Glass, one of the most remarkable and useful products of man’s devising, had an origin now quite lost in the mists of antiquity. It dates back certainly near a thousand years before the Christian era, perhaps many centuries more. Respecting its origin there are only traditions of the place, quite probably Syria, and of the accidental melting together of sand and soda. The product, sodium silicate, readily becomes a liquid, i.e., “water-glass,” but the elder Pliny, who tells the story, recounts the later production of a stable vitreous body by the addition of a mineral which was probably a magnesia limestone. This combination would give a good permanent glass, whether the story is true or not, and very long before Pliny’s time glass was made in great variety of composition and color. In fact in default of porcelain glass was used in Roman times relatively more than now. But without knowledge of optics there was no need for glass of optical quality, it was well into the Renaissance before its manufacture had reached a point where anything of the sort could be made available even in small pieces, and it is barely over a century since glass-making passed beyond the crudest empiricism. Glass is substantially a solid solution of silica with a variety of metallic oxides, chiefly those of sodium, potassium, calcium and lead, sometimes magnesium, boron, zinc, barium and others. By itself silica is too refractory to work easily, though silica glass has some very valuable properties, and the alkaline oxides in particular serve as the fluxes in common use. Other oxides are added to obtain various desired properties, and some impurities may go with them. The melted mixture is thus a somewhat complex solution containing frequently half a dozen ingredients. Each has its own natural melting and vaporizing point, so that while the blend remains fairly uniform it may tend to lose some constituent while molten, or in cooling to promote the crystallization of another, if held too near its particular freezing point. Some combinations are more likely to give trouble from this cause than others, and while Many mixtures entirely suitable for common commercial purposes are out of the question for lens making, through tendency to surface deterioration by weathering, lack of homogeneous quality, or objectionable coloration. A very small amount of iron in the sand used at the start gives the green tinge familiar in cheap bottles, which materially decreases the transparency. The bottle maker often adds oxide of manganese to the mixture, which naturally of itself gives the glass a pinkish tinge, and so apparently whitens it by compensating the one absorption by another. The resulting glass looks all right on a casual glance, but really cuts off a very considerable amount of light. A further difficulty is that glass differs very much in its degree of fluidity, and its components sometimes seem to undergo mutual reactions that evolve persistent fine bubbles, besides reacting with the fireclay of the melting pot and absorbing impurities from it. The molten glass is somewhat viscous and far from homogeneous. Its character suggests thick syrup poured into water, and producing streaks and eddies of varying density. Imagine such a mixture suddenly frozen, and you have a good idea of a common condition in glass, transparent, but full of striÆ. These are frequent enough in poor window glass, and are almost impossible completely to get rid of, especially in optical glass of some of the most valuable varieties. The great improvement introduced by Guinand was constant stirring of the molten mass with a cylinder of fire clay, bringing bubbles to the surface and keeping the mass thoroughly mixed from its complete fusion until, very slowly cooling, it became too viscous to stir longer. The fine art of the process seems to be the exact combination of temperature, time, and stirring, suitable for each composition of the glass. There are, too, losses by volatilization during melting, and even afterwards, that must be reckoned with in the proportions of the various materials put into the melting, and in the temperatures reached and maintained. One cannot deduce accurately the percentage mixture of the raw materials from an analysis of the glass, and it is notorious that the product even of the best manufacturers not infrequently fails to run quite true to type. Therefore the optical properties of each melting have carefully to be ascertained, and the product listed either as a very slight variant from its standard type, or as an odd lot, useful, but quite special in properties. Some of these odd meltings in fact have optical peculiarities the regular reproduction of which would be very desirable. The purity of the materials is of the utmost importance in producing high grade glass for optical or other purposes. The silica is usually introduced in the form of the purest of white sand carrying only a few hundredths of one per cent of impurities in the way of iron, alumina and alkali. The ordinary alkalis go in preferably as carbonates, which can be obtained of great purity; although in most commercial glass the soda is used in the form of “salt-cake,” crude sodium sulphate. Calcium, magnesium, and barium generally enter the melt as carbonates, zinc and lead as oxides. Alumina, like iron, is generally an impurity derived from felspar in the sand, but occasionally enters intentionally as pure natural felspar, or as chemically prepared hydrate. A few glasses contain a minute amount of arsenic, generally used in the form of arsenious acid, and still more rarely other elements enter, ordinarily as oxides. Whatever the materials, they are commonly rather fine ground and very thoroughly mixed, preferably by machinery, before going into the