Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC.


As long as poetry of the highest order is appreciated in England, Gray's Elegy written in a Country Churchyard will never want readers to pore over its beauties, or artists ready to dedicate their talents to its illustration. Of the latter fact we have evidence in a new edition just issued by Mr. Cundall, which is illustrated on every page with engravings on wood from drawings by Birkett Foster, George Thomas, and a Lady. The artists have caught the spirit of the poet, and their fanciful creations have been transferred to the wood with the greatest delicacy by the engravers,—the result being a most tasteful little volume, which must take a foremost rank among the gift-books of the coming Christmas.

Books Received.Smiths's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, by various Writers, Part VIII., which extends from the conclusion of the admirable article on Etruria to Germania, and includes Gallia Cisalpina and Transalpina, which scarcely required the initials (G.L.) to point out the accomplished scholar by whom they are written.—Darlings CyclopÆdia Bibliographica: Parts XIV. and XV. extend from O.M. Mitchell to Platina or De Sacchi. The value of this analytical, bibliographical, and biographical Library Manual will not be fully appreciable until the work is completed.—The National Miscellany, Vol. I. The first Volume of this magazine of General Literature is just issued in a handsome form, suitable to the typographical excellence for which this well-directed and well-conducted miscellany is remarkable.—Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, Part VIII.: containing Bronze Bucket, found at Cuddesden, Oxfordshire; and Fibula, found near Billesdon, Leicestershire. We would suggest to Mr. Akerman that the Bronze Bucket is scarcely an example of an object of archÆological interest, which requires to be drawn of the size of the original, and coloured from it: and that the value of his useful work would be increased by his adhering to his original arrangement, by which the illustrative letter-press appeared in the same part with the engraving to which it referred.


Particulars of Price, &c. of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:

Oxford Almanack for 1719.

Amoenitates AcademicÆ. Vol. I. HolmiÆ, 1749.

Browne Hist. Nat. JamaicÆ. Lond. 1756. Folio.

Ammanus l. Stirpes Rariores. Petrop. 1739.

Philosophical Transactions for 1683.

Annals of Philosophy for January, 1824.

Peshall's Monumental Inscriptions.

Universal Magazine for January, 1763.

Springel and Decandolle's Botany.

Dr. Richardson's Correspondence, by Dawson Turner.

Amherst's TerrÆ Filius, 1726.

Wanted by Mr. H. T. Bobart, Ashby-de-la-Zouch.

Laderchii Annales EcclesiasticÆ. 3 Tom. Folio. RomÆ, 1728-37.

The Bible in Shorthand, according to the method of Mr. James Weston, whose Shorthand Prayer Book was published in the Year 1730. A Copy of Addy's Copperplate Shorthand Bible, London, 1687, would be given in exchange.

Wanted by Rev. Richard Gibbings, Falcarragh, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.

Peck's (Fr.) History of the Stamford Bull Running.

The Case of Mr. Sam. Bruckshaw considered. 8vo. or 12mo.

Wanted by Mr. J. Phillips, Stamford.

London Magazine. Vol. LXIV. to 1779.

Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, and the Continuation.

Wanted by F. Dinsdale, Leamington.

Joseph Mede's Works.

Jones's (of Nayland) Sermons, by Walker. 2 Vols. 8vo.

Plain Sermons. 10 Vols. 8vo.

Death-bed Scenes. Best Edition.

Rose's (H. J.) Sermons.

Wilberforce's Life. 5 Vols.

Wanted by Simms & Son, Booksellers, Bath.

Hutchins's Dorsetshire. Last Edition.

Wanted by James Dearden, Upton House, Poole.

Clarendon's History of the Rebellion. Folio. Oxford 1703. Vol. I.

Wanted by Rev. John James Avington, Hungerford.

An Examination of the Charters and Statutes of Trinity College, Dublin (with the Postscript), by George Miller, D.D., F.T.C.D. Dublin, 1804.

A [First] Letter to the Rev Dr. Pusey, in reference to his Letter to the Lord Bishop of Oxford, by George Miller, D.D. London, 1840.

Wanted by Rev. B. H. Blacker, 11. Pembroke Road, Dublin.



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