produced what is commonly referred to as Porro’s second form, which is derived directly from annexing A Fig. 115 to the corresponding half of C as a single prism, the other half of B being similarly annexed to the prism C, thus form Fig. 119.—Clark Prismatic Eyepiece. This particular arrangement lends itself very readily to a fairly compact and symmetrical mounting, as is well shown in Fig. 119 which is the terrestrial prismatic eyepiece as constructed by the Alvan Clark corporation for application to various astronomical telescopes of their manufacture. A glance at the cut shows the compactness of the arrangement, which actually shortens the linear distance between objective and ocular by the amount of The field moreover is much larger than that attainable by a construction like Fig. 110, extending to something over 40°, and there is no strong tendency for the illumination or definition to fall off near the edge of the field. In the practical construction of prism field glasses the two right angled prisms are usually separated by a moderate space as in Porro’s original instruments so as to shorten the actual length of the prism telescope by folding the ray upon itself as in Fig. 120, which is a typical modern binocular of this class. Fig. 120.—Section of Prism Binocular. The path of the rays is plainly shown and the manner in which the prisms fold up the total focal length of the objective is quite obvious. The added stereoscopic effect obtained by the arrangement of the two sides of the instrument is practically a very material gain. It gives admirable modelling of the visible field, a perception of distance which is at least very noticeable and a certain power of penetration, as through a mass of underbrush, which results from the objectives to a certain extent seeing around small objects so that one or the other of them gives an image of something beyond. For near objects there is some exaggeration of stereoscopic effect but on the whole for terrestrial use the net gain is decidedly in evidence. A well made prism binocular is an extremely useful instrument for observation of the heavens, provided the objectives are of fair The weak points of the prism glass are great loss of light through reflection at the usual 10 air-glass surfaces and the general presence of annoying ghosts of bright objects in the field. Most such binoculars have Kellner eyepieces which are peculiarly bad, as we have seen, with respect to reflected images, and present the plane surface of the last prism to the plane front of the field lens. Recently some constructors have utilized the orthoscopic eyepiece, Figure 105a, as a substitute with great advantage in the matter of reflections. The loss of light in the prism glass is really a serious matter, between reflection at the surfaces and absorption in the thick masses of glass necessary in the prisms. If of any size the transmitted light is not much over one-half of that received, very seldom above 60%. If the instrument is properly designed the apparent field is in the neighborhood of 45°, substantially flat and fairly evenly illuminated. Warning should here be given however that many binoculars are on the market in which the field is far from flat and equally far from being uniform. In many instances the prisms are too small to take the whole bundle of rays from the objective back to the image plane without cutting down the marginal light considerably. Even when the field is apparently quite flat this fault of uneven illumination may exist, and in a glass for astronomical uses it is highly objectionable. Before picking out a binocular for a study of the sky make very careful trial of the field with respect to flatness and clean definition of objects up to the very edge. Then judge as accurately as you may of the uniformity of illumination, if possible by observation on two stars about the radius of the field apart. It should be possible to observe them in any part of the field without detectable change in their apparent brilliancy. If the objectives are easily removable unscrew one of them to obtain a clear idea as to the actual size of the prisms. The objectives of prism glasses usually run from ¾ inch to 1½ inch in diameter, and the powers from 6 to 12. The bigger the objectives the better, provided the prisms are of ample size, while higher power than 6 or 8 is generally unnecessary and disadvantageous. Occasional glasses of magnifying power 12 to 20 or more are to be found but such powers are inconveniently great for an instrument used without support. Do not forget that a first class monocular prism glass is extremely convenient and satisfactory in use, to say nothing of being considerably less in price than the instrument for two eyes. A monocular prism glass, by the way, makes an admirable finder when fitted with coarse cross lines in the eyepiece. It is particularly well suited to small telescopes without circles. Fig. 121.—Binocular with Extreme Stereoscopic Effect. Numerous modifications of Porro’s inverting prisms have been made adapting them to different specific purposes. Of these a single familiar example will suffice as showing the way in which the Porro prism system can be treated by mere rearrangement of the prismatic elements. In Fig. 121 is shown a special Zeiss binocular capable of extreme stereoscopic effect. It is formed of two Porro prism telescopes with the rays brought into the objectives at right angles to the axis of the instrument by a right angled prism external to the objective. The apertures of these prisms appear pointing forward in the cut. As shown they are in a position of maximum stereoscopic effect. Being hinged the tubes can be swung up from the horizontal position, in which latter the objectives are separated by something like eight times the interocular distance. The stereoscopic effect with the tubes horizontal is of course greatly exaggerated so that it enables one to form a fair judgment as to the relative position of somewhat distant objects, a feature useful in locating shell bursts. The optical structure of one of the pair of telescopes is shown in Fig. 122 in which the course of the entering ray can be traced Fig. 122.—Path of Ray in Fig. 121. One occasionally meets prismatic inverting systems differing considerably from the Porro forms. Perhaps the best known of these is the so called roof prism due to Prof. AbbÉ, Fig. 123, and occasionally useful in that the entering and emerging rays lie in the same straight line, thus forming a direct vision system. Looking at it as we did at the Porro system a vertical element in front of the prism is reversed in reflection from the two surfaces a and b, while a corresponding horizontal element is reflected flatwise so far as these are concerned, but is turned end for end by reflection at the roof surfaces c and d, thus giving complete inversion. In practice the prism is made as shown, in three parts, two of them right angled prisms, the third containing the roof surfaces. The extreme precision required in figuring the roof forms a considerable obstacle to the production of such prisms in quantity and while they have found convenient use in certain special instruments like gunsights, where direct vision is useful, they are not extensively employed for general purposes, although both monocular and binocular instruments have been constructed by their aid. Fig. 123.—AbbÉ Roof Prism. One other variety of prism involving the roof principle has found some application in field glasses manufactured by the firm Most prism telescopes both monocular and binocular are generally made on one or the other of the Porro forms. This is particularly true of the large binoculars which are occasionally constructed. Porro’s second form with the sphenoid prisms seems to be best adapted to cases where shortening of the instrument is not a paramount consideration. For example, some Zeiss short focus telescopes are regularly made in binocular form, and supplied with inverting systems composed of two sphenoid prisms, and with oculars constructed on the exact principle of the triple nose-piece of a microscope, so that three powers are immediately available to the observer. Fig. 124.—Hensoldt Prism. Still less commonly binocular telescopes of considerable aperture are constructed, primarily for astronomical use, being provided with prismatic inversion for terrestrial employment, but more particularly in order to gain by the lateral displacement of a Porro system the space necessary for two objectives of considerable size. As we have already seen, the practical diameter of objectives in a binocular is limited to a trifle over 2 inches unless space is so gained. The largest prismatic binocular as yet constructed is one made years ago by the Clarks, of 6¼ inches objective aperture and 92¼ inches focal length. So big and powerful an instrument obviously would give admirable binocular views of the heavens and so accurately was it constructed that the reports of its performance were exceedingly good. The same firm has made a good many similar binoculars of 3 inch and above, of which a typical example of 4 inch aperture and 60 Fig. 125.—Clark 4 Binocular Telescope. |