furnaces. Glass furnaces are in these days commonly gas fired, and fall into two general classes, those in which the charge is melted in a huge tank above which the gas flames play, and those in which the charge is placed in crucibles or pots open or nearly closed, directly heated by the gas. In the tank furnaces the production is substantially continuous, the active melting taking place at one end, where the materials are introduced, while the clear molten glass flows to the cooler end of the tank or to a cooler compartment, whence it is withdrawn for working. The ordinary method of making optical glass is by a modification of the pot process, each pot being fired separately to permit better regulation of the temperature. The pots themselves are of the purest of fire clay, of moderate capacity, half a ton or so, and arched over to protect the contents The fundamental difference between the making of optical glass and the ordinary commercial varieties lies in the individual treatment of each charge necessary to secure uniformity and regularity, carried even to the extent of cooling each melting very slowly in its own pot, which is finally broken up to recover the contents. The tank furnaces are under heat week in and week out, may hold several hundred tons, and on this account cannot so readily be held to exactness of composition and quality. The optical glass works, too, is provided with a particularly efficient set of preheating and annealing kilns, for the heat treatment of pots and glass must be of the most careful and thorough kind. The production of a melting of optical glass begins with a very gradual heating of the pot to a bright red heat in one of the kilns. It is then transferred to its furnace which has been brought to a similar temperature, sealed in by slabs of firebrick, leaving its mouth easy of access, and then the heat is pushed up to near the melting temperature of the mixture in production, which varies over a rather wide range, from a moderate white heat to the utmost that a regenerative gas furnace can conveniently produce. After the heating comes the rather careful process of charging. The mixture is added a portion at a time, since the fused material tends to foam, and the raw material as a solid is more bulky than the fluid. The chemical reactions as the mass fuses are somewhat complex. In their simplest form they represent the formation of silicates. At high temperatures the silica acts as a fairly strong acid, and decomposes the fused carbonates of sodium and potassium with evolution of gas. This is the rationale of the fluxing action of such alkaline substances of rather low melting point. Other mixtures act somewhat analogously but in a fashion commonly too complex to follow. The final result is a thick solution, and the chief concern of the optical glass maker is to keep it homogeneous, free from bubbles, and as nearly colorless as practicable. To the first two ends the temperature is pushed up to gain fluidity, and frequently substances are added (e.g., arsenic) which by volatility or chemical effect tend to form large bubbles from the entrained gases, cap The stirrer is a hard baked cylinder of fire clay fastened to an iron bar. First heated in the mouth of the pot, the stirrer is plunged in the molten glass and given a steady rotating motion, the long bar being swivelled and furnished with a wooden handle for the workman. This stirring is kept up pretty steadily while the heat is very slowly reduced until the mass is too thick to manage, the process taking, for various mixtures and conditions, from three or four hours to the better part of a day. Fig. 37.—Testing Optical Glass in the Rough. Then begins the careful and tedious process of cooling. Fairly rapid until the mass is solid enough to prevent the formation of fresh striÆ, the cooling is continued more slowly, in the furnace or after removal to the annealing oven, until the crucible is cool enough for handling, the whole process generally taking a week or more. Then the real trouble begins. The crucible is broken away and there is found a more or less cracked mass of glass, sometimes badly broken up, again furnishing a clear lump weighing some hundreds of pounds. This glass is then carefully picked over and examined for flaws, striÆ and other imperfections. These can sometimes be chipped away with more or less breaking up of the mass. The inspection of the glass in the raw is facilitated by the scheme shown in elevation Fig. 37. Here A is a tank with parallel sides of plate glass. In it is placed B the rough block of glass, and the tank is then filled with a liquid which can be brought to the same refractive power as the glass, as in Newton’s disastrous experiment. When equality is reached for, say, yellow light, one can see directly through the block, the The fraction that passes inspection may be found to be from much less than a quarter to a half of the whole. This good glass is then ready for the next operation, forming and fine annealing. The final form to be reached is a disc or block, and the chunks of perfect glass are heated in a kiln until plastic, and then moulded into the required shapes, sometimes concave or convex discs suitable for small lenses. Then the blocks are transferred to a kiln and allowed to cool off very gradually, for several days or weeks according to the size of the blocks and the severity of the requirements they must meet. In the highest class of work the annealing oven has thermostatic control and close watch is kept by the pyrometer. It is clear that the chance of getting a large and perfect chunk from the crucible is far smaller than that of getting fragments of a few pounds, so that the production of a perfect disc for a large objective requires both skill and luck. Little wonder therefore that the price of discs for the manufacture of objectives increases substantially as the cube of the diameter. The process of optical glass making as here described is the customary one, used little changed since the days of Guinand. The great advances of the last quarter century have been in the production of new varieties having certain desirable qualities, and in a better understanding of the conditions that bring a uniform product of high quality. During the world war the greatly increased demand brought most extraordinary activity in the manufacture, and especially in the scientific study of the problems involved, both here and abroad. The result has been a long step toward quantity production, the discovery that modifications of the tank process could serve to produce certain varieties of optical glass of at least fair quality, and great improvements in the precision and rapidity of annealing. These last are due to the use of the electric furnace, the study of the strains during annealing under polarized light, and scientific pyrometry. It is found that cooling can be much hastened over certain ranges of temperature, and the total time required very greatly shortened. It has also been discovered, thanks to captured instruments, that some of the glasses commonly regarded Conventionally optical glass is of two classes, crown and flint. Originally the former was a simple compound of silica with soda and potash, sometimes also lime or magnesia, while the latter was rich in lead oxide and with less of alkali. The crown had a low index of refraction and small dispersion, the flint a high index and strong dispersion. Crown glass was the material of general use, while the flint glass was the variety used in cut glass manufacture by reason of its brilliancy due to the qualities just noted. Fig. 38.—The Index of Refraction. The refractive index is the ratio between the sine of the angle of incidence on a lens surface and that of the angle of refraction in passing the surface. Fig. 38 shows the relation of the incident and refracted rays in passing from air into the glass lens surface L, and the sines of the angles which determine n, the conventional symbol for the index of refraction. Here i is the angle of incidence and r the angle of refraction i.e. n = s/s'. The indices of refraction are usually given for specific colors representing certain lines in the spectrum, commonly A¹, the potassium line in the extreme red, C the red line due to hydrogen, D the sodium line, F the blue hydrogen line and G' the blue-violet line hydrogen line, and are distinguished as nc, nd, nf, etc. The standard dispersion (dn) for visual rays is given as between C and F, while the standard refractivity is taken for D, in the bright yellow part of the spectrum. (Note. For the convenience of those who are rusty on their trigonometry, Fig. 39 shows the simpler trigonometric functions of an angle. Thus the sine of the angle A is, numerically, the length of the radius divided into the length of Ordinarily the index of refraction of the crown was taken as about 3/2, that of the flint as about 8/5. As time has gone on and especially since the new glasses from the Jena works were introduced about 35 years ago, one cannot define crowns and flints in any such simple fashion, for there are crowns of high index and flints of low dispersion. Fig.39.—The Simple Trigonometric Functions of an Angle. The following table gives the optical data and chemical analyses of a few typical optical glasses. The list includes common crowns and flints, a typical baryta crown and light flint, and a telescope crown and flint for the better achromatization of objectives, as developed at the Jena works. The thing most conspicuous here as distinguishing crowns from flints is that the latter have greater relative dispersion in the blue, the former in the red end of the spectrum, as shown by the bracketed ratios. This as we shall see is of serious consequence in making achromatic objectives. In general, too, the values of ? for flints are much lower than for crowns, and the indices of refraction themselves commonly higher. As we have just seen, glass comes to the optician in blocks or discs, for miscellaneous use the former, three or four inches square and an inch think, more or less; for telescope making the latter. The discs are commonly some ten percent greater in diameter than the finished objective for which they are intended, and in thickness from 1/8 to 1/10 the diameter. They are commonly well annealed and given a preliminary polish on both sides to facilitate close inspection.
The first step toward the telescope is the testing of these discs of glass, first for the presence or absence of striÆ and other imperfections; second, for the perfection of the annealing. The maker has usually looked out for all the grosser imperfections before the discs left his works, but a much closer inspection is needed in order to make the best use of the glass. Fig. 40.—Testing Glass for StriÆ. Bad striÆ are of course seen easily, as they would be in a window pane, but such gross imperfections are often in reality less damaging than the apparently slighter ones which must be searched for. The simplest test is to focus a good telescope on an artificial star, remove the eyepiece and bring the eye into its place. When the eye is in focus the whole aperture of the objective is uniformly filled with light, and if the disc to be tested be placed in front of it, any inequality in refraction will announce itself by an inequality of illumination. A rough judgment as to the seriousness of the defect may be formed from the area affected and the amount by which it affects the local intensity of illumination. Fig. 40 shows the arrangement for the test, A being the eye, B the objective and C the disc. The artificial star is conveniently made by setting a black bottle in the sun a hundred feet or so away and getting the reflection from its shoulder. Fig. 41.—The Mirror Test for StriÆ. A somewhat more delicate test, very commonly used, is shown in Fig. 41. Here A is a truly spherical mirror silvered on the front. At B very close to its centre of curvature is placed a lamp with a screen in front of it perforated with a hole 1/32 inch or so in diameter. The rays reflected from the mirror come back quite exactly upon themselves and when the eye is placed at C, their reflected focus, the whole mirror A is uniformly lighted just as the lens was in Fig. 40, with the incidental advantage that it is much easier and cheaper to obtain a spherical mirror for testing a sizeable disc than an objective of similar size and quality. Now placing the disc D in front of the mirror, the light passing twice through it shows up the slightest stria or other imperfection as a streak or spot in the field. Its place is obvious and can be at once marked on the glass, but its exact position in the substance of the disc is not so obvious. To determine this, which may indicate that the fault can be ground out in shaping the lens, a modification of the first test serves well, as indeed it does for the general examination of large discs. Instead of using a distant artificial star and a telescope, one uses the lamp and screen, or even a candle flame ten feet or more away and a condensing lens of rather short focus, which may or may not be achromatic, so that the eye will get into its focus conveniently while the lens is held in the hand. Fig. 42 shows the arrangement. Here A is the eye, B the condensing lens, C the disc and D the source of light. The condensing lens may be held on either side of the disc as convenience suggests, and either disc or lens may be moved. The operation is substantially the examination of a large disc piecemeal, instead of all at once by the use of a big objective or mirror. Fig. 42.—Locating StriÆ in the Substance of a Disc. Now when a stria has been noted mark its location as to the surface, and, moving the eye a little, look for parallax of the fault with respect to the surface mark. If it appears to shift try a mark on the opposite surface in the same way. Comparison of the two inspections will show about where the fault lies with respect to the surfaces, and therefore what is the chance of working it out. Sometimes a look edgewise of the disc will help in the diagnosis. Numerous barely detectable striÆ are usually worse than one or two conspicuous ones, for the latter frequently throw the light they transmit so wide of the focus that it does not affect the image, which could be greatly damaged by slight blurs of light that just miss focus. Given a disc that passes well the tests for striÆ and the like the next step is to examine the perfection of the annealing, which in its larger aspect is revealed by an examination in polarized light. Fig. 43.—Testing a Disc in Polarized Light. For this purpose the disc is set up against a frame placed on table or floor with a good exposure to skylight behind it, and inclined about 35° from the vertical. Behind it is laid a flat shiny surface to serve as polarizer. Black enamel cloth smoothly laid, a glass plate backed with black paint, or even a smooth board painted with asphalt paint will answer excellently. Then holding a Nicol prism before the eye and looking perpendicular to the face of the disc, rotate the prism on its axis. Fig. 43 shows the arrangement, A being the eye, B the Nicol, C the disc, and D the polarizer behind it. If annealing has left no strain the only effect of rotating the Nicol will be to change the field from bright to dark and back again as if the disc were not there. Generally a pattern in the form of a somewhat hazy Maltese cross will appear, with its arms crossing the disc, growing darker and lighter alternately as the Nicol is turned. If the cross is strongly marked but symmetrical and well centered the annealing is fair—better as the cross is fainter and hazier—altogether bad if colors show plainly or if the cross is decentered or distorted. The test is extremely sensitive, so that holding a finger on the surface of the disc may produce local strain that will show as a faint cloudy spot. A disc free of striÆ and noticeable annealing strains is usually, but not invariably, good, for too frequent reheating in the moulding or annealing process occasionally leaves the glass slightly altered, the effect extending, at worst, to the crystallization or devitrification to which reference has been made. Given a good pair of discs the first step towards fashioning them into an objective is roughing to the approximate form desired. As a guide to the shaping of the necessary curves, templets must be made from the designed curves of the objective as precisely as possible. These are laid out by striking the necessary radii with beam compass or pivoted wire and scribing the curve on thin steel, brass, zinc or glass. The two last are the easier to work since they break closely to form. From these templets the roughing tools are turned up, commonly from cast iron, and with these, supplied with carborundum or even sand, and water, the discs, bearing against the revolving tool, are ground to the general shape required. They are then secured to a slowly revolving table, bearing edgewise against a revolving grindstone, and ground truly circular and of the proper final diameter. At this point begins the really careful work of fine grinding, which must bring the lens very close to its exact final shape. Here again tools of cast iron, or sometimes brass, are used, very precisely brought to shape according to the templets. They are grooved on the face to facilitate the even distribution of the abrasive, emery or fine carborundum, and the work is generally done on a special grinding machine, which moves the tool over the firmly supported disc in a complicated series of strokes imitating more or less closely the strokes found to be most effective in hand polishing. In general terms the operator in handwork at this task supports the disc on a firm vertical post, by cementing it to a suitable holder, and then moves the tool over it in a series of straight or oval strokes, meanwhile walking around the post. A skilful operator watches the progress of his work, varies the length and Fig. 44.—Dr. Draper’s Polishing Machine. The polishing machine, of which a type used by Dr. Draper is shown in Fig. 44, produces a similar motion, the disc slowly revolving and the rather small tool moving over it in oval strokes kept off the center. More often the tool is of approximately the same diameter as the disc under it. The general character of the motion is evident from the construction. The disc a is chucked by c c' on the bed, turned by the post d and worm wheel e. This is operated from the pulleys, i, g, which drive through k, the crank m, adjustable in throw by the nuts n, n', and in position of tool by the clamps r, r. The motion may be considerably varied by adjustment of the machine, always keeping the stroke from repeating on the same part of the disc, by making the period of the revolution and of the stroke incommensurable so far as may be. Even in spectacle grinding machines the stroke may repeat only once in hundreds of times, and even this frequency in a big objective would, if followed in the polishing, leave tool marks which could be detected in the final testing. In the fine grinding, especially near the end of the process, the templets do not give sufficient precision in testing the curves, and recourse is had to the spherometer, by which measurements down to about 1/100000 inch can be consistently made. The next stage of operations is polishing, which transforms the grey translucency of the fine ground lens into the clear and brilliant surface which at last permits rigorous optical tests to be used for the final finish of the lens. This polishing is done gen The polishing tool is in any case ground true and is then faced with a somewhat yielding material to carry the charge of rouge. Cheap lenses are commonly worked on a cloth polisher, a texture similar to billiard cloth being suitable, or sometimes on paper worked dry. With care either may produce a fairly good surface, with, however, a tendency to polish out the minute hollows left by grinding rather than to cut a true surface clear down to their bottoms. Hence cloth or paper is likely to leave microscopic inequalities apparently polished, and this may be sufficient to scatter over the field a very perceptible amount of light which should go to forming the image. All first class objectives and mirrors are in fact polished on optician’s pitch. This is not the ordinary pitch of commerce but a substance of various composition, sometimes an asphaltic compound, again on a base of tar, or of resin brought to the right consistency by turpentine. Whatever the exact composition, the fundamental property is that the material, apparently fairly hard and even brittle when cold, is actually somewhat plastic to continued pressure. Sealing wax has something of this quality, for a stick which may readily be broken will yet bend under its own weight if supported at the ends. If the fine grinding process has been properly carried out the lens has received its correct form as nearly as gauges and the spherometer can determine it. The next step is to polish the surface as brilliantly and evenly as possible. To this end advantage is taken of the plastic quality already mentioned, that the glass may form its own tool. The base of the tool may be anything convenient, metal, glass or even wood. Its working surface is made as nearly of the right curvature as practicable and it is then coated with warm pitch to a thickness of an eighth of an inch more or less, either continuously or in squares, and while still slightly warm the tool is placed against the fine ground disc, the exact shape of which it takes. When cold the pitch surface can easily be cut out into squares or symmetrically pitted with a suitable tool, at once facilitating the distribution of the rouge and water that serves for polishing, and permitting delicate adjustment of the working curvature in a way about to be described. Fig. 45 shows the squared surface of the tool as it would be used for polishing a plane or very slightly convex or concave surface. Supplied with the thin abrasive paste, it is allowed to settle, cold, into its final contact with the glass, and then the process of polishing by hand or machine is started. The action of the tool must be uniform to avoid changing the shape of the lens. It can be regulated as it was in the grinding, by varying the length and character of the stroke, but even more delicately by varying the extent of surface covered by the pitch actually working on the glass. Fig. 45.—Tool for Flat Surface. Fig. 46.—Tool for Concave Surface. This is done by channeling or boring away pitch near the rim or center of the tool as the case may be. Fig. 46 shows a tool which has been thus treated so that the squares are progressively smaller near the periphery. Such a spacing tends to produce a concave surface from a flat tool or to increase the concavity from a curved one. Trimming down the squares towards the centre produces the opposite result. Broadly, the principle is that the tool cuts the more in the areas where the contact surfaces are the greater. This is not wholly by reason of greater abrading surface, but also because where the contact is greater in area the pitch settles less, from the diminished pressure, thus increasing the effective contact. Clearly the effect of trimming away is correlated with the form and length of stroke, and the temper of the pitch, and in fact it requires the wisdom of the serpent to combine these various factors so as to produce the perfectly uniform and regular action required in polishing. Now and then, at brief intervals, Polishing, if the fine grinding has been judiciously done is, for moderate sized surfaces, a matter of only a few hours. It proceeds quite slowly at first while the hills are being ground down and then rather suddenly comes up brilliantly as the polisher reaches the bottoms of the valleys. Large lenses and mirrors may require many days. Now begins the final and extraordinarily delicate process of figuring. The lens or mirror has its appointed form as nearly as the most precise mechanical methods can tell—say down to one or two hundred-thousandths of an inch. From the optical standpoint the result may be thoroughly bad, for an error of a few millionths of an inch may be serious in the final performance. The periphery may be by such an amount longer or shorter in radius than it should be, or there may be an intermediate zone that has gone astray. In case of a mirror the original polishing is generally intended to leave a spherical surface which must be converted into a paraboloidal one by a change in curvature totalling only a few hundred-thousandths of an inch and seriously affected by much smaller variations. The figuring is done in a fashion very similar to the polishing. The first step is to find out by optical tests such as are described in Chapter IX the location of the errors existing after the polishing, and once found, they must be eliminated by patient and cautious work on the surface. Every optical expert has his own favorite methods of working out the figure. If there is a hollow zone the whole surface must be worked down to its level by repolishing; if, on the other hand, there is an annular hump, one may repolish with stroke and tool-face adapted to cut it down, or one may cautiously polish it out until it merges with the general level. Polishing is commonly done with tools of approximately the size of the work, but in figuring there is great difference of practice, some expert workers depending entirely on manipulation of a full sized tool, others working locally with small polishers, even with the ball of the thumb, in removing slight aberrations. In small work where the glass can be depended on for homogeneity and the tools are easily kept true the former method is the usual Among well known makers of telescopes the Clarks and their equally skilled successors the Lundins, father and son, developed the art of local retouching to a point little short of wizardry; the late Dr. Brashear depended almost entirely on the adroitly used polishing machine; Sir Howard Grubb uses local correction in certain cases, and in general the cautiously modified polisher; while some of the Continental experts are reported to have developed the local method very thoroughly. The truth probably is that the particular error in hand should determine the method of attack and that its success depends entirely on the skill of the operator. As to the perfection of the objectives figured in either way, no systematic difference due to the method of figuring can be detected by the most delicate tests. In any case the figuring operation is long and tedious, especially in large work where problems of supporting to avoid flexure arise, where temperature effects on tool and glass involve long delays between tests and correction, and where in the last resort non-spherical surfaces must often be resorted to in bringing the image to its final perfection. The final test of goodness is performance, a clean round image without a trace of spherical or zonal aberration and the color correction the best the glasses will allow. Constant and rigorous testing must be applied all through the process of figuring, and the result seems to depend on a combination of experience, intuition and tactual expertness rarely united in any one person. Sir Howard Grubb, in a paper to be commended to anyone interested in objectives, once forcibly said: “I may safely say that I have never finished any objective over 10 inches diameter, in the working of which I did not meet with some new experience, some new set of conditions which I had not met before, and which had then to be met by special and newly devised arrangements.” The making of reflecting telescopes is not much easier since although only one surface has to be worked, that one has to be figured with extraordinary care, flexure has to be guarded against at every stage of the working, and afterwards, temperature change is a busy foe, while testing for correct figure, the surface being non-spherical, is considerably more troublesome. An expert can make a good mirror with far less actual labor than an objective of similar aperture, but when one reads Dr. This chapter is necessarily sketchy and not in the least intended to give the reader a complete account of technical glass manufacture, far less of the intricate and almost incommunicable art of making objectives and mirrors. It may however lead to a better understanding of the difference between the optical glass industry and the fabrication of commercial glass, and lead the reader to a fuller realization of how fine a work of art is a finished objective or mirror as compared with the crude efforts of the early makers or the hasty bungling of too many of their successors. For further details on making, properties and working of optical glass see: